Calling it for Trump


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Trump will triumph in the OMG Trump has sold out Allies play. Why? Latest attempt to stir the pot exposes fact nothing is working. They are down to accusing Trump of endangering Israel whom they hate and would be happy if ISIS had taken them out.,
Recall Turkey was supporting ISIS by taking in oil from them until Putin nuked a convoy and then Obama wanting to show yeah he's tough on ISIS had to nuke one too.
The Kurds in Syria were our "freedom fighters" of the moment, not because they are great guys but because ISIS was horning in on em, and Turkey was doing business with em.

Trumps crimes , impeachable offenses, make Nixon look like a pussy cat Trump dares us to stop him What are you gonna do about it ? Erodgan meeting Putin in Russia to slap each others back ,,,at Trumps and Americas expense When will republicans get a fn clue??
Trumps crimes , impeachable offenses, make Nixon look like a pussy cat Trump dares us to stop him What are you gonna do about it ? Erodgan meeting Putin in Russia to slap each others back ,,,at Trumps and Americas expense When will republicans get a fn clue??

LMAO okay eddie what "impeachable offenses"? And if they exist why haven't you gutless clowns in the Dem party impeached him hmmm? You fools fear even having a vote, you know, because you don't have the votes even among House Dem's. :21::21::21::21::21::21:
Trumps crimes , impeachable offenses, make Nixon look like a pussy cat Trump dares us to stop him What are you gonna do about it ? Erodgan meeting Putin in Russia to slap each others back ,,,at Trumps and Americas expense When will republicans get a fn clue??

Nonsensical TDS post. Trump committed no crimes, just ask Dershowitz. Erdogan is protecting his border, so what? The US doesn't have a dog in the Syrian civil war. Trump saved US troops lives, something the "war mongers" don't yet admit.
Trumps crimes , impeachable offenses, make Nixon look like a pussy cat Trump dares us to stop him What are you gonna do about it ? Erodgan meeting Putin in Russia to slap each others back ,,,at Trumps and Americas expense When will republicans get a fn clue??

Nonsensical TDS post. Trump committed no crimes, just ask Dershowitz. Erdogan is protecting his border, so what? The US doesn't have a dog in the Syrian war. Trump saved US troops lives, something the "war mongers" don't yet admit.

Trump is a criminal. He's committed impeachable crimes. The situation is dire, we are on the verge of collapse. Trump must be impeached and removed immediately. Yet Dem's fear even holding a vote on impeachment proceedings let alone impeachment which tells us this is nothing more than a smear campaign by Dem's and the fake news.
Trumps crimes , impeachable offenses, make Nixon look like a pussy cat Trump dares us to stop him What are you gonna do about it ? Erodgan meeting Putin in Russia to slap each others back ,,,at Trumps and Americas expense When will republicans get a fn clue??
Obama was the most corrupt president in our history, and you know Trump is fixing to expose him.
Trumps crimes , impeachable offenses, make Nixon look like a pussy cat Trump dares us to stop him What are you gonna do about it ? Erodgan meeting Putin in Russia to slap each others back ,,,at Trumps and Americas expense When will republicans get a fn clue??

Nonsensical TDS post. Trump committed no crimes, just ask Dershowitz. Erdogan is protecting his border, so what? The US doesn't have a dog in the Syrian war. Trump saved US troops lives, something the "war mongers" don't yet admit.

Trump is a criminal. He's committed impeachable crimes. The situation is dire, we are on the verge of collapse. Trump must be impeached and removed immediately. Yet Dem's fear even holding a vote on impeachment proceedings let alone impeachment which tells us this is nothing more than a smear campaign by Dem's and the fake news.

