Call for boycott of the rose bowl parade

You can't be too careful with a boy that age. Gays are actively recruiting boys to play for their team. Football is a safe bet. You just have to explain away the QB having his hands in the centers crotch. Broadway shows are off limits, so is watching A&E
I suggest a steady diet of Chick-filet to keep the gay away
major bump!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
I realize the sarcasm involved here, however RW is right in this case. I am very careful with my son, and have taught him well, just like my father did with me. This combined with his Sunday school classes, and he is quite familiar on how to put his faith to good use. He's courteous and respectful with everyone he meets, no exceptions, however when it comes to participating in activities that are in conflict with his faith, he knows when to decline.

Well done Jughead. I can say the same for my two sons as well.
I realize the sarcasm involved here, however RW is right in this case. I am very careful with my son, and have taught him well, just like my father did with me. This combined with his Sunday school classes, and he is quite familiar on how to put his faith to good use. He's courteous and respectful with everyone he meets, no exceptions, however when it comes to participating in activities that are in conflict with his faith, he knows when to decline.
really? RW just handed you your philosophical ass.
obviously you don't understand sarcasm...
you protection of your son is doing far more harm then you seem to realize or you want him to be xenophobic, homophobic, superstitious and compassionless.

LOL good grief

You're quite the Christaphobe aren't you?

See, we can make up stupid words that don't even mean what they are supposed to mean to.

NO ONE is scared of gays.

Here's an idea. Why don't YOU worry about how YOU raise YOUR son, and let ME worry about how I raise MINE?
false! not a christapobe (speaking of stupid made up words)
the words I used are correct and in context....

xen·o·pho·bic [zen-uh-foh-bik, zee-nuh‐] Show IPA
unreasonably fearful of or hating anyone or anything foreign or strange.
ho·mo·pho·bic[ hmə fṓbik ]
having irrational hatred of homosexuality: showing an irrational hatred, disapproval, or fear of homosexuality, gay and lesbian people, or their culture

su·per·sti·tious[ spər stíshəss ]
believing in superstitions: convinced that performing or not performing specific actions brings good or bad luck, that some events or phenomena are omens, and, generally, fearfully believing in a supernatural dimension to events
based on irrational belief: based on a false or irrational belief in, or fear of, the supernatural

compassionless adjective

having or showing a lack of sympathy or tender feelings <shocked by the mother's compassionless treatment of her autistic child...
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Well the butt fuckers just got bitch slapped for being a little too aggressive with their militant, shut anybody and everybody up that disagrees with them, bull shit. So, I guess since they have a state full of libtard progressive coddlers and enablers in kullyfornia, so it's time to shove some more of their disgusting, perverted faggot life in your face.

No, I won't watch the parade. Wasn't planning to in the first place, but sure won't now.
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major bump!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
I realize the sarcasm involved here, however RW is right in this case. I am very careful with my son, and have taught him well, just like my father did with me. This combined with his Sunday school classes, and he is quite familiar on how to put his faith to good use. He's courteous and respectful with everyone he meets, no exceptions, however when it comes to participating in activities that are in conflict with his faith, he knows when to decline.

Well done Jughead. I can say the same for my two sons as well.

Do they ever say "fabulous", when describing something? If they did they might have caught the gay. You gotta watch out for these things or they'll sneek up on ya.
really? RW just handed you your philosophical ass.
obviously you don't understand sarcasm...
you protection of your son is doing far more harm then you seem to realize or you want him to be xenophobic, homophobic, superstitious and compassionless.

LOL good grief

You're quite the Christaphobe aren't you?

See, we can make up stupid words that don't even mean what they are supposed to mean to.

NO ONE is scared of gays.

Here's an idea. Why don't YOU worry about how YOU raise YOUR son, and let ME worry about how I raise MINE?
false! not a christapobe (speaking of stupid made up words)
the words I used are correct and in context....

so, xenophobe and homohobe are good solid words, but Christaphobe is not. You really want to run with that?

You do realize that Phobe refers to fear, not dislike right?

No one fears people who aren't of the same race of them, or someone who is gay.

By the way, technically speaking homophobia would be the fear of humans anyway, not the fear of homosexual humans.

I know pop culture and empty heads have confused the terms lately, but a phobia is a fear. Not a dislike, not a discomfort, not a feeling that someone else is less than you are, but a FEAR.

NO ONE fears gays. PERIOD.

And of course you missed my point of using the term Christaphobe anyway, proving you're just not that smart. ANY use of the word phobia for anything other than a FEAR is stupid.
Well the butt fuckers just got bitch slapped for being a little too aggressive with their militant, shut anybody and everybody up that disagrees with them up, bull shit. So, I guess since they have a state full of libtard progressive coddlers and enablers in kullyfornia, it's time to shove some more of their disgusting, perverted faggot life in your face.

No, I won't watch the parade. Wasn't planning to in the first place, but sure won't now.
wake up Dorthy!..... wake up!
Do they ever say "fabulous", when describing something?

They did when I told them that the gay lobby had just suffered a serious defeat and that Phil was back on one of their favorite shows. But it was more like fabulous with a capitol F and and exclamation point on the end. Like this.


