Calif High Speed Rail project derailed

I know what you said, you compared passenger trains to public roads, which is absurd, so I compared them to toll roads, which at least makes sense because the only people that pay for a toll road are the people that use it.

By the way, the side I picked was hard science and facts. Like I said, people like you, that ignore both, make my life easier.
There's no particular reason to compare trains exclusively with toll roads.

My point is that there is no more reason to require trains to fully pay for themselves through tolls than there is to require new freeways to pay for themselves through tolls.

I like hard science and facts. But, I haven't seen any hard science or facts concerning fast rail from SF to LA other than that a new ridership prediction would end up meaning that some or all of the route (unclear) wouldn't pay for itself. And, I'm pointing out that "pay for itself" isn't a requirement for freeways.

Also, I pointed out that it isn't a requirement that air travel pay for itself. So, it doesn't. And, it isn't a requirement that travel by ship pay for itself. So, it doesn't.
What happens when air travel doesn't pay for itself?

Airlines go out of business.

What happens when sea travel doesn't pay for itself?

Shipping and cruise lines go out of business.

You really have no concept of how business operates, do you?
Air travel, sea travel, road travel and rail travel are subsidized by the federal government.

Airlines NEVER pay their full way. We don't ask them to.

Your view is from inside the cocoon that our federal government provides to incubate private enterprise. You need to broaden your vision.
Rail just isn't an economical way to move passengers. This one state project will require 50 million riders a year to break even. It just is not even remotely possible.
This has always been the White Elephant project of all White Elephant projects. A hundred billion dollars, spent to benefit a very few people, at a time when California already has adequate road and air transportation, and is under staggering debts with its liberal politicians pouring on more and more.

Not sure what Obama has to do with all this, aside from the fact that massive Federal funds were coming in to help pay for it, even though most of the country would never had ridden on the train.

Then, to everyone's surprise, a judge actually announced that California had to obey the law.

That brought everything to a screeching halt.

Hopefully the second sentence of the article is correct.


Obama's High-Speed Rail Plan Loses Big in California Court

Conn Carroll | Nov 26, 2013

California Gov. Jerry Brown can not spend state bond revenues on President Obama's signature transportation project until the state can identify how they will pay for the entire $68 billion project, a California court ruled Monday. The decision almost certainly spells death for the project.

This August, Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny ruled that the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) “abused its discretion by approving a funding plan that did not comply with the requirements of the law."

That law would be Proposition 1A (the “Safe, Reliable, High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century”), which required the CHSRA to identify “sources of all funds to be invested in the corridor” and complete “all necessary project level environmental clearances” before construction can begin.

At the time, Democrats sold Obama's high-speed rail plan as a $40 billion project. But that number quickly skyrocketed to more than $100 billion, after California voters approved it, of course.

Yeah really....Who needs improved mass transportation in California. Keep the cars on the roads. The oil companies need the money and the air needs the smog.

yeah really... who needs the government to subsidize mass transit to the tune of $200+ per $15 ride... keep the trains rolling... the lala libs need the mindless feel-good vibes, no matter the damage to the economy...
This has always been the White Elephant project of all White Elephant projects. A hundred billion dollars, spent to benefit a very few people, at a time when California already has adequate road and air transportation, and is under staggering debts with its liberal politicians pouring on more and more.

Not sure what Obama has to do with all this, aside from the fact that massive Federal funds were coming in to help pay for it, even though most of the country would never had ridden on the train.

Then, to everyone's surprise, a judge actually announced that California had to obey the law.

That brought everything to a screeching halt.

Hopefully the second sentence of the article is correct.


Obama's High-Speed Rail Plan Loses Big in California Court

Conn Carroll | Nov 26, 2013

California Gov. Jerry Brown can not spend state bond revenues on President Obama's signature transportation project until the state can identify how they will pay for the entire $68 billion project, a California court ruled Monday. The decision almost certainly spells death for the project.

This August, Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny ruled that the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) “abused its discretion by approving a funding plan that did not comply with the requirements of the law."

That law would be Proposition 1A (the “Safe, Reliable, High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century”), which required the CHSRA to identify “sources of all funds to be invested in the corridor” and complete “all necessary project level environmental clearances” before construction can begin.