1. Show me the credible links to the impeachable crimes he's committed. I have a Harvard Law professor's legal opinion that Trump committed no crime, let alone any "impeachable crimes"
Ukraine Transcript Isn't Impeachable or Criminal: Kevin McCullough with Alan Dershowitz - Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News -
Dershowitz: Trump 'Absolutely' Did Nothing Wrong With Payments

2. Did you see Trump's rally's lately? The US is behind Trump, the stock market is at all time highs, the Fed is lowering interest rates, unemployment is at all time lows, pay increases are happening, and a reliable/credible Moody poll says Trump will win easily in 2020.
Trump is on his way to an easy win in 2020, according to Moody's accurate election model

3. Your post is garbage, its nothing but lie after lie after lie. You must be a public school product and don't know how to research answers??
Trumps crimes , impeachable offenses, make Nixon look like a pussy cat Trump dares us to stop him What are you gonna do about it ? Erodgan meeting Putin in Russia to slap each others back ,,,at Trumps and Americas expense When will republicans get a fn clue??

LMAO okay eddie what "impeachable offenses"? And if they exist why haven't you gutless clowns in the Dem party impeached him hmmm? You fools fear even having a vote, you know, because you don't have the votes even among House Dem's. :21::21::21::21::21::21:
You're a smart guy Why pretend to be a dumbbell ? Read the fn emolument clause Read our constitution about NO HELP from foreign nations for elections or self gain Now he throws it in Americas face with his G 7 meeting Withdrawing US troops from Syria? A blood stain on our annals of history Come to your senses Blues
Trumps crimes , impeachable offenses, make Nixon look like a pussy cat Trump dares us to stop him What are you gonna do about it ? Erodgan meeting Putin in Russia to slap each others back ,,,at Trumps and Americas expense When will republicans get a fn clue??

Nonsensical TDS post. Trump committed no crimes, just ask Dershowitz. Erdogan is protecting his border, so what? The US doesn't have a dog in the Syrian war. Trump saved US troops lives, something the "war mongers" don't yet admit.

Trump is a criminal. He's committed impeachable crimes. The situation is dire, we are on the verge of collapse. Trump must be impeached and removed immediately. Yet Dem's fear even holding a vote on impeachment proceedings let alone impeachment which tells us this is nothing more than a smear campaign by Dem's and the fake news.

1. Show me the credible links to the impeachable crimes he's committed. I have a Harvard Law professor's legal opinion that Trump committed no crime, let alone any "impeachable crimes"
Ukraine Transcript Isn't Impeachable or Criminal: Kevin McCullough with Alan Dershowitz - Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News -
Dershowitz: Trump 'Absolutely' Did Nothing Wrong With Payments

2. Did you see Trump's rally's lately? The US is behind Trump, the stock market is at all time highs, the Fed is lowering interest rates, unemployment is at all time lows, pay increases are happening, and a reliable/credible Moody poll says Trump will win easily in 2020.
Trump is on his way to an easy win in 2020, according to Moody's accurate election model

3. Your post is garbage, its nothing but lie after lie after lie. You must be a public school product and don't know how to research answers??

You really should look at my avatar, then read the last line of my post. :04:
Trumps crimes , impeachable offenses, make Nixon look like a pussy cat Trump dares us to stop him What are you gonna do about it ? Erodgan meeting Putin in Russia to slap each others back ,,,at Trumps and Americas expense When will republicans get a fn clue??

LMAO okay eddie what "impeachable offenses"? And if they exist why haven't you gutless clowns in the Dem party impeached him hmmm? You fools fear even having a vote, you know, because you don't have the votes even among House Dem's. :21::21::21::21::21::21:
You're a smart guy Why pretend to be a dumbbell ? Read the fn emolument clause Read our constitution about NO HELP from foreign nations for elections or self gain Now he throws it in Americas face with his G 7 meeting Withdrawing US troops from Syria? A blood stain on our annals of history Come to your senses Blues

