Calling out Mac1958

At this point, I'm just trolling the thread anyway. What are they gonna do anyway? Give me a demerit? Ban me? Pft...

It's in the Taunting Area ... I guess they could fuck with us if they wanted to.

I don't see what purpose it would serve.
When I go to Johnny's Catfish Shack, chances are I am going to be eating fried catfish ... :dunno:

Why in the world would I bother doing that?
You always defending Bidens ass, fitting symbol of the DNC, on these boards. Then pretend you dont then say You HATE Trump.

I called your skinny leftist ass out many times on BLM riots. As you kept trying to blame shift their violence on us. Your punk ass always ran away. But since the 6th BS you have used it to fuel your HATE of Trump.

Trump policies were spot on except not firing the CDC for being incompetent fucks.
Trump policies were spot on except not firing the CDC for being incompetent fucks.
Oh, God Emperor had a slew of missteps and outright fuck-ups.

Thing is that hater assclowns like Mac don't want to talk about any of them, in favor of going after him over his abrasive manner and fake scandals....And, of course, his supporters are just too stupid to understand how brilliant liberoidal jackoffs like him are the bestest of all time.

Damnedest thing.
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Oh, God Emperor had a slew of missteps and outright fuck-ups.

Thing is that hater assclowns like Mac don't want to talk about any of them, in favor of going after him over his abrasive manner and fake scandals....And, of course, his supporters are just too stupid to understand how brilliant liberoidal jackoffs like him are the bestest of all time.

Damnedest thing.
Slew of wrong appointments and on Covid. Overall he did much of what he promised. SCOTUS being the Main one. Riddle me this.... Had Hillary won what kind of SCOTUS would we have now. Tell me they wouldnt have Used That Power for Judicial activism from hell??? Tell me they would have not requited vaccine passports or lose your job like Canada?

Tell me you dont like reduced regulations?? Permits for drilling were greatly reduced under his watch.

Emperor No. Did some good, especially SCOTUS?? You damn straight he did. Hes not MY GOD. So shove that. In regards to Biden election. My state did its job. How about yours??
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So, in the end, it's just another bitch-fest about Mac by the regular Karens.

It could have gone down as a great debate by just you and TN but you don’t have the courage of your convictions.

Most of us can’t believe what a spineless bitch you are, it’s amazing how unaware you are. It is truly funny and you are soooooo predictabl.
It could have gone down as a great debate by just you and TN but you don’t have the courage of your convictions.

Most of us can’t believe what a spineless bitch you are, it’s amazing how unaware you are. It is truly funny and you are soooooo predictabl.
Hey -- wait just a cotton pickin minute there, buddy,

I believe it.
It could have gone down as a great debate by just you and TN but you don’t have the courage of your convictions.

Most of us can’t believe what a spineless bitch you are, it’s amazing how unaware you are. It is truly funny and you are soooooo predictabl.
Mac has so much in common with Don. Maybe that’s why he can psychoanalyze him so well.
Damn blacksand.. Give me a warning if i ever start to piss you off :lol:

It's okay ... I may use rough language and hit hard in the Ring (sometimes a little too hard Upstairs) ... But I am never pissed about any of it.

When I am pissed ... I am quiet because I am thinking.
I am thinking because I don't like being pissed, and whatever it is I am pissed at is about change, whether or not it wants to.

Damn ... Nobody, including myself, ever wants me to stop poking a stick at that beast I have caged up in a dark corner of my brain.
Whenever I let that fucker loose ... A warning isn't going to help anyone, because it's going to start devouring shit ... :auiqs.jpg:


It's okay ... I may use rough language and hit hard in the Ring (sometimes a little too hard Upstairs) ... But I am never pissed about any of it.

When I am pissed ... I am quiet because I am thinking.
I am thinking because I don't like being pissed, and whatever it is I am pissed at is about change, whether or not it wants to.

Damn ... Nobody, including myself, ever wants me to stop poking a stick at that beast I have caged up in a dark corner of my brain.
Whenever I let that fucker loose ... A warning isn't going to help anyone, because it's going to start devouring shit ... :auiqs.jpg:

I like your use of the word "thinking", here.

It's a lot like the word plotting, but less obvious.
It could have gone down as a great debate by just you and TN but you don’t have the courage of your convictions.

