California’s new solar power plant is actually a death ray that’s incinerating birds mid-flight


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
California's new solar power plant is actually a death ray that's incinerating birds mid-flight - ExtremeTech
What spans 1,600 hectares, cost $2.2 billion to build, and potentially fries hundreds of thousands of birds per year? The new BrightSource solar power plant in California’s Mojave Dessert. The plant, which uses some 350,000 garage-door-sized mirrors to focus sunlight on three boiler towers, also acts as a death ray, instantly igniting and killing any wildlife that happen to fly through the intense beam of light. Wildlife officials are concerned that this concentrated solar power plant, and others like it, could turn into “mega-trap” that decimates the ecosystem — first attracting insects, and then attracting birds that eat insects. BrightSource, in the mean time, is forging ahead with an even larger solar power plant that officials say could kill four times as many birds. Won’t somebody stop these not-so-green nature-killing maniacs?


Oh look the brainy scientist are so smart, using some bs based of money ,and oh those millionaires wouldn't want to tell you it's a fk up because imagine how the billions they'd lose in stocks. That money is more important than the health of their peasants.

Science is never wrong they know everything .
And it costs 6X per KWhr.......nope, I am not going after the link.

Maybe we can strap Fenton onto an hang-glider. He lives out there.
Now they want to put giant floating wind turbine towers hundreds of feet high off the coast of California. Can anyone imagine the maintenance costs per year? That alone would dwarf any benefit. Not to mention if one broke loose and washed ashore taking out some starlets beach house.
Now they want to put giant floating wind turbine towers hundreds of feet high off the coast of California. Can anyone imagine the maintenance costs per year? That alone would dwarf any benefit. Not to mention if one broke loose and washed ashore taking out some starlets beach house.

I hear those are real bad, they are killing farm animals too, They will keep shoving this under the rug , calling it a conspiracy because once again the big stock holding pricks will pay off people etc, etc ..........
I mean common sense would tell most people it unbalances the natural occurrences of everything .......

Some people even claim seizures, some ended up with heart issues. I'll see if I can find that video.
Now they want to put giant floating wind turbine towers hundreds of feet high off the coast of California. Can anyone imagine the maintenance costs per year? That alone would dwarf any benefit. Not to mention if one broke loose and washed ashore taking out some starlets beach house.

In this exclusive report, Infowars reporter Millie Weaver exposes the explicit fraud, deception and outright criminality behind wind energy and how it may be used to run rural communities off their properties as part of a major land grab effort in concert with Agenda 21.

Millie Weaver starts off asking people who live and work in Kansas City, KS what they know about green energy and industrial wind farms.

Not surprising, city people virtue signal their liberal support for industrial wind energy, dogmatizing it as a viable solution to the alleged problem of “climate change” without much thought.

However, when asked how much energy wind farms produce, what they know about impacts on birds, bats, the environment and human health, most city people appear to be clueless.

Weaver then goes to a small town where a local florist has noticed a significant increase in funerals for people who live outside town in close proximity to the wind farm.

Weaver then journeys to El Paso County, Colorado giving us an insiders ...........

EXCLUSIVE: Wind Energy War On The High Plains
Are these brutes in high places in government, going to be happy when they liquidate all animal life on earth?

Will they then next go on liquidating human beings?

May they burn in eternal fire.
Now they want to put giant floating wind turbine towers hundreds of feet high off the coast of California. Can anyone imagine the maintenance costs per year? That alone would dwarf any benefit. Not to mention if one broke loose and washed ashore taking out some starlets beach house.

In this exclusive report, Infowars reporter Millie Weaver exposes the explicit fraud, deception and outright criminality behind wind energy and how it may be used to run rural communities off their properties as part of a major land grab effort in concert with Agenda 21.

Millie Weaver starts off asking people who live and work in Kansas City, KS what they know about green energy and industrial wind farms.

Not surprising, city people virtue signal their liberal support for industrial wind energy, dogmatizing it as a viable solution to the alleged problem of “climate change” without much thought.

However, when asked how much energy wind farms produce, what they know about impacts on birds, bats, the environment and human health, most city people appear to be clueless.

Weaver then goes to a small town where a local florist has noticed a significant increase in funerals for people who live outside town in close proximity to the wind farm.

Weaver then journeys to El Paso County, Colorado giving us an insiders ...........

EXCLUSIVE: Wind Energy War On The High Plains

Now they want to put giant floating wind turbine towers hundreds of feet high off the coast of California. Can anyone imagine the maintenance costs per year? That alone would dwarf any benefit. Not to mention if one broke loose and washed ashore taking out some starlets beach house.

In this exclusive report, Infowars reporter Millie Weaver exposes the explicit fraud, deception and outright criminality behind wind energy and how it may be used to run rural communities off their properties as part of a major land grab effort in concert with Agenda 21.

