California: Judge Upholds Racial Quotas

From the article:

"This decision affirms that Caltrans' efforts to level the playing field are constitutionally sound and will ensure that billions of dollars in federal transportation funds continue flowing to California," Caltrans Director Cindy McKim said in a statement Wednesday. "We will continue to reach out to disadvantaged businesses and hope our program serves as a model for other states to follow."

First off, the decision does NOT affirm that it is constitutionally sound. One bad decision of one judge does not mean anything.

Secondly, what exactly constitutes 'disadvantaged businesses'? The color of the owner's skin should not constitute if the business is disadvantaged. In fact, most people never even see the owners, thus would not know what color they are unless they themselves makes it a point that the consumers know.

And another thing, I thought that the California Department of Transportation was not a 'business', but rather state owned. This would mean that the STATE is granted the right to discriminate, NOT and individual business.

This is just more BS about the so called 'minorities' being 'disadvantaged'.

Also, I hope my state does NOT follow in California on this one!
Federal judge approves set asides and racial quotas for transportation contracts in California.

A federal judge last week granted the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) the right to discriminate against white business owners and men when awarding contracts.

California: Judge Upholds Racial Quotas for Highway Contracts

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program" that set aside 6.75 percent of federal-aid project contracts for blacks, Asians and Indians -

Wow, 6.75%. You're right! That's HUGE! Especially if you make the numbers really, really big.


See? That's HUGE!
Federal judge approves set asides and racial quotas for transportation contracts in California.

A federal judge last week granted the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) the right to discriminate against white business owners and men when awarding contracts.

California: Judge Upholds Racial Quotas for Highway Contracts

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program" that set aside 6.75 percent of federal-aid project contracts for blacks, Asians and Indians -

Wow, 6.75%. You're right! That's HUGE! Especially if you make the numbers really, really big.


See? That's HUGE!

The point is not the numbers, it is the fact that they are discriminating based on race of which is not legal no matter what race someone is.
Federal judge approves set asides and racial quotas for transportation contracts in California.

A federal judge last week granted the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) the right to discriminate against white business owners and men when awarding contracts.

California: Judge Upholds Racial Quotas for Highway Contracts

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program" that set aside 6.75 percent of federal-aid project contracts for blacks, Asians and Indians -

Wow, 6.75%. You're right! That's HUGE! Especially if you make the numbers really, really big.


See? That's HUGE!

The point is not the numbers, it is the fact that they are discriminating based on race of which is not legal no matter what race someone is.

Give me a break. The Republican Party is 90% white and they falsely accuse the president of being born in Kenya. Their leaders are opposite what ever the president's position is, even if they had the same position a week earlier (see Newt Gingrich and Libya).

And look at Bush and McCain. Talk about preferential treatment. Bush passed over thousands more qualified to get into Harvard, all because "daddy pulled strings".
And McCain. Graduated 5th from the bottom out of 899 because, once again, daddy pulled strings. I bet every black graduated higher than McCain and probably Bush too.

There is always going to be "Affirmative Action". Whether it's an attempt to address justified grievances from the past or because "rich people" buy their kids way to "first in line". And look how well Bush worked out. More destructive than al Qaeda. They could only dream of inflicting the damage Bush and the Republicans caused this country.
If blacks had higher IQ's, this would'nt be happening.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program" that set aside 6.75 percent of federal-aid project contracts for blacks, Asians and Indians -

Wow, 6.75%. You're right! That's HUGE! Especially if you make the numbers really, really big.


See? That's HUGE!

The point is not the numbers, it is the fact that they are discriminating based on race of which is not legal no matter what race someone is.

Give me a break. The Republican Party is 90% white and they falsely accuse the president of being born in Kenya. Their leaders are opposite what ever the president's position is, even if they had the same position a week earlier (see Newt Gingrich and Libya).

And look at Bush and McCain. Talk about preferential treatment. Bush passed over thousands more qualified to get into Harvard, all because "daddy pulled strings".
And McCain. Graduated 5th from the bottom out of 899 because, once again, daddy pulled strings. I bet every black graduated higher than McCain and probably Bush too.

There is always going to be "Affirmative Action". Whether it's an attempt to address justified grievances from the past or because "rich people" buy their kids way to "first in line". And look how well Bush worked out. More destructive than al Qaeda. They could only dream of inflicting the damage Bush and the Republicans caused this country.

Private universities give preferences to wealthy elites because they can pay the full cost of tuitiion and later on these alumni will contribute richly to their endowments (Harvard is up near 30 Billion dollars) which can then be used to fund the tuition of academically qualified but poorer students who otherwise couldnt attend. Somebody has to pay the bills. By contrast, affirmative action in government contracts has no redeeming social value, the only winners are the unqualified minorities who get the award. Oh, and possibly al qaeda too when incompetently constructed bridges come tumbling down and kill innocents.
Federal judge approves set asides and racial quotas for transportation contracts in California.

A federal judge last week granted the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) the right to discriminate against white business owners and men when awarding contracts.

California: Judge Upholds Racial Quotas for Highway Contracts

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program" that set aside 6.75 percent of federal-aid project contracts for blacks, Asians and Indians -

Wow, 6.75%. You're right! That's HUGE! Especially if you make the numbers really, really big.


