California ordered to remove 1.5 million voters from the books.

I’m asking questions because I’m not up to speed an this situation. Don’t be so defensive.
Sorry. I thought you were being deliberately obtuse.

California Law Will Automatically Register Drivers to Vote

California driver's license program for those here illegally surpasses 1 million drivers

So, illegals get DLs in California AND California automatically registers DL applicants to vote.

California may have put some safeguards in place since then, but that is also a recipe for fraud.

Last edited:
Another issue is ongoing now and it's the Census.............

Dems fighting tooth and nail not to have the citizenship question..........why would that be.

Under Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned among the states by population, as determined by the census conducted every ten years. Each state is entitled to at least one representative, however small its population.

Same reason they set up voter registration at the DMV...............Power corrupts.........and they will use any trick in the book to obtain that power. Crystal clear.
Didn’t the Supreme Court just rule against Trump on that one?
Yes they did.......Now any on the census determines the number of Reps to Congress.

Why that fight is not over yet.

Why should non citizens get counted on the Census when the # of Reps hangs in the balance.............and why are the left so obsessed with stopping it.

It has NOTHING TO DO DEPORTATION.....................

Be honest for once..............Speak into the microphone.

Everyone already knows the answer who has a lick of common least be HONEST ABOUT YOUR GERRYMANDERING PARTY.
Here is the honest and objective analysis... it’s very simple. We have a Right leaning Supreme Court right now. If they ruled against Trump on this census business then it was obviously unconstitutional. I really don’t see how you can argue otherwise. If you want the law changed then congress will need to change it.
They refused it do to wording on the question. Which can be re written and challenged again.

Again.......The Census determines the number of Reps in Congress........and illegals shouldn't be counted towards that total.
Well I guess that’s the debate. They aren’t voting for the Reps so the question really is, should they be counted as part of the population... they are people who are living here so technically they are populating our cities
Another issue is ongoing now and it's the Census.............

Dems fighting tooth and nail not to have the citizenship question..........why would that be.

Under Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned among the states by population, as determined by the census conducted every ten years. Each state is entitled to at least one representative, however small its population.

Same reason they set up voter registration at the DMV...............Power corrupts.........and they will use any trick in the book to obtain that power. Crystal clear.
Didn’t the Supreme Court just rule against Trump on that one?
Yes they did.......Now any on the census determines the number of Reps to Congress.

Why that fight is not over yet.

Why should non citizens get counted on the Census when the # of Reps hangs in the balance.............and why are the left so obsessed with stopping it.

It has NOTHING TO DO DEPORTATION.....................

Be honest for once..............Speak into the microphone.

Everyone already knows the answer who has a lick of common least be HONEST ABOUT YOUR GERRYMANDERING PARTY.
Here is the honest and objective analysis... it’s very simple. We have a Right leaning Supreme Court right now. If they ruled against Trump on this census business then it was obviously unconstitutional. I really don’t see how you can argue otherwise. If you want the law changed then congress will need to change it.
They refused it do to wording on the question. Which can be re written and challenged again.

Again.......The Census determines the number of Reps in Congress........and illegals shouldn't be counted towards that total.
Well I guess that’s the debate. They aren’t voting for the Reps so the question really is, should they be counted as part of the population... they are people who are living here so technically they are populating our cities
Loading up your state with millions of foreign nationals to secure more electoral votes is the epitome of fraud.

I already know which questions I will, and will not, answer on the census if this one is anything like the last. How many people live here and what are their ages, that seems reasonable. Household income, and all that other shit, is irrelevant for determining representation and things like schools. I was actually surprised when a census employee showed up at my place when I was here. Makes me suspicious about how and why they are tracking me and my movements. (I live on an off-grid homestead in Alaska, my nearest neighbors are at least a mile away.)
Is that because they think it makes it harder for poor people to vote by making them reregister?
Same Statist

Same Pravda................Clean the records so this doesn't happen.

I was asking a question

How the hell is it need i'd. to cash a get on a plane......what 's the problem.

It is a line used EVERY TIME this is brought up by the left.

So PRAVDA is a correct response.

I was asking if that was the reasoning for opposition to the situation. I didn’t proclaim that it was harder.

Then why bring it up at all. You either think it's harder or it isn't. And the Dems say that is the case all the time on the Media.

