California ordered to remove 1.5 million voters from the books.

The new voting law there makes it even clearer why Judicial Watch went after them.

The new voting system will make it much easier for voter fraud there.

Nothing new here. It's California.
Yes they did.......Now any on the census determines the number of Reps to Congress.

Why that fight is not over yet.

Why should non citizens get counted on the Census when the # of Reps hangs in the balance.............and why are the left so obsessed with stopping it.

It has NOTHING TO DO DEPORTATION.....................

Be honest for once..............Speak into the microphone.

Everyone already knows the answer who has a lick of common least be HONEST ABOUT YOUR GERRYMANDERING PARTY.
Here is the honest and objective analysis... it’s very simple. We have a Right leaning Supreme Court right now. If they ruled against Trump on this census business then it was obviously unconstitutional. I really don’t see how you can argue otherwise. If you want the law changed then congress will need to change it.
They refused it do to wording on the question. Which can be re written and challenged again.

Again.......The Census determines the number of Reps in Congress........and illegals shouldn't be counted towards that total.
Well I guess that’s the debate. They aren’t voting for the Reps so the question really is, should they be counted as part of the population... they are people who are living here so technically they are populating our cities
They shouldn't be voting for anyone. They shouldn't be here in the first place. Therefore, they should not require government representation. They are populating our CITIES illegally. Of course the Dems want them represented. The biggest schism in our political profile is actually urban vs. rural. Gotta have those illegals, populating the CITIES, authorized to vote in order to overcome urban voices.
They are not officially here and therefore should not have any official representation. Send them back to the shitholes they crawled from. Let them make their own countries great again.
They aren’t voting, that’s the point
They aren't even here, officially. So why the push to provide them representation? So, assuming they aren't voting, let's legitimize their occupation in order to increase the number of representatives from that district. Let's deprive rural AMERICANS their political voice in favor of a bunch of criminal invaders who prefer congregating in urban areas. Why is asking whether they are citizens or legal residents such a bad thing?
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here
States across the country are being forced to update their voter rolls............via Legal Action.

It's the State's job to do so....................To keep it honest.

Truth the Vote has also done the same. An org targeted by the IRS under Obama.

Ho hum
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here
It's not immediately obvious, but when voters are required to respond and re-register, the frauds usually get washed out. This is a step in that direction.

But you are right. This will not do much to stop any illegal voting. It is simply forcing the election folks to keep their shit clean.

If inactive, then they are not voting. Just a clean up they should be doing anyway. Don't get why it took a lawsuit.
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here
States across the country are being forced to update their voter rolls............via Legal Action.

It's the State's job to do so....................To keep it honest.

Truth the Vote has also done the same. An org targeted by the IRS under Obama.

Ho hum
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here
It's not immediately obvious, but when voters are required to respond and re-register, the frauds usually get washed out. This is a step in that direction.

But you are right. This will not do much to stop any illegal voting. It is simply forcing the election folks to keep their shit clean.

If inactive, then they are not voting. Just a clean up they should be doing anyway. Don't get why it took a lawsuit.
They should have done that but don't. And all over the country legal actions are being done to force States to update their voter rolls.

The voter rolls in this case are 125% of the residence of Los Angeles.
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here
States across the country are being forced to update their voter rolls............via Legal Action.

It's the State's job to do so....................To keep it honest.

Truth the Vote has also done the same. An org targeted by the IRS under Obama.

Ho hum
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here
It's not immediately obvious, but when voters are required to respond and re-register, the frauds usually get washed out. This is a step in that direction.

But you are right. This will not do much to stop any illegal voting. It is simply forcing the election folks to keep their shit clean.

If inactive, then they are not voting. Just a clean up they should be doing anyway. Don't get why it took a lawsuit.
They should have done that but don't. And all over the country legal actions are being done to force States to update their voter rolls.

