California as a warning for America

So meister, instead of posting idiotgrams, what is the solution to California and our nation getting out of the red? Post for us the deep and critical thinking in which you have engaged in problem solving this one issue.

I will do, Ca., wry.
There is a need to renegotciate all State Union contracts. Put a freeze on wages until the economic climate changes. I WOULD do a line by line on each state budget that comes before the governor. I would look at ways to make Ca. a business friendly state as it once was. I would do this through tax breaks, and incentives. This would create long term employment for the unemployed, which would bring in more tax revenue. I would implement a tax as you go system. If you don't have the revenue, you don't make policies that would drain the state. I would pass legislation to open up oil drilling, and oil production. I would have made sure that what happened to the farm lands last summer in Ca. wouldn't happen again. I would use common sense environmental controls, and not extreme controls. Once I had the state going in the right direction, and restore Ca.'s credit rating I would sell bonds, and apply for low interest loans to help bail Ca. out of the red.

I doubt it will ever happen like this in Ca. But, I think this would be a good start. How about your input, Wry? What would you do?

Believe it or not, in a world where I was Queen and didn't care about contracts, or laws, or the environment, I might do the same you suggest. However, this is not that kind of world. Even if you were elected Governor, you cannot just break contracts, you cannot just break laws.

Ignorance and you have to be best friends, Bo. Wry asked what I would do, I stated what I would do. The end of the post I stated that it wouldn't happen in Ca.
But......what you stated about contracts is just showing your ignorant partisan ass,, Bo. If it came down to Ca. and Bankruptcy....those contracts are null and void...legally. So don't try and play smart with me...I will out you.
So meister, instead of posting idiotgrams, what is the solution to California and our nation getting out of the red? Post for us the deep and critical thinking in which you have engaged in problem solving this one issue.

Yeah, you are full of comments about what life is like here and how bad it is here....give us the solution, Meister.

Are you this much of an idiot, Bo? Just look at the very previous post to yours. :lol:
It's OK :lol: I understand that actually reading is not your strong point

Did you think that it might....just might be possible....that I had NOT refreshed my computer between the time I started my post and you gave your answer?

Oh heck no......that didn't cross your mind at all, did it? I completely ignored your solution......until I commented on it. :lol::lol::lol:
I will do, Ca., wry.
There is a need to renegotciate all State Union contracts. Put a freeze on wages until the economic climate changes. I WOULD do a line by line on each state budget that comes before the governor. I would look at ways to make Ca. a business friendly state as it once was. I would do this through tax breaks, and incentives. This would create long term employment for the unemployed, which would bring in more tax revenue. I would implement a tax as you go system. If you don't have the revenue, you don't make policies that would drain the state. I would pass legislation to open up oil drilling, and oil production. I would have made sure that what happened to the farm lands last summer in Ca. wouldn't happen again. I would use common sense environmental controls, and not extreme controls. Once I had the state going in the right direction, and restore Ca.'s credit rating I would sell bonds, and apply for low interest loans to help bail Ca. out of the red.

I doubt it will ever happen like this in Ca. But, I think this would be a good start. How about your input, Wry? What would you do?

Believe it or not, in a world where I was Queen and didn't care about contracts, or laws, or the environment, I might do the same you suggest. However, this is not that kind of world. Even if you were elected Governor, you cannot just break contracts, you cannot just break laws.

Ignorance and you have to be best friends, Bo. Wry asked what I would do, I stated what I would do. The end of the post I stated that it wouldn't happen in Ca.
But......what you stated about contracts is just showing your ignorant partisan ass,, Bo. If it came down to Ca. and Bankruptcy....those contracts are null and void...legally. So don't try and play smart with me...I will out you.

:lol::lol::lol: You don't know much about contracts and the Law, do you? I bet you think that if you personally go bankrupt, you can just forget all contracts you have signed for things, don't you?

And I'm already outed....too late for you. :lol::lol::lol:
Ame®icano;1883167 said:
Ame®icano;1882984 said:
Ooooo, why don't you answer the question instead of labeling me?
I didn't label you...I asked you a question....a question you have not answered.