At the time, Democrats sold Obama's high-speed rail plan as a $40 billion project. But that number quickly skyrocketed to more than $100 billion, after California voters approved it, of course.
There was a time when America was ready to take on challenges. Lincoln started the transcontential railroad during the civil war. Teddy Roosevelt gave us a national park system. FDR gave us a Social Security safety net. Eisenhower gave us the federal interstate system. Nixon gave us the EPA. Kennedy took us to the moon. Todays gop wants to take us back to 1950. Stop and think: When was the last time the republicans came up with ANY idea to move this country forward. All we have heard for the last 4+ years is NO, NO, NO. America can't do ANYTHING.
The United States is heading toward being a third world country and we can thank the gop for their war against the American people for making it so.
Nobody likes trains. People prefer traveling in cars. No amount of liberal bitching is going to change that.
Ten dollars a gallon and tens of thousands of people with respiratory problems might change things. But of course, the gop will still be bitching and doing everything possible to protect the energy industry even as they kill off Americans!
Nobody likes trains. People prefer traveling in cars. No amount of liberal bitching is going to change that.
Ten dollars a gallon and tens of thousands of people with respiratory problems might change things. But of course, the gop will still be bitching and doing everything possible to protect the energy industry even as they kill off Americans!

I could try to talk some sense to you, but your head is obviously so far up your ass that you wouldn't be able to hear a word I said...
This has always been the White Elephant project of all White Elephant projects. A hundred billion dollars, spent to benefit a very few people, at a time when California already has adequate road and air transportation, and is under staggering debts with its liberal politicians pouring on more and more.

Not sure what Obama has to do with all this, aside from the fact that massive Federal funds were coming in to help pay for it, even though most of the country would never had ridden on the train.

Then, to everyone's surprise, a judge actually announced that California had to obey the law.

That brought everything to a screeching halt.

Hopefully the second sentence of the article is correct.


Obama's High-Speed Rail Plan Loses Big in California Court

Conn Carroll | Nov 26, 2013

California Gov. Jerry Brown can not spend state bond revenues on President Obama's signature transportation project until the state can identify how they will pay for the entire $68 billion project, a California court ruled Monday. The decision almost certainly spells death for the project.

This August, Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny ruled that the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) “abused its discretion by approving a funding plan that did not comply with the requirements of the law."

That law would be Proposition 1A (the “Safe, Reliable, High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century”), which required the CHSRA to identify “sources of all funds to be invested in the corridor” and complete “all necessary project level environmental clearances” before construction can begin.

At the time, Democrats sold Obama's high-speed rail plan as a $40 billion project. But that number quickly skyrocketed to more than $100 billion, after California voters approved it, of course.
There was a time when America was ready to take on challenges. Lincoln started the transcontential railroad during the civil war. Teddy Roosevelt gave us a national park system. FDR gave us a Social Security safety net. Eisenhower gave us the federal interstate system. Nixon gave us the EPA. Kennedy took us to the moon. Todays gop wants to take us back to 1950. Stop and think: When was the last time the republicans came up with ANY idea to move this country forward. All we have heard for the last 4+ years is NO, NO, NO. America can't do ANYTHING.
The United States is heading toward being a third world country and we can thank the gop for their war against the American people for making it so.

Lincoln started the transcontential railroad during the civil war.

And now, 150 years later, the Dem idea of moving the country forward, is a boondoggle choo-choo.
There's no particular reason to compare trains exclusively with toll roads.

My point is that there is no more reason to require trains to fully pay for themselves through tolls than there is to require new freeways to pay for themselves through tolls.

I like hard science and facts. But, I haven't seen any hard science or facts concerning fast rail from SF to LA other than that a new ridership prediction would end up meaning that some or all of the route (unclear) wouldn't pay for itself. And, I'm pointing out that "pay for itself" isn't a requirement for freeways.

Also, I pointed out that it isn't a requirement that air travel pay for itself. So, it doesn't. And, it isn't a requirement that travel by ship pay for itself. So, it doesn't.
What happens when air travel doesn't pay for itself?

Airlines go out of business.

What happens when sea travel doesn't pay for itself?

Shipping and cruise lines go out of business.

You really have no concept of how business operates, do you?
Air travel, sea travel, road travel and rail travel are subsidized by the federal government.

Airlines NEVER pay their full way. We don't ask them to.

