Ca Repatations Panel Approves Reparations For 'Qualifying' Blacks - NOTHING To Do With Slavery

"The panel's recommendation breaks payments down by types of historical discrimination. For instance, Black residents affected by redlining by banks would receive $3,366 for each year they lived in California from the early 1930s to the late 1970s, amounting to up to $148,099.

Similarly, Black residents could receive roughly $2,352 in compensation for over-policing and mass incarceration for each year they lived in California between 1970 and 2020. Those payments could amount to $115,260.

In total, from these and other payments included in the plan, a Black Californian who is 71 years old and has lived in California his entire life could receive up to $1.2 million, according to analysis from the New York Times.

I thought 'reparations' was supposed to be about SLAVERY. It turn out it has nothing to do about slavery but about co.pensating blacks for policies and regulations tbat affected blacks that blacks don't think were 'fair' to blacks.


Hopefully this means every gullible African American will move to California.
They'll just keep crushing their populace with excessive taxation. But hey, thats what they want out there, a state that leads them by the nose.
You’re right, taxes are much higher in Cali. But so are wages and the economy, right? Doesn’t that count for something?
California wasn't even a slave fact blacks went their for freedom

Cuck Newsome is looking for votes
YOur failure to realize money is no object to govt. They are not constrained by reality. Just because CA doesnt have the money will not stop anything
Deficit spending is how “new money” is treated and how economies grow. It’s a tools that governments use to increase their money supply and GDP. Do you understand that?
When states engage in stupid, financially self-destructive practices like this the Federal govt should deny them tax dollars to fund their insanity.
You know that Cali gives way more to the feds than it takes right?
Where has that ever happened?
There's always a first time... it the Reparations Plan in CA becomes Reality, perhaps the Federal withholding of funds will become a Reality as well.

Reparations? Phukk that.
Not true. The whacko Cali cities pay more than they take from the feds
That's OK... the best outcome would be to force California to continue to pay IN and then refuse to RETURN money in the usual ways.

Until legislation enabling the insanity of Reparations is rescinded... with the rest of the country forcing the issue and smacking them down.
California doesn't have that kind of money so it's nothing more than empty political rhetoric.
Here in Mexifornia we already have a wetback tax disguised as something else….fuck it, add a negro tax as well…neither are “DIVISIVE”.

But, but, but…..”Our diversity is our strength”
"The panel's recommendation breaks payments down by types of historical discrimination. For instance, Black residents affected by redlining by banks would receive $3,366 for each year they lived in California from the early 1930s to the late 1970s, amounting to up to $148,099.

Similarly, Black residents could receive roughly $2,352 in compensation for over-policing and mass incarceration for each year they lived in California between 1970 and 2020. Those payments could amount to $115,260.

In total, from these and other payments included in the plan, a Black Californian who is 71 years old and has lived in California his entire life could receive up to $1.2 million, according to analysis from the New York Times.

I thought 'reparations' was supposed to be about SLAVERY. It turn out it has nothing to do about slavery but about co.pensating blacks for policies and regulations tbat affected blacks that blacks don't think were 'fair' to blacks.


Guess you haven't seen this yet:

Guess 2 million isn't enough for them. Time to go back to the drawing board. You live by the lefty sword, you die by the lefty sword.
That's OK... the best outcome would be to force California to continue to pay IN and then refuse to RETURN money in the usual ways.

Until legislation enabling the insanity of Reparations is rescinded... with the rest of the country forcing the issue and smacking them down.
Interesting so you are supporting the federal government over states rights and wanting to use extortion as a method. You aren’t exactly a person of principle are you?

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