California ordered to remove 1.5 million voters from the books.

The Dept of Labor has a program for short term agriculture labor.

The Farmers there don't use it. cheaper to hire illegals. Don't follow the law.

Lawlessness in the land of Liberal OZ. Wash, rinse, spin.....dry...........repeat.

The National Farmworker Jobs Program | Employment & Training Administration (ETA) - U.S. Department of Labor

Most farmers are on the Eastern side of the state which votes more republic. So, what is your point?
I'm accusing the Democrats being low down Lyin scum..................

They don't fix their rolls for a reason. Only fix when ordered by a court.

They don't want illegals deported.

They don't want to obey the law and hire farm workers under the dept of labor program.

They want the illegals to count on the Census to get more Reps in Congress.

Face it..........the left are DIRTY.

You can be in the deep red state, but not the deep red stupid state.
This is a Free Country............Where we don't have to use political correctness to express our opinions.........If you don't like it........There's a way out......go find a thread were they care what you think.

Isn't Liberty and Freedom a Wonderful thing.....................Oh.......and now by court order the leftist in California have to clean up the books.

Boo hoo.

You know that this court action will not change votes in California.

I predict that donny grifter will receive less votes in state than he did in 2016.

No GOP can even run in the election in this Gerrymandered state anyways............

At issue is making the numbers at least honest and denying avenues of voter fraud there.
  • False registrations: Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a phony name and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live and is not entitled to vote.
  • Duplicate voting: Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same election in more than one jurisdiction or state.
These two are the easiest to accomplish with no voter ID requirement.

Most farmers are on the Eastern side of the state which votes more republic. So, what is your point?
I'm accusing the Democrats being low down Lyin scum..................

They don't fix their rolls for a reason. Only fix when ordered by a court.

They don't want illegals deported.

They don't want to obey the law and hire farm workers under the dept of labor program.

They want the illegals to count on the Census to get more Reps in Congress.

Face it..........the left are DIRTY.

You can be in the deep red state, but not the deep red stupid state.
This is a Free Country............Where we don't have to use political correctness to express our opinions.........If you don't like it........There's a way out......go find a thread were they care what you think.

Isn't Liberty and Freedom a Wonderful thing.....................Oh.......and now by court order the leftist in California have to clean up the books.

Boo hoo.

You know that this court action will not change votes in California.

I predict that donny grifter will receive less votes in state than he did in 2016.

No GOP can even run in the election in this Gerrymandered state anyways............

At issue is making the numbers at least honest and denying avenues of voter fraud there.

You better check gerrymandering and the State of California before you post crap.
Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud -

Mitchell said ACORN threatened to close the office if he and his team didn't meet their quota to register 13 to 20 voters a day. So, without consulting their supervisors, he said, they came up with a plan.

"We came up with the idea: Let's make fraudulent cards. I tell my crew, 'I don't care how you get 'em, just get 'em,' " Mitchell recalled.
Watch Mitchell explain how they created voters »

They took addresses from homeless shelters, used fake birthdays and Social Security numbers and took names from baby books to create voters out of thin air.

"Every day I'd go to the library and get a newspaper," Mitchell said. "I had one guy who'd go to the phone book. Everyone had different methods."

The secretary of state called it "the worst case of voter registration fraudin the history of the state of Washington." ACORN was fined $25,000 and ordered to improve its oversight.

The group is under investigation in 10 states for voter registration fraud, and Republican presidential candidate John McCain's campaign has accused ACORN of trying to rig the election for Democrats.
I'm accusing the Democrats being low down Lyin scum..................

They don't fix their rolls for a reason. Only fix when ordered by a court.

They don't want illegals deported.

They don't want to obey the law and hire farm workers under the dept of labor program.

They want the illegals to count on the Census to get more Reps in Congress.

Face it..........the left are DIRTY.

You can be in the deep red state, but not the deep red stupid state.
This is a Free Country............Where we don't have to use political correctness to express our opinions.........If you don't like it........There's a way out......go find a thread were they care what you think.

Isn't Liberty and Freedom a Wonderful thing.....................Oh.......and now by court order the leftist in California have to clean up the books.

Boo hoo.

You know that this court action will not change votes in California.

I predict that donny grifter will receive less votes in state than he did in 2016.

No GOP can even run in the election in this Gerrymandered state anyways............

At issue is making the numbers at least honest and denying avenues of voter fraud there.

You better check gerrymandering and the State of California before you post crap.
Baloney. It's Kramer versus Kramer voting out there now and you know it.

Not to mention your illegal population getting you more reps by being counted on the Census.
Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud -

Mitchell said ACORN threatened to close the office if he and his team didn't meet their quota to register 13 to 20 voters a day. So, without consulting their supervisors, he said, they came up with a plan.

