California ACA Alternative To Red States Is 360,000 Applications So Far!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Just think of all the money the Republicans are turning away on behalf of their own people! California opted for expanded Medicaid, and about a third of exchange enrollees are subsidy qualified. Over 350,000 applications have been created in California alone.

Old outpace young in California Obamacare numbers

Other pundits note that states like New York and California are creating a solid, pro-ACA, political base of support. A lone Republican candidate for Mayor of San Diego was unable to create a first ballot victory, just this week. Anyone guesses that Really The Tea Party is For an Expanded Federal Role. The Red States Believed That the Federal Government should do it all. They even turned down federal MediCaid Money.

So California finds its applications increase to be 10,000 per week. Soon it will be processing 100,000 or more applications per week.

So it can be done, and even before the start of 2014: In Blue States. Possibly the federal website can run a picture of California Governor Brown on the website(?)! "It works just fine out here! After all, we don't use this sh . . . .We Understand the New Napa, Sonoma, and Mendocino brand(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many may wonder in California: "Keep Us Green And Golden! Send Us Your ACA Money That You Don't Want Your own People To have. . .And Be Gracious And Thankful About It!")
The old outpace the young so the will not possibly be the money to pay for this program.

We have a lot of mexicans. They will sign up for anything free.
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Just think of all the money the Republicans are turning away on behalf of their own people! California opted for expanded Medicaid, and about a third of exchange enrollees are subsidy qualified. Over 350,000 applications have been created in California alone.

Old outpace young in California Obamacare numbers

Other pundits note that states like New York and California are creating a solid, pro-ACA, political base of support. A lone Republican candidate for Mayor of San Diego was unable to create a first ballot victory, just this week. Anyone guesses that Really The Tea Party is For an Expanded Federal Role. The Red States Believed That the Federal Government should do it all. They even turned down federal MediCaid Money.

So California finds its applications increase to be 10,000 per week. Soon it will be processing 100,000 or more applications per week.

So it can be done, and even before the start of 2014: In Blue States. Possibly the federal website can run a picture of California Governor Brown on the website(?)! "It works just fine out here! After all, we don't use this sh . . . .We Understand the New Napa, Sonoma, and Mendocino brand(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many may wonder in California: "Keep Us Green And Golden! Send Us Your ACA Money That You Don't Want Your own People To have. . .And Be Gracious And Thankful About It!")

Ha.Ha. you really, and I mean really need to take some reading comprehension classes.

I don't think you really understand what extended Medicade programs are, how they're paid for, who pays for it, much less what a subsidy is or how that is paid for.

Reading comprehension classes are offered everywhere. Get into one and study--before you post another topic regarding Obamacare.

The last I heard the state of California was 48 BILLION dollars in red ink. I am certain it's more than that now. It's a blue state--and they actually asked for a Federal Government bail-out a few years ago. Meaning that the state of California want the taxpayers of this county in every state to pay to bail them out. Of course, it didn't happen.

Red States live under a required balanced budget amendments so they don't go into red ink--and end up like California--the land of very high taxes.

Furthermore, of course the old are going to outpace the young in signing up for Obamacare. They're sick and or they need an operation or testing done, etc. etc. Obama is depending on healthy 18 to 34 year olds to sign up in mass to off-set all of these OLD people coming into the system. And if he doesn't get them, Obamacare goes into what is referred to as a death spiral and it will collapse under it's own weight.

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One thing useful about the source of money for the MediCaid, Roads, Military and Other Contracts--those sent heavily to Red States, Flordia and Texas--Is That Spending created from other credit is procurements supported. The federal spending has a role, and upper income households tend to know just how they themselves are heavily reliant on even more of it, being spent. There is a famous old arithmetic flaw, going to ancient Sumer, at least.

Oreo Poster is noted on another thread as being a stupid person, employee of a now federal money supported health plan Company! Failed People generally accept federal money, readily! Following Along Stupid Oreo Poster, then likely there is a least a fellow who will accept no further, U. S. Dollars Pay!

The U. S. Dollar value is credit market based, and asset values based, and is not gold or siliver or other commodity based! The dollar is reliant on the spending.

Anyone does well to not support any reasoning provided from Oreo Poster, having anything to do with money, banking, finance, credit, loans, business, enterprise. . .or likely acutary and underwriting! The health plans seem to have had their own problems providing any coverage to the lower income markets. Oreo Poster is a genuine, failed kind of person!

All that federal spending does bail-out the failed enterprise, Banks, Government Motors, Governor Arnold Swarzenegger, Rep. Issa--and an companies retaining any security services. Florida and Texas are already noted!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Maybe Not Come To Lands of Many Nations! Beads And Trinkets Not Worth As Much, Now!)
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A total of 39 percent of those who submitted applications are possibly eligible for California's Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, which covers lower-income people.

Let's compare blue state CA to li'l ol' red state Kentucky, shall we?

