Caleb White, 17-year-old No. 3 high school basketball player in Alabama, dies after collapsing on court

With the lies concerning Covid I do not think they would tell us if it was. Doctors know it causes myocarditus.

Myocarditus is not what Damar Hamlin had. He would not have been released from the hospital 11 days after he collapsed on the field. And he wouldn't have been cleared to play just 4.5 months after the incident.
It's so depressing to watch how this young healthy people are dying like flies .....only because they wanted to obey and have their poison jabs!:(

If there is any justice left ...many people should go to jail NOW!
Myocarditus is not what Damar Hamlin had. He would not have been released from the hospital 11 days after he collapsed on the field. And he wouldn't have been cleared to play just 4.5 months after the incident.
I know he didn't. That is a chronic disease. The point is the vaccine damages your organs.
I know he didn't. That is a chronic disease. The point is the vaccine damages your organs.

It is a chronic disease that would have kept him from playing in the NFL. But he was cleared to play. If he had myocarditus (swelling of the heart) they would have caught that and not cleared him.

What cause Damar Hamlin's heart to stop was the hit, not a vaccine.
It is a chronic disease that would have kept him from playing in the NFL. But he was cleared to play. If he had myocarditus (swelling of the heart) they would have caught that and not cleared him.

What cause Damar Hamlin's heart to stop was the hit, not a vaccine.
I understand that but the vaccine is the common denominator in these excess deaths of athletes.
I understand that but the vaccine is the common denominator in these excess deaths of athletes.

The vaccine was given to 270+ million people. That is 81% of the population. I have seen no evidence, other than the most coincidental, that people are dying from it.

Calling every young athlete's death a reaction to the vaccine is as bad as the people claiming every death was from covid.
So kids aren’t dying dumbfuck? THAT is data. But you can’t prove your bullshit claims that the shots had nothing to do with it. It’s been proven. Take your fifteenth booster and enjoy your health problems.
I don't know if 'kids are dying' within the context of your bald assed claims considering you have failed over and over and over and over again to cite any data showing this is the case. Because you can't. Someone told you this was the case and you just believed it like the lemming you are.

I can't prove my 'claims?' What claim would that be? You cant cite that either.

The real problem here is that you are not just ignorant, you are flat out lying. You know perfectly well you cant back your vapid and baseless claims up so you just lie about it. And you prove this every post you make.
Oh look, this asshole ^^^ STILL hasn’t posted any proof backing up his verbal diarrhea. No surprise you run away from the truth.
Proof of what?

Go on, try and whine I have not proven anything when it is you liars that are making claims and STILL cant cite any data at all. None.
Trump didn’t make the vaccine, kid. That was done by teams of medical professionals.
Yet he did ignore Fauci's advice regarding EUAs, threw millions of socialist money at big pharma, while bullying his own agencies to approve the vaccine because he had an election to win.

But he wasn't down in the lab mixing and testing chemicals so he has no culpability?

That's the cult for yah.
Yet he did ignore Fauci's advice regarding EUAs, threw millions of socialist money at big pharma, while bullying his own agencies to approve the vaccine because he had an election to win.

But he wasn't down in the lab mixing and testing chemicals so he has no culpability?

That's the cult for yah.
He did all that because of the immense pressure being put on him from MSM-fueled useful idiots like you.
Was it a mistake? Obviously. Does it make him criminally liable now that you clowns are having heart issues? Hardly.
Smart people avoided the jab. Reap what you sow.
He did all that because of the immense pressure being put on him from MSM-fueled useful idiots like you.

So Trump is weak and the evil Dems made him do it.

Good grief, simp.

Was it a mistake? Obviously. Does it make him criminally liable now that you clowns are having heart issues? Hardly.
Smart people avoided the jab. Reap what you sow.
Did I say it he was criminally liable?

I do think Jim Jordan needs to subpoena Trump and have someone look into the money trail between Trump and big pharma and maybe even China.

Not only was Trump praising Xi, but he lied about having a Chinese bank account.

It's all very suspicious and we need a superb legal mind like Gym Jordan to sniff it out.

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