California ordered to remove 1.5 million voters from the books.

People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here
States across the country are being forced to update their voter rolls............via Legal Action.

It's the State's job to do so....................To keep it honest.

Truth the Vote has also done the same. An org targeted by the IRS under Obama.

Ho hum
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here
The problem is every time a State cleans up its rolls and removes names the democrats have a fit and claim voter suppression. It is a FEDERAL law to removes names.
Is that because they think it makes it harder for poor people to vote by making them reregister?
No it is required to keep the rolls accurate and remove inactive voters to avoid fraud and problems.
What kind of fraud is it avoiding? And how is it avoiding it?
Another issue is ongoing now and it's the Census.............

Dems fighting tooth and nail not to have the citizenship question..........why would that be.

Under Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned among the states by population, as determined by the census conducted every ten years. Each state is entitled to at least one representative, however small its population.

Same reason they set up voter registration at the DMV...............Power corrupts.........and they will use any trick in the book to obtain that power. Crystal clear.
Didn’t the Supreme Court just rule against Trump on that one?
Yes they did.......Now any on the census determines the number of Reps to Congress.

Why that fight is not over yet.

Why should non citizens get counted on the Census when the # of Reps hangs in the balance.............and why are the left so obsessed with stopping it.

It has NOTHING TO DO DEPORTATION.....................

Be honest for once..............Speak into the microphone.

Everyone already knows the answer who has a lick of common least be HONEST ABOUT YOUR GERRYMANDERING PARTY.
States across the country are being forced to update their voter rolls............via Legal Action.

It's the State's job to do so....................To keep it honest.

Truth the Vote has also done the same. An org targeted by the IRS under Obama.

Ho hum
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here
The problem is every time a State cleans up its rolls and removes names the democrats have a fit and claim voter suppression. It is a FEDERAL law to removes names.
Is that because they think it makes it harder for poor people to vote by making them reregister?
Same Statist

Same Pravda................Clean the records so this doesn't happen.

I was asking a question

How the hell is it need i'd. to cash a get on a plane......what 's the problem.

It is a line used EVERY TIME this is brought up by the left.

So PRAVDA is a correct response.
Unless they cut the 4 million beaners here illegally, this is a net gain for tardentia.

4 million?
Shit, we had 4 million wetbacks here 20 years ago...we have 10 million cockroaches at minimum nowadays. In many cities and communities here you couldn’t throw a rock in any direction without hitting a wetbback in the head. The place is disgusting and crawling with subhuman brown cockroaches.
States across the country are being forced to update their voter rolls............via Legal Action.

It's the State's job to do so....................To keep it honest.

Truth the Vote has also done the same. An org targeted by the IRS under Obama.

Ho hum
That’s fine, the rolls should be cleaned up and closely managed. I’m still not seeing where the stink is here
It's not immediately obvious, but when voters are required to respond and re-register, the frauds usually get washed out. This is a step in that direction.

But you are right. This will not do much to stop any illegal voting. It is simply forcing the election folks to keep their shit clean.

We are talking about taking names off that haven’t been active... this means votes were not being cast in their name... so spending time and energy removing them, which I’m totally fine with, isn’t really doing anything to curb illegal voting nor does this ruling show any evidence of illegal voting. In fact it kind of does the opposite.
Oh, I agree.

The main thing this does is remove illegals who were automatically registered when California gave them a DL. It stops illegal voting before it can begin.

Wait... illegals were registered to vote when they got DLs? This is the first I’ve heard about this.

First the poor people bullshit. Now this?

Unless they cut the 4 million beaners here illegally, this is a net gain for tardentia.

4 million?
Shit, we had 4 million wetbacks here 20 years ago...we have 10 million cockroaches at minimum nowadays. In many cities and communities here you couldn’t throw a rock in any direction without hitting a wetbback in the head. The place is disgusting and crawling with subhuman brown cockroaches.
We've been getting over a million a year for over 2 decades............

They are just Lying...............What the left is BEST AT ANYWAYS..............They know it no matter how they post and scream injustice.

