"Call It What You Want To" Even In Trump Bankruptcy Economics--$22 Tril. Deficit & Climbing!

LOL, this thread....

first speak English
Second, when the left cares about financial responsibility let me know....and yeah that must include a plan to balance the budget.
Neo-cons and other assorted Republicans run to this tired tripe whenever they're found to be spending like there's no tomorrow.
LOL back to neo cons....left the alt right train eh?
So Marc, how would you balance the budget?
raise taxes to 100%?
cut military spending to 0?

I mean what would you do?
I've outlined my ideas for not only balancing the budget, but for providing a surplus which could be used to pay down the debt AND lower tax rates for everyone.

I've done this dozens and dozens of times on this forum, so I'm sure you have seen my ideas at least once.

So your smokescreen to try to hide the fact Trump has ACCELERATED deficits since taking office won't work on me.

WE should never let Obama forget how he exploded our deficit the likes no one has ever seen -- but luckily the republicans stopped him -- but he still exploded the deficit -- but the republicans decreased --well, its complicated --- but Obama bad.
I'm an actual fiscal conservative.

Trumpies are all rapidly becoming Keynesians.

I predicted Trump would lead them all into the far left liberal camp, and he has been doing exactly that in many ways. Most especially when it comes to increasing spending and debt.
LOL, this thread....

first speak English
Second, when the left cares about financial responsibility let me know....and yeah that must include a plan to balance the budget.
Neo-cons and other assorted Republicans run to this tired tripe whenever they're found to be spending like there's no tomorrow.
LOL back to neo cons....left the alt right train eh?
So Marc, how would you balance the budget?
raise taxes to 100%?
cut military spending to 0?

I mean what would you do?
I've outlined my ideas for not only balancing the budget, but for providing a surplus which could be used to pay down the debt AND lower tax rates for everyone.

I've done this dozens and dozens of times on this forum, so I'm sure you have seen my ideas at least once.

So your smokescreen to try to hide the fact Trump has ACCELERATED deficits since taking office won't work.

You're still not getting it. Neither Party wants a Balanced Budget. They've had many years to come together and do that. They've chosen not to. Unless the Swamp Creatures are required to balance the budget, it won't happen. So, give it up. Nothing's gonna change in regards to the massive Debt.
LOL, this thread....

first speak English
Second, when the left cares about financial responsibility let me know....and yeah that must include a plan to balance the budget.

The perfect logic of a brain dead party zealot...they do not care about the debt, so why should we?

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LOL, this thread....

first speak English
Second, when the left cares about financial responsibility let me know....and yeah that must include a plan to balance the budget.
Neo-cons and other assorted Republicans run to this tired tripe whenever they're found to be spending like there's no tomorrow.
LOL back to neo cons....left the alt right train eh?
So Marc, how would you balance the budget?
raise taxes to 100%?
cut military spending to 0?

I mean what would you do?
I've outlined my ideas for not only balancing the budget, but for providing a surplus which could be used to pay down the debt AND lower tax rates for everyone.

I've done this dozens and dozens of times on this forum, so I'm sure you have seen my ideas at least once.

So your smokescreen to try to hide the fact Trump has ACCELERATED deficits since taking office won't work.

You're still not getting it. Neither Party wants a Balanced Budget. They've had many years to come together and do that. They've chosen not to. Unless the Swamp Creatures are required to balance the budget, it won't happen. So, give it up. Nothing's gonna change in regards to the massive Debt.
Trump is the biggest swamp creature of all. He has ACCELERATED deficits, and yet you suck his dick in public on a daily basis.
LOL, this thread....

first speak English
Second, when the left cares about financial responsibility let me know....and yeah that must include a plan to balance the budget.

The perfect logic of a brain dead party zealot...they do not care about the debt, so why should we?

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Exactly. Just another tu quoque fallacy from the weakminded proles of the cult of personality.
LOL, this thread....

first speak English
Second, when the left cares about financial responsibility let me know....and yeah that must include a plan to balance the budget.

