Caitlyn Jenner weighs run for Senate...are you transphobic if you oppose her?

I hate people hiding behind pretenses and big words. I don't care what I am labeled as, liberals don't like labels, but damn, are THEY the good at it. If Bruce, the gender bender, wants to run for office, I don't care. He won't get anywhere. Hiding behind that freak flag doesn't exactly make him a valid candidate.
If Libs simply hate GOP policies, they should just say it instead of calling people misogynists because they didn't vote for Hillary.
I didn't vote for Hillary because I felt she was a poor candidate and I disagree with her fiscal policies. Period.

I voted for an African American Air Force veteran for US Senate here in Colorado. He is a Republican. He lost to the Democrat.

Did he lose because Democrats are racist and refused to vote for a black man or did he lose because his fiscal and social platform was not appealing to the most voters?

It's very simple for any dicknose to scream RACIST!!!!!!!

It takes effort to educate yourself on specific issues.
Caitlyn Jenner weighs run for Senate

By definition, if you are against her being a senator, you are transphobic.

This guy is talking to anyone who opposes Jenner for Senate.

The libs will jump all over this. Anyone who opposes Jenner on policy will be accused of anti whatever they pick that day.
its a piece of crap.
If I were the opponent, I would go full speed ahead and ignore the whining minions.
The repugs represent rich, white, Christians. We represent people from all walks of life, races, creeds, and ethnicities, but we're the one catering to a narrow range of people?

Your party represents criminals, perverts, illegal aliens, traitors, drug abusers, welfare parasites, and other subhuman filth. You cannot be on the side of those groups, and also be on the side of honest, decent, law-abiding Americans. That's why your side lost so badly this last election cycle, and that is why your side is going to continue to lose. Mainstream Americans are waking up to the fact that your party is not on our side; and we are far more numerous, and have far more votes, than the scum whose side your party has chosen to take against us.
What did Kid rock do NOW? Like I care, but peeps keep on posting about stone child.I guess he's going platinum about gays and trannies, now.
Lives in ca right? Not going to effect me either way. Though it would be amusing to see the dems lose in ca

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