California bay buoy's bad news for AGW crowd!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Another kick in the nut sack for the global warming crusadering k00ks.


The problems with the Bodega Bay buoy dataset, in no particular order, are:
One file for each year.
Duplicated lines in a number of the years.
The number of variables changes in the middle of the dataset, in the middle of a year, adding a column to the record.
Time units change from hours to hours and minutes in the middle of the dataset, adding another column to the record.

Buoy Temperatures First Cut Watts Up With That

Even somebody with my basic intelligence can of "global warming" = ..............well, lets run it by Mr Yamamoto and see what he thinks???

Another kick in the nut sack for the global warming crusadering k00ks.

The problems with the Bodega Bay buoy dataset, in no particular order, are:
One file for each year.
Duplicated lines in a number of the years.
The number of variables changes in the middle of the dataset, in the middle of a year, adding a column to the record.
Time units change from hours to hours and minutes in the middle of the dataset, adding another column to the record.

Buoy Temperatures First Cut Watts Up With That

Even somebody with my basic intelligence can of "global warming" = ..............well, lets run it by Mr Yamamoto and see what he thinks???

A 0.8 Deg C ocean temp drop corresponding with the 1.2 degree C surface temp drop of USCRN... Seems like were getting a pattern with this kind of thing...
Pickings are slim for the kooks. Not one, but two threads on Eschenbach's faceplant on the science.

And if we wanted to read WUWT, we could go there. No need for the groupies to repost every kook article here.
Pickings are slim for the kooks. Not one, but two threads on Eschenbach's faceplant on the science.

And if we wanted to read WUWT, we could go there. No need for the groupies to repost every kook article here.

Oh look a Troll...
Dont feed the troll.JPG

Don't know how to say it any better than Tisdale.. Mirum at HotWhopper and the boys over at SKS are going to have a freaking tantrum.. How do you say the warming seen is statistically insignificant unless it continues for 29,000 years..

We will be in an ice age long before that happens...

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WUWT kook fails hard at science.

World ignores it.

WUWT cultists declare overwhelming total victory.

Yes, they're cult morons. WUWT dictates their lives now.

WUWT kook fails hard at science.

World ignores it.

WUWT cultists declare overwhelming total victory.

Yes, they're cult morons. WUWT dictates their lives now.

......."the world ignores it.............":disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::ack-1: all hyper lefties, you have connect the dots issues.

Only the k00ks on the left think that people out there in the real world are sitting home studying climate science as portrayed by the AGW religion. Well............they're not. In fact, they couldnt give a flying crap about the "science" and every poll backs that up!!

Over the course of many years, the public has gotten snippets here and there about the bold predictions from the AGW about how after Katrina, Florida was as good as gone because Cat 5 hurricanes would be coming in multiples every year!!! Well........they haven't seen ONE SINGLE FUCKING HURRICANE in over 10 years.:boobies::boobies::funnyface:

People with connect the dots abilities have grown highly :eusa_doh:skeptical :eusa_doh:of the alarmist view. Accordingly, they are not out at this moment building emergency arks waiting for Miami to go underwater!!!!!:rofl::rofl::rock:

Meanwhile, unlike 10 years ago when their pronunciations went unconfronted, now you have a whole planet full of relentless mother fuckers like me, Frank, Billy, JC et. al. who are there on every gay ENVIRONMENT forum on the web to produce such graphs was we see on this thread which provide devastating kicks to the nut sacks of the alarmist assholes.

Global warming barely makes the list of public concerns in 2014.........its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list over at the latest PEW poll. >>>

Obama Ignores Voters Top Concerns Focuses on Global Warming over Jobs

Which means the cultist morons................are winning!!!!:oops-28:
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waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list!!!

We ask Shin Yamomoto about his respect for current climate science research................

By the way..........are Momooth's posts the most God awfully boring on the whole damn board??? About as much creativity as a small soap dish......the same "cult denier moron" 4 paragraphs in virtually every post.:gay:
But you _are_ a denier cult moron. WUWT is a pack of raving conspiracy loons, now just screaming about how everyone is like Hitler, and you've proudly announced yourself to be one of the loons.

Now, back to what you hate most, which is the science.

Judith Curry here shows us a post by Zeke Hausfather on the topic.

Moyhu talks about it here.

moyhu A necessary adjustment - Time of Observation

NOAA talks about their adjustments here.

GHCN Global Gridded Data

Read. Understand. I know understanding will get you banned from WUWT, which means no more attaboys from your fellow cultists, but on the plus side, everyone else will stop laughing at you.
But you _are_ a denier cult moron. WUWT is a pack of raving conspiracy loons, now just screaming about how everyone is like Hitler, and you've proudly announced yourself to be one of the loons.

Now, back to what you hate most, which is the science.

Judith Curry here shows us a post by Zeke Hausfather on the topic.

Understanding adjustments to temperature data Climate Etc.

Moyhu talks about it here.

moyhu A necessary adjustment - Time of Observation

NOAA talks about their adjustments here.

GHCN Global Gridded Data

Read. Understand. I know understanding will get you banned from WUWT, which means no more attaboys from your fellow cultists, but on the plus side, everyone else will stop laughing at you.

You really are a fucking moron...

SO you have a 1,000 mile square area and the only thermometer you have is in a city, poorly sited, and is always 6-10 deg F to high. Now every grid square in that 1,000 miles square is given that same bull shit temp. This is what they have done with both the arctic and antarctic areas. Their warming is total bull shit. This is akin to saying the whole worlds water content is 75% in the atmosphere. There is no basis in reality. This is why they can not predict a dam thing and long term models all fail inside 6 months.


Each grid square has multiple layers and in actuality are 300kl X 300kl X 60,000kl (width x length x depth) and each grid square has multiple layers. (the stratosphere acts differently than the mesosphere or the tropopause, etc...) While the image above is of earths crust the atmosphere is divided up as well.
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As I work with GCM's they leave much to be desired as they can not predict more than 6 hours out before their accuracy declines below 20%. This globe only shows 3 layers but most of today's models have 6-9 layers and the number of interactions are to large to handle.

IE: A thunder storm can happen in as little as 3 miles by three miles and rise to over 50,000 feet. A 300kl grid square can miss 200 such storms and all the interactions that drive the flows through the grid square affecting the adjacent grid squares.

Image Source

The newest models out are 100kl x 100klx 60,000kl. They are multiple layers as this photo above shows and they have a convex enlargement as they go upward.

I disagree with Greg's assessment in his article about water always having to be positive but then again I disagree with many findings of those who believe AGW. As my above post indicates water is most certainly having a negative effect on CO2 and its in lab reflection of warming, in our atmosphere.

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