The perfect logic of a brain dead party zealot...they do not care about the debt, so why should we?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The Swamp Creatures won't balance the budget unless they're required to. And how will that happen? They're not gonna support being required to balance the budget. That's just the way it is. The massive Debt is here to stay.
The default apology of every Trumpie: "They did it, too!"


LOL, this thread....

first speak English
Second, when the left cares about financial responsibility let me know....and yeah that must include a plan to balance the budget.
Neo-cons and other assorted Republicans run to this tired tripe whenever they're found to be spending like there's no tomorrow.
LOL back to neo cons....left the alt right train eh?
So Marc, how would you balance the budget?
raise taxes to 100%?
cut military spending to 0?

I mean what would you do?
I've outlined my ideas for not only balancing the budget, but for providing a surplus which could be used to pay down the debt AND lower tax rates for everyone.

I've done this dozens and dozens of times on this forum, so I'm sure you have seen my ideas at least once.

So your smokescreen to try to hide the fact Trump has ACCELERATED deficits since taking office won't work.

You're still not getting it. Neither Party wants a Balanced Budget. They've had many years to come together and do that. They've chosen not to. Unless the Swamp Creatures are required to balance the budget, it won't happen. So, give it up. Nothing's gonna change in regards to the massive Debt.
Trump is the biggest swamp creature of all. He has ACCELERATED deficits, and yet you suck his dick in public on a daily basis.

Even if Trump did propose a Balanced Budget, it would receive virtually no support from either Party. The Swamp Creatures are addicted to spending other peoples' money. It is what it is.
Neo-cons and other assorted Republicans run to this tired tripe whenever they're found to be spending like there's no tomorrow.
LOL back to neo cons....left the alt right train eh?
So Marc, how would you balance the budget?
raise taxes to 100%?
cut military spending to 0?

I mean what would you do?
I've outlined my ideas for not only balancing the budget, but for providing a surplus which could be used to pay down the debt AND lower tax rates for everyone.

I've done this dozens and dozens of times on this forum, so I'm sure you have seen my ideas at least once.

So your smokescreen to try to hide the fact Trump has ACCELERATED deficits since taking office won't work.

You're still not getting it. Neither Party wants a Balanced Budget. They've had many years to come together and do that. They've chosen not to. Unless the Swamp Creatures are required to balance the budget, it won't happen. So, give it up. Nothing's gonna change in regards to the massive Debt.
Trump is the biggest swamp creature of all. He has ACCELERATED deficits, and yet you suck his dick in public on a daily basis.

Even if Trump did propose a Balanced Budget, it would receive virtually no support from either Party.
Thanks for admitting Trump has zero leadership skills where it really fucking counts.
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Obama debt = END OF THE WORLD

Trump debt = meh - who cares about debt.


who gives two shits what hypocrite Trumpdrones believe.
Trump supported the bogus tax "reform" bill which transferred $1.5 trillion onto the backs of our children.

So no one will ever convince me Trump is anything other than one of the biggest spending, biggest debt growing presidents in history.
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LOL, this thread....

first speak English
Second, when the left cares about financial responsibility let me know....and yeah that must include a plan to balance the budget.

The left ( Democrats ) have been far more fiscally responsible than the right ( Republicans ) during my lifetime. To state otherwise is to venture outside of the facts.

Opinion | The Democrats Are the Party of Fiscal Responsibility

Then why do they protest and scream when people want to cut programs?

Usually because cutting the programs which GOP retards target actually costs money (or lives) in the end.

GOP nutbags fail to grasp the concept of investment.
So you don't want a balanced budget......so why do we care about the budget then?

A balanced budget isn't necessarily a thing to be so hungry for. It sounds nice, though. It is easy to digest and
fits on a bumper sticker.

Are we out of whack:? Yep. That is because we listened to nutbags and failed to make the proper investments.
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Trump supported the bogus tax "reform" bill which transferred $1.5 trillion onto the backs of our children.

