BYU valedictorian proud to be gay

If he kept the honor code Im not worried about his personal struggles. All trials can be dealt with through Christ
Big whoop. That and $17.50 will get him a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Brigham Young University valedictorian "proud to be a gay son of God"

As a practicing Mormon I'm taught that I will be judged on impure thoughts that I have.
I wonder what this guy thinks about? And then to verbalize it?
You said:
As a practicing Mormon I'm taught that I will be judged on impure thoughts that I have.
I wonder what this guy thinks about? And then to verbalize it?

Wow! That's incredible. Impure thoughts? It's proof mind control works. They even go after your thinking.
And you wonder what that guy thinks about? I'll tell you.
He is proud of his Creator for having created him.

Funny how we can all use the same words but see things so differently.

Valedictorian? That is quite an achievement. He's a special creation. His God would approve.
Brigham Young University valedictorian "proud to be a gay son of God"

As a practicing Mormon I'm taught that I will be judged on impure thoughts that I have.
I wonder what this guy thinks about? And then to verbalize it?
You said:
As a practicing Mormon I'm taught that I will be judged on impure thoughts that I have.
I wonder what this guy thinks about? And then to verbalize it?

Wow! That's incredible. Impure thoughts? It's proof mind control works. They even go after your thinking.
And you wonder what that guy thinks about? I'll tell you.
He is proud of his Creator for having created him.

Funny how we can all use the same words but see things so differently.

Valedictorian? That is quite an achievement. He's a special creation. His God would approve.
Im sure he will. snicker snicker
We all have imperfections. Darrius Simmons comes to mind. He was born with only four fingers. Imagine him saying, "I am proud to be missing fingers."

When he was ten, this young man taught himself to play the piano. (Google the music of Darrius Simmons.) Darrius does not go on tour to display his fingers, but his music. Likewise, should anyone of any faith, of any group or political party or student body go on tour to display their homosexuality, or should they want to be better known for displaying their faith, their politics, or their school spirit?
We all have imperfections. Darrius Simmons comes to mind. He was born with only four fingers. Imagine him saying, "I am proud to be missing fingers."

When he was ten, this young man taught himself to play the piano. (Google the music of Darrius Simmons.) Darrius does not go on tour to display his fingers, but his music. Likewise, should anyone of any faith, of any group or political party or student body go on tour to display their homosexuality, or should they want to be better known for displaying their faith, their politics, or their school spirit?
Homosexuals make great musicians

Along with every other profession. Homosexuals have faith, political views and school spirit
Homosexuals make great musicians

Along with every other profession. Homosexuals have faith, political views and school spirit
And they have to publicly announce their homosexuality at every opportunity because...?
Dont heterosexuals announce their sexuality when they appear in public with their spouse?
Is there a case where a valedictorian walked on stage and announced he/she was heterosexual, bisexual, metro-sexual? The same is true with your politicians. Being on stage with spouse and family is not a spoken announcement, and therein lies the difference.

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