Zone1 Calling/accusing other members "groomer"

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It was. Good for you.

The point is that you can still oppose the idea without using the g word.


And yet you, G.T. , and a couple others, thought it was funny to accuse me of the P word a couple years ago.


Who has been accused of the act of molesting children?
I have no idea since the word is now banned.
we are now prevented from referring to the act of grooming children as grooming.

anybody else see the idiocy inherent in this?
You are not allowed to call people posting on USMB groomers, anyone else is fair game for the use of pejorative slang. Why can't you use the correct word and stop bastardizing words that have other meanings?
I don't agree with any of this sterilization, gender re-assignment, etc.
And I don’t agree with the state interfering with the personal, private decisions of families with transgender children, where Republican state lawmakers enact reckless, irresponsible, and reprehensible measures such as criminalizing the decisions made by parents of transgender children and threating the parents of transgender children with forcing the child out of the home and placing him in state custody.

Parents know what’s best for their children, not the state.
Board pets get away with that stuff. Kind of like when they used to mock me freely using accusations of incest. Mods? Zzzzz

Almost every one of Tommy's threads open up with taunting, preemptive derision towards any view other than his own, smug self-satisfaction and claims that he is civilized, he is cultured and he is superior -- while posting crap about wanting to expose children to pornography or gloating that people are being jailed for their speech.

I used to jokingly refer to this place as a trollocracy. With Tommy being given the keys to the Kingdom, I'd say that process is pretty much complete.

Almost every one of Tommy's threads open up with taunting, preemptive derision towards any view other than his own, smug self-satisfaction and claims that he is civilized, he is cultured and he is superior -- while posting crap about wanting to expose children to pornography or gloating that people are being jailed for their speech.

I used to jokingly refer to this place as a trollocracy. With Tommy being given the keys to the Kingdom, I'd say that process is pretty much complete.
Trolloracy is very accurate. Notice all of the left leaning troll threads never moved to the badlands ( and the authors of them).
So let me reduce this down to the bumper sticker level after plowing through 231 post with many people not getting it.


USMB Poster "Groomer" = Bad (not allowed)

Non-USMB individuals "Groomer" = Allowed
Is that about right?

You know -- I have posters telling me I need help. I have mods taunting me and stalking me and accusing me of all manner of perfidy, but do any of you know what it feels like to be al 11 year old kid having an adult grab you? Do You? DO YOU FUCKING KNOW WHAT THAT IS LIKE?

Fuck you all.

Just fucking fuck all of you pederast enablers here.
I do know only I was 5 and my sister was 10. My sister couldn't get over it and later in life she killed herself. I am still here and my heart hurts over it all. I am so sorry that no one on the usmb staff is human. They use robots who don't care who rattle rules and are able to de-sensitize from it all.
Trolloracy is very accurate. Notice all of the left leaning troll threads never moved to the badlands ( and the authors of them).

not to mention that endless conspiracy theory nonsense proven false always stays in the assigned forum if posted by a lefty, while posts by righties that aren't even conspiracy theories are moved to the conspiracy theory section.
So let me reduce this down to the bumper sticker level after plowing through 231 post with many people not getting it.


USMB Poster "Groomer" = Bad (not allowed)

Non-USMB individuals "Groomer" = Allowed
Is that about right?

Rules are one thing. If they are implemented evenly. Which they are not. Usually they are used as an excuse to abuse the system via “ interpretation of motivation”.

not to mention that endless conspiracy theory nonsense proven false always stays in the assigned forum if posted by a lefty, while posts by righties that aren't even conspiracy theories are moved to the conspiracy theory section.

I remember when they lost their minds over "Nazi" on here.

This is ridiculous, saying someone enables something is in no way saying are that something
Great question. I've asked it myself.

It's particularly concerning given that I've seen staff members insinuate the crime consistently.

To AyeCantSeeYou and the staff:

I agree with staff with a rule that calling or insinuating that somebody is a groomer or pedophile is inappropriate and that should not be allowed. But those two crimes should not be singled out. Accusing ANY member of ANY bonafide crime should be against policy.

I can empathize with SweetSue92 that being a teacher should never be equated with being a groomer or pedophile any more than being a Catholic or member of the Boy Scouts or any other group in which these issues have been well publicized should automatically label a person a 'groomer' or 'pedophile'.

But neither should expressing the fact that groomers are found in education, curriculum, the Church, Boy Scouts, etc. etc. etc. be translated that those in those occupations/situations are 'groomers' etc. any more than being in government or legal profession or any other occupation/affiliation automatically makes a person some other kind of criminal/crook.

Expressing an opinion that a person's argument could be seen as supporting grooming or whatever should not be translated as calling the person a groomer or whatever.

I know that wasn't at all the intent, but a policy that disallows calling people groomers or pedophiles but allows accusing people of pretty much all other illegality does make it sort of look like groomers/pedophiles are singled out for protection while those promoting or committing all other crimes are fair game for personal attacks, smears, accusations. And that could make a reasonable person raise an eyebrow.

I say make the rule that no member may accuse another member of being ANY kind of criminal on open forum, and we're good to go.
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