California ordered to remove 1.5 million voters from the books.

In Canada, our voter rolls are tied to tax filing. If you are a citizen, your name is added to the voter rolls when you file your taxes. When you die, there is a Canada Pension Plan Death Benefit which is enough to pay for a modest funeral, and when you family applies, your name is stricken from the voter rolls.

So what happens if the family pays for the funeral of their loved one? You have the same problem we do just to a lesser extent.
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here

Democrats go to court and fight tooth and nail not to remove them. The main source of voter fraud the democrats engage in is proxy voting, having illegals vote for democrats under these names.

You Stalinists crowed about how Hillary had more popular votes than Trump.

There's half of them right there.

Without voter fraud, you Communists will never win another election - and we ALL know it.
Riiiiiiiight. Didn’t Trump start a voter fraud commission that came up with nada?

Looks like Judicial watch came up with quite a bit, and just shut you Communists down. More to come.
What exactly do you think JW came up with that proves illegal voting?

Enough to have a Judge order the Peoples State of California to remove 1.5 MILLION illegal voters from the roles.
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here

Democrats go to court and fight tooth and nail not to remove them. The main source of voter fraud the democrats engage in is proxy voting, having illegals vote for democrats under these names.

You Stalinists crowed about how Hillary had more popular votes than Trump.

There's half of them right there.

Without voter fraud, you Communists will never win another election - and we ALL know it.
Riiiiiiiight. Didn’t Trump start a voter fraud commission that came up with nada?

Looks like Judicial watch came up with quite a bit, and just shut you Communists down. More to come.
What exactly do you think JW came up with that proves illegal voting?

Enough to have a Judge order the Peoples State of California to remove 1.5 MILLION illegal voters from the roles.

They are not illegal voters, can you not read? They are inactive registrants. In other words...they do not fucking vote.
States across the country are being forced to update their voter rolls............via Legal Action.

It's the State's job to do so....................To keep it honest.

Truth the Vote has also done the same. An org targeted by the IRS under Obama.

Ho hum
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here
The problem is every time a State cleans up its rolls and removes names the democrats have a fit and claim voter suppression. It is a FEDERAL law to removes names.

That’s because the red states, and True the Vote delete names without notification or verification.

Note that California has NOT been ordered to delete any names so your thread title is a lie. They have been ordered to verify the voting roll for inactive voters. The first step is to send notifications to all those people who are listed but not voting and ask them to confirm residency.

What they are NOT doing, is just arbitrarily deleting names from the voting record like red states have done and which gets True the Vote into all sorts of voting rights trouble.
Which is in the articles and proofs in this thread.

Why haven't they updated voter rolls in decades.

We all know why............your side just will not admit it. As your side tries to count the illegals in the Census for reps in Congress.

Dems are Dirty. Always been that way.

Takes a court order to do what should have already been done.

All voter rolls in all states are out of date. Your patchwork quilt of voter laws has lead to this mess, since there is no uniform method or requirement for registration from state to state. There is no co-ordination of voter records. It's a paper system in an electronic digital age.

In Canada, our voter rolls are tied to tax filing. If you are a citizen, your name is added to the voter rolls when you file your taxes. When you die, there is a Canada Pension Plan Death Benefit which is enough to pay for a modest funeral, and when you family applies, your name is stricken from the voter rolls.

There are other ways of getting on the voter rolls, if you don't file your taxes. When I moved from the city, I took my utility bills as proof of residence, along with my birth certificate, to the polling station and was immediately given a ballot. The question becomes.

They are out of date because democrats sue to keep them out of date.
New York Voters Sue The State, Claiming Mass Voter Roll Purges - Gothamist
ACLU Sues Ohio Over Voter Purge
More Than 380,000 Georgia Voters Receive 'Purge Notice' - Rewire.News
Texas Ordered to Halt Voter Purge as Judge Weighs Arguments

Proxy voting, the votes cast by illegal aliens paid by democrats use these registration entries as the means of defrauding elections. democrats DEPEND on this election fraud and will be decimated at the polls without it.

They are not illegal voters, can you not read? They are inactive registrants. In other words...they do not fucking vote.

Then why are you and your fellow Stalinists pissing your panties over it?