CA enrollees: 360,464
CA population: 38.04 million
Percentage of population enrolled: 0.95%

KY enrollees: 48,000
KY population: 4.38 million
Percentage of population enrolled: 1.1%

Moreover, from the above link:
Of the nearly 48,000 newly covered healthcare enrollees on kynect, 41 percent are under 35-years old.​
Still want to brag about California? Doesn't look like you have much reason to.
A total of 39 percent of those who submitted applications are possibly eligible for California's Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, which covers lower-income people.


The thing is, Medi-Cal is a guarantee of the absolute WORST medical care that money can't buy. It guarantees you medical care at the County level, which means generally medical care by medical students at a county training hospital. The wait in the ER is measured in DAYS instead of hours. Unless the police bring you in with a gunshot to the gut, you are shit out of luck.
When my step dad had his stroke he was immediately enrolled in Medi Cal. I took him to UCLA County hospital in Carson for gangrene in his leg. We waited for 36 hours. The only reason we got seen so quickly is because his leg had turned black. A mexican woman brought in by her daughters was sitting right in front of us, she was having some kind of respiratory distress and died waiting to be seen. Died right there in the waiting room.
A total of 39 percent of those who submitted applications are possibly eligible for California's Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, which covers lower-income people.


The thing is, Medi-Cal is a guarantee of the absolute WORST medical care that money can't buy. It guarantees you medical care at the County level, which means generally medical care by medical students at a county training hospital. The wait in the ER is measured in DAYS instead of hours. Unless the police bring you in with a gunshot to the gut, you are shit out of luck.

Totally agree with the bold!

The clapping was facetious.

CMS Outlines Cuts to Hospitals That Treat Low-Income Patients - California Healthline

Medi-Cal Managed Care

^^^^ all this gobbledygook makes health care providers head's spin ^^^^
I was in a LA waiting room several years ago. The place was full of folks that looked like they came straight from Mexico. They even dressed that way. A waiting room that usually has 10 people in was filled to the gills with people that couldn't speak a word of English. The wait was unbelievable.

While this was going on they caught some guy doctor shopping for pain medication and booted him out.

BTW, ACA hasn't even worked out how doctors will be paid yet. The only way California got 300k people signed up is on Medicaid. Not on Obamacare.
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I was in a LA waiting room several years ago. The place was full of folks that looked like they came straight from Mexico. They even dressed that way. A waiting room that usually has 10 people in was filled to the gills with people that couldn't speak a word of English. The wait was unbelievable.

BTW, ACA hasn't even worked out how doctors will be paid yet. The only way California got 300k people signed up is on Medicaid. Not on Obamacare.

That's the primary purpose of the state exchanges. That, and determining if an applicant is eligible for ACA subsidies. If so, they click a link that takes them to
I was in a LA waiting room several years ago. The place was full of folks that looked like they came straight from Mexico. They even dressed that way. A waiting room that usually has 10 people in was filled to the gills with people that couldn't speak a word of English. The wait was unbelievable.

While this was going on they caught some guy doctor shopping for pain medication and booted him out.

BTW, ACA hasn't even worked out how doctors will be paid yet. The only way California got 300k people signed up is on Medicaid. Not on Obamacare.

They did come straight from mexico! Martin Luther King Jr. Hospital ( known as Killer King) let some woman bleed to death right in the emergency room. It was the mexicans that finally got it closed.
Californa MediCaid is MediCal. California had about 4.5 mil. enrolled in what is essentially, A Managed Care Network. Like any HMO, anyone goes to plan providers.

Medi-Cal Managed Care

The expansion of MediCaid is included in the federal ACA, and funded for at least two years. California voted for the MediCaid expansion, in June.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Many Great Warriors find Mexican Civilization Great Land Of Hope: From which to raid thieves of Lands of Many Nations! California GOP called it, "Stolen, Fair and Square!)
Just think of all the money the Republicans are turning away on behalf of their own people! California opted for expanded Medicaid, and about a third of exchange enrollees are subsidy qualified. Over 350,000 applications have been created in California alone.

The medicaid thing - think of it like this.

If there was a house on the market that cost $1,000,000 and in an effort to entice you to buy the bank says that it'll pay your mortgage for 2 years, but after that you'll have to cover it. Would you accept the deal given that you make only $50,000 a year? Would you actually be able to afford it once the bank quits paying for your first two years?

That's kind of like how this is; the States are turning it down because it comes with a caveat and cannot afford it down the road. They're being fiscally responsible....
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The federal government two-year start-up for MediCaid expansion is 100% of it. Then it drops to 90% of it. So Red States have intentionally stolen that money from the working people, and store-owners, in their states--completely for the first two years.

California opted in with proviso that the expansion would be reviewed before continuing into the period after the first two years.

So for now, the stupid money-wasters of the Red States have only denied economic expansion to their people, in their states. It's starting even to creep into CNBC. ACA started in 2010, and costs have been contained.

Now if the actual start of the program creates even more volume discounting, then Red States and Blue would both be better off. Fiscal stupidity, and clearly not responsible governing, have hindered--because of Red States--the complete effect of volume discounting.