Does that count?
I realize the sarcasm involved here, however RW is right in this case. I am very careful with my son, and have taught him well, just like my father did with me. This combined with his Sunday school classes, and he is quite familiar on how to put his faith to good use. He's courteous and respectful with everyone he meets, no exceptions, however when it comes to participating in activities that are in conflict with his faith, he knows when to decline.

Well done Jughead. I can say the same for my two sons as well.

Do they ever say "fabulous", when describing something? If they did they might have caught the gay. You gotta watch out for these things or they'll sneek up on ya.
My son uses "swell" a lot. I still don't see what describing something my son says or anyone's son for that matter has to do with the topic here. We're straying way off topic.
LOL good grief

You're quite the Christaphobe aren't you?

See, we can make up stupid words that don't even mean what they are supposed to mean to.

NO ONE is scared of gays.

Here's an idea. Why don't YOU worry about how YOU raise YOUR son, and let ME worry about how I raise MINE?
false! not a christapobe (speaking of stupid made up words)
the words I used are correct and in context....

so, xenophobe and homohobe are good solid words, but Christaphobe is not. You really want to run with that?

You do realize that Phobe refers to fear, not dislike right?

No one fears people who aren't of the same race of them, or someone who is gay.

By the way, technically speaking homophobia would be the fear of humans anyway, not the fear of homosexual humans.

I know pop culture and empty heads have confused the terms lately, but a phobia is a fear. Not a dislike, not a discomfort, not a feeling that someone else is less than you are, but a FEAR.

NO ONE fears gays. PERIOD.

And of course you missed my point of using the term Christaphobe anyway, proving you're just not that smart. ANY use of the word phobia for anything other than a FEAR is stupid.
fear and hate are closely related ....and your answers are a rationalizing of that fear and hate...gotta give you some points for spin..
didn't miss your point as there was none.
Do they ever say "fabulous", when describing something?

They did when I told them that the gay lobby had just suffered a serious defeat and that Phil was back on one of their favorite shows. But it was more like fabulous with a capitol F and and exclamation point on the end. Like this.


Does that count?

O My God, that's the first sign. Do they have any facial cremes or hair Gell? If one of them is infected you need to stay away or you might catch the gay too.
Do they ever say "fabulous", when describing something?

They did when I told them that the gay lobby had just suffered a serious defeat and that Phil was back on one of their favorite shows. But it was more like fabulous with a capitol F and and exclamation point on the end. Like this.


Does that count?
sorry to burst your bubble but there was no defeat. Robertson was exposed for what he is and that genie can't be put back in the bottle..
btw the whole incident is /was a nontroversy it did however give the show a shit load of free advertising and in tv land that = money and that's all that matters.....suckers!
Do they ever say "fabulous", when describing something?

They did when I told them that the gay lobby had just suffered a serious defeat and that Phil was back on one of their favorite shows. But it was more like fabulous with a capitol F and and exclamation point on the end. Like this.


Does that count?

O My God, that's the first sign. Do they have any facial cremes or hair Gell? If one of them is infected you need to stay away or you might catch the gay too.
also if they show an unnatural interest in Broadway musicals or interior decorating it's already too late!
Well the butt fuckers just got bitch slapped for being a little too aggressive with their militant, shut anybody and everybody up that disagrees with them, bull shit. So, I guess since they have a state full of libtard progressive coddlers and enablers in kullyfornia, so it's time to shove some more of their disgusting, perverted faggot life in your face.

No, I won't watch the parade. Wasn't planning to in the first place, but sure won't now.

Your posts are so ghey.
Do they ever say "fabulous", when describing something?

They did when I told them that the gay lobby had just suffered a serious defeat and that Phil was back on one of their favorite shows. But it was more like fabulous with a capitol F and and exclamation point on the end. Like this.


Does that count?

O My God, that's the first sign. Do they have any facial cremes or hair Gell? If one of them is infected you need to stay away or you might catch the gay too.
We're straying way off topic, this discussion is not appropriate for the topic at hand.
They did when I told them that the gay lobby had just suffered a serious defeat and that Phil was back on one of their favorite shows. But it was more like fabulous with a capitol F and and exclamation point on the end. Like this.


Does that count?

O My God, that's the first sign. Do they have any facial cremes or hair Gell? If one of them is infected you need to stay away or you might catch the gay too.
We're straying way off topic, this discussion is not appropriate for the topic at hand.
SURE IT IS, From your pov you and your son watching the rose parade is tantamount to seeing a gay sex show....
O My God, that's the first sign. Do they have any facial cremes or hair Gell? If one of them is infected you need to stay away or you might catch the gay too.
We're straying way off topic, this discussion is not appropriate for the topic at hand.
SURE IT IS, From your pov you and your son watching the rose parade is tantamount to seeing a gay sex show....
What in the Sam Hill does hair gells or face creams have to do with the Rose parade?:eusa_eh:
We're straying way off topic, this discussion is not appropriate for the topic at hand.
SURE IT IS, From your pov you and your son watching the rose parade is tantamount to seeing a gay sex show....
What in the Sam Hill does hair gells or face creams have to do with the Rose parade?:eusa_eh:
wouldn't that be who is sam hill?
hint: real men don't use face cream or hair gel...or so goes the myth...
if you do you're gay.....myth also.....but you'll never get the point....

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