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Calling each other Nazis, Hitler

Progressive leaders in recent history, people like Stalin, Mao and Hitler are the ones who wanted government to rule everything. You see that in the American Left today, using the full power of the government (NSA, IRS, State run media) to crush their "enemies" that is, the people who stand in the way of their absolute power
NAZI is the word people use who are too lazy to write the word

Precisely the same problem I have with the constant screaming of the word "racist".


But, you just don't understand. They (the author of the article and the OP) aren't talking about the words they use to describe you. You clearly are racist and homophobic, because you are either white and/or conservative. They're not talking about those words silly head. Just the words you use on them that they do not like.

Got it?

That's an easy out. I've said the same thing about "communist", "socialist" and a whole bunch of other "ists", including "racist".

How about if we use facts as a basis for namecalling?

IOW, if one says something that is racist, they should be called out for that.

But, just because one does not like what someone says, that does not mean they are CommieNaziRacistSocialistFascist.

Or, if someone sees something that is going down the same road that the Nazi's went down before they went totally insane and started killing innocents they should call that out as well.

Of course, YOU don't seem to agree. You are defending calling people out as racist but you don't want them to return the favor when they call out things they think are totalitarian. Tough.
The Holocaust didn't just happen overnight. They didn't start throwing jews in the ovens on day 1. You didn't just have on one day nothing going on, then the next day, death camps and gassings. There was a period of years where the hate and propaganda ramped up (and leading to) the Final Solution. It's important to know the factors that led to the Holocaust and in the context for which they played a role.

And conversely, any Nazi comparisons must be looked at the same way. It doesn't have to be "full blown Holocaust period", or no comparison at all. There are some things that are similar. As an example, how is the Nazis demonization of the jews, any different than the Israeli's demonization of the Palestinian's? Both groups are (were) trashed and used as scapegoats. Unfortunately for the jews, no one spoke out against that treatment and it eventually escalated into the Holocaust.

In todays world, if something similar is going on, you have a duty to humanity to speak out and say something. Because remaining silent, or trying to suppress others when they make a comparison, is trashing the memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Making their lives to have died in vain. The best way to honor them, is to make sure this never happens again.

Excellent point. Rather than use terms such as "Nazi" as simple perjoratives for people or ideas we disagree with, the terms should be used with specificity to identify the ideas, methods, and world view that engender specific dangers. I think "racist" should be used in the same sense.

I use Leni Riefenstahl's "Triumph of the Will" to illustrate how totalitarian systems, and the Nazi's specifically, used common psychological techniques to make palatable some rather nasty ideas. There was real debate as to whether to prosecute her in the Nuremburg trials for that piece of propaganda.

The film starts showing the shadow of an airplane crossing forests, mountains, and plains, evoking in American audiences the lyrics to "America the beautiful". Then we see boys and young men, initially indistinguishable from Boy Scouts, setting up an outdoor camp, washing up, and horsing around. Then we see daylight parades of worker battalions carrying shovels and axes, youth marchers and so one. A few speeches begin, extolling the virtues of work. We see a relatively modest military parade with laughably limited equipment. There follows torchlight parades with SA and SS units, more substantial military units, and speeches my more senior officials. Our Boy Scouts turn out to have been Hitler Youth and SS units. Finally we get the "cathedral of light" and Hitler explaining the world role for the German Volk.

When I see the torchlight parades and use of contrasting darkness and light, the massed banners, the progression to ever larger assemblages of people, the escalating rhetoric, the "epic" music background, and all the other techniques of emotional manipulation; it matters not if the people putting it on are motivated by religious fervor, political enthusiasm, or something more sinister. That kind of emotional manipulation is not good for a free people.

So I think that not only some ideas and actions, but also some methods, should be proscribed by a people wishing to be or remain free. One way to do that is to not ignore these emotional appeals, but to show them for what they are, and, yes, to make justified parallels to Nazi propaganda.
The more its used, the less it means and that it demeans the experience of the Holocaust.

Then why do you people use it every time someone criticizes Israel, the Zionists, the NeoCons, the liberals, the Talmud, or the Jewish lobbies?
The Nazis went after the Jews, Socialists, Trade Unionists, Homosexuals, Gypsies, and Blacks.
Neo-Nazis are against these people, too, and even use the Swastika.
I agree with the OP link to the Vanity Fair article.

Nazi Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh I get it. So anyone who says anything that isn't "nice" about a Jew, Socialism, Unions, homos, or any of the umpteen other politically protected "minorities" is a Nazi.

Thanks. That greatly simplifies things. The only people left who can rightly be called Nazi are white non-Jewish men.

Anyone else who might decide to transgress the communist Zionist party lines may either be called a Nazi sympathizer, politically incorrect, or a self hating Jew. This definition would greatly restrict the term Nazi to where it could safely retain it's potency as an effective means to silence anyone opposed to the New World Order, regardless of how little the people using the term know about the subject of criticism.

Speaking of protected minorities.
Someone needs to look up "white" as a fraction of the world's population and future projections of racial demographics in the US based on birth rates.

