"Call It What You Want To" Even In Trump Bankruptcy Economics--$22 Tril. Deficit & Climbing!

LOL, this thread....

first speak English
Second, when the left cares about financial responsibility let me know....and yeah that must include a plan to balance the budget.

The left ( Democrats ) have been far more fiscally responsible than the right ( Republicans ) during my lifetime. To state otherwise is to venture outside of the facts.

Opinion | The Democrats Are the Party of Fiscal Responsibility

Then why do they protest and scream when people want to cut programs?

Usually because cutting the programs which GOP retards target actually costs money (or lives) in the end.

GOP nutbags fail to grasp the concept of investment.

Oh, we grasp the concept. Our spending is investment, and your spending is simply waste. Politics 101.
Instead of tweeting idiotic messages about Hollywood or the owner of a company which owns a newspaper he doesn't like, Trump should focus his ire and his power toward those who are driving us deeper and deeper into debt.

Once again, the Republicans have proven to be the bigger spenders. Bigger spenders than the Democrats. Just like the last time they owned all the branches of government.

And yet the Trumpies go on and on and on about the Democrats!

Well the answer is that Trump just doesn't give a fuck about debt. I why should he? Putin and the Oligarchs are there. Jared? 600 million bad loan an building only an idiot would buy thinking he'd make money? No problem. Cut Qatar into a pariah state until they BUY the building for him.

I didn't like Obama's fiscal moves to just give gummit contracts to give contracts. But bipartisan unemployment insurance extensions and allowing states to keep federal dollars without making the usual state dollar matches during recessions never bothered me. Under BushI either. Or Ford. LOL. That may have been about the inflation Nixon ushered in though.

Not that Obama was a success. He wasn't because he couldn't get a spending cut through congress after we reached positive growth again. But now Trump is primaring out any former Republican who complains of spending while they're cutting taxes.
Instead of tweeting idiotic messages about Hollywood or the owner of a company which owns a newspaper he doesn't like, Trump should focus his ire and his power toward those who are driving us deeper and deeper into debt.

Once again, the Republicans have proven to be the bigger spenders. Bigger spenders than the Democrats. Just like the last time they owned all the branches of government.

And yet the Trumpies go on and on and on about the Democrats!

Well the answer is that Trump just doesn't give a fuck about debt. I why should he? Putin and the Oligarchs are there. Jared? 600 million bad loan an building only an idiot would buy thinking he'd make money? No problem. Cut Qatar into a pariah state until they BUY the building for him.

I didn't like Obama's fiscal moves to just give gummit contracts to give contracts. But bipartisan unemployment insurance extensions and allowing states to keep federal dollars without making the usual state dollar matches during recessions never bothered me. Under BushI either. Or Ford. LOL. That may have been about the inflation Nixon ushered in though.

Not that Obama was a success. He wasn't because he couldn't get a spending cut through congress after we reached positive growth again. But now Trump is primaring out any former Republican who complains of spending while they're cutting taxes.
I don't blame politicians. I blame us. We get the politicians we deserve.

Trump knew exactly what the whining masses wanted to hear. He exploited their selfishness and self-absorption better than Clinton did. He is a much more expert huckster than the average politician.

The American people want their government gifts and they don't want to pay for them. And our politicians give us what we want. They do exactly what we want them to do. They are not to be blamed.

Everyone thinks it is "those people" who are taking and taking and taking. The fact is, we are all taking. We just have huge blind spots to our own thievery. Blind spots which are nourished and grown by our respective propagandists.

It is all about dividing and conquering the masses so they can be plundered.

WE should never let Obama forget how he exploded our deficit the likes no one has ever seen -- but luckily the republicans stopped him -- but he still exploded the deficit -- but the republicans decreased --well, its complicated --- but Obama bad.

The republicans didn't stop anything. The fact is that Obama spent to stop a depression.
Instead of tweeting idiotic messages about Hollywood or the owner of a company which owns a newspaper he doesn't like, Trump should focus his ire and his power toward those who are driving us deeper and deeper into debt.

