California is an open primary. Republicans should vote for Bernie

I don't believe for one minute that Bernie could beat my beagle in a race for potus let alone a breathing human being

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Even if you think it's unlikely, is it really worth the risk?

Bernie is as likely to get his way with a defiant Congress as Trump is to be elected.

Besides that Hillary is a lying, deceitful untrustworthy individual. ANYONE is a step up from her, including Bernie.

Dance with Hillary in a White House Ball and accidently step on her toe, off with your head says the Queen of Clinton.
I don't believe for one minute that Bernie could beat my beagle in a race for potus let alone a breathing human being

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Even if you think it's unlikely, is it really worth the risk?

Bernie is as likely to get his way with a defiant Congress as Trump is to be elected.

Besides that Hillary is a lying, deceitful untrustworthy individual. ANYONE is a step up from her, including Bernie.

Except that a hypothetical President Trump is not the question here. Trump will lose in November, there is no getting around that. Would you rather him lose to Clinton or to Sanders?
I am fucking bored now that Cruz is out... damn...No one tease like him.....

Maybe I will get drunk on Gramps stash.....

I don't believe for one minute that Bernie could beat my beagle in a race for potus let alone a breathing human being

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

Even if you think it's unlikely, is it really worth the risk?

Bernie is as likely to get his way with a defiant Congress as Trump is to be elected.

Besides that Hillary is a lying, deceitful untrustworthy individual. ANYONE is a step up from her, including Bernie.

Except that a hypothetical President Trump is not the question here. Trump will lose in November, there is no getting around that. Would you rather him lose to Clinton or to Sanders?
It makes no difference
You have to be careful with your vote in "open primaries", if you're considering any sort of future in politics.

Here in Indiana, what ballot you ask for is a matter of public record, forever. What individuals you voted for isn't, but whether you got an (R) or (D) ballot is.

If you want to work for a political party in the future, or run for local office, first thing the party bosses do is check those records. If you've been voting for the other team, you'll have some 'splainin to do. That is, the local party captain will put the kibosh on your candidacy, or not hire you for the job. That's not theoretical; it happens quite often.
I thought California's Proposition 14 allows for an open primary for all offices except President?
Considering there are 10 states left and she needs only 178, is it really a big deal?
Bernie needs 1224
there are 1159 left.
She has millions more votes and hundreds more pledged delegates.
Where is his path to victory?

Don't you ever bother to go look anything up? Ever? Doesn't perpetual ignorance bother you? Ever?
I don't get it.
The longer Sanders stays in the race the more Hillary is being humiliated nationally.
An April poll showed at least 20% of Sander's supporters will never vote for Hillary.
After Hillary becomes the official nominee a large percent of Sander's voters are going to stay home. Some are going to vote for Trump out of spite.
Sanders has already stated he will NOT tell his supporters who to vote for.
That's like saying he will NEVER endorse Hillary.
At least Sanders has integrity.
if he does endorse her he will look pretty not endorsing her that will show he has integrity....
For me, this Election is only about Trump and Sanders. We need Revolutionary change. Neither of em serve the NWO Globalists. Neither are accepting Bank Cartel money. They're as close to an independent leader as we're gonna get. I'm gonna vote for Trump, but i'd be fine with a Sanders Presidency.
Considering there are 10 states left and she needs only 178, is it really a big deal?
Bernie needs 1224
there are 1159 left.
She has millions more votes and hundreds more pledged delegates.
Where is his path to victory?

Don't you ever bother to go look anything up? Ever? Doesn't perpetual ignorance bother you? Ever?
I don't get it.

It's funny how you get that stretching out the Republican nomination extended the inability to move on to the fall election and unify the party, then with Democrats you don't get it, what's the big deal?
Considering there are 10 states left and she needs only 178, is it really a big deal?
Bernie needs 1224
there are 1159 left.
She has millions more votes and hundreds more pledged delegates.
Where is his path to victory?

Don't you ever bother to go look anything up? Ever? Doesn't perpetual ignorance bother you? Ever?
I don't get it.

Some of those delegates could switch to his side if he gets close enough to her. That could be his game plan.
That may have been the plan until he lost NY!
Ahhhh, so this is why Bernie wants to go through the California primary.... he knows Republicans will pull their dirty tricks and come out to vote for him to prevent Hillary from winning California and give Bernie more delegates than the estimated draw....

what a sneaky old man.... :D

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