And I DID answer your question about DOES depend on the state. Different states have different requirements. Tell me you knew that, right?

You haven't answered. On my question you asked another question that's not relevant to my question. But I don't blame you for not having manners.

You remind me of Old Rocks. He does the same thing...

OK, you want to pretend that I didn't answer your question to the best of my ability without knowing which state(s) you wanted to talk about. That's fine with me. Makes it easier to understand that you are not to be taken seriously. That you are simply a Joke. :lol:
Yeah, and how much in the red is Ca.? :lol:
I think people in the United States with the internet know just about as much as you, and others...maybe more by the way you talk. :eusa_whistle:

So meister, instead of posting idiotgrams, what is the solution to California and our nation getting out of the red? Post for us the deep and critical thinking in which you have engaged in problem solving this one issue.

I will do, Ca., wry.
There is a need to renegotciate all State Union contracts. Put a freeze on wages until the economic climate changes. I WOULD do a line by line on each state budget that comes before the governor. I would look at ways to make Ca. a business friendly state as it once was. I would do this through tax breaks, and incentives. This would create long term employment for the unemployed, which would bring in more tax revenue. I would implement a tax as you go system. If you don't have the revenue, you don't make policies that would drain the state. I would pass legislation to open up oil drilling, and oil production. I would have made sure that what happened to the farm lands last summer in Ca. wouldn't happen again. I would use common sense environmental controls, and not extreme controls. Once I had the state going in the right direction, and restore Ca.'s credit rating I would sell bonds, and apply for low interest loans to help bail Ca. out of the red.

I doubt it will ever happen like this in Ca. But, I think this would be a good start. How about your input, Wry? What would you do?

I do have some ideas, more than a few actually. However, my wife is ready to go to a movie and I am supposed to meet my oldest son at the gym at 4pm (it's 1:10 now in Ca.). So, I will respond and give my ideas around dinner time.
I do appreciate a civilized response.
Ame®icano;1883167 said:
I didn't label you...I asked you a question....a question you have not answered.

And I DID answer your question about DOES depend on the state. Different states have different requirements. Tell me you knew that, right?

You haven't answered. On my question you asked another question that's not relevant to my question. But I don't blame you for not having manners.

You remind me of Old Rocks. He does the same thing...

OK, you want to pretend that I didn't answer your question to the best of my ability without knowing which state(s) you wanted to talk about. That's fine with me. Makes it easier to understand that you are not to be taken seriously. That you are simply a Joke. :lol:

You know very well what question I am talking about. If not, you're not a joke, but plain stupid. Are we even now?
Ame®icano;1882686 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong....but the Constitution requires only 3 firm qualifications for President....after that, there is NO experience qualification. It's up to the voters who they want. If Joe the Plumber had been over 35, lived in the U.S.. 14 years, and was born a citizen, even he could get elected if enough people voted for him.

It's obvious that the MAJORITY of voters chose Obama. Perhaps that is what is sticking in some Rightie craws?

I completely agree. Now, did Obama submitted all that qualify him for presidency?

Oooo, are you a Birther? LOL

Btw, what's the requirement for governor?

Depends on the state.

He's got me wondering how he'll doctor up an avatar if Michael Steele decides to run for president. It's easy to see where someone like "Americano" is coming from.
Ahh, he can't help it, Willow. He lives in Ca.....the bay area to be exact, maybe the most liberal area in the United States. Their thinking is just a little off, ya know...Berkeley...9th Circus Court of Appeals...I mean 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. I guess after you lay your claim to that area, everything is insipid, and dull. :lol:

Ignore the insipid and dull? What's to ignore. Nearly nothing of substance comes from the keyboard of those on the fringe, only idiotgrams, personal attacks, slogans and second grade phrases; "Circus Court of Appeals", indeed.

