CA passes transgender students rights bill

And you're free to homeschool too if they reach religion I guess, eh?

You want to force the denial of reality onto others. This time onto CHILDREN who are compelled by law to be there.

only a deviant liberal could think of such insanity.
California Transgender Student Rights Bill Clears State Assembly

Now a student can use whatever bathroom they claim they are, and other students are forced by law to attend those schools. Have fun, parents. Deviant liberal reality deniers know what's best for you.

You are free to homeschool.

Your way or the highway? Is that it now? Interesting. :cuckoo:
So much for the consent of the governed. It is California though, huh. :eusa_shhh:

Best solution. Make the Restrooms Unisex with Individual Private Stalls.
And you're free to homeschool too if they reach religion I guess, eh?

You want to force the denial of reality onto others. This time onto CHILDREN who are compelled by law to be there.

only a deviant liberal could think of such insanity.

That's not how our secular public school system works though. It is open to all, not just your religion. There are actually these things called "religious schools". You've heard of them, I'm sure.

You also misled with your OP title. This bill passed the State Assembly, it has not been signed into law as you implied with your title.

And tell me...what is so horrible about this bill? What bothers you so? That transgendered kids get to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with? That they will able to play sports with the gender they identify with? :eek: oh, the horrors.
California Transgender Student Rights Bill Clears State Assembly

Now a student can use whatever bathroom they claim they are, and other students are forced by law to attend those schools. Have fun, parents. Deviant liberal reality deniers know what's best for you.

You are free to homeschool.

Your way or the highway? Is that it now? Interesting. :cuckoo:
So much for the consent of the governed. It is California though, huh. :eusa_shhh:

Best solution. Make the Restrooms Unisex with Individual Private Stalls.

Many schools already have that available for: Handicapped students/staff....and Students with babies that need to change their diapers.

And I believe most homes have unisex toilets too. They are called single b-rooms with a LOCK on the door.

BTW....this is the same "potty principal" we heard when ERA was up for a vote and when the Navy was thinking of putting women on ships.
California Transgender Student Rights Bill Clears State Assembly

Now a student can use whatever bathroom they claim they are, and other students are forced by law to attend those schools. Have fun, parents. Deviant liberal reality deniers know what's best for you.

You are free to homeschool.

Your way or the highway? Is that it now? Interesting. :cuckoo:
So much for the consent of the governed. It is California though, huh. :eusa_shhh:

Best solution. Make the Restrooms Unisex with Individual Private Stalls.

LOL, yes, my way or the highway....or I could have been pointing out that no one is "forced" to send their child to public school.
And you're free to homeschool too if they reach religion I guess, eh?

You want to force the denial of reality onto others. This time onto CHILDREN who are compelled by law to be there.

only a deviant liberal could think of such insanity.

That's not how our secular public school system works though. It is open to all, not just your religion. There are actually these things called "religious schools". You've heard of them, I'm sure.

You also misled with your OP title. This bill passed the State Assembly, it has not been signed into law as you implied with your title.

And tell me...what is so horrible about this bill? What bothers you so? That transgendered kids get to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with? That they will able to play sports with the gender they identify with? :eek: oh, the horrors.

No, that the majority of the student body must bend to the will of these transgendered kids, whether they want to or not.

Have one unisex bathroom that anyone can use, the remainder of the bathrooms are for boys or girls, based on what body part they have going on.

Why is it that the vast majority is suppose to home school if they dont' like this? The vast minority can either acclimate to using the bathroom of their anatomy or they can home school. I'm so sick of the minority forcing their will/wants down the throat of the majority. It's bullshit.
If you are allowed to deny reality and say that having a penis you can be female then i can deny reality and say teaching religion doesn't violate the first amendment. Or do only you libs get to deny reality?
You are free to homeschool.

Your way or the highway? Is that it now? Interesting. :cuckoo:
So much for the consent of the governed. It is California though, huh. :eusa_shhh:

Best solution. Make the Restrooms Unisex with Individual Private Stalls.

LOL, yes, my way or the highway....or I could have been pointing out that no one is "forced" to send their child to public school.

But they are forced to pay the taxes for it
You are free to homeschool.

Your way or the highway? Is that it now? Interesting. :cuckoo:
So much for the consent of the governed. It is California though, huh. :eusa_shhh:

Best solution. Make the Restrooms Unisex with Individual Private Stalls.

LOL, yes, my way or the highway....or I could have been pointing out that no one is "forced" to send their child to public school.

Exactly. No one is forced to use public schools. They are provided for those who do not wish to educate their own children or use a private option. Ironically, that includes the VAST majority of American Parents. But, because they are Public Schools, they have to accommodate all student needs, such as handicapped b-rooms, ramps, etc. Translations of school material and translators must be provided for the non-English speaking parents, etc.
Your way or the highway? Is that it now? Interesting. :cuckoo:
So much for the consent of the governed. It is California though, huh. :eusa_shhh:

Best solution. Make the Restrooms Unisex with Individual Private Stalls.

LOL, yes, my way or the highway....or I could have been pointing out that no one is "forced" to send their child to public school.

But they are forced to pay the taxes for it

Yes...just as we are all forced to pay taxes for roads we may never use, parks we may never go to, public buildings we may never visit, wars we do not approve of....etc.
Some schools in California already allowed unisex use of bathrooms. A 14 year old girl I know was brutally beaten by two boys in a unisex bathroom and left in a coma. She had committed the ultimate sin. She refused to have sex with the boys a couple of weeks earlier. She is now in a private school where they don't permit boys and girls to use the same bathroom.

The school reprimanded the boys and told the girl's parents that she was anti social and that's the reason she got beat up.
If you are allowed to deny reality and say that having a penis you can be female then i can deny reality and say teaching religion doesn't violate the first amendment. Or do only you libs get to deny reality?

Providing b-room accomodations = teaching ONE religion to you?

What about the 1st Amendment? Does it mean nothing to you?
Simple... just name the bathrooms XX and XY.. that narrows it down to ACTUAL GENDER

I can call myself a dog too, even elongate my snout and put on things that look like whiskers and a tail.. it does not make me a dog

And you KNOW they are gonna try this shit with latrines in the military too
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If you are allowed to deny reality and say that having a penis you can be female then i can deny reality and say teaching religion doesn't violate the first amendment. Or do only you libs get to deny reality?

Providing b-room accomodations = teaching ONE religion to you?

What about the 1st Amendment? Does it mean nothing to you?

Denying reality is denying reality
Lunatics running the asylum incslifornia. They should do things to show the idiocy like have entire male lockerrooms for gym class all declare they are female and march into the girls lockerrooms. Then libs will have an inquisition as to who counts as a tranny

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