They are LIARS................says all I need to know about them.
Unless they cut the 4 million beaners here illegally, this is a net gain for tardentia.

4 million?
Shit, we had 4 million wetbacks here 20 years ago...we have 10 million cockroaches at minimum nowadays. In many cities and communities here you couldn’t throw a rock in any direction without hitting a wetbback in the head. The place is disgusting and crawling with subhuman brown cockroaches.
We've been getting over a million a year for over 2 decades............

They are just Lying...............What the left is BEST AT ANYWAYS..............They know it no matter how they post and scream injustice.

They are LIARS................says all I need to know about them.
Let's be fair.

A bunch of GOP asswipes are also for unmitigated illegal invasion.

Verify: Are half of California farmworkers undocumented?

Lawmakers are searching for solutions amid an agricultural labor shortage crippling California farms.

A bill titled the Agricultural Worker Program Act, introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, among others, would seek to curtail deportations of undocumented farm workers by granting them a path to citizenship.

“Nine of 10 California farmworkers are immigrants. At least five in 10 are undocumented,” Feinstein tweetedwhen discussing the bill.

Regardless of the specifics, however, Feinstein’s assessment that the majority of California agricultural workers are immigrants is accurate.

That is from Feinstein..........admitting the issue in Farm Labor...........which should be sufficient for the leftist Brigade here.
Unless they cut the 4 million beaners here illegally, this is a net gain for tardentia.

4 million?
Shit, we had 4 million wetbacks here 20 years ago...we have 10 million cockroaches at minimum nowadays. In many cities and communities here you couldn’t throw a rock in any direction without hitting a wetbback in the head. The place is disgusting and crawling with subhuman brown cockroaches.
We've been getting over a million a year for over 2 decades............

They are just Lying...............What the left is BEST AT ANYWAYS..............They know it no matter how they post and scream injustice.

They are LIARS................says all I need to know about them.
Let's be fair.

A bunch of GOP asswipes are also for unmitigated illegal invasion.

Chamber of Commerce bank rolls them. Yes we are in agreement there.
IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes

Instead, we have the top dog at the IRS, the IRS Commissioner himself, admitting that, well, there’s a problem with illegal immigrants and taxes. In fact, the top IRS official this time wasn’t talking about how the IRS wipes some hard drives or can’t find emails. He wasn’t even asking for a bigger budget to give bonuses to IRS employees.

t wasn't put exactly that way. According to Senator Coats:

What we learned is that ... the IRS continues to process tax returns with false W-2 information and issue refunds as if they were routine tax returns, and say that's not really our job. We also learned the IRS ignores notifications from the Social Security Administration that a name does not match a Social Security number, and you use your own system to determine whether a number is valid."

Commissioner Koskinen was asked to explain this. He suggested that as long as the information is being used only to fraudulently obtain jobs, the IRS was OK with it. In fact, he said that the IRS actually had an interest in helping the illegal immigrants to crook these rules. In fairness, perhaps it's just the 'that's not my department' response that abounds in big government. Perhaps this just isn't the IRS's problem, but it sure seems odd to have any agency chief encouraging illegal immigrant theft of SSNs.
Another issue is ongoing now and it's the Census.............

Dems fighting tooth and nail not to have the citizenship question..........why would that be.

Under Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned among the states by population, as determined by the census conducted every ten years. Each state is entitled to at least one representative, however small its population.

Same reason they set up voter registration at the DMV...............Power corrupts.........and they will use any trick in the book to obtain that power. Crystal clear.

Apparently USMB is your news Trump conceded yesterday to no citizenship question.
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here
States across the country are being forced to update their voter rolls............via Legal Action.

It's the State's job to do so....................To keep it honest.

Truth the Vote has also done the same. An org targeted by the IRS under Obama.

Ho hum

I don't think people should have to affirm their right not to vote in elections.
A bill titled the Agricultural Worker Program Act, introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, among others, would seek to curtail deportations of undocumented farm workers by granting them a path to citizenship.
I would let them stay, but citizenship is OFF THE TABLE.