And exactly what other Appeals Court has been overturned more? Yeah...I knew you would know that one. Did you see where they are allowing felons that are incarcerated to vote in the state of Wa.? Yup, if that isn't a circus, I don't know what is. :lol:

I could never figure out what different it makes if someone incarcerated votes or not. Is voting going to make the convict more likely to go out and commit crimes once s/he's released? I doubt it.
Ame®icano;1883328 said:
Ame®icano;1883167 said:
You haven't answered. On my question you asked another question that's not relevant to my question. But I don't blame you for not having manners.

You remind me of Old Rocks. He does the same thing...

OK, you want to pretend that I didn't answer your question to the best of my ability without knowing which state(s) you wanted to talk about. That's fine with me. Makes it easier to understand that you are not to be taken seriously. That you are simply a Joke. :lol:

You know very well what question I am talking about. If not, you're not a joke, but plain stupid. Are we even now?
:lol::lol::lol: Good Joke too.
Ame®icano;1882686 said:
I completely agree. Now, did Obama submitted all that qualify him for presidency?

Oooo, are you a Birther? LOL

Btw, what's the requirement for governor?

Depends on the state.

He's got me wondering how he'll doctor up an avatar if Michael Steele decides to run for president. It's easy to see where someone like "Americano" is coming from.

All he can do is give us lip. :lol::lol::lol:
Well, we have right wing fools in California too. It will be interesting to see how well Meg Whitman and her populist promises plays in the Republican primary. She promises to cut taxes, cut spending, cut government and improve education.

Wow. A new platform. :eusa_whistle:
Ame®icano;1882984 said:
Ame®icano;1882686 said:
I completely agree. Now, did Obama submitted all that qualify him for presidency?

Oooo, are you a Birther? LOL

Btw, what's the requirement for governor?

Depends on the state.

Ooooo, why don't you answer the question instead of labeling me?


I'll just go right ahead and label you a blatant racist​
Ame®icano;1882984 said:
Oooo, are you a Birther? LOL

Depends on the state.

Ooooo, why don't you answer the question instead of labeling me?


I'll just go right ahead and label you a blatant racist​

Based on what? On avatar? Wow.


By following your logic, you like to bang (with) animals. Even thought thats some pretty sick stuff, I am not judging you here. Hey, it's your body and your choice. But, wow again.

Last edited:
Ame®icano;1883664 said:
Ame®icano;1882984 said:
Ooooo, why don't you answer the question instead of labeling me?


I'll just go right ahead and label you a blatant racist​

Based on what? On avatar? Wow.


By following your logic, you like to bang (with) animals. Even thought thats some pretty sick stuff, I am not judging you here. Hey, it's your body and your choice. But, wow again.


Mine is a cat looking upward, and my av signature goes with it. These are toughies...
Believe it or not, in a world where I was Queen and didn't care about contracts, or laws, or the environment, I might do the same you suggest. However, this is not that kind of world. Even if you were elected Governor, you cannot just break contracts, you cannot just break laws.

Ignorance and you have to be best friends, Bo. Wry asked what I would do, I stated what I would do. The end of the post I stated that it wouldn't happen in Ca.
But......what you stated about contracts is just showing your ignorant partisan ass,, Bo. If it came down to Ca. and Bankruptcy....those contracts are null and void...legally. So don't try and play smart with me...I will out you.

:lol::lol::lol: You don't know much about contracts and the Law, do you? I bet you think that if you personally go bankrupt, you can just forget all contracts you have signed for things, don't you?

And I'm already outed....too late for you. :lol::lol::lol:

Union contracts would be null and void in a bankruptcy. :lol:
Laws today may not be the same law tomorrow, Bo. Such as....pot is illegal right now in Ca. But....they may try and change that law. So you see, things aren't etched in stone as you may think. Nice try on your end, but it was still a fail for you. :lol:
Ignore the insipid and dull? What's to ignore. Nearly nothing of substance comes from the keyboard of those on the fringe, only idiotgrams, personal attacks, slogans and second grade phrases; "Circus Court of Appeals", indeed.

