CA Sheriff Defies Dictator Newsom

Good for him
Yeah. Why shouldn’t you be allowed to make everyone sick? Right?


Why do you hate our constitution and all the liberal rights it has delivered to us?

by every possible measurement, you are an utter fascist.
She hates everyone...and the feeling is mutual. Even her old cronies kicked her to the curb long ago. Poor thing.
She is all too indicative of the general state of the left these days as well.

the very LEAST liberal individuals are running around trying to eliminate every civil right imaginable while having the temerity to call themselves liberals.

it's like some sort of group psychosis in action.
Yeah. Why shouldn’t you be allowed to make everyone sick? Right?


Indeed, Herr Himmler.

Northern Cali counties will not comply either.
Yep, in fact, most of geographic CA (which is most of the State) are not and will not comply with Furher Newsom's decrees.

The fact is that California has bee the most aggressive and restrictive state in the nation, small business destroying lock downs, curfews, mask mandates, and it hasn't done a damn thing to slow the spread of Wuhan.

9 months later the Stalinists declare "Well, that didn't work, so let's do it again."

Masks are a farce, outside of properly fitted N95 which are disposed of every 15 minutes of use. Lock downs are just tyrants flexing their muscles against small business on behalf of the Oligarchs who want to crush the competition. And of course it's all driven by democrats who want to end civil rights and the Constitution.

Oh, and my Sheriff is also standing up against tyranny.

Yes Virginia, a minority of Americans are stupid! it is easy to determine which are stupid by the fact that they do not wear a mask in public.
Yes Virginia, a minority of Americans are stupid! it is easy to determine which are stupid by the fact that they do not wear a mask in public.
Lockdown facediaper states have the highest infection and mortality rates, those states are available for anyone not too lazy to look them up. So stupid would be those actually wearing their underwear on their heads.
Yes Virginia, a minority of Americans are stupid! it is easy to determine which are stupid by the fact that they do not wear a mask in public.
Lockdown facediaper states have the highest infection and mortality rates, those states are available for anyone not too lazy to look them up. So stupid would be those actually wearing their underwear on their heads.

Do you wear a mask in public?
Yes Virginia, a minority of Americans are stupid! it is easy to determine which are stupid by the fact that they do not wear a mask in public.
Lockdown facediaper states have the highest infection and mortality rates, those states are available for anyone not too lazy to look them up. So stupid would be those actually wearing their underwear on their heads.

Do you wear a mask in public?
No only where required by liberal law.

Finally, some common sense about this stupid COVID shutdown.

Remove him from his position immediately. Replace him with someone who will follow the law.

He is refusing to comply BECAUSE he is following the law, you moronic fascist.

You are far too stupid to understand that a Governor is not an Emperor who can simply decree anything he wants.
Yes Virginia, a minority of Americans are stupid! it is easy to determine which are stupid by the fact that they do not wear a mask in public.
Lockdown facediaper states have the highest infection and mortality rates, those states are available for anyone not too lazy to look them up. So stupid would be those actually wearing their underwear on their heads.

Do you wear a mask in public?
No only where required by liberal law.

Actually there is no law passed by the CA Legislature and signed by Governor Newsom to enforce social distancing or the wearing of a mask. Thus there is no misdemeanor or Felony for being stupid. However, many of the counties Boards of Supervisors can fine any business which opens when ordered by them.

Any reasonable, sane and civil person will wear the mask in public, and keep within six feet or more from others. This foolish claim that such an ordinance is an attack on liberty is foolish, as a much less stringent than if Martial Law is declared.

On a national level, both the US President and the US Congress have the power to impose martial law since both can be in charge of the militia. ... In each state, the governor has the right to impose martial law within the borders of the state.


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Finally, some common sense about this stupid COVID shutdown.

Remove him from his position immediately. Replace him with someone who will follow the law.

He is refusing to comply BECAUSE he is following the law, you moronic fascist.

You are far too stupid to understand that a Governor is not an Emperor who can simply decree anything he wants.

Wrong: A Governor has the authority to declare Martial Law and bring forth the National Guard.

Finally, some common sense about this stupid COVID shutdown.

Lol. You have the right to kill yourself. Klerk your disgusting self away from everyone else. You are nothing but a bunch of angry aggrieved children

Bless your heart, child.
Seems you believe in tyranny, huh? figures

Finally, some common sense about this stupid COVID shutdown.

Lol. You have the right to kill yourself. Klerk your disgusting self away from everyone else. You are nothing but a bunch of angry aggrieved children

Bless your heart, child.
Seems you believe in tyranny, huh? figures

Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Temporary public health orders are not tyranny.

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