It's not's just making the system HONEST. Imagine that.

Why bring it up? Because I’m curious to see if you understand what your opponents reasoning is. I’m still learning about the situation so I don’t have an opinion yet.
Another issue is ongoing now and it's the Census.............

Dems fighting tooth and nail not to have the citizenship question..........why would that be.

Under Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned among the states by population, as determined by the census conducted every ten years. Each state is entitled to at least one representative, however small its population.

Same reason they set up voter registration at the DMV...............Power corrupts.........and they will use any trick in the book to obtain that power. Crystal clear.
Didn’t the Supreme Court just rule against Trump on that one?
Yes they did.......Now any on the census determines the number of Reps to Congress.

Why that fight is not over yet.

Why should non citizens get counted on the Census when the # of Reps hangs in the balance.............and why are the left so obsessed with stopping it.

It has NOTHING TO DO DEPORTATION.....................

Be honest for once..............Speak into the microphone.

Everyone already knows the answer who has a lick of common least be HONEST ABOUT YOUR GERRYMANDERING PARTY.
Here is the honest and objective analysis... it’s very simple. We have a Right leaning Supreme Court right now. If they ruled against Trump on this census business then it was obviously unconstitutional. I really don’t see how you can argue otherwise. If you want the law changed then congress will need to change it.
They refused it do to wording on the question. Which can be re written and challenged again.

Again.......The Census determines the number of Reps in Congress........and illegals shouldn't be counted towards that total.
Well I guess that’s the debate. They aren’t voting for the Reps so the question really is, should they be counted as part of the population... they are people who are living here so technically they are populating our cities
They shouldn't be voting for anyone. They shouldn't be here in the first place. Therefore, they should not require government representation. They are populating our CITIES illegally. Of course the Dems want them represented. The biggest schism in our political profile is actually urban vs. rural. Gotta have those illegals, populating the CITIES, authorized to vote in order to overcome urban voices.
They are not officially here and therefore should not have any official representation. Send them back to the shitholes they crawled from. Let them make their own countries great again.
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here

Two stupid people think your post ^^^ is funny.

Why Voters Could Be Removed From The Rolls

Of course We the People can never trust the Republican Party and its operatives to do the job honestly.
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here

Two stupid people think your post ^^^ is funny.

Why Voters Could Be Removed From The Rolls

Of course We the People can never trust the Republican Party and its operatives to do the job honestly.
Implying that you trust the Democrat Party and its operatives to behave honestly?
I’m asking questions because I’m not up to speed an this situation. Don’t be so defensive.
Sorry. I thought you were being deliberately obtuse.

California Law Will Automatically Register Drivers to Vote

California driver's license program for those here illegally surpasses 1 million drivers

So, illegals get DLs in California AND California automatically registers DL applicants to vote.

California may have put some safeguards in place since then, but that is also a recipe for fraud.

Thanks for the info... I did some digging and apparently the DMV voting registration process is only for verified and electable US citizens. Illegals who get their license are not automatically enrolled to vote.

FACT CHECK: Did California Pass a Law Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Vote in Federal Elections?

While it’s true that undocumented residents living in California can obtain driver’s licenses, the state has not passed any laws that also provide them the right to vote. The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when they obtain or renew their driver’s licenses, that action only applies to citizens who have already attested and/or documented an eligibility to vote.
I’m asking questions because I’m not up to speed an this situation. Don’t be so defensive.
Sorry. I thought you were being deliberately obtuse.

California Law Will Automatically Register Drivers to Vote

California driver's license program for those here illegally surpasses 1 million drivers

So, illegals get DLs in California AND California automatically registers DL applicants to vote.

California may have put some safeguards in place since then, but that is also a recipe for fraud.

Thanks for the info... I did some digging and apparently the DMV voting registration process is only for verified and electable US citizens. Illegals who get their license are not automatically enrolled to vote.

FACT CHECK: Did California Pass a Law Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Vote in Federal Elections?

While it’s true that undocumented residents living in California can obtain driver’s licenses, the state has not passed any laws that also provide them the right to vote. The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when they obtain or renew their driver’s licenses, that action only applies to citizens who have already attested and/or documented an eligibility to vote.
Yes. We saw that. Like I said, it unnecessarily creates an opportunity for fraud.