Or, they can just forget about it and trust that all of these other "minorities" will always show the uttermost respect and concern for "whites" and their best interests as these changes take place.

It's practically guaranteed. And everyone here knows without being told that Jews are always putting the interests of others before themselves. Anyone who suggests otherwise is a Nazi.

There now. Did I use it correctly?

Anxiously Awaiting Mob Approval
What Does It Really Mean When Politicians and Pundits Cry ?Nazi?? | Vanity Fair

It is hard to fully comprehend the magnitude of the Nazi death camps and their impact on the lives of untold millions. But, even so, there are a few things I can say for certain: the Nazis, and the Holocaust they brought were nothing like Obamacare. Or the national debt. Or political correctness. Or criticism of economic inequality. Or the Tea Party. Or the Internal Revenue Service. Or the Obama administration. Or the Bush administration. Or any of the other masses of infinitesimal flotsam spewed up in self-pitying and hysterical analogies by vulgarians with more mouth than brain.

And, damn it, how dare so many of you politicians and political commentators and entertainers spit on the ashes of the earth containing the bodies of millions of the slaughtered, by making such asinine comparisons. How dare you belittle unspeakable suffering, how dare you brush aside the emotional torment of survivors, how dare you feed into the Holocaust denialism by pretending that some difference in political opinions is just as bad as the literal torture and destruction of millions of families.

How dare you?

Ben Carson, current darling of the Republican Party whose name is touted as a potential presidential candidate: You compared your feeling of being stifled by “political correctness” to the torment and murder of 13-year-old Sochi Piaskovski and millions of other children. (The American government and its institutions are “very much like Nazi Germany. . . . We now live in a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe.”) I will assume that, after you made those comments, the Obama administration responded by descending upon you, loading you and your family onto a train, and stuffing you into a gas chamber.

No? Then shut up.

Tom Perkins, multi-millionaire venture capitalist: You compared liberal criticism of income inequality and the excesses of the überwealthy to the slaughter of Jakub Piaskovski’s entire family. (“I would call attention to the parallels of fascist Nazi Germany to its war on its ‘1 percent,’ namely its Jews, to the progressive war on the American 1 percent, namely the ‘rich.’”) I will assume that the tortured and tormented corpses of every member of your family have been burned to ash by progressives, and that you have not had a good night’s sleep for most of your life because of the guilt you feel for surviving.

No? Then shut up.

Ted Nugent, aging rock star, gun enthusiast, conservative spokesman: You compared Obamacare to the beginnings of Nazi Germany. I will assume you mean that you are now preparing to tear out your fillings in hopes of saving a family member while you are imprisoned, starving, cold, and awaiting your death.

No? Then shut up.

Yes, all of you. Shut up, and apologize for demeaning one of history’s most unspeakable crimes. I mean you, Ted Cruz, Republican senator who proclaimed that fighting to defund Obamacare is like fighting to stop the Nazis. And you, Tim Donnelly, Republican candidate for California governor who likened Obama to Hitler because of gun control. And you, Rick Santorum, former GOP senator and presidential candidate who said that failing to fight against Obama’s reelection was like failing to fight Hitler in 1940; he later justified the statement by saying he has used the World War II metaphor “a hundred times.” And you, Bill O’Reilly, political commentator who said the Huffington Post used Nazi tactics and that liberal supporters of gun control embraced the sort of “state control” established by Hitler. And you, Stephen Schwarzman, billionaire co-founder of the Blackstone Group, who proclaimed that some of Obama’s tax proposals were a declaration of war, like “when Hitler invaded Poland.” And you, George W. Bush, whose campaign went all out with the Nazi analogy by releasing a video showing John Kerry, Al Gore, Howard Dean and other Democratic Party luminaries intercut with images of Hitler. And you, Wayne LaPierre, head of the NRA who has used Nazi comparisons to keep gun owners frightened and has even raised the prospect that they may face mass execution. And you, Glenn Beck, who has compared so many people and circumstances to Nazi Germany so many times that the great comedian Lewis Black proclaimed l that Beck suffers from “Nazi Tourette’s.”

And don’t think that the political right has a monopoly on this abominable behavior. So yes, I mean you, Representative Keith Ellison, Democratic congressman who equated [then-President] Bush after 9/11 with Hitler after the destruction of the Reichstag, the German parliament. Or you, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who accused Republicans of using Nazi tactics during the 2004 presidential campaign. Or you, Linda Ronstadt, the singer who said in 2004 that newly elected Republicans were “a new bunch of Hitlers.” And you, Joy Behar, television personality who compared former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to Hitler.

Right or left, Republican or Democrat - Can't we ALL demand that politicians, pundits and EACH OTHER stop this??

The problem is this, where as if we ignore the things that people do in life, well they can easily lead to the same situations that bring about the mindsets, programs, political opinions, and even the changing of laws or creating more laws in which are just like those who had come before them. The key is to not ignore the signs, and to get right on the trail before it turns into a disaster like the world has experienced so many times before or in the past.

The problem is also, that people love to erase the trails of the past, and then to act as if they are creating something new, when it is not knew at all, but rather it is just dressed in a different suit or hat instead.

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