Calif Moves to Create State Run Opium Dens to Keep the Masses Sedated

Your silly rants lack both facts and reason.

Ehhhh not so much. I think I have you guys figured out; you deliberately manufacture deficits to use as an excuse to cut spending you otherwise lack the courage and/or support to repeal through legislation. So you practice fiscal terrorism. This is done in order to sell public institutions off to private interests who then profit at our expense, while not producing better outcomes (Charter schools, private prisons). That's because Conservatives want a theocratic serfdom.
Coming to the house next door to you, Californians.
No intent on helping people escape the talons of drugs, they must be controlled.
:rofl: Right.
We need to kick California out of The Union and start the wall at their border.
They also legalized Child Prostitution for children as young as 13 years old.
And of course illegal aliens can vote, drive illegally, rob banks, rape and kill with impunity and never be punished for it in Californication.

California has become a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
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I'd fence off Oregon and Washington while at it, they aren't far behind.
yeah, we should cut off all access to a major ocean that helps us maintain our standard of living.
Your silly rants lack both facts and reason.

Ehhhh not so much. I think I have you guys figured out; you deliberately manufacture deficits to use as an excuse to cut spending you otherwise lack the courage and/or support to repeal through legislation. So you practice fiscal terrorism. This is done in order to sell public institutions off to private interests who then profit at our expense, while not producing better outcomes (Charter schools, private prisons). That's because Conservatives want a theocratic serfdom.
Fiscal terrorism? Like taking a trillion dollars a year from those that earned it, to give to those who didn't?
as far as Im concerned, what adults ingest in their own homes is none of the governments business, on a state or fed level

Until they break into our homes and cars to feed their drug habit, lets not pretend their drug habits don't spill over into the community.
they break into my home to fuel their drug habit, I will introduce them to Mr Ruger. Im not pretending that drug use is good, Im just saying that allowing government to ban the consensual actions of legal adults is at it's heart, not a thing we as americans should be comfortable with. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I dont have a problem hauling people off for using in public places, and if someone is stealing etc to fund their habit, we have jails for that.
Are any of you even aware of the opioid epidemic going on in the Northeast? We have kids dropping in record numbers from heroin overdoses and/or bad batches.

Yeah, drug users aren't harmful at all. Let's just leave them alone to destroy our children.
any harm drug users do is already illegal. it is a crime to steal, weather its to buy cocaine or to buy cilantro. by all means punish actions that violate others' rights.
as far as Im concerned, what adults ingest in their own homes is none of the governments business, on a state or fed level

Until they break into our homes and cars to feed their drug habit, lets not pretend their drug habits don't spill over into the community.
they break into my home to fuel their drug habit, I will introduce them to Mr Ruger. Im not pretending that drug use is good, Im just saying that allowing government to ban the consensual actions of legal adults is at it's heart, not a thing we as americans should be comfortable with. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I dont have a problem hauling people off for using in public places, and if someone is stealing etc to fund their habit, we have jails for that.

If people confined their drug use to their home there would be no issue but they don't. Drug use/abuse has created massive amounts of crime, strained our police and healthcare services, impacts our schools, sorry but that gets them a foot up their ass.
as far as Im concerned, what adults ingest in their own homes is none of the governments business, on a state or fed level

Until they break into our homes and cars to feed their drug habit, lets not pretend their drug habits don't spill over into the community.
they break into my home to fuel their drug habit, I will introduce them to Mr Ruger. Im not pretending that drug use is good, Im just saying that allowing government to ban the consensual actions of legal adults is at it's heart, not a thing we as americans should be comfortable with. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I dont have a problem hauling people off for using in public places, and if someone is stealing etc to fund their habit, we have jails for that.

If people confined their drug use to their home there would be no issue but they don't. Drug use/abuse has created massive amounts of crime, strained our police and healthcare services, impacts our schools, sorry but that gets them a foot up their ass.
by all means, boot their asses when they steal, when they commit fraud, or assault. zero complaints from me.. but once the government deems that they have the authority to monitor what citizens do in their homes with their own money and own body, they have overstepped
as far as Im concerned, what adults ingest in their own homes is none of the governments business, on a state or fed level

Until they break into our homes and cars to feed their drug habit, lets not pretend their drug habits don't spill over into the community.
they break into my home to fuel their drug habit, I will introduce them to Mr Ruger. Im not pretending that drug use is good, Im just saying that allowing government to ban the consensual actions of legal adults is at it's heart, not a thing we as americans should be comfortable with. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I dont have a problem hauling people off for using in public places, and if someone is stealing etc to fund their habit, we have jails for that.

