Call Them Concentration Camps or Internment Camps -- Whichever, We Need Them!

I've not done an illegal drug but once in my entire life and that was when I smoked pot once as a freshman in college. I got so sick the next day that I never did it again and I have a nose like a blood hound when it comes to the smell of it. I can smell the stuff from a mile away and it makes me nauseous.
Are you sure it was marijuana you smoked? Because the reaction you've described is extraordinary to say the least. Could be what you smoked was laced with heroin or some other hard drug, which is not uncommon.

THC is a relatively benign psychoactive substance. So unless you are a biological oddball who probably would die from a bee sting or from eating peanuts, what I've suggested is probably the most likely cause of your rather bizarre reaction to a little bit of marijuana. The normal response is a pleasant, tranquil euphoria, followed by feeling hungry (the "munchies").

What you should know is there is no record anywhere in the annals of medical science of anyone dying or being made sick from marijuana. None. All of the negative reports we read and hear are simply bullshit. Reefer Madness bullshit. And if one is inclined to believe the bullshit it is an indication of suggestible mentality and/or low IQ.

No I had a lot to drink that day as well. But it is the same type of psychological reaction people get when they eat a certain food and then get sick, even if they got sick for a reason different from the food they ate. Because of getting sick after trying pot, my mind now associates the pot with making me ill.

I'm not suggesting than all Muslims be "rounded up" and interned. There are many Muslims who are American citizens, many who are approved and documented immigrants, and many who are legitimate Syrian asylum-seekers, specifically defenseless women, children and seniors. There is no reason to intern these categories.

But the only way we are ever going to solve the existing problem we have with undocumented, unwanted, border-jumping Muslims who have no business being here, primarily the approximate 90% who are healthy, military-age men who should be in their homelands fighting against the oppression they claim to be the reason they are here. This category should be arrested on sight and interned pending mass deportations.

If this seems severe it is the only option we have to avoid the gradual ruin of our sovereign Nation. These people are invaders and they should be purged -- by any means necessary.

How many Republicans want that for gays?

We need snipers to take out the Nazis in America.
Considering what the White American population is presently being confronted with I suggest what we need is a lot of Nazis who are proficient snipers.
How many Republicans want that for gays?

If the question is directed to me I don't agree with the suggestion. I have nothing against homosexuals.

Aggressive in-your-face faggots are annoying, often obnoxious, but ordinary homos don't bother me at all.
Yes, round up all the meth heads and give them a free FEMA trailer and put them all in a 1,000 acre area in Wyoming away from everyone else. No law no rules. Let them build their own Utopia.

It would be cheaper for society in the long run.
No, it wouldn't; under Any form of Capitalism.

Sure it would. Burglary would drop by 80% or more. That cost alone would be worth supporting bunch of meth heads out in the middle of nowhere. Add in the innocent people murdered in the internacine drug wars and yet again, the cost to keep them away from society and blitzed out of their minds is far cheaper than the alternative. Especially to those who lose loved ones.
No, it wouldn't. Prohibition Only engenders corruption, not solutions.

Where am I prohibiting anything? Methinks you need to learn to read for comprehension dude.
You must be on the right wing. Our drug war merely increases incarceration rates.
Yes, round up all the meth heads and give them a free FEMA trailer and put them all in a 1,000 acre area in Wyoming away from everyone else. No law no rules. Let them build their own Utopia.

It would be cheaper for society in the long run.
No, it wouldn't; under Any form of Capitalism.

Sure it would. Burglary would drop by 80% or more. That cost alone would be worth supporting bunch of meth heads out in the middle of nowhere. Add in the innocent people murdered in the internacine drug wars and yet again, the cost to keep them away from society and blitzed out of their minds is far cheaper than the alternative. Especially to those who lose loved ones.
We closed Alcatraz because the right wing wants to lower taxes. We need war on crime tax rates to make it work. the right wing won't go for it, because it may involve raising taxes; and, the right wing likes to, "chant, hell no, we won't go if there is Any increase in Taxes", to look, fiscally tough.
Only the right wing is that cognitively dissonant. We are losing tax revenue.