Your view is from inside the cocoon that our federal government provides to incubate private enterprise. You need to broaden your vision.
The Government's Prayer

Our Government in D.C.,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy nanny state come
Thy mandate be done
On flyover country as it is in the coasts.
Give us this month our monthly check,
And audit us our trespasses,
As we file suit against those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into liberty,
But deliver us from ourselves.
For thine is the oligarchy,
And the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever.
This has always been the White Elephant project of all White Elephant projects. A hundred billion dollars, spent to benefit a very few people, at a time when California already has adequate road and air transportation, and is under staggering debts with its liberal politicians pouring on more and more.

Not sure what Obama has to do with all this, aside from the fact that massive Federal funds were coming in to help pay for it, even though most of the country would never had ridden on the train.

Then, to everyone's surprise, a judge actually announced that California had to obey the law.

That brought everything to a screeching halt.

Hopefully the second sentence of the article is correct.


Obama's High-Speed Rail Plan Loses Big in California Court

Conn Carroll | Nov 26, 2013

California Gov. Jerry Brown can not spend state bond revenues on President Obama's signature transportation project until the state can identify how they will pay for the entire $68 billion project, a California court ruled Monday. The decision almost certainly spells death for the project.

This August, Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny ruled that the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) “abused its discretion by approving a funding plan that did not comply with the requirements of the law."

That law would be Proposition 1A (the “Safe, Reliable, High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century”), which required the CHSRA to identify “sources of all funds to be invested in the corridor” and complete “all necessary project level environmental clearances” before construction can begin.

At the time, Democrats sold Obama's high-speed rail plan as a $40 billion project. But that number quickly skyrocketed to more than $100 billion, after California voters approved it, of course.
There was a time when America was ready to take on challenges. Lincoln started the transcontential railroad during the civil war. Teddy Roosevelt gave us a national park system. FDR gave us a Social Security safety net. Eisenhower gave us the federal interstate system. Nixon gave us the EPA. Kennedy took us to the moon. Todays gop wants to take us back to 1950. Stop and think: When was the last time the republicans came up with ANY idea to move this country forward. All we have heard for the last 4+ years is NO, NO, NO. America can't do ANYTHING.
The United States is heading toward being a third world country and we can thank the gop for their war against the American people for making it so.

It would just be simpler if you'd put in your signature, "I am completely unable to think for myself, and must rely on progressive talking points handed to me by my masters."

Then you could just post "That. VVVV"
Nobody likes trains. People prefer traveling in cars. No amount of liberal bitching is going to change that.
Ten dollars a gallon and tens of thousands of people with respiratory problems might change things. But of course, the gop will still be bitching and doing everything possible to protect the energy industry even as they kill off Americans!
That's right...the optimum way to maximize profits is to kill all your customers.

Well, airlines and airports do get subsidies.

Air service is considered an essential part of our economy. As are freight railroads and our network of highways.
Passenger rail is simply a frill. There is a reason 90% of the rail service is for freight only.
It moves the goods that drive the economy.
This proposal in California is another make work project disguised as a new mode of travel.
It's destined to be a white elephant.
Well, airlines and airports do get subsidies.

Air service is considered an essential part of our economy. As are freight railroads and our network of highways.
Passenger rail is simply a frill. There is a reason 90% of the rail service is for freight only.
It moves the goods that drive the economy.
This proposal in California is another make work project disguised as a new mode of travel.
It's destined to be a white elephant.
Correct. Commerce vs. Socialist projects.
Well, airlines and airports do get subsidies.

Oh, the subsidies that go to airports in small cities should be eliminated.
90% of the US population lives within a 90 min drive of a major airport.
Airlines LOSE money having to fly in and out of these places. If the federal government did not heap millions into these little places, the savings would be used to improve air traffic flow and safety.
No. US taxpayers and air travel ticket buyers in large cities have to fork over additional dollars so that the House Member is some far flung district in northern Minnesota can get a direct flight to DC. What a bunch of horseshit.
Ever wonder why every air carrier flies in and out of DC? Because these airlines have gotten pork barrel money from Congress as an incentive. It's a load of crap.
There's no particular reason to compare trains exclusively with toll roads.

My point is that there is no more reason to require trains to fully pay for themselves through tolls than there is to require new freeways to pay for themselves through tolls.

