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POPULATION never decreased in California and it has by far the largest population of any state, the rest is bullshit.
You have to wonder how long the left can deny reality because it conflicts with their fucked up idoelogy? The reports are real, you dimwit. IRS data proves it. I posted articles about businesses fleeing that shit-hole state (they don’t want to provide free healthcare, free housing, free food, and free education to illegal aliens at the risk to their business).
Again mr.Reality, have you ever even been there?
I don’t need to go there to watch the news, chief.

Then STFU, you got no clue what you are talking about. California is blessed in many non-politico ways.
Have you ever been to Iraq? Then why have you opened your large and very ignorant mouth about it thousands of times?

Game. Set. Match, bitch.

LOL wtf? Where do I compare life in Iraq?

Here's my advice to you - stop all the ridiculous politicking based on your TV adventures and go take a vacation.

Pack some basic shit and head down to California, rent a convertible and drive down (or up) the coast - I promise you a trip you'll remember for the rest of your life.
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California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating deb

Idiot, have you ever even been there? It's crazy much so that everyone wants to be there and real estate is through the roof.

Middle Class Fleeing CA at Record Rates - California Political Review

POPULATION never decreased in California and it has by far the largest population of any state, the rest is bullshit.


California is going third world on a rocket sled
California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating deb

Idiot, have you ever even been there? It's crazy much so that everyone wants to be there and real estate is through the roof.

Middle Class Fleeing CA at Record Rates - California Political Review

POPULATION never decreased in California and it has by far the largest population of any state, the rest is bullshit.


California is going third world on a rocket sled

Ever been to that "third world"?
All Democrat-controlled areas are miserable Third World messes. California is on track to becoming Venezuela. That's only a matter of time. It'll go down as another once great American location decimated by the Democrats. It's very sad.
Then why are people and businesses fleeing the state an alarming rate, genius?

Losers (like yourself) who can't make it there and companies looking to pad their bottom lines with cheap labor that you people love to work for.
LMAO! That’s the response of a second grader. It’s a shit-hole state and everyone knows it. People and businesses are fleeing in record numbers. Your juvenile “losers can’t make it there” excuse is as pitiful as you are.

It’s a state that promotes and supports promiscuity, homosexuality, sexual assault on women and children, drug use, illegal aliens, and communism among other things.

So which state are you living in, if you don't mind me asking. Me, I'm in California and I don't believe it's as bad as you say it is. It's so large and diverse, it could be it's own country.

I wish it was....
LOL wtf? Where do I compare life in Iraq?
Who said anything about "comparing life"? You've commented thousands of times about what we've done over in Iraq. Since you've never been there to see it, you should keep your mouth shut.

What a pitiful way to attempt to get out of your previous idiotic comment. One does not have to physically step somewhere to be informed about it. Especially in this day of technology.
Here's my advice to you - stop all the ridiculous politicking based on your TV adventures and go take a vacation.

Pack some basic shit and head down to California, rent a convertible and drive down (or up) the coast - I promise you a trip you'll remember for the rest of your life.
I can't tell if you're a genius for making that comment or an idiot. Nobody denies that California has some beautiful land (it was made by God - of course it's beautiful - just like EVERY state in America has some beautiful land). But that's not what we're discussing here. We're discussing how progressives have turned it into a shit-hole were a pitiful 900 sq ft home costs $450,000, where gangs and illegal aliens run rampant, where Hollywood stars and execs sexually assault any female they come into contact with, and where they over spend their budget by $80 billion but still can't figure out how to keep the power on.

I can't tell if this was a technique by you to change the conversation because you can't dispute the facts (genius) or if you're just too dumb to follow along (idiot). :dunno:
California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating debt. But even by their horrific standards, this is a new low. Their state government is actually making it a misdemeanor to infect people with a deadly virus on purpose. This state always did promote promiscuity. I guess they don’t want the law to get in the way of that agenda?

Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
Governments have been trying to eliminate undesirables, for a long time. Perhaps we have not noticed, but it certainly seems that there is some kind of cure....for a nominal fee.

Wasnt Magic diagnosed with HIV in.....1991?

The media...if you notice, has certainly stopped hyping it. No more massive fundraisers. Nothing from hollywood anymore about it. Have you noticed that? South Park pretty much did a great episode about it.

BTW, look at the fake DDT scare in Africa as an example. There was a fake report about the "destruction" that DDT causes. That was being used to stop the spread of malaria. As a result of the fake report that DDT did damage to the environment (all not true) they stopped spraying. All of a sudden over 10 million Africans died of malaria over the next decade.

Yeah, I am sure there is nothing to it. Yeah.
Here's my advice to you - stop all the ridiculous politicking based on your TV adventures and go take a vacation.

Pack some basic shit and head down to California, rent a convertible and drive down (or up) the coast - I promise you a trip you'll remember for the rest of your life.
I can't tell if you're a genius for making that comment or an idiot. Nobody denies that California has some beautiful land (it was made by God - of course it's beautiful - just like EVERY state in America has some beautiful land). But that's not what we're discussing here. We're discussing how progressives have turned it into a shit-hole were a pitiful 900 sq ft home costs $450,000, where gangs and illegal aliens run rampant, where Hollywood stars and execs sexually assault any female they come into contact with, and where they over spend their budget by $80 billion but still can't figure out how to keep the power on.

I can't tell if this was a technique by you to change the conversation because you can't dispute the facts (genius) or if you're just too dumb to follow along (idiot). :dunno:

900sq foot homes DO NOT COST $450,000 IN SHITHOLES dummy, they cost $450,000 in areas of HIGH DEMAND like California.
900sq foot homes DO NOT COST $450,000 IN SHITHOLES dummy, they cost $450,000 in areas of HIGH DEMAND like California.
There is no "high demand" there, snowflake. It's a combination of a lack of options, high state and local taxes driving up costs, and desperation. Hence, the reason businesses and people are fleeing that shit-hole state.
The taxes are so high.

In California, you get raped every day. If not by guys like Weinstein or Weiner, then by the state.
If you can't afford to live there then you shouldn't live there. Pretty fucking simple. Plenty of people can, and do.

I swear, you're all a bunch of whiny little bitches, complaining about a state you don't even live in.
900sq foot homes DO NOT COST $450,000 IN SHITHOLES dummy, they cost $450,000 in areas of HIGH DEMAND like California.
There is no "high demand" there, snowflake. It's a combination of a lack of options, high state and local taxes driving up costs, and desperation. Hence, the reason businesses and people are fleeing that shit-hole state.

You are clearly an idiot - prices are REDUCED by by high taxes, since they DEPRESS demand.

Real estate prices are are only as high as people are WILLING TO PAY FOR IT.
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