Every voter registration not active is used by democrats in proxy voting. It's embarrassing when you democrats get more votes than there are registered voters, which happens all the time.

{State officials are planning to examine about 20 Detroit precincts where ballot boxes opened during the recount had fewer ballots than poll workers had recorded on Election Day.}

Judge Napolitano: Election Fraud in Detroit Looks 'Organized, and Gov…

They are not illegal voters, can you not read? They are inactive registrants. In other words...they do not fucking vote.

Then why are you and your fellow Stalinists pissing your panties over it?

Every voter registration not active is used by democrats in proxy voting. It's embarrassing when you democrats get more votes than there are registered voters, which happens all the time.

{State officials are planning to examine about 20 Detroit precincts where ballot boxes opened during the recount had fewer ballots than poll workers had recorded on Election Day.}

Judge Napolitano: Election Fraud in Detroit Looks 'Organized, and Gov…

You need to go back and get your GED, then you might learn what “inactive” means.

If they were used for voting they would not be inactive.

It is a race to the bottom with you morons today.

Sent from my iPhone using
No it is required to keep the rolls accurate and remove inactive voters to avoid fraud and problems.
You understand that an inactive voter registration by definition has not been voting, right?
Then why the hell did the Dems fight tooth and nail to stop having to fix it. ...........hmmm

Explain why they had to be forced..........Not only that the Supreme Court fight on the same issue...........

Dems LOST............good.
So, do you not understand the word "inactive"?
Sure do ............Now it's gonna be PERMANENT inactive unless they show up to register again.

Or perhaps you can keep 125% registered of the population there if you need a few votes........You can harvest dead people.

It's the LAW to update it...............passed by dems as already shown in this thread............The Supreme Court has ruled on this......Don't vote in 2 cycles and YOU ARE OUT.

Too dang bad.
Too dang bad?

Why would I care of inactive registrations get purged as long as this isn't used as a tactic to remove actual voters?
You do understand that if they are not voting, they are no longer actual voters. Hence the designation "inactive". Not voting = not a voter.
You understand that an inactive voter registration by definition has not been voting, right?
Then why the hell did the Dems fight tooth and nail to stop having to fix it. ...........hmmm

Explain why they had to be forced..........Not only that the Supreme Court fight on the same issue...........

Dems LOST............good.
So, do you not understand the word "inactive"?
Sure do ............Now it's gonna be PERMANENT inactive unless they show up to register again.

Or perhaps you can keep 125% registered of the population there if you need a few votes........You can harvest dead people.

It's the LAW to update it...............passed by dems as already shown in this thread............The Supreme Court has ruled on this......Don't vote in 2 cycles and YOU ARE OUT.

Too dang bad.
Too dang bad?

Why would I care of inactive registrations get purged as long as this isn't used as a tactic to remove actual voters?
You do understand that if they are not voting, they are no longer actual voters. Hence the designation "inactive". Not voting = not a voter.
Conservatives tend to get a bit over enthusiastic with this kinda thing. You've gotta keep them on a tight leash.
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here

Democrats go to court and fight tooth and nail not to remove them. The main source of voter fraud the democrats engage in is proxy voting, having illegals vote for democrats under these names.

You Stalinists crowed about how Hillary had more popular votes than Trump.

There's half of them right there.

Without voter fraud, you Communists will never win another election - and we ALL know it.
Riiiiiiiight. Didn’t Trump start a voter fraud commission that came up with nada?

Looks like Judicial watch came up with quite a bit, and just shut you Communists down. More to come.
What exactly do you think JW came up with that proves illegal voting?

Enough to have a Judge order the Peoples State of California to remove 1.5 MILLION illegal voters from the roles.
That doesn’t prove illegal voting. It just proves that people move and die and their names don’t get taken off the rolls. They are only identifying these names from inactivity so if anything this case shows that nobody is using those names to vote. Wanna try and spin up a better argument?

They are not illegal voters, can you not read? They are inactive registrants. In other words...they do not fucking vote.

Then why are you and your fellow Stalinists pissing your panties over it?

Every voter registration not active is used by democrats in proxy voting. It's embarrassing when you democrats get more votes than there are registered voters, which happens all the time.

