"Call It What You Want To" Even In Trump Bankruptcy Economics--$22 Tril. Deficit & Climbing!

  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
and along comes Trump - ZAP.
Fake news

Either way, Trump's economy is gaining us at least 7 or 8% GDP growth -- that makes the tax cuts more than able to pay for themselves in the next 2 years

2.2 percent GDP is predicted for this year. And this fiscal year ends in October.
Maybe millions saw testimony that Wells Fargo Bank created phony accounts. Behind the witness was a display of the U. S. Federal Deficit, even at that moment. So Phony Business It Was, all about the Trump Party Tax Cut showing what GOP really stands for.

Now Post-Summit, even the famous North Korean video of the exploding mountain--possibly a Death Camp or Hillary's Emails--"Call It What You Want To" clearly explains(?) the Trump Party administration and Congress.

U. S. Personal Income is at about $17.0 tril. The display of the U. S. Federal Deficit was approaching $22.0 Tril. "Call It What You Want To!" The Trump Party doesn't even know if it is bankrupt or not. In the Presidential debates, it was not clear if the Trump Party Leader had three, four, or six bankruptcies or "Call It What You Want To."

Fact Check: Has Trump declared bankruptcy four or six times?

Most people call it lying, but Trump finally explained that he called the first three bankruptcies, only one(?).

Who's Counting in The Trump Party Administration?

"Call It What You Want To!"

The Trump Party agenda doesn't even tax anything, anymore!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(North and South Korean militaries not talking on phones, or maybe not even texting. Zero outcome expected, "Call It What You Want To!")

Oh my, someone still hasn't learned the difference between the debt and the deficit.

Nor for that matter the difference between personal bankruptcy and a business going bankrupt.

Trump has NEVER gone bankrupt you moron. Other than that, the business bankruptcies are a part of being a ultra successful entrepreneur billionaire.
You are correct, Raygun was weak very weak. Not as weak as Bone Spur though!
Inserting a president that served over 25 years ago and is no longer alive to defend himself is weak...its a snowflake move....its a pussy move and its dishonest.....
There was no magic Kenyan
Obama is the Magic Kenyan.....

How can Obama be from a nation that didn't exist when he was born?

Kenya didn't exist until 1963. Obama was born in Honolulu Hawaii in 1961.

If you're going to lie about Obama try to make it believable instead of compounding your stupidity by saying he's from a nation that didn't exist when he was born.
How can Obama be from a nation that didn't exist when he was born?

Kenya didn't exist until 1963. Obama was born in Honolulu Hawaii in 1961.

If you're going to lie about Obama try to make it believable instead of compounding your stupidity by saying he's from a nation that didn't exist when he was born.
He is still the Magic Kenyan.....
You are correct, Raygun was weak very weak. Not as weak as Bone Spur though!
Inserting a president that served over 25 years ago and is no longer alive to defend himself is weak...its a snowflake move....its a pussy move and its dishonest.....
It is dishonest to say he tripled the debt when he served as President? Only a **** cannot except facts! Here is your sign!
What Kenyan? We've never had a Kenyan in our white house
Obama is the Magic Kenyan.....

You're just showing you have no education or knowledge of our world.

Kenya didn't exist when Obama was born in Honolulu Hawaii in 1961.

Take a few minutes to look up Kenya in the encyclopedia. It didn't exist until 1963.

When you say things like that you not only show you're stupid enough to believe the lie but you're too stupid and lazy to find the truth for yourself.

But on the bright side, I get to laugh at your stupidity and show all of cyberspace just how much of a fool you are.
It is dishonest to say he tripled the debt when he served as President? Only a fund cannot except facts! Here is your sign!
You are right....he doubled it not tripled it....thank God he only could serve two terms or he would have tripled it.....He is the Magic Kenyan.....
You're just showing you have no education or knowledge of our world.

Kenya didn't exist when Obama was born in Honolulu Hawaii in 1961
Obama is the Magic Kenyan and nothing you say can change that....get used to it.....
Thanks to the magic Kenyan for doubling the national debt.....

What Kenyan? We've never had a Kenyan in our white house.

If you're talking about Obama, he's not from Kenya. Kenya didn't exist when he was born. Obama was born August 1961. Kenya didn't exist until 1963. He can't be from a nation that didn't exist when he was born.

Obama didn't double the national debt.

The bush boy left his wars and drug program off the national general budget. He used emergency bills to fund it all so it didn't show up on the books.

When Obama became president all that off the books spending was added to our general budget. Over night the budget skyrocketed up to 13 trillion dollars.

Obama took that 13 trillion up to 19 trillion.

The people who doubled our debt was reagan, he took 800 and something billion dollar national debt up to nearly 3 trillion dollars. The first bush took it up to 5 trillion dollars. Clinton took it up to 5.5 trillion dollars. The bush boy took it up to 13 trillion dollars. Obama took it up to 19 trillion dollars.

The only presidents who doubled, in fact more than doubled, our national debt were reagan, the first bush and the bush boy.

Stop lying.

