Caitlyn Jenner weighs run for Senate...are you transphobic if you oppose her?

Heh, my side is the one supporting transexuals [sic]? This thread is about a Republican tranny thinking of running for office.

H'orsh'/it hasn't a whelk's chance in a supernova of succeeding. Ours is the side that recognizes h'orsh'/it for what h'orsh'/it truly is—a mutilated, mentally- and morally-defective freak who belongs in a mental institution, and not in public office. Nothing about Bruce Jenner reflects on sane, mainstream Republicans.

We gained 2 senate seats and 6 house seats in the election and will gain more next election after republicans prove that they can't deliver on any of their promises, and Trump's corruption becomes more and more apparent.

You don't support white supremicist [sic] groups and the alt-right? Of course you do. That's your f•••ing base.

Yes, you just keep telling yourself that. Repeat it how ever often you want, but you cannot turn lies into truth.
Your party represents criminals, perverts, illegal aliens, traitors, drug abusers, welfare parasites, and other subhuman filth.

Crime? You guys celebrate white collar criminals and fraudsters. Perverts? Republicans are replete with child molesters, philanderers, and closet cases.

Neither side is perfect, and certainly there are offenders to be found on both sides, but yours is the side that openly defends violent criminals, yours is the side that wants to disarm law-abiding citizens in order to make them easier prey for violent criminals, and yours is the side that openly defends homosexuals, transsexuals, and other vile sexual perverts; and condemns decent people for disapproving of these foul perversions and for not wanting any part in them. Yours, in fact, is the side that is now striving to push this filth on young children, in public elementary schools. Your side doesn't yet openly support pedophilia, but everyone knows that is coming up on the LGBpbiWTF agenda. Certainly, your side's motives in pushing immoral sexual filth on schoolchildren are rather obvious.

Illegal aliens? If it wasn't for republican demand for cheap labor and coddling businesses that hire them, they wouldn't be here. How many illegals did Reagan grant amnesty to?

It was your side that suckered the Reagan Administration into approving that amnesty, in exchange for a promise that we would thereafter crack down on any further invasion of our country by criminals from Mexico. Of course, your side never had any intention of holding up its side of the bargain.

Traitors? How about the traitor in chief colluding with the Russians to get elected?

Yes, your side has been trying to make that story stick, now, for several months, without being able to produce any evidence to support it.

In the mean time, it is your side that openly gives aid and comfort to invading foreign criminals, coming over the border from Mexico. This absolutely meets the Constitutional definition of treason, and yours is the side that openly engages in it. Yours is also the side that has openly sought to import violent subhuman savages, under the guise of “refugees”, from those parts of the world that are infested with extreme, violent Islamist types.

Drug abusers? Republican policies created the crack epidemic.

An absurd claim on its face, that I am sure you know damn well is a lie, and that you cannot support.

Welfare parasites? Republican code for blacks? Most welfare recipients are white and in red states.

I never said anything about race. The racism, here, is yours. Pretty much one of the standards responses from your side to a situation in which they know they cannot defend their position in any rational, honest manner; is to try to spin it into a gratuitous accusation of racism on the part of the one to whom they are hopelessly losing the argument.

Other subhuman filth? Like white supremacist groups and the alt-right? You cannot be on the side of those groups, and also be on the side of honest, decent, law-abiding Americans.

Neither I, nor the vast majority of other conservatives or Republicans support those groups. Certainly, we don't support them the way your side supports such violent criminal groups as the Black LIES Matter bunch, or the Occupy Wall Street bunch, or all the other various left wrong-wing mobs that have engaged in large-scale rioting, looting, violence, and destruction. Your side owns all of that.

We gained seats in both the house and senate, and 3 million more Americans voted for Clinton than Trump. Without Russian interference, Trump would probably be back defrauding real estate investors and running his boring reality show. More Americans are waking up to the fact that Trump is a traitor and republicans won't hold him accountable for anything.

You LOST seats in both houses of Congress, and you will lose more next election. And the popular vote for President is irrelevant; that's not how we elect our President. A map showing which counties went each way provides a vivid illustration of why we have the Electoral College system that we do; it's wisdom is particularly obvious this time around.

Caitlyn was the hero of the left until she shared her beliefs. Then she was vilified.

The tolerant left.

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