CA Sheriff Defies Dictator Newsom

Finally, some common sense about this stupid COVID shutdown.

Lol. You have the right to kill yourself. Klerk your disgusting self away from everyone else. You are nothing but a bunch of angry aggrieved children

Bless your heart, child.
Seems you believe in tyranny, huh? figures

Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Temporary public health orders are not tyranny.

Don't be stupid, stupid. Peoples livelihoods are cratering.
Just because you still live in your mom's basement doesn't mean everybody else does the same.
Yes Virginia, a minority of Americans are stupid! it is easy to determine which are stupid by the fact that they do not wear a mask in public.
Lockdown facediaper states have the highest infection and mortality rates, those states are available for anyone not too lazy to look them up. So stupid would be those actually wearing their underwear on their heads.

Do you wear a mask in public?
No only where required by liberal law.

Actually there is no law passed by the CA Legislature and signed by Governor Newsom to enforce social distancing or the wearing of a mask. Thus there is no misdemeanor or Felony for being stupid. However, many of the counties Boards of Supervisors can fine any business which opens when ordered by them.

Any reasonable, sane and civil person will wear the mask in public, and keep within six feet or more from others. This foolish claim that such an ordinance is an attack on liberty is foolish, as a much less stringent than if Martial Law is declared.

On a national level, both the US President and the US Congress have the power to impose martial law since both can be in charge of the militia. ... In each state, the governor has the right to impose martial law within the borders of the state.
Again, we foolish and sane people are still alive and doing fine in the non Gestapo states where common sense and individual rights still apply. Your idiot Dem governors are the ones killing the masses.

Finally, some common sense about this stupid COVID shutdown.

Lol. You have the right to kill yourself. Klerk your disgusting self away from everyone else. You are nothing but a bunch of angry aggrieved children

Bless your heart, child.
Seems you believe in tyranny, huh? figures

Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Temporary public health orders are not tyranny.

Unlawful ones are.

Finally, some common sense about this stupid COVID shutdown.

Lol. You have the right to kill yourself. Klerk your disgusting self away from everyone else. You are nothing but a bunch of angry aggrieved children

Bless your heart, child.
Seems you believe in tyranny, huh? figures

Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Temporary public health orders are not tyranny.

Don't be stupid, stupid. Peoples livelihoods are cratering.
Just because you still live in your mom's basement doesn't mean everybody else does the same.

Asking him not to be stupid is like asking a mosquito to stop sucking blood.

All he knows in this world is that he plays for team democrat, and if team democrat is leading the charge to destroy our hard-fought civil liberties, he will just follow along.
There's a number of Oregon counties that will not enforce the Governor's lock down orders ... raiding a family Thanksgiving or Christmas Dinner isn't in the police's job description ...

Finally, some common sense about this stupid COVID shutdown.

Lol. You have the right to kill yourself. Klerk your disgusting self away from everyone else. You are nothing but a bunch of angry aggrieved children

Bless your heart, child.
Seems you believe in tyranny, huh? figures

Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Temporary public health orders are not tyranny.

Sure they aren't. Just ask the folks who had jobs taken from them because the place they worked was forced to close, ya lying commie pos.

Finally, some common sense about this stupid COVID shutdown.

Lol. You have the right to kill yourself. Klerk your disgusting self away from everyone else. You are nothing but a bunch of angry aggrieved children

Bless your heart, child.
Seems you believe in tyranny, huh? figures

Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Temporary public health orders are not tyranny.

Sure they aren't. Just ask the folks who had jobs taken from them because the place they worked was forced to close, ya lying commie pos.

and add to that the enormous increase in child abuse, the huge increase in spousal abuse, the increases in depression and suicide, all the deaths caused by people being unable to receive medical attention for other life threatening conditions and spike in violent crime across the board, and you have a whole array of things he supports simply because he is uneducated and thinks being an utter fascist is cool.

Finally, some common sense about this stupid COVID shutdown.

Lol. You have the right to kill yourself. Klerk your disgusting self away from everyone else. You are nothing but a bunch of angry aggrieved children

Bless your heart, child.
Seems you believe in tyranny, huh? figures

Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Temporary public health orders are not tyranny.

Sure they aren't. Just ask the folks who had jobs taken from them because the place they worked was forced to close, ya lying commie pos.

He's still getting his food stamps. He doesn't care.

None of the twits who support this attack on small business have any skin in the game. They are all either parasites on the system like this cockroach here, retired people with nice pensions or working in the public sector.

Its easy for them to support fascism because it isn't them having their lives ruined.

Finally, some common sense about this stupid COVID shutdown.

Lol. You have the right to kill yourself. Klerk your disgusting self away from everyone else. You are nothing but a bunch of angry aggrieved children

Bless your heart, child.
Seems you believe in tyranny, huh? figures

Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Temporary public health orders are not tyranny.

Don't be stupid, stupid. Peoples livelihoods are cratering.
Just because you still live in your mom's basement doesn't mean everybody else does the same.

People's lives are ending, in case you hadn't noticed. Fast approaching the 300,000 mark.

Maybe you should tell Moscow Mitch to get off his ass and pass a stimulus package for the folks affected by the shutdowns.

Finally, some common sense about this stupid COVID shutdown.

Lol. You have the right to kill yourself. Klerk your disgusting self away from everyone else. You are nothing but a bunch of angry aggrieved children

Bless your heart, child.
Seems you believe in tyranny, huh? figures

Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Temporary public health orders are not tyranny.

Unlawful ones are.

What useful ones?
Had a chat with another cop today. He said the lockdown supposedly starts tomorrow here in our town...but...they are ignoring it. They will only act if someone gets violent or unruly. Restaurants cannot be open, but they are ignoring that too. They said if its obvious that there are hundreds of people inside..then will inform the owner to shut it down...and hand plates out the back door if they have to, because if the cops DON'T do that, city leaders will yank the restaurant owners licenses. keep the biz in biz...they will do a bit of "psssssst...youve been reported. Shut down for now...then sneak".


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