Once again, the Republicans have proven to be the bigger spenders. Bigger spenders than the Democrats. Just like the last time they owned all the branches of government.

And yet the Trumpies go on and on and on about the Democrats!

Well the answer is that Trump just doesn't give a fuck about debt. I why should he? Putin and the Oligarchs are there. Jared? 600 million bad loan an building only an idiot would buy thinking he'd make money? No problem. Cut Qatar into a pariah state until they BUY the building for him.

I didn't like Obama's fiscal moves to just give gummit contracts to give contracts. But bipartisan unemployment insurance extensions and allowing states to keep federal dollars without making the usual state dollar matches during recessions never bothered me. Under BushI either. Or Ford. LOL. That may have been about the inflation Nixon ushered in though.

Not that Obama was a success. He wasn't because he couldn't get a spending cut through congress after we reached positive growth again. But now Trump is primaring out any former Republican who complains of spending while they're cutting taxes.

Obama reduced the deficit $1 Trillion dollars .... sorry.
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It's a game of hot potato. Sooner or later, the bill is going to come due. And whoever happens to be occupying our government at the time is going to receive all the blame.

But it will be the fault of all those who came before. It will be OUR fault.
You're still not getting it. Neither Party wants a Balanced Budget. They've had many years to come together and do that. They've chosen not to. Unless the Swamp Creatures are required to balance the budget, it won't happen. So, give it up. Nothing's gonna change in regards to the massive Debt.
Trump is the biggest swamp creature of all. He has ACCELERATED deficits, and yet you suck his dick in public on a daily basis.

Even if Trump did propose a Balanced Budget, it would receive virtually no support from either Party.
Thanks for admitting Trump has zero leadership skills where it really fucking counts.

You still don't get it, you're naive. They don't want a Balanced Budget. If they did, they would have done it a long time ago. The only way to achieve a Balanced Budget, is if the Swamp Creatures are required to do it. And good luck making that happen. So, just live with the massive Debt, and don't expect anything to change.
No, what you don't get is that you support the biggest swamp creature of all. You keep trying to deflect the blame to others, but it is Trump who is to blame. Just as Obama was blamed for the trillions of debt run up on his watch.

You are always bragging what a great leader Trump is just because the stock market ticks upward. But on a matter over which Trump has actual responsibility, he is revealed to be the biggest perpetrator and weakest leader of all.

Again, neither Party supports a Balanced Budget. Why can't you comprehend that? If Obama would have proposed one, it would have been soundly rejected by both the GOP and his own Party. The same goes if Trump proposes one.

The Swamp Creatures don't want a Balanced Budget. Get that through your thick skull. They like things just the way they are. The only way to get it done, is by forcing them to. And how can that be done? It's a sad rigged game, kid. I'm sorry i had to be the one to break it to ya. But it is what it is.
Trump is the biggest swamp creature of all. He has ACCELERATED deficits, and yet you suck his dick in public on a daily basis.

Even if Trump did propose a Balanced Budget, it would receive virtually no support from either Party.
Thanks for admitting Trump has zero leadership skills where it really fucking counts.

You still don't get it, you're naive. They don't want a Balanced Budget. If they did, they would have done it a long time ago. The only way to achieve a Balanced Budget, is if the Swamp Creatures are required to do it. And good luck making that happen. So, just live with the massive Debt, and don't expect anything to change.
No, what you don't get is that you support the biggest swamp creature of all. You keep trying to deflect the blame to others, but it is Trump who is to blame. Just as Obama was blamed for the trillions of debt run up on his watch.

You are always bragging what a great leader Trump is just because the stock market ticks upward. But on a matter over which Trump has actual responsibility, he is revealed to be the biggest perpetrator and weakest leader of all.

Again, neither Party supports a Balanced Budget. Why can't you comprehend that? If Obama would have proposed one, it would have been soundly rejected by both the GOP and his own Party. The same goes if Trump proposes one.