"We came up with the idea: Let's make fraudulent cards. I tell my crew, 'I don't care how you get 'em, just get 'em,' " Mitchell recalled.
Watch Mitchell explain how they created voters »

They took addresses from homeless shelters, used fake birthdays and Social Security numbers and took names from baby books to create voters out of thin air.

"Every day I'd go to the library and get a newspaper," Mitchell said. "I had one guy who'd go to the phone book. Everyone had different methods."

The secretary of state called it "the worst case of voter registration fraudin the history of the state of Washington." ACORN was fined $25,000 and ordered to improve its oversight.

The group is under investigation in 10 states for voter registration fraud, and Republican presidential candidate John McCain's campaign has accused ACORN of trying to rig the election for Democrats.

Previous post was rated OLD.
Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud -

Mitchell said ACORN threatened to close the office if he and his team didn't meet their quota to register 13 to 20 voters a day. So, without consulting their supervisors, he said, they came up with a plan.

"We came up with the idea: Let's make fraudulent cards. I tell my crew, 'I don't care how you get 'em, just get 'em,' " Mitchell recalled.
Watch Mitchell explain how they created voters »

They took addresses from homeless shelters, used fake birthdays and Social Security numbers and took names from baby books to create voters out of thin air.

"Every day I'd go to the library and get a newspaper," Mitchell said. "I had one guy who'd go to the phone book. Everyone had different methods."

The secretary of state called it "the worst case of voter registration fraudin the history of the state of Washington." ACORN was fined $25,000 and ordered to improve its oversight.

The group is under investigation in 10 states for voter registration fraud, and Republican presidential candidate John McCain's campaign has accused ACORN of trying to rig the election for Democrats.

Previous post was rated OLD.
They were ones will take their place............Just shows the history of liberal funded group getting their butts caught.
California loses against Judicial Watch and in a settlement agreement is Removing 1.5 million voters from the voter registration due to inactivity.

More details at Judicial Watch.

California Begins Massive Voter Roll Clean-Up – Notifies Up to 1.5 Million ‘Inactive’ Voters as Part of Judicial Watch Lawsuit Settlement - Judicial Watch

Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has been informed that Los Angeles County has sent notices to as many as 1.5 million inactive voters on its voter rolls. This mailing is a step toward removing the names of voters who have moved, died, or are otherwise ineligible to vote. The massive mailing is the result of a settlement agreement with Judicial Watch requiring the County to remove as many as 1.5 million inactive registrations. In addition, the California secretary of state has alerted other California counties to clean up their voter registration lists to comply with the federal National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), as the secretary promised to do in that same settlement agreement.

All of this is the result of a federal lawsuit Judicial Watch filed in 2017 to force the cleanup of Los Angeles County’s voter rolls (Judicial Watch, Inc., et al. v. Dean C. Logan, et al. (No. 2:17-cv-08948)). Judicial Watch sued on its own behalf and on behalf of Wolfgang Kupka, Rhue Guyant, Jerry Griffin, and Delores M. Mars, who are lawfully registered voters in Los Angeles County. Judicial Watch was joined in this lawsuit by Election Integrity Project California, Inc., a public interest group that has long been involved in monitoring California’s voter rolls.

Under the terms of the settlement agreement, voters who do not respond to the notices sent by the county and who do not vote in the next two federal elections must be removed from the voting rolls. Secretary Padilla also agreed to update the state’s online NVRA manual in order to make clear that ineligible names must be removed and to notify each California county that they are obliged to do this. On April 11, Secretary Padilla notified Judicial Watch that this part of the settlement agreement had been implemented.

BFD Twice as many Illegals with drivers licenses will fill that gap
Another issue is ongoing now and it's the Census.............

Dems fighting tooth and nail not to have the citizenship question..........why would that be.

Under Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned among the states by population, as determined by the census conducted every ten years. Each state is entitled to at least one representative, however small its population.

Same reason they set up voter registration at the DMV...............Power corrupts.........and they will use any trick in the book to obtain that power. Crystal clear.
Didn’t the Supreme Court just rule against Trump on that one?
Yes they did.......Now any on the census determines the number of Reps to Congress.

Why that fight is not over yet.

Why should non citizens get counted on the Census when the # of Reps hangs in the balance.............and why are the left so obsessed with stopping it.

It has NOTHING TO DO DEPORTATION.....................

Be honest for once..............Speak into the microphone.

Everyone already knows the answer who has a lick of common least be HONEST ABOUT YOUR GERRYMANDERING PARTY.
Here is the honest and objective analysis... it’s very simple. We have a Right leaning Supreme Court right now. If they ruled against Trump on this census business then it was obviously unconstitutional. I really don’t see how you can argue otherwise. If you want the law changed then congress will need to change it.
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here
The problem is every time a State cleans up its rolls and removes names the democrats have a fit and claim voter suppression. It is a FEDERAL law to removes names.
Is that because they think it makes it harder for poor people to vote by making them reregister?
Same Statist

Same Pravda................Clean the records so this doesn't happen.