If people confined their drug use to their home there would be no issue but they don't. Drug use/abuse has created massive amounts of crime, strained our police and healthcare services, impacts our schools, sorry but that gets them a foot up their ass.
by all means, boot their asses when they steal, when they commit fraud, or assault. zero complaints from me.. but once the government deems that they have the authority to monitor what citizens do in their homes with their own money and own body, they have overstepped

If opiates were not chemically addicting I could see your point, but you assume addicts have a choice once they get hooked on that shit. Make opiates as wildly available as alcohol and the country would turn to shit in short order.
as far as Im concerned, what adults ingest in their own homes is none of the governments business, on a state or fed level

Until they break into our homes and cars to feed their drug habit, lets not pretend their drug habits don't spill over into the community.
they break into my home to fuel their drug habit, I will introduce them to Mr Ruger. Im not pretending that drug use is good, Im just saying that allowing government to ban the consensual actions of legal adults is at it's heart, not a thing we as americans should be comfortable with. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I dont have a problem hauling people off for using in public places, and if someone is stealing etc to fund their habit, we have jails for that.

If people confined their drug use to their home there would be no issue but they don't. Drug use/abuse has created massive amounts of crime, strained our police and healthcare services, impacts our schools, sorry but that gets them a foot up their ass.
by all means, boot their asses when they steal, when they commit fraud, or assault. zero complaints from me.. but once the government deems that they have the authority to monitor what citizens do in their homes with their own money and own body, they have overstepped

If opiates were not chemically addicting I could see your point, but you assume addicts have a choice once they get hooked on that shit. Make opiates as wildly available as alcohol and the country would turn to shit in short order.
true enough, opiates are bad biz for real, but whatever damage drug use has done to society independently, the criminal justice response/so called war on drugs has done worse. Do you understand that a HUGE amount of infringments on our fourth amendment rights, even pre war on terror, had to do with the war on drugs.
as far as Im concerned, what adults ingest in their own homes is none of the governments business, on a state or fed level

Until they break into our homes and cars to feed their drug habit, lets not pretend their drug habits don't spill over into the community.
they break into my home to fuel their drug habit, I will introduce them to Mr Ruger. Im not pretending that drug use is good, Im just saying that allowing government to ban the consensual actions of legal adults is at it's heart, not a thing we as americans should be comfortable with. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I dont have a problem hauling people off for using in public places, and if someone is stealing etc to fund their habit, we have jails for that.

If people confined their drug use to their home there would be no issue but they don't. Drug use/abuse has created massive amounts of crime, strained our police and healthcare services, impacts our schools, sorry but that gets them a foot up their ass.
by all means, boot their asses when they steal, when they commit fraud, or assault. zero complaints from me.. but once the government deems that they have the authority to monitor what citizens do in their homes with their own money and own body, they have overstepped

If opiates were not chemically addicting I could see your point, but you assume addicts have a choice once they get hooked on that shit. Make opiates as wildly available as alcohol and the country would turn to shit in short order.
another thing...just because something is legal, doesnt mean it automatically becomes wildly popular. I mean images of barbara striesand naked are legal, but outside of me, I dont know many people who have her on their puters.
We need to kick California out of The Union and start the wall at their border.

What a dumb fuck you are. California produces half the fruit, vegetables, and nuts our country consumes. They also provide a large share of the dairy and meat we eat.

Not to mention California is the world's sixth largest economy.

Not the country's sixth. The WORLD's sixth largest economy.

They also legalized Child Prostitution for children as young as 13 years old.
Of course this is a lie you made up. You are certainly giving us all the impression YOU are a hardcore drug addict. You know that, right?
Until they break into our homes and cars to feed their drug habit, lets not pretend their drug habits don't spill over into the community.
they break into my home to fuel their drug habit, I will introduce them to Mr Ruger. Im not pretending that drug use is good, Im just saying that allowing government to ban the consensual actions of legal adults is at it's heart, not a thing we as americans should be comfortable with. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I dont have a problem hauling people off for using in public places, and if someone is stealing etc to fund their habit, we have jails for that.