And exactly what other Appeals Court has been overturned more? Yeah...I knew you would know that one. Did you see where they are allowing felons that are incarcerated to vote in the state of Wa.? Yup, if that isn't a circus, I don't know what is. :lol:

I could never figure out what different it makes if someone incarcerated votes or not. Is voting going to make the convict more likely to go out and commit crimes once s/he's released? I doubt it.
It comes down to the fact, that voting is a privilege, and not a right, Maggie. Maybe that will help you figure it out.
Yeah, and how much in the red is Ca.? :lol:
I think people in the United States with the internet know just about as much as you, and others...maybe more by the way you talk. :eusa_whistle:

So meister, instead of posting idiotgrams, what is the solution to California and our nation getting out of the red? Post for us the deep and critical thinking in which you have engaged in problem solving this one issue.

I will do, Ca., wry.
There is a need to renegotciate all State Union contracts. Put a freeze on wages until the economic climate changes. I WOULD do a line by line on each state budget that comes before the governor. I would look at ways to make Ca. a business friendly state as it once was. I would do this through tax breaks, and incentives. This would create long term employment for the unemployed, which would bring in more tax revenue. I would implement a tax as you go system. If you don't have the revenue, you don't make policies that would drain the state. I would pass legislation to open up oil drilling, and oil production. I would have made sure that what happened to the farm lands last summer in Ca. wouldn't happen again. I would use common sense environmental controls, and not extreme controls. Once I had the state going in the right direction, and restore Ca.'s credit rating I would sell bonds, and apply for low interest loans to help bail Ca. out of the red.

I doubt it will ever happen like this in Ca. But, I think this would be a good start. How about your input, Wry? What would you do?

WOW, wry must have ran off, because all that's left is crickets.
Ignorance and you have to be best friends, Bo. Wry asked what I would do, I stated what I would do. The end of the post I stated that it wouldn't happen in Ca.
But......what you stated about contracts is just showing your ignorant partisan ass,, Bo. If it came down to Ca. and Bankruptcy....those contracts are null and void...legally. So don't try and play smart with me...I will out you.

:lol::lol::lol: You don't know much about contracts and the Law, do you? I bet you think that if you personally go bankrupt, you can just forget all contracts you have signed for things, don't you?

And I'm already outed....too late for you. :lol::lol::lol:

Union contracts would be null and void in a bankruptcy. :lol:
Laws today may not be the same law tomorrow, Bo. Such as....pot is illegal right now in Ca. But....they may try and change that law. So you see, things aren't etched in stone as you may think. Nice try on your end, but it was still a fail for you. :lol:

No, union contracts may be renegotiated THRU THE COURTS if a state declares bankrupcy...but they are not automatically null and void.

You ARE a joke. :lol::lol:
And exactly what other Appeals Court has been overturned more? Yeah...I knew you would know that one. Did you see where they are allowing felons that are incarcerated to vote in the state of Wa.? Yup, if that isn't a circus, I don't know what is. :lol:

I could never figure out what different it makes if someone incarcerated votes or not. Is voting going to make the convict more likely to go out and commit crimes once s/he's released? I doubt it.
It comes down to the fact, that voting is a privilege, and not a right, Maggie. Maybe that will help you figure it out.

Huh? Article XV of The Constitution calls it a right.

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Even if voting is considered a privilege, prisoners get all kinds of privileges--free health care, for one. I just don't see what harm it could do to allow them to vote.
I could never figure out what different it makes if someone incarcerated votes or not. Is voting going to make the convict more likely to go out and commit crimes once s/he's released? I doubt it.
It comes down to the fact, that voting is a privilege, and not a right, Maggie. Maybe that will help you figure it out.

Huh? Article XV of The Constitution calls it a right.

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Even if voting is considered a privilege, prisoners get all kinds of privileges--free health care, for one. I just don't see what harm it could do to allow them to vote.

Second Amendment....I guess they have the right to bear arms, too.

Lack of healthcare would probably fall under cruel and unusual punishment. I doubt the same could be said for voting.

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