Or, they can go home and get in line like the rest of humanity.

Yet they cost this country a lot of dang money. Strapping many states with the financial problems of it.
Another issue is ongoing now and it's the Census.............

Dems fighting tooth and nail not to have the citizenship question..........why would that be.

Under Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned among the states by population, as determined by the census conducted every ten years. Each state is entitled to at least one representative, however small its population.

Same reason they set up voter registration at the DMV...............Power corrupts.........and they will use any trick in the book to obtain that power. Crystal clear.

Apparently USMB is your news Trump conceded yesterday to no citizenship question.
Perhaps and perhaps not.

Perhaps it goes to round 2 reworded.
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here
It is a recipe for fraud.
People die and people move and their names stay on the rolls because there is no good system to remove them. This doesn’t mean that illegal votes are being cast like Trump has implied. I’m not seeing what the big deal is here
States across the country are being forced to update their voter rolls............via Legal Action.

It's the State's job to do so....................To keep it honest.

Truth the Vote has also done the same. An org targeted by the IRS under Obama.

Ho hum

I don't think people should have to affirm their right not to vote in elections.
Are they even there anymore. Most of the time these people on the rolls are no longer even in the state. Or they are dead. They should be removed and should answer a letter..........saying yeah ........I still live here and I'm not dead yet.

Verify: Are half of California farmworkers undocumented?

Lawmakers are searching for solutions amid an agricultural labor shortage crippling California farms.

A bill titled the Agricultural Worker Program Act, introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, among others, would seek to curtail deportations of undocumented farm workers by granting them a path to citizenship.

“Nine of 10 California farmworkers are immigrants. At least five in 10 are undocumented,” Feinstein tweetedwhen discussing the bill.

Regardless of the specifics, however, Feinstein’s assessment that the majority of California agricultural workers are immigrants is accurate.

That is from Feinstein..........admitting the issue in Farm Labor...........which should be sufficient for the leftist Brigade here.
If there are so many honest, employment-seeking illegals flooding this country, particularly CA, why is there a farmworker shortage there? Could it possibly be that these "honest, hard-working" folk are more than happy to sit on their asses with their paws out, accepting taxpayer largesse?
What we learned is that ... the IRS continues to process tax returns with false W-2 information and issue refunds as if they were routine tax returns, and say that's not really our job. "
I don't have a problem with people doing that shit to actually PAY taxes. Getting EIC on the other hand....

We also learned the IRS ignores notifications from the Social Security Administration that a name does not match a Social Security number, and you use your own system to determine whether a number is valid.
This is where I have a problem.

That is a fucking lie.

They only do that when the filer appears to be illegal. I got one digit of my daughter's SS number wrong 2 years ago and they denied my child credit and dependency. I spent 3 months correcting the problem...because I am legit.

Verify: Are half of California farmworkers undocumented?

Lawmakers are searching for solutions amid an agricultural labor shortage crippling California farms.

A bill titled the Agricultural Worker Program Act, introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, among others, would seek to curtail deportations of undocumented farm workers by granting them a path to citizenship.

“Nine of 10 California farmworkers are immigrants. At least five in 10 are undocumented,” Feinstein tweetedwhen discussing the bill.

Regardless of the specifics, however, Feinstein’s assessment that the majority of California agricultural workers are immigrants is accurate.

That is from Feinstein..........admitting the issue in Farm Labor...........which should be sufficient for the leftist Brigade here.
If there are so many honest, employment-seeking illegals flooding this country, particularly CA, why is there a farmworker shortage there? Could it possibly be that these "honest, hard-working" folk are more than happy to sit on their asses with their paws out, accepting taxpayer largesse?
The Dept of Labor has a program for short term agriculture labor.

The Farmers there don't use it. cheaper to hire illegals. Don't follow the law.

Lawlessness in the land of Liberal OZ. Wash, rinse, spin.....dry...........repeat.
The National Farmworker Jobs Program | Employment & Training Administration (ETA) - U.S. Department of Labor

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