{State officials are planning to examine about 20 Detroit precincts where ballot boxes opened during the recount had fewer ballots than poll workers had recorded on Election Day.}

Judge Napolitano: Election Fraud in Detroit Looks 'Organized, and Gov…
Planning to examine? Do you have any hard facts or cases that show any kind of significant fraud voting? Cause there’s case after case if the GOP breaking election laws with efforts to suppress the vote. You should be careful where you point your finger when it come to this issue
Democrats go to court and fight tooth and nail not to remove them. The main source of voter fraud the democrats engage in is proxy voting, having illegals vote for democrats under these names.

You Stalinists crowed about how Hillary had more popular votes than Trump.

There's half of them right there.

Without voter fraud, you Communists will never win another election - and we ALL know it.
Riiiiiiiight. Didn’t Trump start a voter fraud commission that came up with nada?

Looks like Judicial watch came up with quite a bit, and just shut you Communists down. More to come.
What exactly do you think JW came up with that proves illegal voting?

Enough to have a Judge order the Peoples State of California to remove 1.5 MILLION illegal voters from the roles.
That doesn’t prove illegal voting. It just proves that people move and die and their names don’t get taken off the rolls. They are only identifying these names from inactivity so if anything this case shows that nobody is using those names to vote. Wanna try and spin up a better argument?


Here’s What Voter Fraud Looks Like In 23 States

You Communists and the moronic hating points you depend on....
Riiiiiiiight. Didn’t Trump start a voter fraud commission that came up with nada?

Looks like Judicial watch came up with quite a bit, and just shut you Communists down. More to come.
What exactly do you think JW came up with that proves illegal voting?

Enough to have a Judge order the Peoples State of California to remove 1.5 MILLION illegal voters from the roles.
That doesn’t prove illegal voting. It just proves that people move and die and their names don’t get taken off the rolls. They are only identifying these names from inactivity so if anything this case shows that nobody is using those names to vote. Wanna try and spin up a better argument?


Here’s What Voter Fraud Looks Like In 23 States

You Communists and the moronic hating points you depend on....
So I did a quick tally of all these investigations in those 23 states over multiple years and got around 1000 fraudulent votes. Should we sound the alarm?!
Looks like Judicial watch came up with quite a bit, and just shut you Communists down. More to come.
What exactly do you think JW came up with that proves illegal voting?

Enough to have a Judge order the Peoples State of California to remove 1.5 MILLION illegal voters from the roles.
That doesn’t prove illegal voting. It just proves that people move and die and their names don’t get taken off the rolls. They are only identifying these names from inactivity so if anything this case shows that nobody is using those names to vote. Wanna try and spin up a better argument?


Here’s What Voter Fraud Looks Like In 23 States

You Communists and the moronic hating points you depend on....
So I did a quick tally of all these investigations in those 23 states over multiple years and got around 1000 fraudulent votes. Should we sound the alarm?!

When the voter ID debates were going on, liberals would site one or two cases where people moved here from another country, or for some reason, didn't have the proper identification to get an ID, told us that every vote should count. Therefore it was good enough reason to scrap Voter-ID.

Now we are talking hundreds, thousands, and possible much more who are illegally voting thus neutralizing our legal votes, and that's no reason for alarm.
What exactly do you think JW came up with that proves illegal voting?

Enough to have a Judge order the Peoples State of California to remove 1.5 MILLION illegal voters from the roles.
That doesn’t prove illegal voting. It just proves that people move and die and their names don’t get taken off the rolls. They are only identifying these names from inactivity so if anything this case shows that nobody is using those names to vote. Wanna try and spin up a better argument?


Here’s What Voter Fraud Looks Like In 23 States

You Communists and the moronic hating points you depend on....
So I did a quick tally of all these investigations in those 23 states over multiple years and got around 1000 fraudulent votes. Should we sound the alarm?!

When the voter ID debates were going on, liberals would site one or two cases where people moved here from another country, or for some reason, didn't have the proper identification to get an ID, told us that every vote should count. Therefore it was good enough reason to scrap Voter-ID.

Now we are talking hundreds, thousands, and possible much more who are illegally voting thus neutralizing our legal votes, and that's no reason for alarm.
Hundreds and even thousands do not neutralize our votes. We have a president claiming that there were 3 million illegal votes cast in the last election. How can anybody take that seriously?!