I was asking a question

How the hell is it need i'd. to cash a get on a plane......what 's the problem.

It is a line used EVERY TIME this is brought up by the left.

So PRAVDA is a correct response.

I was asking if that was the reasoning for opposition to the situation. I didn’t proclaim that it was harder.
Another issue is ongoing now and it's the Census.............

Dems fighting tooth and nail not to have the citizenship question..........why would that be.

Under Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned among the states by population, as determined by the census conducted every ten years. Each state is entitled to at least one representative, however small its population.

Same reason they set up voter registration at the DMV...............Power corrupts.........and they will use any trick in the book to obtain that power. Crystal clear.
Didn’t the Supreme Court just rule against Trump on that one?
Yes they did.......Now any on the census determines the number of Reps to Congress.

Why that fight is not over yet.

Why should non citizens get counted on the Census when the # of Reps hangs in the balance.............and why are the left so obsessed with stopping it.

It has NOTHING TO DO DEPORTATION.....................

Be honest for once..............Speak into the microphone.

Everyone already knows the answer who has a lick of common least be HONEST ABOUT YOUR GERRYMANDERING PARTY.
Here is the honest and objective analysis... it’s very simple. We have a Right leaning Supreme Court right now. If they ruled against Trump on this census business then it was obviously unconstitutional. I really don’t see how you can argue otherwise. If you want the law changed then congress will need to change it.
They refused it do to wording on the question. Which can be re written and challenged again.

Again.......The Census determines the number of Reps in Congress........and illegals shouldn't be counted towards that total.
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here
It's not immediately obvious, but when voters are required to respond and re-register, the frauds usually get washed out. This is a step in that direction.

But you are right. This will not do much to stop any illegal voting. It is simply forcing the election folks to keep their shit clean.

We are talking about taking names off that haven’t been active... this means votes were not being cast in their name... so spending time and energy removing them, which I’m totally fine with, isn’t really doing anything to curb illegal voting nor does this ruling show any evidence of illegal voting. In fact it kind of does the opposite.
Oh, I agree.

The main thing this does is remove illegals who were automatically registered when California gave them a DL. It stops illegal voting before it can begin.

Wait... illegals were registered to vote when they got DLs? This is the first I’ve heard about this.

First the poor people bullshit. Now this?

I’m asking questions because I’m not up to speed an this situation. Don’t be so defensive.
The problem is every time a State cleans up its rolls and removes names the democrats have a fit and claim voter suppression. It is a FEDERAL law to removes names.
Is that because they think it makes it harder for poor people to vote by making them reregister?
Same Statist

Same Pravda................Clean the records so this doesn't happen.

I was asking a question

How the hell is it need i'd. to cash a get on a plane......what 's the problem.

It is a line used EVERY TIME this is brought up by the left.

So PRAVDA is a correct response.

I was asking if that was the reasoning for opposition to the situation. I didn’t proclaim that it was harder.

Then why bring it up at all. You either think it's harder or it isn't. And the Dems say that is the case all the time on the Media.

It's not's just making the system HONEST. Imagine that.
Another issue is ongoing now and it's the Census.............

Dems fighting tooth and nail not to have the citizenship question..........why would that be.

Under Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned among the states by population, as determined by the census conducted every ten years. Each state is entitled to at least one representative, however small its population.

Same reason they set up voter registration at the DMV...............Power corrupts.........and they will use any trick in the book to obtain that power. Crystal clear.
Didn’t the Supreme Court just rule against Trump on that one?
Yes they did.......Now any on the census determines the number of Reps to Congress.

Why that fight is not over yet.

Why should non citizens get counted on the Census when the # of Reps hangs in the balance.............and why are the left so obsessed with stopping it.

It has NOTHING TO DO DEPORTATION.....................

Be honest for once..............Speak into the microphone.

Everyone already knows the answer who has a lick of common least be HONEST ABOUT YOUR GERRYMANDERING PARTY.
Here is the honest and objective analysis... it’s very simple. We have a Right leaning Supreme Court right now. If they ruled against Trump on this census business then it was obviously unconstitutional. I really don’t see how you can argue otherwise. If you want the law changed then congress will need to change it.

It was not unconstitutional, but they gave no compelling reason to add the question at this late date and gave no compelling reason why the question was worth the drop in response rate even they admitted would happen.
Here is the honest and objective analysis... it’s very simple. We have a Right leaning Supreme Court right now. If they ruled against Trump on this census business then it was obviously unconstitutional. I really don’t see how you can argue otherwise. If you want the law changed then congress will need to change it.
They didn't. They remanded it for further issues.


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