The Swamp Creatures don't want a Balanced Budget. Get that through your thick head. They like things just the way they are. The only way to get it done, is by forcing them to. And how can that be done? It's a sad rigged game, kid. I'm sorry i had to be the one to break it to ya. But it is what it is.
No, it is people like you and all the rest of America's voters who do not want a balanced budget.

The politicians are just doing what we tell them to do. Because if they don't, we fire them and find someone who will.
Maybe millions saw testimony that Wells Fargo Bank created phony accounts. Behind the witness was a display of the U. S. Federal Deficit, even at that moment. So Phony Business It Was, all about the Trump Party Tax Cut showing what GOP really stands for.

Now Post-Summit, even the famous North Korean video of the exploding mountain--possibly a Death Camp or Hillary's Emails--"Call It What You Want To" clearly explains(?) the Trump Party administration and Congress.

U. S. Personal Income is at about $17.0 tril. The display of the U. S. Federal Deficit was approaching $22.0 Tril. "Call It What You Want To!" The Trump Party doesn't even know if it is bankrupt or not. In the Presidential debates, it was not clear if the Trump Party Leader had three, four, or six bankruptcies or "Call It What You Want To."

Fact Check: Has Trump declared bankruptcy four or six times?

Most people call it lying, but Trump finally explained that he called the first three bankruptcies, only one(?).

Who's Counting in The Trump Party Administration?

"Call It What You Want To!"

The Trump Party agenda doesn't even tax anything, anymore!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(North and South Korean militaries not talking on phones, or maybe not even texting. Zero outcome expected, "Call It What You Want To!")

I'm sorry but our deficit has never in the history of our nation been 22 trillion dollars.

The historic deficit high for our nation is 1.4 trillion set by the bush boy at the end of 2008.

Obama took that historic high of 1.4 trillion and slashed it down to 400 and something billion in 8 years.

trump is back to the usual republican policy of exploding our deficit. He has taken that 400 and something billion up to over 700 billion in one year. With the republican tax cut that deficit will skyrocket by the end of this year to set a new national record high.

Our national debt is 22 trillion dollars. Most of which was forced on us by 3 republican presidents they being reagan, bush the first and the bush boy.

A deficit can occur in any budget. The deficit we're talking about is our nation's budget deficit.

A deficit is the result when you subtract all the expenses and spending from the revenues and result in a negative number. That negative number is added to the nation's debt at the end of the nation's fiscal year at the end of September.
  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
and along comes Trump - ZAP.
Maybe millions saw testimony that Wells Fargo Bank created phony accounts. Behind the witness was a display of the U. S. Federal Deficit, even at that moment. So Phony Business It Was, all about the Trump Party Tax Cut showing what GOP really stands for.

Now Post-Summit, even the famous North Korean video of the exploding mountain--possibly a Death Camp or Hillary's Emails--"Call It What You Want To" clearly explains(?) the Trump Party administration and Congress.

U. S. Personal Income is at about $17.0 tril. The display of the U. S. Federal Deficit was approaching $22.0 Tril. "Call It What You Want To!" The Trump Party doesn't even know if it is bankrupt or not. In the Presidential debates, it was not clear if the Trump Party Leader had three, four, or six bankruptcies or "Call It What You Want To."

Fact Check: Has Trump declared bankruptcy four or six times?

Most people call it lying, but Trump finally explained that he called the first three bankruptcies, only one(?).

Who's Counting in The Trump Party Administration?

"Call It What You Want To!"

The Trump Party agenda doesn't even tax anything, anymore!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(North and South Korean militaries not talking on phones, or maybe not even texting. Zero outcome expected, "Call It What You Want To!")

Your concerns fall on deaf ears as O racked up 8 trillion and the left was joyous. Now the concerns. Lol.
Even if Trump did propose a Balanced Budget, it would receive virtually no support from either Party.
Thanks for admitting Trump has zero leadership skills where it really fucking counts.