Millie Weaver starts off asking people who live and work in Kansas City, KS what they know about green energy and industrial wind farms.

Not surprising, city people virtue signal their liberal support for industrial wind energy, dogmatizing it as a viable solution to the alleged problem of “climate change” without much thought.

However, when asked how much energy wind farms produce, what they know about impacts on birds, bats, the environment and human health, most city people appear to be clueless.

Weaver then goes to a small town where a local florist has noticed a significant increase in funerals for people who live outside town in close proximity to the wind farm.

Weaver then journeys to El Paso County, Colorado giving us an insiders ...........

EXCLUSIVE: Wind Energy War On The High Plains

Did you see the 2nd video?
Site just one dire prediction that has materialized due to "Man Caused Climate Change" Just one. We are not under water on the coast, we still have an abundance of polar bears. We are not losing islands. Hurricane and tornadic events are "normal" the only real change is the size of Al Gores bank account. Stop the hysteria. Don't be so gullible to think that mankind can destroy the planet. It's patently absurd.
California's new solar power plant is actually a death ray that's incinerating birds mid-flight - ExtremeTech
What spans 1,600 hectares, cost $2.2 billion to build, and potentially fries hundreds of thousands of birds per year? The new BrightSource solar power plant in California’s Mojave Dessert. The plant, which uses some 350,000 garage-door-sized mirrors to focus sunlight on three boiler towers, also acts as a death ray, instantly igniting and killing any wildlife that happen to fly through the intense beam of light. Wildlife officials are concerned that this concentrated solar power plant, and others like it, could turn into “mega-trap” that decimates the ecosystem — first attracting insects, and then attracting birds that eat insects. BrightSource, in the mean time, is forging ahead with an even larger solar power plant that officials say could kill four times as many birds. Won’t somebody stop these not-so-green nature-killing maniacs?


Oh look the brainy scientist are so smart, using some bs based of money ,and oh those millionaires wouldn't want to tell you it's a fk up because imagine how the billions they'd lose in stocks. That money is more important than the health of their peasants.

Science is never wrong they know everything .
they don't know everything,

but they are problem solvers....

And it seems like they could create some sort of bird whistle like a deer whistle that surrounds the plant or some kind of invisible electrical fence that could steer the birds away from the frying area???
Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.
Now they want to put giant floating wind turbine towers hundreds of feet high off the coast of California. Can anyone imagine the maintenance costs per year? That alone would dwarf any benefit. Not to mention if one broke loose and washed ashore taking out some starlets beach house.

In this exclusive report, Infowars reporter Millie Weaver exposes the explicit fraud, deception and outright criminality behind wind energy and how it may be used to run rural communities off their properties as part of a major land grab effort in concert with Agenda 21.

Millie Weaver starts off asking people who live and work in Kansas City, KS what they know about green energy and industrial wind farms.

Not surprising, city people virtue signal their liberal support for industrial wind energy, dogmatizing it as a viable solution to the alleged problem of “climate change” without much thought.

However, when asked how much energy wind farms produce, what they know about impacts on birds, bats, the environment and human health, most city people appear to be clueless.

Weaver then goes to a small town where a local florist has noticed a significant increase in funerals for people who live outside town in close proximity to the wind farm.

Weaver then journeys to El Paso County, Colorado giving us an insiders ...........

EXCLUSIVE: Wind Energy War On The High Plains

Did you see the 2nd video?

Site just one dire prediction that has materialized due to "Man Caused Climate Change" Just one. We are not under water on the coast, we still have an abundance of polar bears. We are not losing islands. Hurricane and tornadic events are "normal" the only real change is the size of Al Gores bank account. Stop the hysteria. Don't be so gullible to think that mankind can destroy the planet. It's patently absurd.


Brain scans show that even infrasound as low as 8hz – a whole octave below the traditional cut off point for human hearing – is still being picked up by the primary auditory cortex, the part of the brain which translates sounds into meaning.


Wind turbines may trigger danger response in brain
Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.

Very lovely

Wind turbines can also cause actual bodily harm, both to humans and wildlife, in areas around installation sites. From a distance, the blades seem to move slowly but the tip speed on these turbines can approach 200 miles per hour, creating deadly obstacles for birds. Birds of prey are particularly vulnerable since they hunt in open plains where visibility is high. One particularly highly publicized wind farm, Altamont Pass in California, has been a lightning rod of controversy because of the impact poor planning has had on the bird population. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, as many as 1,300 eagles, falcons, hawks and other predatory species are killed each year because the wind turbines were constructed along a critical migration route.

Are there any risks associated with the production of wind energy?
Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.

Very lovely
Very true. Kill off every other being on this planet so we can procreate some more. Thats what it amounts to.

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