"Call It What You Want To" Even In Trump Bankruptcy Economics--$22 Tril. Deficit & Climbing!

  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
and along comes Trump - ZAP.

O....8 trillion. Lol. Thanks O.

Had Obama not spent early we'd be in a depression today. Because we would have went into a depression Romney would have got elected and would go back to the standard conservative tax cuts for the very rich plan and we'd be screwed. Sequestration did not help the economy.
Fixing everything that Obama the magic Kenyan broke will be expensive....voting for the Magic Kenyan has a penalty and a cost.....did you libs think you could vote for a commie America hating bigot without it costing us?
Actually trump has done the exact opposite of what you posted.

trump has taken the budget deficit from 400 and something billion up to 700 and something billion in just one year.

The tax cuts will explode that deficit
If we tighten the belt too much while we are fixing what Obama screwed up people will suffer....the nearly full employment we have now will eventually begin to pay down the debt.....the magic Kenyan had a cost attached to him....
I'm an actual fiscal conservative.

Trumpies are all rapidly becoming Keynesians.

I predicted Trump would lead them all into the far left liberal camp, and he has been doing exactly that in many ways. Most especially when it comes to increasing spending and debt.
The problem is, in order to balance the budget you have to reform entitlements.......when the democrats are ready to do that, then they can cry about the budget, until then shut the fuck up.
Obama debt = END OF THE WORLD

Trump debt = meh - who cares about debt.


who gives two shits what hypocrite Trumpdrones believe.
No debt is bad, but you guys will never agree to balance it......
vote for the balanced budget amendment...you never will.

WE should never let Obama forget how he exploded our deficit the likes no one has ever seen -- but luckily the republicans stopped him -- but he still exploded the deficit -- but the republicans decreased --well, its complicated --- but Obama bad.

The republicans didn't stop anything. The fact is that Obama spent to stop a depression.
no shit, when did he ever propose a balanced budget?
  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
and along comes Trump - ZAP.
He started in 2017
Even if Trump did propose a Balanced Budget, it would receive virtually no support from either Party.
Thanks for admitting Trump has zero leadership skills where it really fucking counts.

You still don't get it, you're naive. They don't want a Balanced Budget. If they did, they would have done it a long time ago. The only way to achieve a Balanced Budget, is if the Swamp Creatures are required to do it. And good luck making that happen. So, just live with the massive Debt, and don't expect anything to change.
No, what you don't get is that you support the biggest swamp creature of all. You keep trying to deflect the blame to others, but it is Trump who is to blame. Just as Obama was blamed for the trillions of debt run up on his watch.

You are always bragging what a great leader Trump is just because the stock market ticks upward. But on a matter over which Trump has actual responsibility, he is revealed to be the biggest perpetrator and weakest leader of all.

Again, neither Party supports a Balanced Budget. Why can't you comprehend that? If Obama would have proposed one, it would have been soundly rejected by both the GOP and his own Party. The same goes if Trump proposes one.

The Swamp Creatures don't want a Balanced Budget. Get that through your thick skull. They like things just the way they are. The only way to get it done, is by forcing them to. And how can that be done? It's a sad rigged game, kid. I'm sorry i had to be the one to break it to ya. But it is what it is.

If Obama had proposed a balanced budget the republicans would have been against it. This both parties shit is for the birds. The entire time Obama was in office republicans obstructed his every move.
except when he had the house and a 59-60 member of the senate....yeah he was so hamstrung...jesus you guys are tards
Thanks for admitting Trump has zero leadership skills where it really fucking counts.

You still don't get it, you're naive. They don't want a Balanced Budget. If they did, they would have done it a long time ago. The only way to achieve a Balanced Budget, is if the Swamp Creatures are required to do it. And good luck making that happen. So, just live with the massive Debt, and don't expect anything to change.
No, what you don't get is that you support the biggest swamp creature of all. You keep trying to deflect the blame to others, but it is Trump who is to blame. Just as Obama was blamed for the trillions of debt run up on his watch.

You are always bragging what a great leader Trump is just because the stock market ticks upward. But on a matter over which Trump has actual responsibility, he is revealed to be the biggest perpetrator and weakest leader of all.

Again, neither Party supports a Balanced Budget. Why can't you comprehend that? If Obama would have proposed one, it would have been soundly rejected by both the GOP and his own Party. The same goes if Trump proposes one.

The Swamp Creatures don't want a Balanced Budget. Get that through your thick skull. They like things just the way they are. The only way to get it done, is by forcing them to. And how can that be done? It's a sad rigged game, kid. I'm sorry i had to be the one to break it to ya. But it is what it is.

If Obama had proposed a balanced budget the republicans would have been against it. This both parties shit is for the birds. The entire time Obama was in office republicans obstructed his every move.