Now I’m all for improving the process to make it better but to make this out to be a huge thing is just not supported by the facts.
Enough to have a Judge order the Peoples State of California to remove 1.5 MILLION illegal voters from the roles.
That doesn’t prove illegal voting. It just proves that people move and die and their names don’t get taken off the rolls. They are only identifying these names from inactivity so if anything this case shows that nobody is using those names to vote. Wanna try and spin up a better argument?


Here’s What Voter Fraud Looks Like In 23 States

You Communists and the moronic hating points you depend on....
So I did a quick tally of all these investigations in those 23 states over multiple years and got around 1000 fraudulent votes. Should we sound the alarm?!

When the voter ID debates were going on, liberals would site one or two cases where people moved here from another country, or for some reason, didn't have the proper identification to get an ID, told us that every vote should count. Therefore it was good enough reason to scrap Voter-ID.

Now we are talking hundreds, thousands, and possible much more who are illegally voting thus neutralizing our legal votes, and that's no reason for alarm.
Hundreds and even thousands do not neutralize our votes. We have a president claiming that there were 3 million illegal votes cast in the last election. How can anybody take that seriously?!

Now I’m all for improving the process to make it better but to make this out to be a huge thing is just not supported by the facts.

Then you have a very weak position on elections. I believe elections are important. I believe only those who are legally allowed to vote should vote. I'm against motor-voter, I'm against mail-in-ballots unless it's a handicap situation or one totally incapable of voting, I'm against felons voting, and I'm against non-tax payers voting.

There are plenty of past elections that were so close, those illegal votes could have made a difference. If we can have such stringent measures to buy tobacco products, alcohol, get a passport, then certainly we can do the same for our election system.
That doesn’t prove illegal voting. It just proves that people move and die and their names don’t get taken off the rolls. They are only identifying these names from inactivity so if anything this case shows that nobody is using those names to vote. Wanna try and spin up a better argument?


Here’s What Voter Fraud Looks Like In 23 States

You Communists and the moronic hating points you depend on....
So I did a quick tally of all these investigations in those 23 states over multiple years and got around 1000 fraudulent votes. Should we sound the alarm?!

When the voter ID debates were going on, liberals would site one or two cases where people moved here from another country, or for some reason, didn't have the proper identification to get an ID, told us that every vote should count. Therefore it was good enough reason to scrap Voter-ID.

Now we are talking hundreds, thousands, and possible much more who are illegally voting thus neutralizing our legal votes, and that's no reason for alarm.
Hundreds and even thousands do not neutralize our votes. We have a president claiming that there were 3 million illegal votes cast in the last election. How can anybody take that seriously?!

Now I’m all for improving the process to make it better but to make this out to be a huge thing is just not supported by the facts.

Then you have a very weak position on elections. I believe elections are important. I believe only those who are legally allowed to vote should vote. I'm against motor-voter, I'm against mail-in-ballots unless it's a handicap situation or one totally incapable of voting, I'm against felons voting, and I'm against non-tax payers voting.

There are plenty of past elections that were so close, those illegal votes could have made a difference. If we can have such stringent measures to buy tobacco products, alcohol, get a passport, then certainly we can do the same for our election system.
I’m fine with with voter ID and cleaning up the rolls. I’m also fine with mail ins, and even an online system as long as it can be secure. I just think the 3 million illegal votes and other hyperbolic crap y’all spew out is dishonest and not reflective of the real situation.
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here

Tip of the iceberg....


Here’s What Voter Fraud Looks Like In 23 States

You Communists and the moronic hating points you depend on....
So I did a quick tally of all these investigations in those 23 states over multiple years and got around 1000 fraudulent votes. Should we sound the alarm?!

When the voter ID debates were going on, liberals would site one or two cases where people moved here from another country, or for some reason, didn't have the proper identification to get an ID, told us that every vote should count. Therefore it was good enough reason to scrap Voter-ID.

Now we are talking hundreds, thousands, and possible much more who are illegally voting thus neutralizing our legal votes, and that's no reason for alarm.
Hundreds and even thousands do not neutralize our votes. We have a president claiming that there were 3 million illegal votes cast in the last election. How can anybody take that seriously?!