All they need to do is "attest" that they have a right to vote. Is anybody checking and verifying that they do, in fact, have a right to vote? They are not cleaning up voter rolls (until now). That's the point, and was likely the driving motive of Judicial Watch in bringing the lawsuit.

Didn’t the Supreme Court just rule against Trump on that one?
Yes they did.......Now any on the census determines the number of Reps to Congress.

Why that fight is not over yet.

Why should non citizens get counted on the Census when the # of Reps hangs in the balance.............and why are the left so obsessed with stopping it.

It has NOTHING TO DO DEPORTATION.....................

Be honest for once..............Speak into the microphone.

Everyone already knows the answer who has a lick of common least be HONEST ABOUT YOUR GERRYMANDERING PARTY.
Here is the honest and objective analysis... it’s very simple. We have a Right leaning Supreme Court right now. If they ruled against Trump on this census business then it was obviously unconstitutional. I really don’t see how you can argue otherwise. If you want the law changed then congress will need to change it.
They refused it do to wording on the question. Which can be re written and challenged again.

Again.......The Census determines the number of Reps in Congress........and illegals shouldn't be counted towards that total.
Well I guess that’s the debate. They aren’t voting for the Reps so the question really is, should they be counted as part of the population... they are people who are living here so technically they are populating our cities
Loading up your state with millions of foreign nationals to secure more electoral votes is the epitome of fraud.

What if Reps were just based off registered voters?
Didn’t the Supreme Court just rule against Trump on that one?
Yes they did.......Now any on the census determines the number of Reps to Congress.

Why that fight is not over yet.

Why should non citizens get counted on the Census when the # of Reps hangs in the balance.............and why are the left so obsessed with stopping it.

It has NOTHING TO DO DEPORTATION.....................

Be honest for once..............Speak into the microphone.

Everyone already knows the answer who has a lick of common least be HONEST ABOUT YOUR GERRYMANDERING PARTY.
Here is the honest and objective analysis... it’s very simple. We have a Right leaning Supreme Court right now. If they ruled against Trump on this census business then it was obviously unconstitutional. I really don’t see how you can argue otherwise. If you want the law changed then congress will need to change it.
They refused it do to wording on the question. Which can be re written and challenged again.

Again.......The Census determines the number of Reps in Congress........and illegals shouldn't be counted towards that total.
Well I guess that’s the debate. They aren’t voting for the Reps so the question really is, should they be counted as part of the population... they are people who are living here so technically they are populating our cities
They shouldn't be voting for anyone. They shouldn't be here in the first place. Therefore, they should not require government representation. They are populating our CITIES illegally. Of course the Dems want them represented. The biggest schism in our political profile is actually urban vs. rural. Gotta have those illegals, populating the CITIES, authorized to vote in order to overcome urban voices.
They are not officially here and therefore should not have any official representation. Send them back to the shitholes they crawled from. Let them make their own countries great again.
They aren’t voting, that’s the point
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here

Two stupid people think your post ^^^ is funny.

Why Voters Could Be Removed From The Rolls

Of course We the People can never trust the Republican Party and its operatives to do the job honestly.
Well you do have a point that Reps have been busted for suppression by the courts a few times now.
Here's what Snopes actually said:

What's True
California has implemented a law providing for the automatic voter registration of motorists who obtain or renew driver's licenses, and critics contend that the law will make it easier for non-citizens to unlawfully vote.

What's False
California has not implemented a law authorizing non-citizens to vote in federal elections.
Nobody is arguing that California passed a law authorizing non-citizens to vote. Huge strawman.

What we have argued is that the opportunity those laws create for non-citizens to vote illegally means that it MUST be happening. I would stop just short of declaring that the people who put these laws in place KNEW they were creating this serious security risk. I will just assume that they had good intentions, but are just stupid/naive people.

I’m asking questions because I’m not up to speed an this situation. Don’t be so defensive.
Sorry. I thought you were being deliberately obtuse.

California Law Will Automatically Register Drivers to Vote

California driver's license program for those here illegally surpasses 1 million drivers

So, illegals get DLs in California AND California automatically registers DL applicants to vote.

California may have put some safeguards in place since then, but that is also a recipe for fraud.