You still don't get it, you're naive. They don't want a Balanced Budget. If they did, they would have done it a long time ago. The only way to achieve a Balanced Budget, is if the Swamp Creatures are required to do it. And good luck making that happen. So, just live with the massive Debt, and don't expect anything to change.
No, what you don't get is that you support the biggest swamp creature of all. You keep trying to deflect the blame to others, but it is Trump who is to blame. Just as Obama was blamed for the trillions of debt run up on his watch.

You are always bragging what a great leader Trump is just because the stock market ticks upward. But on a matter over which Trump has actual responsibility, he is revealed to be the biggest perpetrator and weakest leader of all.

Again, neither Party supports a Balanced Budget. Why can't you comprehend that? If Obama would have proposed one, it would have been soundly rejected by both the GOP and his own Party. The same goes if Trump proposes one.

The Swamp Creatures don't want a Balanced Budget. Get that through your thick head. They like things just the way they are. The only way to get it done, is by forcing them to. And how can that be done? It's a sad rigged game, kid. I'm sorry i had to be the one to break it to ya. But it is what it is.
No, it is people like you and all the rest of America's voters who do not want a balanced budget.

The politicians are just doing what we tell them to do. Because if they don't, we fire them and find someone who will.

You're really naive, kid. They can't even get together to agree on a Balanced Budget. So how can you believe the massive Debt will ever be addressed? The only chance you have, would be somehow dissolving this Swamp Creature-infested Congress. And we know that can't happen. So just chill out and accept the massive Debt. It is here to stay.
  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
and along comes Trump - ZAP.

O....8 trillion. Lol. Thanks O.
Trump is the biggest swamp creature of all. He has ACCELERATED deficits, and yet you suck his dick in public on a daily basis.

Even if Trump did propose a Balanced Budget, it would receive virtually no support from either Party.
Thanks for admitting Trump has zero leadership skills where it really fucking counts.

You still don't get it, you're naive. They don't want a Balanced Budget. If they did, they would have done it a long time ago. The only way to achieve a Balanced Budget, is if the Swamp Creatures are required to do it. And good luck making that happen. So, just live with the massive Debt, and don't expect anything to change.
No, what you don't get is that you support the biggest swamp creature of all. You keep trying to deflect the blame to others, but it is Trump who is to blame. Just as Obama was blamed for the trillions of debt run up on his watch.

You are always bragging what a great leader Trump is just because the stock market ticks upward. But on a matter over which Trump has actual responsibility, he is revealed to be the biggest perpetrator and weakest leader of all.

Again, neither Party supports a Balanced Budget. Why can't you comprehend that? If Obama would have proposed one, it would have been soundly rejected by both the GOP and his own Party. The same goes if Trump proposes one.

The Swamp Creatures don't want a Balanced Budget. Get that through your thick skull. They like things just the way they are. The only way to get it done, is by forcing them to. And how can that be done? It's a sad rigged game, kid. I'm sorry i had to be the one to break it to ya. But it is what it is.

If Obama had proposed a balanced budget the republicans would have been against it. This both parties shit is for the birds. The entire time Obama was in office republicans obstructed his every move.
Neither party gives a shit about the deficit until the other party is in power.

Actually yes they do. They just don't whine about it when they're out of control.

That party is the democratic party.

Clinton eliminated the budget deficit that reagan and the first bush created forced on our nation. He had eliminated it a couple years before he left office so that by the time he left the budget had been balanced for a couple years allowing hundreds of billions in surplus.

The bush boy blew the whole surplus with his very first budget.

He did what reagan and his dad did before him. He exploded the deficit to new historic highs of 1.4 trillion.

Obama came after him and slashed it nearly 1 trillion dollars in 8 years down to 400 and something billion.

Too bad trump is doing the same thing reagan, bush the first and the bush boy did. Spend out of control, give big tax cuts which result in exploding the budget deficit.