If people confined their drug use to their home there would be no issue but they don't. Drug use/abuse has created massive amounts of crime, strained our police and healthcare services, impacts our schools, sorry but that gets them a foot up their ass.
by all means, boot their asses when they steal, when they commit fraud, or assault. zero complaints from me.. but once the government deems that they have the authority to monitor what citizens do in their homes with their own money and own body, they have overstepped

If opiates were not chemically addicting I could see your point, but you assume addicts have a choice once they get hooked on that shit. Make opiates as wildly available as alcohol and the country would turn to shit in short order.
true enough, opiates are bad biz for real, but whatever damage drug use has done to society independently, the criminal justice response/so called war on drugs has done worse. Do you understand that a HUGE amount of infringments on our fourth amendment rights, even pre war on terror, had to do with the war on drugs.

Simple, secure the borders and cut off the supply of illegal drugs problem solved.
The Drug War didn't work, only cost us money, and disenfranchised millions of African-Americans. So clearly, we need new tactics if we are serious about drugs. Maybe we shouldn't be as concerned about them. People do drugs anyway, and having it regulated would be a lot safer than it is now.
The drug war has been working great. Many tons of drugs never made it to the streets. China already had a struggle with opium, outlawed it and the Brits made them legalize it again. The same reasons will happen here. Lots more deadbeats with lost families trying to survive. The liberal response will be even more taxes.
as far as Im concerned, what adults ingest in their own homes is none of the governments business, on a state or fed level

No one has ever considered you an authority on anything (I'd bet). Illicit drug use, or the misuse of drugs prescribed by patients and doctors is a societal problem, and one which has continued to be problematic for decades. The War on Drugs, and Just say NO have been total failures and it's time to think outside the box.

Save the money: regulate drugs and put the black market out of business. It will be less expensive, more humane and less problematic if we regulate the production and dispersion of drugs under government control.

That said, deregulation is not the panacea, for more needs to be done to prevent corruption (remember SOMA, for example) and the regulators will need to be regulated.

Posted by a liberal, so we know the poster to be a liar, and a labeler, and an egotistical pseudo intellectual low intellect amoeba. You want free drugs, and free rehab, and free support, and free medical treatment for a choice that some weak character liberal like you makes,, One word for that is , OOOOPS two words, HELL NO. abullet is cheaper, catch them stealing and shoot them out of our misery. Easy to stop it stop putting the ORGANIZED CRIME thugs back on the street, and if one of their customers dies execute them for murder. Also execute the liberals who give them money to pay for the drugs.
You are one sick dumbfuck.

I'm not the one who believes in an invisible cloud being who can (somehow) create the world in 6 days. That's sick. Mental illness. Worse than drug addiction because you can treat a drug addict. You cannot treat someone who believes in invisible sky men who are so powerful, yet so insecure we must pray to them.

Where do you stupid liberal liars get all of the shit you post, There is nothing that says the world was created in six EARTH days. it just proves how stupid, and ill informed you are. It also says nothing about a cloud. It is a firmament. So discounting that part of your education, or (Presumed by yourself) knowledge it is evident that the worth of your posts is negligible.
Nope! Wrong again, but you should be used to that by now.

Well look, you guys deliberately manufacture budget crises in order to extract spending cuts you lack the support and/or courage to repeal through legislation, so why wouldn't you deliberately undermine benefits programs to serve the same goal? Isn't the reason you do that so you can sell the institutions off to private interests who profit at our expense without providing any better outcomes (and often worse outcomes)? All in service of an ideological agenda, not an economic one. Not a fiscal one. Not an academic one. Ideology is what drives the right-wing...math, science, etc. isn't.
Well look, you guys deliberately ignore border security, ship weapons to drug lords, and allow illegal aliens that have committed violent felonies to stay. You do this to grow your dependent plantation to ensure you remain relevant at the polls. You use money you confiscated through a punitive system of taxation to purchase votes through handouts and to support inefficient, obsolete, public sector unions. So, there's that.
We need to kick California out of The Union and start the wall at their border.

What a dumb fuck you are. California produces half the fruit, vegetables, and nuts our country consumes. They also provide a large share of the dairy and meat we eat.

Not to mention California is the world's sixth largest economy.

Not the country's sixth. The WORLD's sixth largest economy.

They also legalized Child Prostitution for children as young as 13 years old.
Of course this is a lie you made up. You are certainly giving us all the impression YOU are a hardcore drug addict. You know that, right?

BZZZZZZ at the expense of the water of all of it's neighboring states who could irrigate their property and produce more of some fruits and veggies, and without the loss of their water resources We can do without anything they produce and easily open other markets that would be cheaper, and produce better products. California's economy is an economy supported by leeching on other states resources, and economic wellbeing. In fact if about five states were to keep their money at home California would fold pretty quickly. As for the "Worlds" sixth largest economy, BULLSHIT in looser browns dreams>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>dreams>>>>>>dreams.
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