Thanks for the info... I did some digging and apparently the DMV voting registration process is only for verified and electable US citizens. Illegals who get their license are not automatically enrolled to vote.

FACT CHECK: Did California Pass a Law Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Vote in Federal Elections?

While it’s true that undocumented residents living in California can obtain driver’s licenses, the state has not passed any laws that also provide them the right to vote. The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when they obtain or renew their driver’s licenses, that action only applies to citizens who have already attested and/or documented an eligibility to vote.
Yes. We saw that. Like I said, it unnecessarily creates an opportunity for fraud.

All they need to do is "attest" that they have a right to vote. Is anybody checking and verifying that they do, in fact, have a right to vote? They are not cleaning up voter rolls (until now). That's the point, and was likely the driving motive of Judicial Watch in bringing the lawsuit.

Again, I’m totally fine with cleaning the rolls and improving our voting system. But I just don’t see how the fraud dots are being connected here. If somebody gets a license and does not verify citizenship with a birth certificate or passport then they don’t get added to the voting rolls. So what’s that next step that enables illegals to vote?
Here's what Snopes actually said:

What's True
California has implemented a law providing for the automatic voter registration of motorists who obtain or renew driver's licenses, and critics contend that the law will make it easier for non-citizens to unlawfully vote.

What's False
California has not implemented a law authorizing non-citizens to vote in federal elections.
Nobody is arguing that California passed a law authorizing non-citizens to vote. Huge strawman.

What we have argued is that the opportunity those laws create for non-citizens to vote illegally means that it MUST be happening. I would stop just short of declaring that the people who put these laws in place KNEW they were creating this serious security risk. I will just assume that they had good intentions, but are just stupid/naive people.

Keep reading down and it explains how the voter registration actually works. I pasted a snippet. I read a few other articles on it as well. Illegals get a different kinds of DL that can’t be used to register to vote and they can’t register through the dmv without proof of citizenship.
Here's what Snopes actually said:

What's True
California has implemented a law providing for the automatic voter registration of motorists who obtain or renew driver's licenses, and critics contend that the law will make it easier for non-citizens to unlawfully vote.

What's False
California has not implemented a law authorizing non-citizens to vote in federal elections.
Nobody is arguing that California passed a law authorizing non-citizens to vote. Huge strawman.

What we have argued is that the opportunity those laws create for non-citizens to vote illegally means that it MUST be happening. I would stop just short of declaring that the people who put these laws in place KNEW they were creating this serious security risk. I will just assume that they had good intentions, but are just stupid/naive people.

Keep reading down and it explains how the voter registration actually works. I pasted a snippet. I read a few other articles on it as well. Illegals get a different kinds of DL that can’t be used to register to vote and they can’t register through the dmv without proof of citizenship.
I read it all. They keep repeating the same company line. "It does not give non-citizens the right to vote."

Anytime someone repeats a strawman over and over, I automatically get suspicious. It demonstrates an attempt to evade what is clearly the real issue--non-citizens having an easy/automatic method of being registered to vote.

This is where I would have concern:
The way automatic registration works is relatively simple: Eligible citizens are registered to vote when they show up at a Department of Motor Vehicles office to obtain a driver’s license or state ID. The DMV gives the eligible voter a chance to opt out if they prefer not to register. If the person does not opt out, the DMV electronically transfers their voter registration information to the Secretary of State’s office, rather than making election officials enter data by hand from paper registration forms …
It is important to pay attention to the details herein above.

Who is checking citizenship? How?

All the person has to do is NOT opt out, and they have plausible deniability for being illegally registered.

I saw nothing in that Snopes page that makes me believe that the AB60 license holders are treated any differently when they renew a DL (they just fail to opt out and they will be automatically registered).

I am not unreasonable. I will consider any additional information you can find.

Potential voters “have to demonstrate proof of age, the vast majority of time people are showing a birth certificate or a passport, which also reflects citizenship. That’s arguably more secure than someone checking a box under penalty of perjury,” Padilla said.
I don't necessarily disagree with Pedilla that it is more secure than some online registration where a trained chimp could check the boxes. But, all they are required to do is show proof of age. THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE TIME (key words) people are showing a document that proves citizenship. We are left to assume that proof of age and proof of citizenship will be the same, but that type of citizenship proof is apparently not required. Just proof of age.

