California Looking to Pay Reparations for Black Californians

If you are a Democrat, you owe!
You republicans need to stop lying.

A republican named Thomas Cowin authored an amendment that was passed in 1861 but never ratified that would have constitutionally protected slavery.

The Corwin Amendment, The Able Doctor, or America Swallowing the Bitter Draught - The Heritage Post corwin-amendment/
Robert Longley, The Corwin Amendment, Enslavement, and Abraham Lincoln, Updated July 24, 2019,

Second reparations are not just for slavery.
Democrats wanted to count blacks as a fraction of a person regarding voting.

Let Democrats pay blacks to ease their conscience and attempt to buy votes.
I still don't understand where CA is going to get the money from.
No doubt they think that the federal government will give them a bailout when their budget falls short. That's if they have even thought that part through. Goverments usually think in terms of what they would like to do with the money, not where they will get the money. That's not just a California problem, that's every government ever.

In Texas our head of the Department of Transportation was asking for a mid-year budget increase for more projects. He responded to people not wanting to give him more money by saying in wounded tones, "We don't even have enough money for projects we already have begun!" It did not occur to him that he needs to be looking at which projects to cut, not adding more.
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Non-black Californians should sue Ca for this obvious racist stunt.

Taking tax dollars from ALL Californians and giving it to blacks who were never slaves, whose parents were never slaves, whose granparents were never slaves...

...for 'punishing' non-blacks by taking their money and givi g it to blacks.

Japanese Americans in Ca should sue for intetnment camp reparations...

Chinese and Irish Anericans should sue Ca for reparations for treatment of their ancestors who built the railroads...

Native Americans should sue Ca for steali g bative Anerican lands and for attricities against native Americans...

Singling out blacks for reparatikns for wrongs committed against minorities during the US's long history reeks of racism.

The real fun is they would have to determine who is black, and more importantly, who is descended from black around during the time of discrimination and impacts, as well as WHEN the time period was.

So does a person who is like 1/64th of african descent who's ancestor came over from Africa in say the 1950's qualify for this?

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