I like hard science and facts. But, I haven't seen any hard science or facts concerning fast rail from SF to LA other than that a new ridership prediction would end up meaning that some or all of the route (unclear) wouldn't pay for itself. And, I'm pointing out that "pay for itself" isn't a requirement for freeways.

Also, I pointed out that it isn't a requirement that air travel pay for itself. So, it doesn't. And, it isn't a requirement that travel by ship pay for itself. So, it doesn't.
What happens when air travel doesn't pay for itself?

Airlines go out of business.

What happens when sea travel doesn't pay for itself?

Shipping and cruise lines go out of business.

You really have no concept of how business operates, do you?
Air travel, sea travel, road travel and rail travel are subsidized by the federal government.

Airlines NEVER pay their full way. We don't ask them to.

Your view is from inside the cocoon that our federal government provides to incubate private enterprise. You need to broaden your vision.

What's your point?
BTW you had better check the definition of 'government subsidy'. Also you may want to make sure you understand the context of what a subsidy really is.
There's no particular reason to compare trains exclusively with toll roads.

My point is that there is no more reason to require trains to fully pay for themselves through tolls than there is to require new freeways to pay for themselves through tolls.

I like hard science and facts. But, I haven't seen any hard science or facts concerning fast rail from SF to LA other than that a new ridership prediction would end up meaning that some or all of the route (unclear) wouldn't pay for itself. And, I'm pointing out that "pay for itself" isn't a requirement for freeways.

Also, I pointed out that it isn't a requirement that air travel pay for itself. So, it doesn't. And, it isn't a requirement that travel by ship pay for itself. So, it doesn't.
What happens when air travel doesn't pay for itself?

Airlines go out of business.

What happens when sea travel doesn't pay for itself?

Shipping and cruise lines go out of business.

You really have no concept of how business operates, do you?
Air travel, sea travel, road travel and rail travel are subsidized by the federal government.

Airlines NEVER pay their full way. We don't ask them to.

Your view is from inside the cocoon that our federal government provides to incubate private enterprise. You need to broaden your vision.

Airlines are private businesses. Their income is generated by cargo. US Mail and business travel. Leisure travel COSTS airlines money. If air carriers never flew another family to and from their vacation destination, the management would not lose a wink of sleep.
In fact, airlines do not charge nearly enough for leisure travel. Fares today are the same as they were 30 years ago when adjusted for inflation.
Do you really think the $400 round trip fare from Atalanta to Las Vegas costs less than the $400 ticket from Atlanta to Buffalo,NY? Of course not. The trip to Vegas costs the carrier more but the competition among carriers dictates the fare at that price. Good for passengers. Bad for the airlines. Enter the federal subsidies. And even with those, the typical carrier still loses money.
The only reason fares are priced as they are is the carriers fear the specter of empty seats
The carriers would rather sell a ticket at break even or a slight loss than go wheels up with unoccupied seats.
If the government would stop messing around in the affairs of private business, there would be no need for air system subsidies.
Comparison to Amtrak must be done with significant care, as the vast majority of Amtrak has little similarity to this system other than that it is on rails.
Not really. Amtrak was sold to the American people with the premise that it would break even, or generate a profit.

It never has.

CA's toy train is being sold to the American public that it will break even, or generate a profit.

It never will.
1. Amtrak is certainly worth examination, as it can help us determine when and where rail could be effective.

2. roads and bridges don't write you a check (outside of some toll roads). Airlines don't fully carry their load, either. There isn't a fundamental reason to demand that transportation generates a profit from direct operations. Transportation infrastructure is a fundamental necessity for private sector prosperity in the USA.

That is an important way it pays us.

I'm not suggesting that users should not pay for infrastructure they use. I'm just saying that full repayment by users isn't some sort of absolute. Or, at least it never has been so far.

  1. It works in urban areas, like the Eastern seaboard, where people routinely commute from one city to another. It fails everywhere else, including the area you said makes a profit earlier.
  2. Toll roads don't cut me a check either, what's your point?
  3. I oppose subsidies to airlines, and the only reason they exist is that brain dead nincompoops think that they should be able to fly instead of driving for an hour.
  4. The fundamental reason to insist that business that provide freight and/or passenger service make a profit is that it makes less sense to insist that they don't.
  5. Which brings us to...
  6. Why don't freight lines get government subsidies? Why can they run at a profit, even though Amtrack can't?

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