The voter rolls in this case are 125% of the residence of Los Angeles.
It's a start to be sure. Maybe an auto "Dont vote in 2celections you need to re-register" rule
Supreme Court's Ohio Voter Rolls Case -- Narrow Decision On Purging Voter Rolls | National Review

The Supreme Court this morning, in a 5-4 decision, upheld Ohio’s purge of the names of some inactive voters from the voter rolls. “Purging voters” sounds pretty radical, right? That’s what you’d think from the loud freakout over the decision from Democrats and liberal/progressive pundits and celebrities. The reality is much more modest, and Justice Alito’s opinion in Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute resolved only a very narrow question of federal statutory law.

The NVRA, also known as the “motor voter” law, expanded voter registration in a number of ways, but it also formally recognized the legitimate interests of states in periodically updating their lists of voters so they are limited to people actually still residing in a place where they are eligible to vote, and commanded them to do something about it:

NVRA requires States to “conduct a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove the names” of voters who are ineligible “by reason of ” death or change in residence. §20507(a)(4).

The cumulative effect of this, over time, is a large one. Justice Alito cited a study from the nonpartisan Pew Center:

It has been estimated that 24 million voter registrations in the United States — about one in eight — are either invalid or significantly inaccurate. …And about 2.75 million people are said to be registered to vote in more than one State.

The Dems have fought so hard on cleaning up voter rolls in States that they forced a Supreme Court Battle in Ohio............and LOST. Now with the Supreme Court Win.............They are losing all over the country.

Which I like.
States across the country are being forced to update their voter rolls............via Legal Action.

It's the State's job to do so....................To keep it honest.

Truth the Vote has also done the same. An org targeted by the IRS under Obama.

Ho hum
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here
It's not immediately obvious, but when voters are required to respond and re-register, the frauds usually get washed out. This is a step in that direction.

But you are right. This will not do much to stop any illegal voting. It is simply forcing the election folks to keep their shit clean.

If inactive, then they are not voting. Just a clean up they should be doing anyway. Don't get why it took a lawsuit.
They should have done that but don't. And all over the country legal actions are being done to force States to update their voter rolls.

The voter rolls in this case are 125% of the residence of Los Angeles.
It's a start to be sure. Maybe an auto "Dont vote in 2celections you need to re-register" rule
The Supreme Court agrees with you.
California loses against Judicial Watch and in a settlement agreement is Removing 1.5 million voters from the voter registration due to inactivity.

More details at Judicial Watch.

California Begins Massive Voter Roll Clean-Up – Notifies Up to 1.5 Million ‘Inactive’ Voters as Part of Judicial Watch Lawsuit Settlement - Judicial Watch

Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has been informed that Los Angeles County has sent notices to as many as 1.5 million inactive voters on its voter rolls. This mailing is a step toward removing the names of voters who have moved, died, or are otherwise ineligible to vote. The massive mailing is the result of a settlement agreement with Judicial Watch requiring the County to remove as many as 1.5 million inactive registrations. In addition, the California secretary of state has alerted other California counties to clean up their voter registration lists to comply with the federal National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), as the secretary promised to do in that same settlement agreement.

All of this is the result of a federal lawsuit Judicial Watch filed in 2017 to force the cleanup of Los Angeles County’s voter rolls (Judicial Watch, Inc., et al. v. Dean C. Logan, et al. (No. 2:17-cv-08948)). Judicial Watch sued on its own behalf and on behalf of Wolfgang Kupka, Rhue Guyant, Jerry Griffin, and Delores M. Mars, who are lawfully registered voters in Los Angeles County. Judicial Watch was joined in this lawsuit by Election Integrity Project California, Inc., a public interest group that has long been involved in monitoring California’s voter rolls.

Under the terms of the settlement agreement, voters who do not respond to the notices sent by the county and who do not vote in the next two federal elections must be removed from the voting rolls. Secretary Padilla also agreed to update the state’s online NVRA manual in order to make clear that ineligible names must be removed and to notify each California county that they are obliged to do this. On April 11, Secretary Padilla notified Judicial Watch that this part of the settlement agreement had been implemented.

