Zone1 Calling/accusing other members "groomer"

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say what you think, debate the issue.... Tell your perspective, i.e. that you believe drag queen story hour, (whatever the heck that is) is a means for pedophiles to work or lure their way in to children's lives, so they can sexually abuse these children.... If that's what you truly believe....and debate from there....

This can all be done, without directly accusing another USMB poster of being a paedophile so to harmfully try to neutralize their opinion.

no need to directly accuse a poster of being a pedophile, or supporter of paedophilia
I see Tommy is following you around laughing at everything you say, too. He has been stalking me all morning doing the same thing.

I guess now that he is collaborating with mods to establish site policy, rules do not apply.
That’s what board approved trolls do. :)
That has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. Take it elsewhere.
You have told me, youself, quite directly that posts I made that were used recently to ban me were not violations.

It is the bogus interpretation of this no-pedo calling rule that is the issue here. Coyote told me she would burn me if I got close, and you have verified that the postings she used to ban me were not violations, so what gives?

Why are postings being removed that are NOT direct accusations of pedophilia?
There have been far too many members openly advocating the sexual abuse of children.
That number is steady at ZERO.

If not for grooming…why else would your ideology manipulate children into gender assignment,sterilization and body mutilation before puberty?

I don't agree with any of this sterilization, gender re-assignment, etc. for kids. Kids brains are still developing and their emotions can swing wildly. We recognize that children do not have the mental capacity to vote and the physical capacity to drive, so we shouldn't be doing any of that trans stuff to children. If they're adults, fine. It's their bodies. However, IMHO we are going to see a ton of lawsuits in 20 years against doctors and others who advised kids to do the trans stuff. And they will win, rightfully so.

Having said that, this isn't groomer stuff. It's not trying to "convert" anyone. It's trying to deal with a youngster's conflicting sexuality. These are meant to be solutions for people who generally are discriminated against, who are marginalized and stigmitized, and who kill themselves at an alarming rate. They're very misguided solutions IMHO, but that's where it comes from.

I saw this with a friend of ours. Their daughter was gay and she couldn't deal with her sexuality. She lurched between depression and suicide. IMHO the LGBT community didn't help her much by giving her 97 genders to choose from. That just confused her. Turns out, once she went on Prozac as a college student, her mental state improved greatly. However, she hated her breasts and had them removed last month. She's 24. That's her decision. But no way at 14. That's too young.
I don't agree with any of this sterilization, gender re-assignment, etc. for kids. Kids brains are still developing and their emotions can swing wildly. We recognize that children do not have the mental capacity to vote and the physical capacity to drive, so we shouldn't be doing any of that trans stuff to children. If they're adults, fine. It's their bodies. However, IMHO we are going to see a ton of lawsuits in 20 years against doctors and others who advised kids to do the trans stuff. And they will win, rightfully so.

Having said that, this isn't groomer stuff. It's not trying to "convert" anyone. It's trying to deal with a youngster's conflicting sexuality. These are meant to be solutions for people who generally are discriminated against, who are marginalized and stigmitized, and who kill themselves at an alarming rate. They're very misguided solutions IMHO, but that's where it comes from.

I saw this with a friend of ours. Their daughter was gay and she couldn't deal with her sexuality. She lurched between depression and suicide. IMHO the LGBT community didn't help her much by giving her 97 genders to choose from. That just confused her. Turns out, once she went on Prozac as a college student, her mental state improved greatly. However, she hated her breasts and had them removed last month. She's 24. That's her decision. But no way at 14. That's too young.
We have a poster here who has referred to a three year old boy as a girl.

I can only imagine what happens to children when adults are referring to babies that young as the opposite sex of the one they were born with.

I call that grooming, myself. Adults have no business referring to other people's children in this manner.
Why would I contact the police just because USMB mods are dishonest when installing board rules? That’s more of something lefties would do.
That rule on accusing another poster directly of paedophilia, has been around since at least 2010... It was not a political issue by party affiliation....
Which makes sense given the fact that there’s no such thing as a ‘groomer’; children aren’t being ‘groomed’ to be gay or transgender.

It’s yet another ridiculous rightwing lie.
There is no such a thing as a groomer?


I guess that's where we are headed, folks. It can't be happening to kids because of the word being used to describe it.

That is what USMB wants. You can advocate the process all you want. You just can't call it what it is.
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Which makes sense given the fact that there’s no such thing as a ‘groomer’; children aren’t being ‘groomed’ to be gay or transgender.

It’s yet another ridiculous rightwing lie.
Then why are they being instructed by educators to choose their pronouns?
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