California Ban’s Great American Tradition of Fur Trapping


May 23, 2014
I ran trap lines in high-school. Good money. $25 per coon, $50 per mink, $125 per fox, and only $7 per muskrat. Pussified anti-American People’s Republic of California is the most fucked up place ever. As young men we paid for things in winter months with our trap line. Worked summers for $$$. Went to school winter. Had to run your line starting at 4:00AM. Catch them in a leg or kill trap. Had to run it early or they would chew through their foot to escape. Smash their heads with ax handle if caught in leg trap. Couldn’t shoot em because bullet hole would ruin the fur price. Our nation is turning into a bunch of fucking wimps.
California becomes first state to ban fur trapping
Canadian trappers some of the best in North America
Good. I'm a conservative 100% against killing living things to wear them. Humans have evolved beyond that.
Good. I'm a conservative 100% against killing living things to wear them. Humans have evolved beyond that.
Nothing better than fur. Evolved? So you assume trappers are Neanderthals? You sound pretty liberal to me.
Back in my youth in the 90s I coon hunted with my papa and Grandpa. Great memories, I loved listening to stories and my dad's hound, Indy bawling as he chased that elusive raccoon.
Back in my youth in the 90s I coon hunted with my papa and Grandpa. Great memories, I loved listening to stories and my dad's hound, Indy bawling as he chased that elusive raccoon.
Damn right!
Ever go to a slaughterhouse? Those people in California have no problem eating their shrink wrapped meat, or sitting on their LEATHER car seats, and sofas, or wearing their leather coats and boots. Try it sometimes. It makes trapping look VERY HUMANE, because comparatively it is.
Ever go to a slaughterhouse? Those people in California have no problem eating their shrink wrapped meat, or sitting on their LEATHER car seats, and sofas, or wearing their leather coats and boots. Try it sometimes. It makes trapping look VERY HUMANE, because comparatively it is.
Exactly. Liberals are against all things traditional and American.
Back in my youth in the 90s I coon hunted with my papa and Grandpa. Great memories, I loved listening to stories and my dad's hound, Indy bawling as he chased that elusive raccoon.
Good times Irish Lady.
I ran trap lines in high-school. Good money. $25 per coon, $50 per mink, $125 per fox, and only $7 per muskrat. Pussified anti-American People’s Republic of California is the most fucked up place ever. As young men we paid for things in winter months with our trap line. Worked summers for $$$. Went to school winter. Had to run your line starting at 4:00AM. Catch them in a leg or kill trap. Had to run it early or they would chew through their foot to escape. Smash their heads with ax handle if caught in leg trap. Couldn’t shoot em because bullet hole would ruin the fur price. Our nation is turning into a bunch of fucking wimps.
California becomes first state to ban fur trapping
Canadian trappers some of the best in North America

I recall a kid I went to school with , did this. His family was poor and it was a way to get some much needed cash.

I thought at the time, it was commendable how he was able to help his family at such an early age.

Though I was unclear how much of the money he got to keep.

GUess the rural poor are supposed to just suck off the government tit, like good little peons.
Ever go to a slaughterhouse? Those people in California have no problem eating their shrink wrapped meat, or sitting on their LEATHER car seats, and sofas, or wearing their leather coats and boots. Try it sometimes. It makes trapping look VERY HUMANE, because comparatively it is.
Exactly. Liberals are against all things traditional and American.

Because Americans invented fur trapping. :rolleyes:

It's not tradition. It's something people did for money and clothing when your closest Walmart wasn't a block away. It's 2019. Make your money in a cubicle, or whatever, buy your clothes and food at a fucking store, and stop pretending you're living in 1850.

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