Hooray for Judicial watch,yahoo!!!! bout time SOMETHING went right for patriots fighting against all the corrupt politicians we have in california.:banana::dance::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here
their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them.
sure there you get returned mail pieces from the PO with explanations of why it wasnt update your list...
More fuel to the fire.

CA Lawmakers Vote to Offer Health Insurance to Immigrants in U.S. Illegally

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to spend about $98 million a year to cover low-income immigrants between the ages of 19 and 25 who are living in the country illegally. The state Senate’s budget proposal would also add coverage for people 65 and older living in the country illegally.

The state Assembly’s bill would cover all immigrants in California living in the country illegally over the age of 19.

But Newsom has raised concern about the assembly’s bill because it is estimated to cost more than $3 billion a year.

The bill passed 44-11.

They do this as their citizens live on the streets and others are fleeing the State in mass......LUNACY,
Is Cher Onto Something? LA Is Lavishing Benefits On Illegal Immigrants, While Its Homeless Die In Record Numbers

Cher caused a bit of a stir with a recent tweet, but a study out of Kaiser Health shows she may be on to something.

While the illegal immigrant population of Los Angeles is poised to scoop up $260 million a year from the government in health benefits, members of the city’s homeless population are dying in record numbers.

I Understand Helping struggling Immigrants,but MY CITY (Los Angeles) ISNT TAKING CARE OF ITS OWN.WHAT ABOUT THE 50,000+
Citizens WHO LIVE ON THE STREETS.PPL WHO LIVE BELOW POVERTY LINE,& HUNGRY? If My State Can’t Take Care of Its Own(Many Are VETS)How Can it Take Care Of More


1:14 PM - Apr 14, 2019

Los Angeles is home to 925,000 illegal immigrants, close to half of the illegal population in California and nearly a tenth of the total illegal population of the U.S., according to the latest estimates from the Pew Research Center. In addition to already generous benefits, they stand to benefit from Democratic efforts to give all illegal immigrants living in the state access to government-funded healthcare, a plan that is expected to cost California at least $260 million a year.
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here
It's not immediately obvious, but when voters are required to respond and re-register, the frauds usually get washed out. This is a step in that direction.

But you are right. This will not do much to stop any illegal voting. It is simply forcing the election folks to keep their shit clean.

If inactive, then they are not voting. Just a clean up they should be doing anyway. Don't get why it took a lawsuit.
They should have done that but don't. And all over the country legal actions are being done to force States to update their voter rolls.

The voter rolls in this case are 125% of the residence of Los Angeles.
It's a start to be sure. Maybe an auto "Dont vote in 2celections you need to re-register" rule
The Supreme Court agrees with you.
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here
Keep those blinders double tight, Slade3200. The manure has hit the fan and you want none of it in your eye. :rolleyes:
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here
It's not immediately obvious, but when voters are required to respond and re-register, the frauds usually get washed out. This is a step in that direction.

But you are right. This will not do much to stop any illegal voting. It is simply forcing the election folks to keep their shit clean.

If inactive, then they are not voting. Just a clean up they should be doing anyway. Don't get why it took a lawsuit.
They should have done that but don't. And all over the country legal actions are being done to force States to update their voter rolls.

The voter rolls in this case are 125% of the residence of Los Angeles.
It's a start to be sure. Maybe an auto "Dont vote in 2celections you need to re-register" rule
The Supreme Court agrees with you.
And you don't lose your right to vote, just re-register n verify info.
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here
States across the country are being forced to update their voter rolls............via Legal Action.

It's the State's job to do so....................To keep it honest.

Truth the Vote has also done the same. An org targeted by the IRS under Obama.

Ho hum
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here
More blinder obfuscation and this >>> :lalala:
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here
States across the country are being forced to update their voter rolls............via Legal Action.

