Calif Moves to Create State Run Opium Dens to Keep the Masses Sedated

this whole drug war thing boils down to one issue----how much power do you trust the government with. Me personally, I dont think its any of their goddamned business if I want to catch my buzz that day by knocking back a couple of red stripes and a shot of jack, or twisting up a nice blunt. It's also none of their business if I want a 10 round internal mag fed by stripper clips in my rifle, or if I want a 100 round drum. Its none of their business if I want to put some money on my lions when they play the cow-turds, its non of their business if I want to pay an indonesian transvestite to dress up like a sheep and yell "Im your sister, I'm your sister" while Im banging her/him /it. period. The law exists to protect the individual. Some one gets hopped up on dope and steals or assaults, lock their ass up just like you would a drunk for doing the same shit. oh yeah, and piss tests for welfare might not be the worst idea in the world.
this whole drug war thing boils down to one issue----how much power do you trust the government with. Me personally, I dont think its any of their goddamned business if I want to catch my buzz that day by knocking back a couple of red stripes and a shot of jack, or twisting up a nice blunt. It's also none of their business if I want a 10 round internal mag fed by stripper clips in my rifle, or if I want a 100 round drum. Its none of their business if I want to put some money on my lions when they play the cow-turds, its non of their business if I want to pay an indonesian transvestite to dress up like a sheep and yell "Im your sister, I'm your sister" while Im banging her/him /it. period. The law exists to protect the individual. Some one gets hopped up on dope and steals or assaults, lock their ass up just like you would a drunk for doing the same shit. oh yeah, and piss tests for welfare might not be the worst idea in the world.
Banned! How dare you talk about the beloved Dallas Cowboys like that. Don't be like CNN and start making up irrational things.
Coming to the house next door to you, Californians.
No intent on helping people escape the talons of drugs, they must be controlled.
It is an attempt to save people's lives- unlike those on the right who just want to pass laws against drug use and ignore the OD deaths happening.
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – As the opioid epidemic takes more and more lives every day, California drug groups say they have a solution to stop deadly overdoses: safe houses where addicts can safely inject drugs.

California lawmakers are getting ready to consider whether to legalize these sites. It’s an unconventional idea but will it work or will it trigger more use?

Dr. Taeko Frost has seen too many deadly overdoses in her lifetime – many she’s successfully reversed. But she says the problem only gets worse when addicts use drugs alone.

“We see a lot of people who are hiding their drug use and they may be at risk of overdose,” she said.

Her solution? Supervised injection sites where users would be allowed to shoot themselves with drugs like heroin and smoke hard drugs, under medical supervision.

Drug groups are promoting it as a lifesaving approach to the opioid overdose problem and Democratic lawmakers are listening.

“You have to place them in places where there’s already a high problem with people overdosing,” said Assemblywoman Susan Eggman, (D)-Stockton.

Assemblywoman Eggman’s bill would allow eight counties, from San Francisco to Los Angeles, to try these injection sites.
Drug safe houses could prevent deaths from overdose. It would seem as though many on this board don't think preventing overdose deaths is a good thing.
its debatable. Some might say that drug OD's are a form of natural selection at work.

Those are not people. Those are sociopaths with a lack of empathy.
I tend to have very limited empathy for people who willingly as adults engage in behavior they know is harmful. Im no puritan, I like a good cup of coffee and a nice spliff while Im chillin out, cleaning my revolvers and jamming out to taylor swift, but I know that if I regularly use opiates or stimulants for any amount of time, I will likely develop an addiction and hurt my life. I dont think people should go to jail for using drugs unless they are committing crimes against persons and property, but I also dont feel sorry for them.
Drug safe houses could prevent deaths from overdose. It would seem as though many on this board don't think preventing overdose deaths is a good thing.
its debatable. Some might say that drug OD's are a form of natural selection at work.

Those are not people. Those are sociopaths with a lack of empathy.
I tend to have very limited empathy for people who willingly as adults engage in behavior they know is harmful. Im no puritan, I like a good cup of coffee and a nice spliff while Im chillin out, cleaning my revolvers and jamming out to taylor swift, but I know that if I regularly use opiates or stimulants for any amount of time, I will likely develop an addiction and hurt my life. I dont think people should go to jail for using drugs unless they are committing crimes against persons and property, but I also dont feel sorry for them.

Sorry, but if you think someone deserves to die of an overdose instead of being saved, you're a sociopath.
Drug safe houses could prevent deaths from overdose. It would seem as though many on this board don't think preventing overdose deaths is a good thing.
its debatable. Some might say that drug OD's are a form of natural selection at work.

Those are not people. Those are sociopaths with a lack of empathy.
I tend to have very limited empathy for people who willingly as adults engage in behavior they know is harmful. Im no puritan, I like a good cup of coffee and a nice spliff while Im chillin out, cleaning my revolvers and jamming out to taylor swift, but I know that if I regularly use opiates or stimulants for any amount of time, I will likely develop an addiction and hurt my life. I dont think people should go to jail for using drugs unless they are committing crimes against persons and property, but I also dont feel sorry for them.

Sorry, but if you think someone deserves to die of an overdose instead of being saved, you're a sociopath.
to qoute will munny....................deserves has nothing to do with it. when you undertake a risky endeavor, shit happens.

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