Now I’m all for improving the process to make it better but to make this out to be a huge thing is just not supported by the facts.

Then you have a very weak position on elections. I believe elections are important. I believe only those who are legally allowed to vote should vote. I'm against motor-voter, I'm against mail-in-ballots unless it's a handicap situation or one totally incapable of voting, I'm against felons voting, and I'm against non-tax payers voting.

There are plenty of past elections that were so close, those illegal votes could have made a difference. If we can have such stringent measures to buy tobacco products, alcohol, get a passport, then certainly we can do the same for our election system.
I’m fine with with voter ID and cleaning up the rolls. I’m also fine with mail ins, and even an online system as long as it can be secure. I just think the 3 million illegal votes and other hyperbolic crap y’all spew out is dishonest and not reflective of the real situation.

That goes back to the question that if a tree falls in a woods, and nobody is around for a hundred miles, does it make a sound?

It's impossible to find all potential voter fraud. That's why insuring it doesn't happen (or get as close as we can) is the best way to prevent it. If an illegal goes to vote and is denied for whatever reason, nobody calls the cops. Nobody even knows the persons name. All they really know is a person tried to vote that legally couldn't. It doesn't go reported.

Mail in ballots are a terrible idea because you don't know who might have intercepted those ballots, therefore you don't know if the intended recipient is the one who actually returned it.
Looks like Judicial watch came up with quite a bit, and just shut you Communists down. More to come.
What exactly do you think JW came up with that proves illegal voting?

Enough to have a Judge order the Peoples State of California to remove 1.5 MILLION illegal voters from the roles.
That doesn’t prove illegal voting. It just proves that people move and die and their names don’t get taken off the rolls. They are only identifying these names from inactivity so if anything this case shows that nobody is using those names to vote. Wanna try and spin up a better argument?


Here’s What Voter Fraud Looks Like In 23 States

You Communists and the moronic hating points you depend on....
So I did a quick tally of all these investigations in those 23 states over multiple years and got around 1000 fraudulent votes. Should we sound the alarm?!

Yes, since for every one we catch there are 10,000 we don't.

It's nearly impossible to catch proxy voting, which is why you democrats fight so hard to keep voter roles from being cleaned.

BUT you just lost 1.5 million votes. A few more blows like this and suddenly you'll support the EC.
California loses against Judicial Watch and in a settlement agreement is Removing 1.5 million voters from the voter registration due to inactivity.

More details at Judicial Watch.

California Begins Massive Voter Roll Clean-Up – Notifies Up to 1.5 Million ‘Inactive’ Voters as Part of Judicial Watch Lawsuit Settlement - Judicial Watch

Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has been informed that Los Angeles County has sent notices to as many as 1.5 million inactive voters on its voter rolls. This mailing is a step toward removing the names of voters who have moved, died, or are otherwise ineligible to vote. The massive mailing is the result of a settlement agreement with Judicial Watch requiring the County to remove as many as 1.5 million inactive registrations. In addition, the California secretary of state has alerted other California counties to clean up their voter registration lists to comply with the federal National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), as the secretary promised to do in that same settlement agreement.

All of this is the result of a federal lawsuit Judicial Watch filed in 2017 to force the cleanup of Los Angeles County’s voter rolls (Judicial Watch, Inc., et al. v. Dean C. Logan, et al. (No. 2:17-cv-08948)). Judicial Watch sued on its own behalf and on behalf of Wolfgang Kupka, Rhue Guyant, Jerry Griffin, and Delores M. Mars, who are lawfully registered voters in Los Angeles County. Judicial Watch was joined in this lawsuit by Election Integrity Project California, Inc., a public interest group that has long been involved in monitoring California’s voter rolls.

Under the terms of the settlement agreement, voters who do not respond to the notices sent by the county and who do not vote in the next two federal elections must be removed from the voting rolls. Secretary Padilla also agreed to update the state’s online NVRA manual in order to make clear that ineligible names must be removed and to notify each California county that they are obliged to do this. On April 11, Secretary Padilla notified Judicial Watch that this part of the settlement agreement had been implemented.
California is disgusting.

Yes it indeed is disgusting, govenor Girly Man and all.

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