You're gettin it. It's a rigged game. If they wanted a Balanced Budget, it would have been done years ago. Spending other peoples' money is fun for Swamp Creatures. Most of em are very wealthy folks. The Debt will never effect them.

I don't think you understand what I'm saying. We are here because of the republican party. The poster who has said this is our fault is very close to correct given that some of us have been so stupid to elect peopl into government who tell them how we don't need government. How many people would you hire if they told you that your company was not needed? Yet some of us are soooo stupid they consistently hire people who say government has no place then they wonder why government does not work.
Fixing everything that Obama the magic Kenyan broke will be expensive....voting for the Magic Kenyan has a penalty and a cost.....did you libs think you could vote for a commie America hating bigot without it costing us?

There was no magic Kenyan.
Thanks to the magic Kenyan for doubling the national debt.....

What Kenyan? We've never had a Kenyan in our white house.

If you're talking about Obama, he's not from Kenya. Kenya didn't exist when he was born. Obama was born August 1961. Kenya didn't exist until 1963. He can't be from a nation that didn't exist when he was born.

Obama didn't double the national debt.

The bush boy left his wars and drug program off the national general budget. He used emergency bills to fund it all so it didn't show up on the books.

When Obama became president all that off the books spending was added to our general budget. Over night the debt skyrocketed up to 13 trillion dollars.

Obama took that 13 trillion up to 19 trillion.

The people who doubled our debt was reagan, he took 800 and something billion dollar national debt up to nearly 3 trillion dollars. The first bush took it up to 5 trillion dollars. Clinton took it up to 5.5 trillion dollars. The bush boy took it up to 13 trillion dollars. Obama took it up to 19 trillion dollars.

The only presidents who doubled, in fact more than doubled, our national debt were reagan, the first bush and the bush boy.

Stop lying.
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Thanks for admitting Trump has zero leadership skills where it really fucking counts.

You still don't get it, you're naive. They don't want a Balanced Budget. If they did, they would have done it a long time ago. The only way to achieve a Balanced Budget, is if the Swamp Creatures are required to do it. And good luck making that happen. So, just live with the massive Debt, and don't expect anything to change.
No, what you don't get is that you support the biggest swamp creature of all. You keep trying to deflect the blame to others, but it is Trump who is to blame. Just as Obama was blamed for the trillions of debt run up on his watch.

You are always bragging what a great leader Trump is just because the stock market ticks upward. But on a matter over which Trump has actual responsibility, he is revealed to be the biggest perpetrator and weakest leader of all.

Again, neither Party supports a Balanced Budget. Why can't you comprehend that? If Obama would have proposed one, it would have been soundly rejected by both the GOP and his own Party. The same goes if Trump proposes one.

The Swamp Creatures don't want a Balanced Budget. Get that through your thick skull. They like things just the way they are. The only way to get it done, is by forcing them to. And how can that be done? It's a sad rigged game, kid. I'm sorry i had to be the one to break it to ya. But it is what it is.

If Obama had proposed a balanced budget the republicans would have been against it. This both parties shit is for the birds. The entire time Obama was in office republicans obstructed his every move.
except when he had the house and a 59-60 member of the senate....yeah he was so hamstrung...jesus you guys are tards

I don't listen to what people like you post when you blame democrats for things that have happened when republicans were/are the majority.
  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
and along comes Trump - ZAP.
Fake news

Either way, Trump's economy is gaining us at least 7 or 8% GDP growth -- that makes the tax cuts more than able to pay for themselves in the next 2 years
Thanks to the magic Kenyan for doubling the national debt.....

What Kenyan? We've never had a Kenyan in our white house.

If you're talking about Obama, he's not from Kenya. Kenya didn't exist when he was born. Obama was born August 1961. Kenya didn't exist until 1963. He can't be from a nation that didn't exist when he was born.

Obama didn't double the national debt.

The bush boy left his wars and drug program off the national general budget. He used emergency bills to fund it all so it didn't show up on the books.

When Obama became president all that off the books spending was added to our general budget. Over night the budget skyrocketed up to 13 trillion dollars.

Obama took that 13 trillion up to 19 trillion.

The people who doubled our debt was reagan, he took 800 and something billion dollar national debt up to nearly 3 trillion dollars. The first bush took it up to 5 trillion dollars. Clinton took it up to 5.5 trillion dollars. The bush boy took it up to 13 trillion dollars. Obama took it up to 19 trillion dollars.

The only presidents who doubled, in fact more than doubled, our national debt were reagan, the first bush and the bush boy.

Stop lying.

No other president has added as much to our national debt. than Obama the Magic Kenyan.....no one.....you stop lying....

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