Marijuana tax revenue hit $200 million in Colorado as sales pass $1 billion
Riiiiiight....... :lmao:
The right wing claims to be for Capitalism; but are just plain socialists, and don't know it. Some on the left are trying to be poets, and know it.
Suuuuure thing there. Do you do any more illusion tricks? :dunno:

Oh and we're waaaaayyyyyyyy off topic....... :D
Marijuana tax revenue hit $200 million in Colorado as sales pass $1 billion
You're focused on state politics, I'm focused on national and international. Apples and oranges, I lived in Colorado when that was passed, didn't have a problem with it then, don't have a problem with it now. Try to keep up.........
a national marijuana sales tax could end our budget problems.
Riiiiiight....... :lmao:
The right wing claims to be for Capitalism; but are just plain socialists, and don't know it. Some on the left are trying to be poets, and know it.
Suuuuure thing there. Do you do any more illusion tricks? :dunno:

Oh and we're waaaaayyyyyyyy off topic....... :D
Marijuana tax revenue hit $200 million in Colorado as sales pass $1 billion
You're focused on state politics, I'm focused on national and international. Apples and oranges, I lived in Colorado when that was passed, didn't have a problem with it then, don't have a problem with it now. Try to keep up.........
a national marijuana sales tax could end our budget problems.
I'm not arguing that. Obviously you have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes with the so called war on drugs, why many want it to continue unabated and unwinnable. The war on drugs is now a major global "business" worth trillions of dollars and providing tens of thousands of jobs around the world not to mention it's potential extortion factor for political uses.
Besides I wasn't making fun of your link just the one sided associated comments...... That was funny. :thup:
I'm not suggesting than all Muslims be "rounded up" and interned. There are many Muslims who are American citizens, many who are approved and documented immigrants, and many who are legitimate Syrian asylum-seekers, specifically defenseless women, children and seniors. There is no reason to intern these categories.

But the only way we are ever going to solve the existing problem we have with undocumented, unwanted, border-jumping Muslims who have no business being here, primarily the approximate 90% who are healthy, military-age men who should be in their homelands fighting against the oppression they claim to be the reason they are here. This category should be arrested on sight and interned pending mass deportations.

If this seems severe it is the only option we have to avoid the gradual ruin of our sovereign Nation. These people are invaders and they should be purged -- by any means necessary.

Yes, round up all the meth heads and give them a free FEMA trailer and put them all in a 1,000 acre area in Wyoming away from everyone else. No law no rules. Let them build their own Utopia.
The decision to close it was made three years prior in 1960, guess what, yup both houses of congress controlled by the dems..........

It would be cheaper for society in the long run.
No, it wouldn't; under Any form of Capitalism.

Sure it would. Burglary would drop by 80% or more. That cost alone would be worth supporting bunch of meth heads out in the middle of nowhere. Add in the innocent people murdered in the internacine drug wars and yet again, the cost to keep them away from society and blitzed out of their minds is far cheaper than the alternative. Especially to those who lose loved ones.
We closed Alcatraz because the right wing wants to lower taxes. We need war on crime tax rates to make it work. the right wing won't go for it, because it may involve raising taxes; and, the right wing likes to, "chant, hell no, we won't go if there is Any increase in Taxes", to look, fiscally tough.
Duuuuuuh no they didn't.......
The closure was due to the massive amount of money it took to run it, triple what other prisons cost to operate. Each week nearly one million gallons of potable water had to be shipped to the island by barge all food, supplies and fuel also had to be shipped by barge, it simply became cost effective to replace it with a cheaper mainland prison, it had nothing to do with anyone wanting to lower taxes.
Besides in 1963 both houses of congress had a Democrat majority............
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It would be cheaper for society in the long run.
No, it wouldn't; under Any form of Capitalism.