No other president has added as much to our national debt. than Obama the Magic Kenyan.....no one.....you stop lying....

How can a non existent person add anything to our national debt?

What's next? Elmer Fudd taking Scott Pruitt's job? Porky Pig running the agriculture department? Popeye as the head of the Joint Chiefs? Or would it be Commander McBragg…..Quite.

After all Mr. Magoo is our Attorney General.
How can a non existent person add anything to our national debt?

What's next? Elmer Fudd taking Scott Pruitt's job? Poky Pig running the agriculture department? Popeye as the head of the Joint Chiefs? Or would it be Commander McBragg…..Quite.

After all Mr. Magoo is our Attorney General
How can you defend the doubling of our national debt by Obama the Magic Kenyan while chastising Trump for adding a couple of trillion?????
It is dishonest to say he tripled the debt when he served as President? Only a fund cannot except facts! Here is your sign!
You are right....he doubled it not tripled it....thank God he only could serve two terms or he would have tripled it.....He is the Magic Kenyan.....

Thank God Raygun couldn't have served more he would have rung it by 6!
LOL, this thread....

first speak English
Second, when the left cares about financial responsibility let me know....and yeah that must include a plan to balance the budget.

The left ( Democrats ) have been far more fiscally responsible than the right ( Republicans ) during my lifetime. To state otherwise is to venture outside of the facts.

Opinion | The Democrats Are the Party of Fiscal Responsibility

The left ( Democrats ) have been far more fiscally responsible than the right ( Republicans ) during my lifetime.

That's why Clinton and Obama both whined about congress restricting their spending wishes. DERP!
Thanks to the magic Kenyan for doubling the national debt.....

What Kenyan? We've never had a Kenyan in our white house.

If you're talking about Obama, he's not from Kenya. Kenya didn't exist when he was born. Obama was born August 1961. Kenya didn't exist until 1963. He can't be from a nation that didn't exist when he was born.

Obama didn't double the national debt.

The bush boy left his wars and drug program off the national general budget. He used emergency bills to fund it all so it didn't show up on the books.

When Obama became president all that off the books spending was added to our general budget. Over night the budget skyrocketed up to 13 trillion dollars.

Obama took that 13 trillion up to 19 trillion.

The people who doubled our debt was reagan, he took 800 and something billion dollar national debt up to nearly 3 trillion dollars. The first bush took it up to 5 trillion dollars. Clinton took it up to 5.5 trillion dollars. The bush boy took it up to 13 trillion dollars. Obama took it up to 19 trillion dollars.

The only presidents who doubled, in fact more than doubled, our national debt were reagan, the first bush and the bush boy.

Stop lying.

No other president has added as much to our national debt. than Obama the Magic Kenyan.....no one.....you stop lying....

That's a lie. Again.

The bush boy took our national debt from 5.5 trillion up to 13 trillion dollars. More than doubling it and setting a new record of debt created by one president. He added 7.5 trillion dollars to our national debt in 8 years.

Obama didn't double the national debt. He added around 6 trillion to it. Obama didn't add more to our national debt than any other president. That would be the bush boy. But take heart, trump and the republicans are on their way to out spend even the bush boy and set new record highs in both our national debt and our budget deficit.

Stop lying.
  • Thanks
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But, oh no, that can't be. Liberals assured us for 8 years under Obama that the debt was no big deal because we were "investing in ourselves" and because "we just owe the money to ourselves," etc., etc.

Plus, if you really, truly, genuinely care about the debt, then why don't you write angry e-mails to Senate Democrats, since it was the Senate Democrats who held the budget hostage to their spending demands? And, of course, be sure to vote for Republicans in any Senate races so that we can get a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate and finally make some progress on controlling spending.
Thank God Raygun couldn't have served more he would have rung it by 6!
Reagan was loved and adored...when he died millions of people made their way to DC for the procession....when the Magic Kenyan dies the streets will be empty except for a few hundred BLM members and ANTIFA freaks.....
You are correct, Raygun was weak very weak. Not as weak as Bone Spur though!
Inserting a president that served over 25 years ago and is no longer alive to defend himself is weak...its a snowflake move....its a pussy move and its dishonest.....
It is dishonest to say he tripled the debt when he served as President? Only a **** cannot except facts! Here is your sign!

We've had one president that I know of who tripled the national debt.

That president is ronald reagan.

He took our national debt from 800 and something billion to nearly 3 trillion.
That's a lie. Again.

The bush boy took our national debt from 5.5 trillion up to 13 trillion dollars. More than doubling it and setting a new record of debt created by one president. He added 7.5 trillion dollars to our national debt in 8 years.

Obama didn't double the national debt. He added around 6 trillion to it. Obama didn't add more to our national debt than any other president. That would be the bush boy. But take heart, trump and the republicans are on their way to out spend even the bush boy and set new record highs in both our national debt and our budget deficit.

Stop lying.
You have CNN brain decease.....it could be fatal....your facts are all wrong...all CNN fed nonsense....turn off CNN save yourself....

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