I am not saying that a huge run of voter fraud is occurring because of these laws. I am only pointing out the unnecessarily easy opportunity for it.

Here's what Snopes actually said:

What's True
California has implemented a law providing for the automatic voter registration of motorists who obtain or renew driver's licenses, and critics contend that the law will make it easier for non-citizens to unlawfully vote.

What's False
California has not implemented a law authorizing non-citizens to vote in federal elections.
Nobody is arguing that California passed a law authorizing non-citizens to vote. Huge strawman.

What we have argued is that the opportunity those laws create for non-citizens to vote illegally means that it MUST be happening. I would stop just short of declaring that the people who put these laws in place KNEW they were creating this serious security risk. I will just assume that they had good intentions, but are just stupid/naive people.

Keep reading down and it explains how the voter registration actually works. I pasted a snippet. I read a few other articles on it as well. Illegals get a different kinds of DL that can’t be used to register to vote and they can’t register through the dmv without proof of citizenship.
I read it all. They keep repeating the same company line. "It does not give non-citizens the right to vote."

Anytime someone repeats a strawman over and over, I automatically get suspicious. It demonstrates an attempt to evade what is clearly the real issue--non-citizens having an easy/automatic method of being registered to vote.

This is where I would have concern:
The way automatic registration works is relatively simple: Eligible citizens are registered to vote when they show up at a Department of Motor Vehicles office to obtain a driver’s license or state ID. The DMV gives the eligible voter a chance to opt out if they prefer not to register. If the person does not opt out, the DMV electronically transfers their voter registration information to the Secretary of State’s office, rather than making election officials enter data by hand from paper registration forms …
It is important to pay attention to the details herein above.

Who is checking citizenship? How?

All the person has to do is NOT opt out, and they have plausible deniability for being illegally registered.

I saw nothing in that Snopes page that makes me believe that the AB60 license holders are treated any differently when they renew a DL (they just fail to opt out and they will be automatically registered).

I am not unreasonable. I will consider any additional information you can find.

Potential voters “have to demonstrate proof of age, the vast majority of time people are showing a birth certificate or a passport, which also reflects citizenship. That’s arguably more secure than someone checking a box under penalty of perjury,” Padilla said.
I don't necessarily disagree with Pedilla that it is more secure than some online registration where a trained chimp could check the boxes. But, all they are required to do is show proof of age. THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE TIME (key words) people are showing a document that proves citizenship. We are left to assume that proof of age and proof of citizenship will be the same, but that type of citizenship proof is apparently not required. Just proof of age.

I am not saying that a huge run of voter fraud is occurring because of these laws. I am only pointing out the unnecessarily easy opportunity for it.

The snopes article was fact checking the claim that California gave non citizens the right to vote which is why they repeated that phrase. It don’t think it was a straw man but perhaps it wasn’t the best article for me to reference for this discussion. There are plenty others that I found today that outline the system in detail. Here:
California driver's license program for those here illegally surpasses 1 million drivers
The front of the licenses includes the phrase "Federal limits apply," and the back states: "This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits."

California residents who can show they are in the country legally are able to obtain a so-called REAL ID that does not include the same language and qualifies as a federally-approved form of identification.
Voter Fraud: Massive Illegal Voting Ahead

Los Angeles County is planning to implement the little-known California Voter’s Choice Act – Senate Bill 450 – for the 2020 election.

This bill includes the following scary provisions for California’s 58 counties:

  • An official ballot will be mailed to every registered voter (remember: you don’t have to be a U.S. citizen to register to vote in California).
  • Local polling places will be replaced with “vote centers.”
  • The paper sign-in rosters will be replaced with electronic poll books connected to the statewide voter database.
  • Election Day will be replaced by 11 days of voting.

That last provision will result in massive voter impersonation…

Over the 11-day voting period, anyone can go to a vote center anywhere in the county … give the poll worker the name and address of any registered voter … sign the electronic poll book with that person’s name … and vote.

There’s no intention of checking the signatures in the poll books at the vote centers against the signatures on file in the voter registration records.

The only way the illegal voting will be detected is if the real person whose vote was stolen shows up at a vote center later and is told, “Sorry, you’ve already voted.”

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