California Dem Governor Orders Bars and Wineries Closed, +65 to Quarantine

Pretty sure its the virus. Have you seen Drumpfs about face? Somebody told him something. The virus is accelerating in its spread and we still havent been able to track the real numbers due to inadequate testing.
The response is adequate considering this is closer to a hoax than a serious issue.
Now Newsome wants to shut down all schools in California. Meanwhile...the homeless are still in tents, shitting in the streets while people hoard toilet paper. This is insane. Nothing like this was done when terrorists threatened us. We were told to go about our business and not show fear even though we could have been shot/bombed/stabbed/poisoned. Then H1N1, swine flue, ebola was running closures of bars, restaurants, gyms, etc. So whats the fucking differennce NOW? Something stinks and it ain't the virus.
Pretty sure its the virus. Have you seen Drumpfs about face? Somebody told him something. The virus is accelerating in its spread and we still havent been able to track the real numbers due to inadequate testing.
I find it suspicious that celebs are being tested often. OFTEN. So much for not enough tests. Still in all....Daddy always said to watch out for China and he was right. He said this to me 50 years ago. I think it was a deliberate "escape" of their bio weapon lab to rid the world of some of its people and if Americans got the brunt...great. Next thing they will do is stop sending us meds since they are the ones manufacturing them. This virus is not as bad as they claim. More died from other flu and diseases but the response to this one is unheard of. And the timing? Suspicious. stinks and no..its not the virus. Its the people pushing it, the ones that hoard, the ones that will kill your ass for a case of water. Fear the people around you...not the flu.
Pretty sure its the virus. Have you seen Drumpfs about face? Somebody told him something. The virus is accelerating in its spread and we still havent been able to track the real numbers due to inadequate testing.
The response is adequate considering this is closer to a hoax than a serious issue.
The response is yet another in a long list of Drumpf fuckups. For example, illiterates such as yourself cant shake Drumpfs original claim that the virus is a hoax.
Now Newsome wants to shut down all schools in California. Meanwhile...the homeless are still in tents, shitting in the streets while people hoard toilet paper. This is insane. Nothing like this was done when terrorists threatened us. We were told to go about our business and not show fear even though we could have been shot/bombed/stabbed/poisoned. Then H1N1, swine flue, ebola was running closures of bars, restaurants, gyms, etc. So whats the fucking differennce NOW? Something stinks and it ain't the virus.
Pretty sure its the virus. Have you seen Drumpfs about face? Somebody told him something. The virus is accelerating in its spread and we still havent been able to track the real numbers due to inadequate testing.
I find it suspicious that celebs are being tested often. OFTEN. So much for not enough tests. Still in all....Daddy always said to watch out for China and he was right. He said this to me 50 years ago. I think it was a deliberate "escape" of their bio weapon lab to rid the world of some of its people and if Americans got the brunt...great. Next thing they will do is stop sending us meds since they are the ones manufacturing them. This virus is not as bad as they claim. More died from other flu and diseases but the response to this one is unheard of. And the timing? Suspicious. stinks and no..its not the virus. Its the people pushing it, the ones that hoard, the ones that will kill your ass for a case of water. Fear the people around you...not the flu.
You shouldnt find it suspicious that celebs get tested often. Its a result of our capitalistic system. Money talks and poor people.....well they have to wait. Somehow the idea that they (China) would release a bio weapon on their own country and hope that Drumpf was stupid enough to ignore it in the hopes that it would spread doesnt really make much sense if you actually think about. Why risk your own population on a gamble? I dont think you and some others are really getting it. This virus is really bad. Not only is it an unknown, its going to come back for awhile. You are right. Something stinks and from my experience in the military there is something they are not telling us.
You shouldnt find it suspicious that celebs get tested often. Its a result of our capitalistic system. Money talks and poor people.....well they have to wait. Somehow the idea that they (China) would release a bio weapon on their own country
Or maybe the Chinese bio weapon got out by accident.
You shouldnt find it suspicious that celebs get tested often. Its a result of our capitalistic system. Money talks and poor people.....well they have to wait. Somehow the idea that they (China) would release a bio weapon on their own country
Or maybe the Chinese bio weapon got out by accident.
They have enough people to lose and since when do they give a shit about the peons? Also, someone over on twitter thought of something I havent thought of. Which is...what if trump changed his tune so quickly about a pandemic because he found out something he is not willing to share thread of nuclear attack and that is why he wants us all to stay inside? Not that that would help, but some might survive it.

Meanwhile..a bit of humor, which we all need:


Well over half the states have wisely shut down bars and restaurants.

Is Ron DeSantis a fascist Nazi too?

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis suspended all bars and nightclubs from opening for 30 days and ordered restaurants to "reduce density" by half, WFLA reported.

How about Henry McMaster?

South Carolina Takeout and delivery services will be the only service available to customers at restaurants and bars throughout South Carolina, the governor announced after coronavirus cases continued to rise.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?
Drumpf and the rest of you fuckups are starting to see the seriousness of denying reality arent you?

575,000 died during Obama's H1N1 pandemic, what did he do wrong? What should Trump do different?
575,000 died in the U.S. of the H1N1? CDC Novel H1N1 Flu |CDC Estimates of 2009 H1N1 Influenza Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths in the United States, April 2009 – January 16, 2010 Why do trumpanzees LIE so much?
It seems a common thread for them. Perhaps they believe Trump.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were about 60.8 million cases of infection with the novel type of influenza virus in the U.S. between April 2009 and April 2010, with a total of approximately 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths.

While that death toll may sound high, it’s over an entire year and, in fact, ended up being far lower than was initially expected. The strain of influenza also turned out to have a case fatality rate of just 0.02%well below even many typical seasonal influenzas.

Everything that’s known about the new coronavirus so far suggests that it’s an entirely different beast than its most recent pandemic predecessor. Peter Jay Hotez, a professor and dean of the tropical medicine school at Baylor College of Medicine, told us that the new virus, which is known as SARS-CoV-2, is considerably more transmissible and more lethal than H1N1.
Trump’s H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Spin
Drumpf and the rest of you fuckups are starting to see the seriousness of denying reality arent you?

575,000 died during Obama's H1N1 pandemic, what did he do wrong? What should Trump do different?
575,000 died in the U.S. of the H1N1? CDC Novel H1N1 Flu |CDC Estimates of 2009 H1N1 Influenza Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths in the United States, April 2009 – January 16, 2010 Why do trumpanzees LIE so much?
It seems a common thread for them. Perhaps they believe Trump.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were about 60.8 million cases of infection with the novel type of influenza virus in the U.S. between April 2009 and April 2010, with a total of approximately 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths.

While that death toll may sound high, it’s over an entire year and, in fact, ended up being far lower than was initially expected. The strain of influenza also turned out to have a case fatality rate of just 0.02%well below even many typical seasonal influenzas.

Everything that’s known about the new coronavirus so far suggests that it’s an entirely different beast than its most recent pandemic predecessor. Peter Jay Hotez, a professor and dean of the tropical medicine school at Baylor College of Medicine, told us that the new virus, which is known as SARS-CoV-2, is considerably more transmissible and more lethal than H1N1.
Trump’s H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Spin
Things can be higher percentage killer if infected but also simply infect less people to begin with
Lots of variables with the what if’s and they dont always land on the side of worst case(which is all that liberal Trump haters keep emphasizing)

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