CA Sheriff Defies Dictator Newsom

Finally, some common sense about this stupid COVID shutdown.

"common sense"??? Wow, this maybe in the running for the dumbest comment of the year.

You Stalinists have stupidly assumed that law enforcement would support your assault on civil rights and the Constitution. Even as you spew your venom at the police and call to defund them, saying all cops are bastards, racists, murders, it still shocks you that a Sheriff would stand up to tyranny and defend civil rights.

You think that because Xi's man was able to defraud the election that you're free to engage in unabashed tyranny, that you have won the civil war and can impose Khmer Rouge style government.

You think wrong. Never again means stopping you through any means necessary.
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Temporary public health orders are not tyranny.

Chang, remember when I told you that people would not take up arms as long as there is food on the shelves, a roof over their heads, and Netflix? The tyrants of the puppet party of the CCP, China's branch office - the democrats - are taking those things from people by deliberately destroying their lives and livelihoods. You may feel safe over there in Beijing or Shanghai, but things are about to get real ugly in America - and when your troops invade, it won't be the cakewalk your dictator tells you it's going to be.

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