Cain is a fraud

With his 3,0,3 empowerment zones, he sounds like a fucking liberal. He sounds left of Barack Obama. This guy is not right in the head.:eek:

I want less federal government, NOT MORE.
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I WILL SUPPORT NO ONE THAT WILL WORK TO EXPAND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT into the states and cities. He would rule as a dictator as he would use the power of the federal government to uplift the cities and to fuck the rest of this country over. He would force everyone else under his stupid plan to pay!

This is a leftist idea as it is the very idea behind there idea's. Of course the left likes to use the government through food stamps, wellfare, but Cain uses it through unfair tax breaks and other shit aimed at his people and the poor.

Cain's position on abortion seems to change daily.
Yesterday he said, "Abortion under no circumstances" and follows with "So what I'm saying is it ultimately gets down to a choice that that family or that mother has to make," said Cain. "Not me as president, not some politician, not a bureaucrat. It gets down to that family. And whatever they decide, they decide.

Today he says "I'm 100% pro-life. End of story,"

Cain suggests abortion should be up to families - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Herman Cain clarifies abortion stance
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If you think that there is 50 percent+ of this country that would agree to that, then I'd be surprised. Obama is going to get reelected if Cain runs on this.:(
Obama is probably going to get reelected because the two front runners, Romney and Cain can't inspire voters. You say can say what you want about Obama, but he is a masterful campaigner. He's charismatic and he knows how to inspire people. Romney has the charisma of a rock and Cain is not likely to gather any support outside of the Tea Party.

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