California ACA Alternative To Red States Is 360,000 Applications So Far!

I was in a LA waiting room several years ago. The place was full of folks that looked like they came straight from Mexico. They even dressed that way. A waiting room that usually has 10 people in was filled to the gills with people that couldn't speak a word of English. The wait was unbelievable.

While this was going on they caught some guy doctor shopping for pain medication and booted him out.

BTW, ACA hasn't even worked out how doctors will be paid yet. The only way California got 300k people signed up is on Medicaid. Not on Obamacare.

The waiting room or the emergency room?
When my step dad had his stroke he was immediately enrolled in Medi Cal. I took him to UCLA County hospital in Carson for gangrene in his leg. We waited for 36 hours. The only reason we got seen so quickly is because his leg had turned black. A mexican woman brought in by her daughters was sitting right in front of us, she was having some kind of respiratory distress and died waiting to be seen. Died right there in the waiting room.

Country hospital? You know that with health care, both your stepfather and that lady's daughter could have seen a doctor before their illness grew life threatening? Doesn't that sound better to you than waiting to go to the emergency room at 10 to hundreds of times the cost of just visiting a doctor when it may already be too late?
Do you know that half of the hospitals in some states won't be included in Obamacare policies? Case after case is cropping up where the local hosptial and doctors people once depended on will no longer be accessible to them.

CNN) -- Some of Thomas Harte's New Hampshire neighbors are frustrated by the Affordable Care Act's insurance marketplaces but not for the reasons you might expect.

Harte is an insurance broker. He still has his share of frustrations with the marketplace websites, but the growing number of complaints he hears come from clients and fellow brokers who have seen the policies these marketplaces offer.

Nationally the marketplaces offer tens of thousands of different policies with a wide variety of coverage, but Harte has noticed many have one thing in common: They cover a narrow network of doctors and hospitals.

That narrower network comes as particularly bad news for the residents of Concord, New Hampshire.

Concord's one hospital won't accept any policies offered by the marketplaces. To see a doctor, specialist or primary care provider affiliated with the hospital, patients on these Obamacare plans will have to pay out of their own pocket. The closest in-network hospital is in Manchester.

"Can you imagine having to go 25 miles away to Manchester to get access to a health care provider that is covered by your insurance?" Harte asked. "Right now, Concord is one big black hole of health care for people buying these plans."
Obamacare: Fewer options for many -
Of course Mascale is comparing and contrasting the absurdity of the Republican National MisLeadership, with the Liberal and Far-Liberal working National, Democratic, Health Plan--In Liberal and Far Liberal California!

California works, and people with nothing were clearly the first-responsive! The Christ-Despising, "Chosen-Only," part of the Conservative Specious, called The Red States, turned all the further spending in their stores. That was for all their people, not just their particular, "Chosen-Only," part of the specious.

The Opening Post started with the concept, "Actually ACA really does work," when anyone does it. Anyone is reminded that Obama is of the Ivy League, and that Tea Party Senator, Ted Cruz, is of the Ivy League--and in both cases, nothing. . .well. . .nobody(?). . .works! The Ivy League understands what it breeds(?)! These are the smart people!

So how ACA works, when it does, has actually been reviewed--in a place where it works! The compare and contrast is the people. . . .wherein nothing and nobody works, or seems to want have people spending in the local stores!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many see how Southern Liberal persuasion rolls concepts, so easily, off tongue of many snakes(?)! Party of Lincoln maybe not so loving(?). . .Hmmmm!))
Hey, dumbass: I showed you how Kentucky, a red state, is outperforming California with its exchange.

You can deliberately ignore the post, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

First, it is not entirely clear that even the Deity that Chose the Jews, could have created all eternity in just six days. Just the bribes to all the other deities alone: Would likely have taken an eternity--especially if they were union(?)!

If equal time were given, then the start of ACA exchanges have possibly been blessed with fewer options--just to help get the stupid website to start(?). As times go along, then plans may see how these things work, and may want their part of the subsidies.

No one deity is likely in charge of all the states, and all the plans. New Hampshire, for example, is nowhere near Cedars Sinai Hospital, in Los Angeles, California--where the Exchange works. This thread is mostly about California. Cedars Sinai accepts Bronze, (available for everyone), Catastrophic, (for Under 30), and Tribal. At least three different deities are involved, just for one hospital--with a premier reputation. That is just one micro part of an overall, individually, tailored and customized ACA. A lot of people would sign up, just knowing that location was a part of the plan--coming in from the San Fernando Valley, 35 miles and often times, hours away!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(What Great Spirit set in stone, Crusty Old Fart turn into little pebbles(?)! It's in the Bible!)
When my step dad had his stroke he was immediately enrolled in Medi Cal. I took him to UCLA County hospital in Carson for gangrene in his leg. We waited for 36 hours. The only reason we got seen so quickly is because his leg had turned black. A mexican woman brought in by her daughters was sitting right in front of us, she was having some kind of respiratory distress and died waiting to be seen. Died right there in the waiting room.

Country hospital? You know that with health care, both your stepfather and that lady's daughter could have seen a doctor before their illness grew life threatening? Doesn't that sound better to you than waiting to go to the emergency room at 10 to hundreds of times the cost of just visiting a doctor when it may already be too late?

Well Deany Boy--You're an Obamalong-- how to you feel about rich people getting MEDICADE benefits under Obamacare?

The White House has repeatedly maintained that ObamaCare expands options, a mantra that White House Press Secretary Jay Carney repeated on Friday. "They'll have choices they didn't have in the past, including a range of options when it comes to levels of coverage," he said.

But those options don't apply to the millions who will be directed to Medicaid, many of them hardly impoverished.

"The system will automatically sign them up for Medicaid, even if they don't want to be on Medicaid," says James Capretta of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. "That's what's happening. So a lot of people are getting signed up for Medicaid just by virtue of what their income is."

A case in point is a Virginia family, who asked to remain anonymous, but who came to Fox News with documents that demonstrate an apparent absurdity with Medicaid selection.

The father owns a $5 million house - entirely paid for. His kids attend expensive private schools. He owns three cars, but because he has earned his fortune and has stopped working , and his wife's new start-up business has yet to produce an income stream, he is considered by the website to have no income.

The website put him on Medicaid. He protested in the website's chat area. A screen grab of the dialogue reads: "Let 60 minutes show up in front of my 5 million dollars paid for house and tell America that this guy is on {Medicade} and that the American people are paying {fro} it!"

A navigator replied, "I do understand your frustration, however I have no other options to offer."

ObamaCare forcing people into Medicaid | Fox News

Only the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT can screw up something this bad---:lol::lol:

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So Again, the Red States appear to have blown it big. The exchanges seem to be working so well that the premiums are too low to qualify people for subsidies.

So soon enough, anyone has to wonder how Sunday Morning is going to be discussed, this coming weekend(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many pay less without subsidies, than others pay with subsidies(?)! Many plans yet to be offered, probably!)
So Again, the Red States appear to have blown it big.
You are such a coward.

Let's compare blue state CA to li'l ol' red state Kentucky, shall we?

CA enrollees: 360,464
CA population: 38.04 million
Percentage of population enrolled: 0.95%

KY enrollees: 48,000
KY population: 4.38 million
Percentage of population enrolled: 1.1%

Moreover, from the above link:
Of the nearly 48,000 newly covered healthcare enrollees on kynect, 41 percent are under 35-years old.​
Still want to brag about California? Doesn't look like you have much reason to.

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