California Dem Governor Orders Bars and Wineries Closed, +65 to Quarantine

LMAO I'll give you a bit more rope then slap you into the dirt. My advise, run away now and avoid the embarrassment.
Instead of stalling and LMAOing please show me when the US became world wide. Dont worry about embarrassing me. Worry about embarrassing yourself. :rolleyes:

One has to have integrity and an IQ above 50 to embarrass themselves....Thus Blues never needs to worry about such things, he misses both counts.

You mad bro? Was it our pointing out the blatant left's hypocrisy and double standards did that trigger you?
Youre still stalling. Show me when the US became the worlds government or just admit you fucked up just like Drumpf.

You fools walk willingly like lambs into the mockery buzz saw. :auiqs.jpg:

CNN "Barack Obama is 'President of the world"

LMAO did you forget all that horseshit about Obama being president of the world? We didn't. Here's another from Obama's own White House...

White House Climate Change and President Obama's Action Plan - The United States is leading global efforts to address the threat of climate change.

Was H1N1 any less important than climate change??? OH SNAP!!
That was big fat failure. Is this really the best you could come up with to support your claim that the US was world wide? :laugh:
I'm really frowning on these "orders" for businesses to close and people stay home. I am soon to be 68 year old. If I decide to go out and know I might catch the flu...whatever its current paranoid name is...its MY choice. Mine. Nobody elses. If I am not sick and want to go out..I will. Period. If I owned a business, I would stay open too, and run it myself if my employees wanted to bow out for 2 weeks. Its their choice too. The government telling me what I can and cannot Not only no, but HELL no. When they pay my bills then sure. Until then..nope.
Drumpf and the rest of you fuckups are starting to see the seriousness of denying reality arent you?

575,000 died during Obama's H1N1 pandemic, what did he do wrong? What should Trump do different?

But but but Obama!

575,000 DIED on Obama's watch and you make a joke. :eusa_hand:

We already know that is a lie. The US President is not responsible for world deaths. Try again.

Depends on what kind of deaths we are speaking about.
It's a ghost town around town. And there was no traffic during rush hour.
I was 1 of only 3 or 4 people shopping for lumber this morning

I'm really frowning on these "orders" for businesses to close and people stay home. I am soon to be 68 year old. If I decide to go out and know I might catch the flu...whatever its current paranoid name is...its MY choice. Mine. Nobody elses. If I am not sick and want to go out..I will. Period. If I owned a business, I would stay open too, and run it myself if my employees wanted to bow out for 2 weeks. Its their choice too. The government telling me what I can and cannot Not only no, but HELL no. When they pay my bills then sure. Until then..nope.

Go ahead, overload our medical system.
Now Newsome wants to shut down all schools in California. Meanwhile...the homeless are still in tents, shitting in the streets while people hoard toilet paper. This is insane. Nothing like this was done when terrorists threatened us. We were told to go about our business and not show fear even though we could have been shot/bombed/stabbed/poisoned. Then H1N1, swine flue, ebola was running closures of bars, restaurants, gyms, etc. So whats the fucking differennce NOW? Something stinks and it ain't the virus.
Now Newsome wants to shut down all schools in California. Meanwhile...the homeless are still in tents, shitting in the streets while people hoard toilet paper. This is insane. Nothing like this was done when terrorists threatened us. We were told to go about our business and not show fear even though we could have been shot/bombed/stabbed/poisoned. Then H1N1, swine flue, ebola was running closures of bars, restaurants, gyms, etc. So whats the fucking differennce NOW? Something stinks and it ain't the virus.
Pretty sure its the virus. Have you seen Drumpfs about face? Somebody told him something. The virus is accelerating in its spread and we still havent been able to track the real numbers due to inadequate testing.

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