Sure it would. Burglary would drop by 80% or more. That cost alone would be worth supporting bunch of meth heads out in the middle of nowhere. Add in the innocent people murdered in the internacine drug wars and yet again, the cost to keep them away from society and blitzed out of their minds is far cheaper than the alternative. Especially to those who lose loved ones.
No, it wouldn't. Prohibition Only engenders corruption, not solutions.

Where am I prohibiting anything? Methinks you need to learn to read for comprehension dude.
You must be on the right wing. Our drug war merely increases incarceration rates.

And you must be a fucking moron incapable of understanding the English language. I have been a firm advocate of drug legalization for decades. Try and keep up, dumbshit.
As interesting as the marijuana discussion is, it's not actually the subject of the thread. Thanks
And in some states the federal government is raiding dispensaries, even in states where it is legal in that state, and taking all the profits from the businesses and charging them with federal crimes... and even when the federal government is asking local police agencies to help in the busts, the feds are keeping all the seized assets for themselves.
I didn't know they are doing this. It hasn't been reported on any of the MSM channels.

Why Are Feds Targeting High-End Pot Producers in California?
The right wing prefers to be the Party of Increased Litigation?
The right wing claims to be for Capitalism; but are just plain socialists, and don't know it. Some on the left are trying to be poets, and know it.
Suuuuure thing there. Do you do any more illusion tricks? :dunno:

Oh and we're waaaaayyyyyyyy off topic....... :D
Marijuana tax revenue hit $200 million in Colorado as sales pass $1 billion
You're focused on state politics, I'm focused on national and international. Apples and oranges, I lived in Colorado when that was passed, didn't have a problem with it then, don't have a problem with it now. Try to keep up.........
a national marijuana sales tax could end our budget problems.
I'm not arguing that. Obviously you have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes with the so called war on drugs, why many want it to continue unabated and unwinnable. The war on drugs is now a major global "business" worth trillions of dollars and providing tens of thousands of jobs around the world not to mention it's potential extortion factor for political uses.
Besides I wasn't making fun of your link just the one sided associated comments...... That was funny. :thup:
It is not "worth anything" if we legalize it and tax it.
No, it wouldn't; under Any form of Capitalism.

Sure it would. Burglary would drop by 80% or more. That cost alone would be worth supporting bunch of meth heads out in the middle of nowhere. Add in the innocent people murdered in the internacine drug wars and yet again, the cost to keep them away from society and blitzed out of their minds is far cheaper than the alternative. Especially to those who lose loved ones.
No, it wouldn't. Prohibition Only engenders corruption, not solutions.

Where am I prohibiting anything? Methinks you need to learn to read for comprehension dude.
You must be on the right wing. Our drug war merely increases incarceration rates.

And you must be a fucking moron incapable of understanding the English language. I have been a firm advocate of drug legalization for decades. Try and keep up, dumbshit.
You are just dumb. Get over it.
Suuuuure thing there. Do you do any more illusion tricks? :dunno:

Oh and we're waaaaayyyyyyyy off topic....... :D
Marijuana tax revenue hit $200 million in Colorado as sales pass $1 billion
You're focused on state politics, I'm focused on national and international. Apples and oranges, I lived in Colorado when that was passed, didn't have a problem with it then, don't have a problem with it now. Try to keep up.........
a national marijuana sales tax could end our budget problems.
I'm not arguing that. Obviously you have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes with the so called war on drugs, why many want it to continue unabated and unwinnable. The war on drugs is now a major global "business" worth trillions of dollars and providing tens of thousands of jobs around the world not to mention it's potential extortion factor for political uses.
Besides I wasn't making fun of your link just the one sided associated comments...... That was funny. :thup:
It is not "worth anything" if we legalize it and tax it.
You miss the point, I'm pointing out reality over wishful thinking.

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