Zone1 Calling/accusing other members "groomer"

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AYE -- I would still like to know why it is that you have told me that the posts I made that Coyote used to ban be were not violations while Coyote is threatening me like this:

Please. Spare us the disingenuous claims of innocence.

You: let’s see how close I can get to the line by a accusing members of being pedo without quite literally saying the P word.

Play with fire, you are going to get burned.
I do know only I was 5 and my sister was 10. My sister couldn't get over it and later in life she killed herself. I am still here and my heart hurts over it all. I am so sorry that no one on the usmb staff is human. They use robots who don't care who rattle rules and are able to de-sensitize from it all.

It is deeply disturbing, that the staff of this site know damn well that the intent and effect of their policies is to protect and enable the sexual abuse of children, and they are able to live with themselves while defending and upholding such a policy.

If I were in a position where I was compelled to uphold such a policy, I could not live with myself while so doing. I simply couldn't. If there is anything that could drive me to suicide, that would be such a thing, if I had no other way out of that situation.

It is impossible for me to imagine any actual human being, with a soul or a conscience, being OK with this policy.
I remember when they lost their minds over "Nazi" on here.

This is ridiculous, saying someone enables something is in no way saying are that something

The rules are being stretched to ridiculous lengths in order to punish the people who want to protect children.

It is all very intentional, very one-sided and done with a definite agenda in mind.
It is deeply disturbing, that the staff of this site know damn well that the intent and effect of their policies is to protect and enable the sexual abuse of children, and they are able to live with themselves while defending and upholding such a policy.

If I were in a position where I was compelled to uphold such a policy, I could not live with myself while so doing. I simply couldn't. If there is anything that could drive me to suicide, that would be such a thing, if I had no other way out of that situation.

It is impossible for me to imagine any actual human being, with a soul or a conscience, being OK with this policy.
Yep -- they bear collective responsibility.

They try to play the game where none of them share any responsibility for the abusive moderation of another mod, but that is pure bunk.

They all share the responsibility for the product they are putting out just like any company. The product they are putting out right now is very friendly towards those who wish to sexualize young children and very hostile towards those who wish to protect children from this abuse.

Abuse doesn't HAVE to be physical. Abusing children through the use of pornography or calling three year olds trannies is still abuse.
Well you're not dealing with the brightest bulbs on the strand
especially when it comes to understanding human psychology.

Sexualization of children at an early age often results in cases of arrested development. Kids emotional development simply stops, and they grow up to be damaged adults incapable of being fully mature.
especially when it comes to understanding human psychology.

Sexualization of children at an early age often results in cases of arrested development. Kids emotional development simply stops, and they grow up to be damaged adults incapable of being fully mature.

I'm well aware what happens with abused children.

It just seems some are going to great lengths to "ignore" what's taking place.

Almost every one of Tommy's threads open up with taunting, preemptive derision towards any view other than his own, smug self-satisfaction and claims that he is civilized, he is cultured and he is superior -- while posting crap about wanting to expose children to pornography or gloating that people are being jailed for their speech.

I used to jokingly refer to this place as a trollocracy. With Tommy being given the keys to the Kingdom, I'd say that process is pretty much complete.
Put him on ignore. I did at least a year ago. He is a complete fucking idiot loser.
You are prevented from accusing other posters only. If you believe they are in fact doing that you may report them.
What do you call the action of exposing children to pornographic images?

How do you refer to the person who just wants children to view pornographic images?

There is a difference between doing something and wanting something done. A statement that a poster WANTS to have something happen does not mean that HE is actually doing it.

You have accused me of being a homophobe MANY times for my objection to the sexualization of children using means such as these. Many times, indeed.
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