BYU valedictorian proud to be gay

Do you understand what blanket statements are?
Do you understand what excommunication is?
Yes. And it has nothing to do with the blanket statements you made.
Wrong, as usual.
I don’t see how. You stereotyped all Mormons with your blanket statement.

Hitler would have been proud. He did the same thing to all Jews.
Mormons are responsible for thé actions of their faith

Hasn’t been too understanding of homosexuals
Actually individuals are responsible for their actions.
You stereotyped all Mormons with your blanket statement.
Says you. I said he has been and will continue to be ostracized by his fellow mormons. Thats a fact. No doubt, some mormons not only will not ostracize him, but also know their entire religion is laughable nonsense.
All Mormons? Because that is what you are saying. Adolph.
except for literally just saying the opposite...but hey, lying to yourself out loud has always been your one talent...
I’m not the one stereotyping anything.
except for when you do, quite often. Not sure what you are begging for, but, I will apologize for offending your delicate Christian sensibilities, if it will make you stop biting at my ankles.
You stereotyped all Mormons with your blanket statement.
Says you. I said he has been and will continue to be ostracized by his fellow mormons. Thats a fact. No doubt, some mormons not only will not ostracize him, but also know their entire religion is laughable nonsense.
All Mormons? Because that is what you are saying. Adolph.
except for literally just saying the opposite...but hey, lying to yourself out loud has always been your one talent...
I’m not the one stereotyping anything.
except for when you do, quite often. Not sure what you are begging for, but, I will apologize for offending your delicate Christian sensibilities, if it will make you stop biting at my ankles.
I don’t need an apology. I am merely bringing your inconsistency to your attention. If you don’t like it when others stereotype then you shouldn’t do it yourself.

If you don’t want your ankles bitten then stop raising your pant’s legs and salt and peppering them. Then I won’t have anything to bite.

But until you learn how to behave better or at least make better arguments this is the way it will be.
Happens all the time where a valedictorian is married and thanks their spouse from the Dias

That is an announcement of sexuality
I am sure you understand the difference of someone thanking another for their help and support from someone explicitly announcing their sexual orientation. My point: Who wants/needs his/her sexual orientation to be what they are best known for? Kind of like someone wanting to be known for having regular (or irregular) bowel movements or for snoring or not snoring.
Who wants to announce their sexuality?

Someone who has been ostracized from society because of it.
Gays are becoming more open about who they are and who they are in love with. Gays can now openly appear in public with their spouses

You are outraged that they have emerged from the shadows

Except no one has ostracized them. The National media is literally praising this gentleman. As long as he kept the honor code literally no one at byu cared. The man was valedictorian. That's not a position someone who is ostracized gets
He is ostracized by the Mormon community

What a statement to Mormon values
My half brother was gay.
He died of aids
So I guess he ostracized himself
Do you understand what excommunication is?
Yes. And it has nothing to do with the blanket statements you made.
Wrong, as usual.
I don’t see how. You stereotyped all Mormons with your blanket statement.

Hitler would have been proud. He did the same thing to all Jews.
Mormons are responsible for thé actions of their faith

Hasn’t been too understanding of homosexuals
Actually individuals are responsible for their actions.
So are organizations
Happens all the time where a valedictorian is married and thanks their spouse from the Dias

That is an announcement of sexuality
I am sure you understand the difference of someone thanking another for their help and support from someone explicitly announcing their sexual orientation. My point: Who wants/needs his/her sexual orientation to be what they are best known for? Kind of like someone wanting to be known for having regular (or irregular) bowel movements or for snoring or not snoring.
Who wants to announce their sexuality?

Someone who has been ostracized from society because of it.
Gays are becoming more open about who they are and who they are in love with. Gays can now openly appear in public with their spouses

You are outraged that they have emerged from the shadows

Except no one has ostracized them. The National media is literally praising this gentleman. As long as he kept the honor code literally no one at byu cared. The man was valedictorian. That's not a position someone who is ostracized gets
He is ostracized by the Mormon community

What a statement to Mormon values
My half brother was gay.
He died of aids
So I guess he ostracized himself
Must have been a while
Brigham Young University valedictorian "proud to be a gay son of God"

As a practicing Mormon I'm taught that I will be judged on impure thoughts that I have.
I wonder what this guy thinks about? And then to verbalize it?
You said:
As a practicing Mormon I'm taught that I will be judged on impure thoughts that I have.
I wonder what this guy thinks about? And then to verbalize it?

Wow! That's incredible. Impure thoughts? It's proof mind control works. They even go after your thinking.
And you wonder what that guy thinks about? I'll tell you.
He is proud of his Creator for having created him.

Funny how we can all use the same words but see things so differently.

Valedictorian? That is quite an achievement. He's a special creation. His God would approve.
Im sure he will. snicker snicker
Are you 2?
Yes. And it has nothing to do with the blanket statements you made.
Wrong, as usual.
I don’t see how. You stereotyped all Mormons with your blanket statement.

