CA Governor Newsom finally does something right: vetoes housing loans for illegals

This is almost shocking. But maybe sometimes common sense makes an appearance in the brain of a leftist...

Hmm... whoda thunk it?
Why is it shocking? It would be more fuel to the fire for the upcoming election on the democrat position to fund illegals and take precedence with illegals over Americans. After the election, it'll be revisited and approved.
Why is it shocking? It would be more fuel to the fire for the upcoming election on the democrat position to fund illegals and take precedence with illegals over Americans. After the election, it'll be revisited and approved.
Yeh, I had the same thought.. at least up to your last sentence, and you are likely correct w/ that one. . that it will be revisited

thanks for connected the dots for me. I would have figured that out on my own, but I am distracted by many different things these days. It's disturbing, for one, to have these WEIRD candidates who appear to want to turn our country into a communist hellhole

I mean, if that doesn't distract you, what will?
Yeh, I had the same thought.. at least up to your last sentence, and you are likely correct w/ that one. . that it will be revisited

thanks for connected the dots for me. I would have figured that out on my own, but I am distracted by many different things these days. It's disturbing, for one, to have these WEIRD candidates who appear to want to turn our country into a communist hellhole

I mean, if that doesn't distract you, what will?
Newsom is only declining because it's election season, and when this bill is re-presented after the election, he will approve. He's avoiding the spotlight on democrat support for illegal immigrants in support of harris.

This is almost shocking. But maybe sometimes common sense makes an appearance in the brain of a leftist...

Hmm... whoda thunk it?
You know it's bad when the progressive legislature sends something to the most liberal governor in the country and he has to veto it because it's too progressive even for him. Of course he is also thinking about his future as well. That would be good ammunition to deny him the presidency if he would have signed it.
Newsom is only declining because it's election season, and when this bill is re-presented after the election, he will approve. He's avoiding the spotlight on democrat support for illegal immigrants in support of harris.
. I knew he was doing it for political and appearance reasons but didn't think of how he would likely support the stupid bill later, when people are "not looking" (much) or whatever.. should have written what you say here in my OP but again.. my mind is a little overwhelmed. I guess I need a shot of whiskey.
. I knew he was doing it for political and appearance reasons but didn't think of how he would likely support the stupid bill later, when people are "not looking" (much) or whatever.. should have written what you say here in my OP but again.. my mind is a little overwhelmed. I guess I need a shot of whiskey.
It's politics .. and California will continue to progress outside the norms of American culture.

Enjoy that whiskey!
You know it's bad when the progressive legislature sends something to the most liberal governor in the country and he has to veto it because it's too progressive even for him. Of course he is also thinking about his future as well. That would be good ammunition to deny him the presidency if he would have signed it.
yeh, but obviously, as we can tell from the posts here, few are fooled. Oh wait.. there are always those cnn watchers and other varieties of libtards who never believe anything a conservative says no matter how true it is or how common-sense it is. Hackery rules!

This reminds me of how Hitlery clinton once said something (hot mic) about how dumb democrats are! Did you see that video?
It's all about polling... the natives are getting restless and it was time to throw them a few crumbs....

newsome liar 004.jpg
That is your textbook indian-giver tactic.

Promise them streets of gold to come here......get them registered to vote.....send them their mail-in ballots......and then pull the rug from under them.
more like streets of homeless drug addicts

That's not to say all the homeless are drug addicts, as the stereotype would have it. No, I've heard only 20% of them are, and that was from a source who actually lived in a liberal state,/city who worked w/ homeless people.

but in any case, I've heard about mayors of cities who let the homeless camp all over the streets and parks and then when some important person (so called) is scheduled to visit, they force them out..

Why not just build low-income housing for these people? Then they could shower, do a job interview and then STOP being homeless!

Doesn't sound like rocket science
Yet, Kamala wants at least $25,000 for illegals to buy a house. We know the party is really attacking each other. But, why do they then at the ballot box vote for democrats? Weird...
I don't get this.. of course Ds will vote for Ds..


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