In just one year trump has taken that 400 and something billion up to 700 and something billion. His tax cuts are going to make the bush boy's historic high look like child's play.
"Call It What You Want To," it is not clear at all that anyone knows anything in the Trump Administration, at all: Other than the exit doors. . .or hospital beds(?). Tariffs are not a reasonable source of tax money, and lowered sales to retaliating nations are not a good source of personal income.

The enormity of the Total Debt Market is three times or so the total of the federal deficit.

The enormity of the North Korean nuclear threat capability remains unknown.

At the White House: Clearly the concept, "Bankrupt" remains an unknown.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Impromptu New" even now becoming current event!)
Maybe millions saw testimony that Wells Fargo Bank created phony accounts. Behind the witness was a display of the U. S. Federal Deficit, even at that moment. So Phony Business It Was, all about the Trump Party Tax Cut showing what GOP really stands for.

Now Post-Summit, even the famous North Korean video of the exploding mountain--possibly a Death Camp or Hillary's Emails--"Call It What You Want To" clearly explains(?) the Trump Party administration and Congress.

U. S. Personal Income is at about $17.0 tril. The display of the U. S. Federal Deficit was approaching $22.0 Tril. "Call It What You Want To!" The Trump Party doesn't even know if it is bankrupt or not. In the Presidential debates, it was not clear if the Trump Party Leader had three, four, or six bankruptcies or "Call It What You Want To."

Fact Check: Has Trump declared bankruptcy four or six times?

Most people call it lying, but Trump finally explained that he called the first three bankruptcies, only one(?).

Who's Counting in The Trump Party Administration?

"Call It What You Want To!"

The Trump Party agenda doesn't even tax anything, anymore!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(North and South Korean militaries not talking on phones, or maybe not even texting. Zero outcome expected, "Call It What You Want To!")
Trump is decreasing the deficit at a rate never seen in history and whatever debt that was accumulated was due to Obama's policies

It will take at least 18 more months before Trump eliminates the deficit and gives us a modest surplus -- and we all know the last president responsible for a budget surplus is Bush Sr.

Actually trump has done the exact opposite of what you posted.

trump has taken the budget deficit from 400 and something billion up to 700 and something billion in just one year.

The tax cuts will explode that deficit.

The only presidents in the last 30 years who have decreased our budget deficit are Clinton and Obama. Clinton eliminated our budget deficit and created billions in surplus. Obama slashed the budget deficit by nearly 1 trillion.
Even if Trump did propose a Balanced Budget, it would receive virtually no support from either Party.
Thanks for admitting Trump has zero leadership skills where it really fucking counts.

You still don't get it, you're naive. They don't want a Balanced Budget. If they did, they would have done it a long time ago. The only way to achieve a Balanced Budget, is if the Swamp Creatures are required to do it. And good luck making that happen. So, just live with the massive Debt, and don't expect anything to change.
No, what you don't get is that you support the biggest swamp creature of all. You keep trying to deflect the blame to others, but it is Trump who is to blame. Just as Obama was blamed for the trillions of debt run up on his watch.

You are always bragging what a great leader Trump is just because the stock market ticks upward. But on a matter over which Trump has actual responsibility, he is revealed to be the biggest perpetrator and weakest leader of all.

Again, neither Party supports a Balanced Budget. Why can't you comprehend that? If Obama would have proposed one, it would have been soundly rejected by both the GOP and his own Party. The same goes if Trump proposes one.

The Swamp Creatures don't want a Balanced Budget. Get that through your thick skull. They like things just the way they are. The only way to get it done, is by forcing them to. And how can that be done? It's a sad rigged game, kid. I'm sorry i had to be the one to break it to ya. But it is what it is.

If Obama had proposed a balanced budget the republicans would have been against it. This both parties shit is for the birds. The entire time Obama was in office republicans obstructed his every move.

You're gettin it. It's a rigged game. If they wanted a Balanced Budget, it would have been done years ago. Spending other peoples' money is fun for Swamp Creatures. Most of em are very wealthy folks. The Debt will never effect them.

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