Calif High Speed Rail project derailed

Wiki is lying, the top speed of any train in the US is 150 mph.

If you can remember where you got that number I'd appreciate you posting it.

This isn't a matter of doubting you. I want to know who's saying what and when numbers are different I like to know why - what assumptions they are making, etc.

Here you go....all the train records fit to print. Knock yourself out.

Train Speed Records: The Fastest, Longest & Heaviest Trains
Wiki is lying, the top speed of any train in the US is 150 mph.

If you can remember where you got that number I'd appreciate you posting it.

This isn't a matter of doubting you. I want to know who's saying what and when numbers are different I like to know why - what assumptions they are making, etc.

From USDOT, which rates rail lines. Even if we had class 9 rails, which is the best built, the legal speed of a train would be 200 mph, assuming the signals and controls were all working properly. One signal out, the speed drops to less than 70.
are you so stupid that you think they won't put the same stupid security theater on high speed rail if it gets built? Have you been to a major event recently? TSA is showing up at football games and concerts, the best way to deal with the security problem is tell the government to follow the Constitution, and to stop letting them get away with abusing us, not give them more chances to fuck us over.
You know, I really have to wonder when you can't make an argument without ad hom.

And, it REALLY sounds stupid when you provide your own solution to something YOU claim to be such a big deal that you have to insult me.
From USDOT, which rates rail lines. Even if we had class 9 rails, which is the best built, the legal speed of a train would be 200 mph, assuming the signals and controls were all working properly. One signal out, the speed drops to less than 70.

OK. I'm just going to have to assume that people who are designing this line are aware of the USDOT and know what they're talking about when they say they will average 160 or whatever. I haven't seen anything to counter that so far.
This has always been the White Elephant project of all White Elephant projects. A hundred billion dollars, spent to benefit a very few people, at a time when California already has adequate road and air transportation, and is under staggering debts with its liberal politicians pouring on more and more.

Not sure what Obama has to do with all this, aside from the fact that massive Federal funds were coming in to help pay for it, even though most of the country would never had ridden on the train.

Then, to everyone's surprise, a judge actually announced that California had to obey the law.

That brought everything to a screeching halt.

Hopefully the second sentence of the article is correct.


Obama's High-Speed Rail Plan Loses Big in California Court

Conn Carroll | Nov 26, 2013

California Gov. Jerry Brown can not spend state bond revenues on President Obama's signature transportation project until the state can identify how they will pay for the entire $68 billion project, a California court ruled Monday. The decision almost certainly spells death for the project.

This August, Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny ruled that the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) “abused its discretion by approving a funding plan that did not comply with the requirements of the law."

That law would be Proposition 1A (the “Safe, Reliable, High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century”), which required the CHSRA to identify “sources of all funds to be invested in the corridor” and complete “all necessary project level environmental clearances” before construction can begin.

At the time, Democrats sold Obama's high-speed rail plan as a $40 billion project. But that number quickly skyrocketed to more than $100 billion, after California voters approved it, of course.

Yeah really....Who needs improved mass transportation in California. Keep the cars on the roads. The oil companies need the money and the air needs the smog.

What a lame ass response. You don't want to address the fact that tax payers across the country paid in to this, California officials aren't following laws and they don't have money to finish it. Instead you bitch about why they should have it. It reminds me of Fluke whining about wanting birth control when she was at a hearing to determine the legalities of it.

This isn't going well for the rail because they didn't follow the law and they didn't plan it out well. They fucked themselves over in many ways and it wouldn't matter if the rail was needed or not. California is broke. Next, like Fluke, they'll ask everyone to ignore what the law says and demand money to get what they want.
This has always been the White Elephant project of all White Elephant projects. A hundred billion dollars, spent to benefit a very few people, at a time when California already has adequate road and air transportation, and is under staggering debts with its liberal politicians pouring on more and more.

Not sure what Obama has to do with all this, aside from the fact that massive Federal funds were coming in to help pay for it, even though most of the country would never had ridden on the train.

Then, to everyone's surprise, a judge actually announced that California had to obey the law.

That brought everything to a screeching halt.

Hopefully the second sentence of the article is correct.


Obama's High-Speed Rail Plan Loses Big in California Court

Conn Carroll | Nov 26, 2013

California Gov. Jerry Brown can not spend state bond revenues on President Obama's signature transportation project until the state can identify how they will pay for the entire $68 billion project, a California court ruled Monday. The decision almost certainly spells death for the project.

This August, Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny ruled that the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) “abused its discretion by approving a funding plan that did not comply with the requirements of the law."

That law would be Proposition 1A (the “Safe, Reliable, High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century”), which required the CHSRA to identify “sources of all funds to be invested in the corridor” and complete “all necessary project level environmental clearances” before construction can begin.

At the time, Democrats sold Obama's high-speed rail plan as a $40 billion project. But that number quickly skyrocketed to more than $100 billion, after California voters approved it, of course.

Yeah really....Who needs improved mass transportation in California. Keep the cars on the roads. The oil companies need the money and the air needs the smog.

YOu do know that the rail road was hundreds of miles from the cities.. So people had to drive to get to the rail road for like an hour . What an oxymoron that is. But you are a moron so it is fitting you would think this rail road was a good idea
The democrat idea of "public works" projects:

Same motivation, same result.
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This has always been the White Elephant project of all White Elephant projects. A hundred billion dollars, spent to benefit a very few people, at a time when California already has adequate road and air transportation, and is under staggering debts with its liberal politicians pouring on more and more.

Not sure what Obama has to do with all this, aside from the fact that massive Federal funds were coming in to help pay for it, even though most of the country would never had ridden on the train.

Then, to everyone's surprise, a judge actually announced that California had to obey the law.

That brought everything to a screeching halt.

Hopefully the second sentence of the article is correct.


Obama's High-Speed Rail Plan Loses Big in California Court

Conn Carroll | Nov 26, 2013

California Gov. Jerry Brown can not spend state bond revenues on President Obama's signature transportation project until the state can identify how they will pay for the entire $68 billion project, a California court ruled Monday. The decision almost certainly spells death for the project.

This August, Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny ruled that the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) “abused its discretion by approving a funding plan that did not comply with the requirements of the law."

That law would be Proposition 1A (the “Safe, Reliable, High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century”), which required the CHSRA to identify “sources of all funds to be invested in the corridor” and complete “all necessary project level environmental clearances” before construction can begin.

At the time, Democrats sold Obama's high-speed rail plan as a $40 billion project. But that number quickly skyrocketed to more than $100 billion, after California voters approved it, of course.

Yeah really....Who needs improved mass transportation in California. Keep the cars on the roads. The oil companies need the money and the air needs the smog.

Californians like their cars (even the democrats), dude. This would never pay for itself....just like so many other government run transportation's.

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