Hitler would have been proud. He did the same thing to all Jews.
Mormons are responsible for thé actions of their faith

Hasn’t been too understanding of homosexuals
Actually individuals are responsible for their actions.
So are organizations
No. The individuals within the organization are.

But if you really want to argue that point you will have to explain to me why the Democratic Party has never owned their actions during slavery and segregation.
Yet, if a homosexual speaker thanks their spouse, you are outraged
Perhaps you can cite some examples of this? The only cites I can find of gay outrage is by mothers of Kindergartners and first grade students whose teachers bring up the topic in class...which is what all mothers usually are when any type of sexuality is brought up in classes of our youngest students.
There is zero hatred toward homosexuals or anyone else in the Church of Jesus christ of Latter-day Saints.
I see that as well. I've had Mormon friends and colleagues, and hatred is not an issue--not even as far back as when we were in high school. Mormons, like Catholics, practice the Biblical form of marriage. Do homosexuals hate us for our marriages? Hmmm...something to think about.
A good friend of mine is Mormon. My neighbors are Mormon. Good people. They don’t have a hateful bone in their bodies.
It was Mormons from Utah that led to the defeat of Proposition 8 in California
It can just as easily be claimed that Catholics tipped the scales in California. It has nothing to do with homosexuals, and everything to do with keeping the term 'marriage' linked to its religious roots and definitions. Back in the day many of us were working towards Civil Unions, but the government resisted. It caved when people began accusing them of discrimination. Lesson learned. Fight City Hall and City Hall will turn it around so that a once united groups are instead fighting each other.
Don't remain ignorant. In my life, they were never in the shadows--and they certainly didn't want to best known for a bodily function. Go back to my original example. Do you think Darrius wants to be best known for his lack of fingers, or does he want to be known for his music and how he taught himself how to play the piano?

You are speaking with someone who has more respect for people than what you are showing--or perhaps I know more gay people who have such great respect for all of who they are and taught me to look at them through the larger lens of what we (meaning all humans) are. Heterosexuals don't wedge themselves into such a small definition of who they are--and homosexuals should not be forced to (or feel forced to) either. Sticking with a small definition of oneself is both limiting and boring. It's as limiting as confining oneself to studying a great masterpiece by looking only at the lower right corner of the painting, or as limiting as listening to a single note of Darrius' music.
Heterosexuals do not have to define themselves, Homosexuals do

Given Mormon hatred of homosexuality, it was great seeing one of their best and brightest showing them how successful homosexuals can be in life

There is zero hatred toward homosexuals or anyone else in the Church of Jesus christ of Latter-day Saints. Perhaps that is where you are confused

It was Mormons from Utah that led to the defeat of Proposition 8 in California

Mormons Tipped Scale in Ban on Gay Marriage

How does that negate what I said?

Just because you hate people who disagree with you doesn't mean anyone else has to
Mormons hate gays
Their actions show it

I applaud the gay valedictorian

No the dont.

But I understand why you take thst position. It's much easier to call peoole names than make a persuasive argument on the merits
Except no one has ostracized them. The National media is literally praising this gentleman.
Good grief, you're like a child. You realize it wasnt always this way, right?

And yes, he has been and will contonue to be ostracized by fellow mormons.
Do you understand what blanket statements are?
Do you understand what excommunication is?

He hasnt been excommunicated. And he wont be if he keeps the standards of the Church no matter what his personal feelings are
There is zero hatred toward homosexuals or anyone else in the Church of Jesus christ of Latter-day Saints.
I see that as well. I've had Mormon friends and colleagues, and hatred is not an issue--not even as far back as when we were in high school. Mormons, like Catholics, practice the Biblical form of marriage. Do homosexuals hate us for our marriages? Hmmm...something to think about.

The problem is theyve embraced this lie that if you disagree with someone you hate them. It's not true for most people. But they adopt it because they want to dehumanize their enemies and excuse themselves from actually discussing issue.

Its annoying
I am sure you understand the difference of someone thanking another for their help and support from someone explicitly announcing their sexual orientation. My point: Who wants/needs his/her sexual orientation to be what they are best known for? Kind of like someone wanting to be known for having regular (or irregular) bowel movements or for snoring or not snoring.
Who wants to announce their sexuality?

Someone who has been ostracized from society because of it.
Gays are becoming more open about who they are and who they are in love with. Gays can now openly appear in public with their spouses

You are outraged that they have emerged from the shadows

Except no one has ostracized them. The National media is literally praising this gentleman. As long as he kept the honor code literally no one at byu cared. The man was valedictorian. That's not a position someone who is ostracized gets
He is ostracized by the Mormon community

What a statement to Mormon values
My half brother was gay.
He died of aids
So I guess he ostracized himself
Must have been a while
He wasn't the most productive of citizens

Sheffield v. Turner, 445 P.2d 367, 21 Utah 2d 314 –

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