California, the promise land

Yes. Americans need to see more pie charts to get a snapshot of the pathology.
The obsession of trump's cult about California is concerning. I live in LA and except some spots that were there always I have no idea where you guys get your alternative facts.
Those homeless people the majority of them are white, have mental issues, most are not even Californians, some are veterans.
Keep on telling yourself that every street in LA is like what FOX tells you if it makes you feel better

You can see the racism of the left spilling out. "the majority are white". What does that have to do with anything?

If they have mental issues, wouldn't one of the most wealthy cities in the union, in fact one of the most wealthy in the world, be tasked with helping them?

Not sure what being a veteran has to do with anything. Just more excuses for failure I guess. "Well they are vets, so it's not our fault our left-wing city sucks!".

I haven't seen this on Fox News yet. I just see the videos on twitter and youtube. Are you saying they are all fabricated?
It is a fact that in LA most of the beggars and homeless I see with my own are all the 20 years I have been here I can safely say that Latinos foe example who are the majority rarely beg. I say this to the racist trump cult.

And yes the propaganda you see is not real...come down to California to see for your eyes. Are there homeless, crackheads ...? it epidemic? Not at all.

The state is booming like crazy, I see projects everywhere, real estate exploded for the last 10 years...also you you name it California outpaced the US in ( job creation, GDP growth rate, exports, etc....)

Without California and some other blue states the US would look like Tajikistan.

That's my point. When I see a homeless beggar, I see a homeless beggar. It never would occur to me to check their race, because it doesn't matter. it's a person that is homeless on the street. They are not more important, or less important, than any other person, because of their skin color. Only racists people, first want to check their race, before they determine if they are important or not.

in all the 20 years I have been here I can safely say that Latinos foe example who are the majority rarely beg. I say this to the racist trump cult.

Dude... you brought up race, not me. You are the racists between us.

And yes the propaganda you see is not real...come down to California to see for your eyes. Are there homeless, crackheads ...? it epidemic? Not at all.

So I have dozens of people here in Ohio, that escaped California. We have had 3 different companies that specifically opened operations here in Ohio, to escape California.

All of those people, all of them, have had similar horror stories about California.

And when you combine that with videos, and news reports, and everything else spilling out of California, that matches perfectly with the people who have moved here from California....

I'm pretty confident that I have an accurate view of the problems there.

Without California and some other blue states the US would look like Tajikistan.

I would be more than ecstatic to test that theory.

I actually think some of the support given to states is doing more harm than good.

The democrat Party hates Western Civilization, now more than ever

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