Most of us can’t believe what a spineless bitch you are, it’s amazing how unaware you are. It is truly funny and you are soooooo predictabl.
Mac predictably thanks me as he does with most of us when he has been beaten down in a thread and tries to save face.

He just follows his same behavior thread after thread. So predictable
I like your use of the word "thinking", here.

It's a lot like the word plotting, but less obvious.

It's "thinking" because I always try to figure out how I can make something happen and for the better ... And not how to obsess over its desire to stop me, or revenge.
It's "thinking" because I am searching for a way around an obstacle that doesn't involve me killing it.

So, you are kind of correct in that ... Even if it's just the better part of myself plotting against my bad side ... :auiqs.jpg:

I've made the same offer about 50 times now: If you think I'm a left wing Nazi commie -- and I get that pretty much every day here -- just go over the individual issues (I don't care which ones) and let's find out. No one ever wants to take me up on that. In reality, I disagree with both whacked out ends of the spectrum on most issues:
  • Immigration
  • Health Care
  • Trade
  • Unions
  • Abortion
  • Race
  • Capitalism
  • Regulation
  • Taxation
  • Green Energy/Climate Change
  • Whatever else
Regarding "debate", or what passes for "debate" here, no thanks. Waste of time.

I do think I take up a bit too much space in many minds here.

What? No topic griping about Trump? No Mac, you're not a leftwing Nazi commie, you say all the right things on the right subjects when pinned down, but then in all your other posts, you just TALK like a leftwing Nazi commie, just as Mitch is a republican by name, but then in the midst of the biggest winning season by his party in ages slaughtering democrats everywhere tells people like a very good RINO that he can't win because he "has no good candidates" (meaning Trump backed them).
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What? No topic griping about Trump? No Mac, you're not a leftwing Nazi commie, you say all the right things on the right subjects when pinned down, but then in all your other posts, you just TALK like a leftwing Nazi commie, just as Mitch is a republican by name, but then in the mid of the biggest winning season by his party in ages slaughtering democrats everywhere tells people like a very good RINO that he can't win because he "has no good candidates" (meaning Trump backed them).

Mac loves to talk about "both ends of the spectrum" even as he always displays complete solidarity with one of them while calling any divergence from that as being representative of the opposite extreme.

It's all about moving the goalposts. If he can establish that common sense and moderation is extreme right, he wins. The mainstream media applies this same technique where they inevitably refer to people or ideas as far right even if they are not while never referring to anything as left, much less far left. It's all just agitprop.

I must say, it has all been very effective, too. Not Mac's, mind you which is clumsy and obvious, but in the media as a whole. Good grief, we are now calling people "extreme right" if they do not support trannies in the bathrooms of actual women or do not support them competing against their daughters in sports.
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Mac loves to talk about "both ends of the spectrum" even as he always displays complete solidarity with one of them while calling any divergence from that as being representative of the opposite extreme.

It's all about moving the goalposts. If he can establish that common sense and moderation is extreme right, he wins. The mainstream media applies this same technique where they inevitably refer to people or ideas as far right even if they are not while never referring to anything as left, much less far left. It's all just agitprop.

I must say, it has all been very effective, too. Not Mac's, mind you which is clumsy and obvious, but in the media as a whole. Good grief, we are now calling people "extreme right" if they do not support trannies in the bathrooms of actual women or do not support them competing against their daughters in sports.

This is just my opinion ... And I could be wrong.

The reason Mac's obsession with Former President Trump is so prominent to many when reading his posts or threads ...
Is because he lacks the skills or desire to be ruthlessly obscure in searching for just any tool that will push the Democrat agenda.
He's not like winger, corn, decca, or the dog.

That's also why he hates it when people call him a leftist, simply because it is easy to kick him to that side of the aisle.

He doesn't necessarily want everything they want.
He just hasn't yet given into the idea that the Establishment is the problem he is trying to solve,
or that Compromise does not limit the Power of the Federal Government, or put a leash on the Establishment, and begin serve us all.

He likes the idea of a third party, but a party that will try to find balance between the other two.
That gets us no further away from the Establishment, and if a third party ever gains enough numbers and Power to be a threat ...
One of the other two parties ... Surprisingly, the one most closely associated to the ideology of the third party ...
Will devour it and steal its Power.

He wants the GOP to throw Former President Trump to the curb, because like it or not, he's just a shill for the Establishment.
He may want to add another party ... But it's still the same Swamp.


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