So no one will ever convince me Trump is anything other than one of the biggest spending, biggest debt growing presidents in history.
it's not debateable that he isn't. The honest Trumpbots will admit they don't care because neither the dems nor the establishment gop (that is now dead) helped them. Although, Trump and the latest giveaway to the 1% will probably prove to be even worse.

MAYBE one could honestly argue the tax cut will increase GNP so much that it would have been worth it if we held the line on spending. But Trump gives drunken sailors a good name.
LOL back to neo cons....left the alt right train eh?
So Marc, how would you balance the budget?
raise taxes to 100%?
cut military spending to 0?

I mean what would you do?
I've outlined my ideas for not only balancing the budget, but for providing a surplus which could be used to pay down the debt AND lower tax rates for everyone.

I've done this dozens and dozens of times on this forum, so I'm sure you have seen my ideas at least once.

So your smokescreen to try to hide the fact Trump has ACCELERATED deficits since taking office won't work.

You're still not getting it. Neither Party wants a Balanced Budget. They've had many years to come together and do that. They've chosen not to. Unless the Swamp Creatures are required to balance the budget, it won't happen. So, give it up. Nothing's gonna change in regards to the massive Debt.
Trump is the biggest swamp creature of all. He has ACCELERATED deficits, and yet you suck his dick in public on a daily basis.

Even if Trump did propose a Balanced Budget, it would receive virtually no support from either Party.
Thanks for admitting Trump has zero leadership skills where it really fucking counts.

You still don't get it, you're naive. They don't want a Balanced Budget. If they did, they would have done it a long time ago. The only way to achieve a Balanced Budget, is if the Swamp Creatures are required to do it. And good luck making that happen. So, just live with the massive Debt, and don't expect anything to change.
I've outlined my ideas for not only balancing the budget, but for providing a surplus which could be used to pay down the debt AND lower tax rates for everyone.

I've done this dozens and dozens of times on this forum, so I'm sure you have seen my ideas at least once.

So your smokescreen to try to hide the fact Trump has ACCELERATED deficits since taking office won't work.

You're still not getting it. Neither Party wants a Balanced Budget. They've had many years to come together and do that. They've chosen not to. Unless the Swamp Creatures are required to balance the budget, it won't happen. So, give it up. Nothing's gonna change in regards to the massive Debt.
Trump is the biggest swamp creature of all. He has ACCELERATED deficits, and yet you suck his dick in public on a daily basis.

Even if Trump did propose a Balanced Budget, it would receive virtually no support from either Party.
Thanks for admitting Trump has zero leadership skills where it really fucking counts.

You still don't get it, you're naive. They don't want a Balanced Budget. If they did, they would have done it a long time ago. The only way to achieve a Balanced Budget, is if the Swamp Creatures are required to do it. And good luck making that happen. So, just live with the massive Debt, and don't expect anything to change.
No, what you don't get is that you support the biggest swamp creature of all. You keep trying to deflect the blame to others, but it is Trump who is to blame. Just as Obama was blamed for the trillions of debt run up on his watch.

You are always bragging what a great leader Trump is just because the stock market ticks upward. But on a matter over which Trump has actual responsibility, he is revealed to be the biggest perpetrator and weakest leader of all.
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Instead of tweeting idiotic messages about Hollywood or the owner of a company which owns a newspaper he doesn't like, Trump should focus his ire and his power toward those who are driving us deeper and deeper into debt.

Once again, the Republicans have proven to be the bigger spenders. Bigger spenders than the Democrats. Just like the last time they owned all the branches of government.

And yet the Trumpies go on and on and on about the Democrats!

Instead of tweeting idiotic messages about Hollywood or the owner of a company which owns a newspaper he doesn't like, Trump should focus his ire and his power toward those who are driving us deeper and deeper into debt.

Once again, the Republicans have proven to be the bigger spenders. Bigger spenders than the Democrats. Just like the last time they owned all the branches of government.

And yet the Trumpies go on and on and on about the Democrats!


party first politics - fuck everything and everyone else

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