That is not a high-five for the Red States. . .or whoever it is that is playing basketball, anymore(?)! The. . . .Red States of Party of Abraham Lincoln, are taking away all the benefits, and advantages, as is usual.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Cry, "Geronimo!" but that is not Mexican language!"
The federal government two-year start-up for MediCaid expansion is 100% of it. Then it drops to 90% of it. So Red States have intentionally stolen that money from the working people, and store-owners, in their states--completely for the first two years.

California opted in with proviso that the expansion would be reviewed before continuing into the period after the first two years.

So for now, the stupid money-wasters of the Red States have only denied economic expansion to their people, in their states. It's starting even to creep into CNBC. ACA started in 2010, and costs have been contained.

Thanks for the rather disrespectful "title" you had on that post - I appreciate it. Stayin classy left leaners....

So when the States are asked to pick up a % of the expansion in 2020, where do those funds come from? What if they can't afford that additional burden?
The Red States have swindeled all nations of the planet as is usual. Any great experiment of cost-reductions from volume discounting will not be as easily, so immediately noticed. 36 States will not participate.

The hate of all the peoples of the world is not uncommon among religious conservatives for example, who tend to respect a more, "Chosen" variety of the specious(?), or something similar, endemic to the species.

Supposing the Red States have already budgeted in a medical care inflation, and that fails to materialize, then there is some budget to work with. Red States do not apper to be familiar with business planned economics, in the manner of Socialists, however.

Then supposing--unlike the original Obama-Biden Stimulus--that customers were getting directlly funded, then likely business tax receipts would increase. Obama-Biden are of the Ivy League, which has not concept of a "Tax Base," in their government or economics departments. The planet now even has proof. Public Works were largely, not included in the Obama-Biden Stimulus. Likely that was thought, the Gay part of Keynes.

Liberals on the planet now have proof, at any rate. . .and the newer Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino. . .varietals, to boot.

So lower costs and tax receipt increases might have been expected.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Hmmmm! Ahhhhh!)
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So there we have it. Just as Obamacare obviously is not to provide healthcare to anybody but is rather to take over total control of 1/6th of the economy and make us totally dependent upon government, Mascale is not at all interested in discussing the merits of Obamacare or the exchanges, but has revealed his true motive which is to trash red states or those on the right.

Typical yes?

The first clue should have been him gloating about tens of thousands of people signing up for Medicaid as if that was a good thing.
Of course Mascale is comparing and contrasting the absurdity of the Republican National MisLeadership, with the Liberal and Far-Liberal working National, Democratic, Health Plan--In Liberal and Far Liberal California!

California works, and people with nothing were clearly the first-responsive! The Christ-Despising, "Chosen-Only," part of the Conservative Specious, called The Red States, turned all the further spending in their stores. That was for all their people, not just their particular, "Chosen-Only," part of the specious.

The Opening Post started with the concept, "Actually ACA really does work," when anyone does it. Anyone is reminded that Obama is of the Ivy League, and that Tea Party Senator, Ted Cruz, is of the Ivy League--and in both cases, nothing. . .well. . .nobody(?). . .works! The Ivy League understands what it breeds(?)! These are the smart people!

So how ACA works, when it does, has actually been reviewed--in a place where it works! The compare and contrast is the people. . . .wherein nothing and nobody works, or seems to want have people spending in the local stores!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many see how Southern Liberal persuasion rolls concepts, so easily, off tongue of many snakes(?)! Party of Lincoln maybe not so loving(?). . .Hmmmm!))
Of course Mascale is comparing and contrasting the absurdity of the Republican National MisLeadership, with the Liberal and Far-Liberal working National, Democratic, Health Plan--In Liberal and Far Liberal California!

California works, and people with nothing were clearly the first-responsive! The Christ-Despising, "Chosen-Only," part of the Conservative Specious, called The Red States, turned all the further spending in their stores. That was for all their people, not just their particular, "Chosen-Only," part of the specious.

The Opening Post started with the concept, "Actually ACA really does work," when anyone does it. Anyone is reminded that Obama is of the Ivy League, and that Tea Party Senator, Ted Cruz, is of the Ivy League--and in both cases, nothing. . .well. . .nobody(?). . .works! The Ivy League understands what it breeds(?)! These are the smart people!

So how ACA works, when it does, has actually been reviewed--in a place where it works! The compare and contrast is the people. . . .wherein nothing and nobody works, or seems to want have people spending in the local stores!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many see how Southern Liberal persuasion rolls concepts, so easily, off tongue of many snakes(?)! Party of Lincoln maybe not so loving(?). . .Hmmmm!))

Heck I would sign up for free healthcare in a heartbeat too, most especially if I was facing a fine (that the SCOTUS decided was actually a tax) if I didn't.

However, most of the uninsured are obviously opting for the fine rather than the limited choice of options offered on the exchanges, all at prices they can't or choose not to afford.

It's too bad that the government didn't decide to just set up the exchanges for the uninsured rather than force everybody into a totally new, and what appears to be a totally unacceptable, inefficient, excessively costly, much more restrictive, and increasingly unpopular one-size-fits-all government invention.

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