See? That's HUGE!

6.75% is not the point.
The point is not the numbers, it is the fact that they are discriminating based on race of which is not legal no matter what race someone is.

Give me a break. The Republican Party is 90% white and they falsely accuse the president of being born in Kenya. Their leaders are opposite what ever the president's position is, even if they had the same position a week earlier (see Newt Gingrich and Libya).

And look at Bush and McCain. Talk about preferential treatment. Bush passed over thousands more qualified to get into Harvard, all because "daddy pulled strings".
And McCain. Graduated 5th from the bottom out of 899 because, once again, daddy pulled strings. I bet every black graduated higher than McCain and probably Bush too.

There is always going to be "Affirmative Action". Whether it's an attempt to address justified grievances from the past or because "rich people" buy their kids way to "first in line". And look how well Bush worked out. More destructive than al Qaeda. They could only dream of inflicting the damage Bush and the Republicans caused this country.

Private universities give preferences to wealthy elites because they can pay the full cost of tuitiion and later on these alumni will contribute richly to their endowments (Harvard is up near 30 Billion dollars) which can then be used to fund the tuition of academically qualified but poorer students who otherwise couldnt attend. Somebody has to pay the bills. By contrast, affirmative action in government contracts has no redeeming social value, the only winners are the unqualified minorities who get the award. Oh, and possibly al qaeda too when incompetently constructed bridges come tumbling down and kill innocents.

Affirmative Action in government contracts employs blacks who then go home to their communities and spend the money they earn there. Normally this would stimuate the economy in those communities and create more employment oppurtunities. The problem is that the buisnesses in those communities are owned mostly by outsiders who do not reinvest their earnings into the community. Affrimative action was made neccesary by a systematically forced lack of oppurtunity imposed by whites on disenfranchised blacks. If you dont like affirmative action then you and your devil brothers and sisters in Washingtion and on Wall Street should remove the conditions that make it neccesary. Conditions that you created.
It's clear no matter what side of the fence you are on, everyone agrees blacks should be treated differently.
It's clear no matter what side of the fence you are on, everyone agrees blacks should be treated differently.

Obama took out student loans and so did his wife. Obama didn't use Affirmative Action, unlike Bush and McCain. Obama paid back every penny. Oops.
It's clear no matter what side of the fence you are on, everyone agrees blacks should be treated differently.

I don't agree they should be treated differently. I think the same rights and the same standards for conduct and uniform measures of performance should be applied to all citizens regardless of race. Unfortunately, many people today regard the idea of a color blind society as racist.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program" that set aside 6.75 percent of federal-aid project contracts for blacks, Asians and Indians -

Wow, 6.75%. You're right! That's HUGE! Especially if you make the numbers really, really big.


See? That's HUGE!

The point is not the numbers, it is the fact that they are discriminating based on race of which is not legal no matter what race someone is.

Give me a break. The Republican Party is 90% white and they falsely accuse the president of being born in Kenya. Their leaders are opposite what ever the president's position is, even if they had the same position a week earlier (see Newt Gingrich and Libya).

And look at Bush and McCain. Talk about preferential treatment. Bush passed over thousands more qualified to get into Harvard, all because "daddy pulled strings".
And McCain. Graduated 5th from the bottom out of 899 because, once again, daddy pulled strings. I bet every black graduated higher than McCain and probably Bush too.

There is always going to be "Affirmative Action". Whether it's an attempt to address justified grievances from the past or because "rich people" buy their kids way to "first in line". And look how well Bush worked out. More destructive than al Qaeda. They could only dream of inflicting the damage Bush and the Republicans caused this country.

NO, you give me a break. I never said anything about Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives, etc... I was only addressing the fact that we are supposed to not care what races someone is when hiring. Whether it be a Black, a White, a Hispanic, an Israelite, etc... When hiring, you look at qualifications, NOT race.
You're right! That's HUGE! Especially if you make the numbers really, really big.


See? That's HUGE!

Who knew there was a 6.75 percent exception to the equal protection clause?

Wow... now that IS huge!
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program" that set aside 6.75 percent of federal-aid project contracts for blacks, Asians and Indians -

Wow, 6.75%. You're right! That's HUGE! Especially if you make the numbers really, really big.


See? That's HUGE!

The point is not the numbers, it is the fact that they are discriminating based on race of which is not legal no matter what race someone is.

Give me a break. The Republican Party is 90% white and they falsely accuse the president of being born in Kenya. Their leaders are opposite what ever the president's position is, even if they had the same position a week earlier (see Newt Gingrich and Libya).

And look at Bush and McCain. Talk about preferential treatment. Bush passed over thousands more qualified to get into Harvard, all because "daddy pulled strings".
And McCain. Graduated 5th from the bottom out of 899 because, once again, daddy pulled strings. I bet every black graduated higher than McCain and probably Bush too.

There is always going to be "Affirmative Action". Whether it's an attempt to address justified grievances from the past or because "rich people" buy their kids way to "first in line". And look how well Bush worked out. More destructive than al Qaeda. They could only dream of inflicting the damage Bush and the Republicans caused this country.

falsely accuse?you are one stupid libtard.
i can not wait till the shit hits the fan-you and your ilk will be the first casualty of your stupid decision making.

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