Calling out Mac1958

I've already explained that here, multiple times.

You people sure think a lot more about me than I do about you.

What's the post number where you feel you explained it in the most detail and substance you could muster?
Don't worry about me or what I am thinking, defend yourself.

Correct. I'm just observing.

Finally you get it.

I have known it all along and expressed it consistently throughout our entire exchange and this thread.

You aren't "just observing" because you are an active participant.
More cognitive dissonance and inconsistencies between even your thoughts and words.

You have nowhere to hide and have nothing to defend yourself with.

People need to understand, authoritarians arent good at debate. Their ideology is centered around emotion. Not logic and reason.
That is trump and you for crying out loud... dictator wannabe and little fascist wannabes like you. That's right wing. You know absolutely nothing factual but are obsessed and violent in your beliefs. Poor America
That is trump and you for crying out loud... dictator wannabe and little fascist wannabes like you. That's right wing. You know absolutely nothing factual but are obsessed and violent in your beliefs. Poor America

Please explain or debate how you came to the conclusion that TNHarley could accurately be compared to a dictator or fascist wannabe ...
How you came to think he supports Former President Trump ...
And how your post is anything other than a less than factual, violent attempt fomented in your own obsessions,
to support the fact you know absolutely nothing about the poster you were trying to address?

Open For Debate ... :auiqs.jpg:

Ah, to be a bug on the wall seeing the reaction to that.

Heh heh heh....


Mac never acknowledges that I always try to encourage him to bring his game, open the door with opportunities and challenges ... Here and upstairs.
Shit ... I'll even try to goad his ass into making something of himself that amounts to more than nothing.

It may look one way to most people ... But what do they know anyway ... :auiqs.jpg:
It's not even that Mac has to prove anything to me or anyone else ... Just that if you are going to say something, then fucking say it.

And when challenged, defend yourself ... Don't run from it and try to pretend you accomplished something.

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Mac never acknowledges that I always try to encourage him to bring his game, open the door with opportunities and challenges ... Here and upstairs.
Shit ... I'll even try to goad his ass into making something of himself that amounts to more than nothing.

It may look one way to most people ... But what do they know anyway ... :auiqs.jpg:
It's not even that Mac has to prove anything to me or anyone else ... Just that if you are going to say something, then fucking say it.

And when challenged, defend yourself ... Don't run from it and try to pretend you accomplished something.

Yeah, know what you mean. As I'd mentioned earlier on in the thread, I've been there and done that with him. I already know how it ends. Either he covers his ears and eyes and runs away or there's a miraculous intervention from the so-called ''above'' and a safer space is inserted into the equation for his convenience.

At this point, I'm just trolling the thread anyway. What are they gonna do anyway? Give me a demerit? Ban me? Pft...

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