California senator defends illegals obtaining fake IDs to stay here


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
He doesn't think they should be deported despite having false Social Security cards (or ones stolen from actual citizens, which happens a lot), false identification (or stolen identities, which also happens a lot), false driver's licenses, and false green cards. He says they need them to be able to stay and work here. You'd think they have a right to break our immigration laws and our laws regarding stealing identities or having fake IDs. His only concern is that they could be deported if not for sanctuary cities harboring them.

"I can tell you half of my family would be eligible for deportation under the executive order, because if they got a false Social Security card, if they got a false identification, if they got a false driver’s license prior to us passing AB60 (the sanctuary state bill), if they got a false green card, and anyone who has family members, you know, who are undocumented knows that almost entirely everybody has secured some sort of false identification,” he said in the video posted to YouTube. “That’s what you need to survive, to work. They are eligible for massive deportation.”

Outraged citizens call for Cali senator to go to jail after he admits 'half of my family' is in America illegally
If you are here illegally you need to leave and come back legally, just like every other country makes you come in legally.. The guy is stupid.

Those who are here illegally need to leave, and not come back. Allowing them back is an unwarranted insult to those who came here legally.

I disagree, unless of coarse they broke the law in some way...
They commit their first crime when they come into the Country Illegally.

Then they commit another crime...a Fraud against the fraudulently obtaining the documentation to pretend they are Citizens...instead of an Illegal Alien.

This Ass in California has admitted they commit two crimes.

And, who doubts that many, or most, commit the third crime (Fraudulently obtaining Welfare Benefits reserved for United States Citizens); and fourth, the crime of Voting while not eligible.

So, millions of people in California are Felons who should be deported, but they have teamed up with the ample supply of Loons already out form a Majority...which is basically in favor of Felonies and Open Borders; that is, American Tax Payers supporting Mexican Citizens...while they vote in our country to undermine the system that is supporting them.
They commit their first crime when they come into the Country Illegally.

Then they commit another crime...a Fraud against the fraudulently obtaining the documentation to pretend they are Citizens...instead of an Illegal Alien.

This Ass in California has admitted they commit two crimes.

And, who doubts that many, or most, commit the third crime (Fraudulently obtaining Welfare Benefits reserved for United States Citizens); and fourth, the crime of Voting while not eligible.

So, millions of people in California are Felons who should be deported, but they have teamed up with the ample supply of Loons already out form a Majority...which is basically in favor of Felonies and Open Borders; that is, American Tax Payers supporting Mexican Citizens...while they vote in our country to undermine the system that is supporting them.

Well, I do agree with you on that...

This is why Trump got the support of many on the left for this very reason...These far lefts are just as crazy as the far right loonies.
It's not hard to see why we have so many illegal aliens here. They know that they just need to get here (a process that has been made as easy as possible) and that politicians will pander to them. Sanctuary cities will protect them. They were bold enough to ask about voting and whether they would get caught. Yes, they'll do anything they can get away with and that means obtaining false ID and in many cases, stealing the identities of citizens. They will vote for those who promise to let them stay.

When a politician admits that he is aware of his own family breaking numerous laws and yet still wants to protect them, he is unfit for office.

Obama set the tone for dealing with illegal immigration. His idea of addressing it was to encourage more of it by rewarding anyone who is guilty of it.
Those who are here illegally need to leave, and not come back. Allowing them back is an unwarranted insult to those who came here legally.

I disagree, unless of coarse [sic] they broke the law in some way...

They commit their first crime when they come into the Country Illegally.

Then they commit another crime...a Fraud against the fraudulently obtaining the documentation to pretend they are Citizens...instead of an Illegal Alien.

This Ass in California has admitted they commit two crimes.

I would bet that if he were properly investigated, it would be found that he has been a willing and active accessory to some of these crimes, and that he belongs in prison for them.
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This Cali Senator is a moron. He publically admitted his relatives are here illegally and the have SS cards.

These idiots are their own worst enemies.

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