Then go ahead impeach Trump DO IT NOW I'm sure pissing off the entire Republican party and half the independents will work out swell for you in the 2020 elections. :auiqs.jpg:
Trumps crimes , impeachable offenses, make Nixon look like a pussy cat Trump dares us to stop him What are you gonna do about it ? Erodgan meeting Putin in Russia to slap each others back ,,,at Trumps and Americas expense When will republicans get a fn clue??
Nonsensical TDS post. Trump committed no crimes, just ask Dershowitz. Erdogan is protecting his border, so what? The US doesn't have a dog in the Syrian civil war. Trump saved US troops lives, something the "war mongers" don't yet admit.
One really has to laugh at the jackass democrats:
  1. They were screaming for a reduction in spending until Trump does something to cut spending. Now they want him to spend more.
  2. They were screaming for us to get out of the Middle East with unnecessary involvement that wasn't benefiting us nor stopping the Russians until Trump actually pulls out of a conflict we were already in far too long and are now excoriating him for abandoning a people who don't even have their own country claiming it has opened the floodgates for Russia to come in!
The Left better hope Trump doesn't take up fighting man-made Climate Change next. They will have a terrible time trying to denounce him for falling for and wasting money on things like green energy and carbon credits while claiming he is doing that all for the aid of Russia! :21:
Trumps crimes , impeachable offenses, make Nixon look like a pussy cat Trump dares us to stop him What are you gonna do about it ? Erodgan meeting Putin in Russia to slap each others back ,,,at Trumps and Americas expense When will republicans get a fn clue??

Nonsensical TDS post. Trump committed no crimes, just ask Dershowitz. Erdogan is protecting his border, so what? The US doesn't have a dog in the Syrian civil war. Trump saved US troops lives, something the "war mongers" don't yet admit.
He also gets our Troops out of harm's way when it comes to Russian interest in supporting Syria in the region correct ?? Syria has won the long conflict within it's borders, and they have done that with the help of Putin correct ? So for us to stay engaged in Syria in which Russia is now supporting the Syrian regime, then would that put our troops in a direct proxy war with Russia through the Syrian government fight against all opposing factions in the country ?? Is it best we leave, regroup and figure out our best strategies in fighting global threats that directly or indirectly threaten our interest in the world ?? Did Obama and crew destroy our ability to make a difference in Syria at a strategic time line, and therefore allowed through weakness for Putin to step in and take over for the Syrian regime against those trying to topple it ??
Are McConnell and Graham wrong speaking out loudly about Trumps mistake of removing troops from Syria??Throwing Kurds under the bus ? Who could blame foreign nations for never trusting Republican swine again?
If the zealots in the Middle East are too busy killing each other, they won’t have time to kill others. Let them fight for eternity. Israel can take care of itself and since when do the Democrats care about Israel? They are the party of the BDS movement and they flew the Palestinian flag at the DNC while banning the flag of Mississippi. Their virtue signaling is obnoxious.
Trumps crimes , impeachable offenses, make Nixon look like a pussy cat Trump dares us to stop him What are you gonna do about it ? Erodgan meeting Putin in Russia to slap each others back ,,,at Trumps and Americas expense When will republicans get a fn clue??
Nonsensical TDS post. Trump committed no crimes, just ask Dershowitz. Erdogan is protecting his border, so what? The US doesn't have a dog in the Syrian civil war. Trump saved US troops lives, something the "war mongers" don't yet admit.
One really has to laugh at the jackass democrats:
  1. They were screaming for a reduction in spending until Trump does something to cut spending. Now they want him to spend more.
  2. They were screaming for us to get out of the Middle East with unnecessary involvement that wasn't benefiting us nor stopping the Russians until Trump actually pulls out of a conflict we were already in far too long and are now excoriating him for abandoning a people who don't even have their own country claiming it has opened the floodgates for Russia to come in!
The Left better hope Trump doesn't take up fighting man-made Climate Change next. They will have a terrible time trying to denounce him for falling for and wasting money on things like green energy and carbon credits while claiming he is doing that all for the aid of Russia! :21:
Yeah trillion dollar cuts for the 1% are so much better than used for infrastructure

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