It's the State's job to do so....................To keep it honest.

Truth the Vote has also done the same. An org targeted by the IRS under Obama.

Ho hum
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here

This means Tramp easily wins California now duncha know!:21::21::21:
Supreme Court's Ohio Voter Rolls Case -- Narrow Decision On Purging Voter Rolls | National Review

The Supreme Court this morning, in a 5-4 decision, upheld Ohio’s purge of the names of some inactive voters from the voter rolls. “Purging voters” sounds pretty radical, right? That’s what you’d think from the loud freakout over the decision from Democrats and liberal/progressive pundits and celebrities. The reality is much more modest, and Justice Alito’s opinion in Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute resolved only a very narrow question of federal statutory law.

The NVRA, also known as the “motor voter” law, expanded voter registration in a number of ways, but it also formally recognized the legitimate interests of states in periodically updating their lists of voters so they are limited to people actually still residing in a place where they are eligible to vote, and commanded them to do something about it:

NVRA requires States to “conduct a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove the names” of voters who are ineligible “by reason of ” death or change in residence. §20507(a)(4).

The cumulative effect of this, over time, is a large one. Justice Alito cited a study from the nonpartisan Pew Center:

It has been estimated that 24 million voter registrations in the United States — about one in eight — are either invalid or significantly inaccurate. …And about 2.75 million people are said to be registered to vote in more than one State.

The Dems have fought so hard on cleaning up voter rolls in States that they forced a Supreme Court Battle in Ohio............and LOST. Now with the Supreme Court Win.............They are losing all over the country.

Which I like.

Our voter purge was badly needed and more than reasonable.

They sent several notices to citizens who haven't voted for some time. It was postage paid and all you had to do is return the card to remain on the voter roll.

After the purge, the lower court ordered them to put the names back on the list. Even if still alive, legal, and living where they always lived, Democrats realize that those voters would likely not register as a voter again. Many in the black communities only registered to vote for DumBama, and haven't voted since. If another black candidate makes it to the general election, and those blacks are no longer registered, they will likely not register again unless the black candidate is as persuasive as DumBama.
California loses against Judicial Watch and in a settlement agreement is Removing 1.5 million voters from the voter registration due to inactivity.

More details at Judicial Watch.

California Begins Massive Voter Roll Clean-Up – Notifies Up to 1.5 Million ‘Inactive’ Voters as Part of Judicial Watch Lawsuit Settlement - Judicial Watch

Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has been informed that Los Angeles County has sent notices to as many as 1.5 million inactive voters on its voter rolls. This mailing is a step toward removing the names of voters who have moved, died, or are otherwise ineligible to vote. The massive mailing is the result of a settlement agreement with Judicial Watch requiring the County to remove as many as 1.5 million inactive registrations. In addition, the California secretary of state has alerted other California counties to clean up their voter registration lists to comply with the federal National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), as the secretary promised to do in that same settlement agreement.

All of this is the result of a federal lawsuit Judicial Watch filed in 2017 to force the cleanup of Los Angeles County’s voter rolls (Judicial Watch, Inc., et al. v. Dean C. Logan, et al. (No. 2:17-cv-08948)). Judicial Watch sued on its own behalf and on behalf of Wolfgang Kupka, Rhue Guyant, Jerry Griffin, and Delores M. Mars, who are lawfully registered voters in Los Angeles County. Judicial Watch was joined in this lawsuit by Election Integrity Project California, Inc., a public interest group that has long been involved in monitoring California’s voter rolls.

Under the terms of the settlement agreement, voters who do not respond to the notices sent by the county and who do not vote in the next two federal elections must be removed from the voting rolls. Secretary Padilla also agreed to update the state’s online NVRA manual in order to make clear that ineligible names must be removed and to notify each California county that they are obliged to do this. On April 11, Secretary Padilla notified Judicial Watch that this part of the settlement agreement had been implemented.
Hey idiot. If they are inactive, it means no votes were being cast.

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