Callous Conservatives, Time to wake up!

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When did the Ds ever screw Wall Street? It's thriving under Obama while main street is getting it up the ass.

2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law

You're naive if you think giant corporations object to regulation. The thrive on it. Regulation hurts the little guys, not monster corporations that these days are little more than arms of the government.

Oh, that explains why the Koch Brothers support regulations and fund SuperPacs to keep our air, water and soil clean.

They would if they were only looking out for their self-interests. However, the Kochs are ideological libertarians who believe in freedom. They use their donations to support their principles, not their pocketbooks.

Yep, Koch's "principles"

Koch Brothers Takes $88 Million in Corporate Welfare

Koch Brothers likes to champion themselves as crusaders against the welfare state. But a new report shows that they took $88 million of your taxpayer dollars while demanding that governments stop wasting taxpayer dollars. In total, $110 billion goes out to corporate welfare projects from state and local authorities. This does not even include money coming from federal sources.

this cannot be true; i'm quite sure Democrats got rid of any of these kinds of loopholes in their 2 years in charge of EVERYTHING, and 4 years in the majority of BOTH chambers of Congress!!!1


show me that at least idiot; give me sumthin..................
This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.

It hasn't already? It's nothing compared to what it used to be.

Neither are we.

Where would you rather live than here or the UK?

I suspect not only a different place, but a different time. Germany or Italy circa 1936 would seem to be an ideal fit.

They had big governments! ;) What the loserterian wants is no government like Somalia.
This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.

It hasn't already? It's nothing compared to what it used to be.

Neither are we.

Where would you rather live than here or the UK?

I suspect not only a different place, but a different time. Germany or Italy circa 1936 would seem to be an ideal fit.

They had big governments! ;) What the loserterian wants is no government like Somalia.

good one idiot. go down in the middle of a New York City borough like say some parts of Brooklyn; there is basically no government there except the welfare money pouring in to fuel the drug trade. bad guys carry automatic weapons in broad daylight, and the code of the streets rules; not your melon-head Progressive value system
This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.

It hasn't already? It's nothing compared to what it used to be.

Neither are we.

Where would you rather live than here or the UK?

I suspect not only a different place, but a different time. Germany or Italy circa 1936 would seem to be an ideal fit.

They had big governments! ;) What the loserterian wants is no government like Somalia.
Why would anyone want to replace it?

Repeal AND REPLACE, maybe you heard about that Bubba?

House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan
Posted: 08/29/2009 5:12 am EDT Updated: 05/25/2011 1:45 pm EDT

WASHINGTON — House Republicans on Wednesday unveiled a $700 billion health care plan that would offer tax credits to help people buy insurance, yet unlike Democratic proposals, wouldn't require either individuals or employers to get coverage.

The GOP plan was drafted by Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., a physician. It avoids expanding the federal role in overseeing the health insurance industry. Unlike Democratic proposals, it would not set up new federally regulated purchasing pools for individuals and small businesses. Instead, it would allow individuals to use the Internet to purchase lower-cost coverage available anywhere in the country. That idea won't please insurance commissioners from states with strong consumer protections, who have argued it will set off a "race to the bottom" that undermines coverage for those in frail health.

The plan would offer tax deductions and tax credits to help make the purchase of health insurance more affordable for individuals. It would provide grants to states to help set up high-risk pools for people with medical problems who are denied coverage by commercial insurers. And it would allow employers to automatically sign workers up for the company's coverage – similar to what's done with 401(k) retirement plans.

House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan

So NO, NOTHING from the GOP to ACTUALLY replace ACA. Thanks Bubs

I heard of people that had partisan blindness before, but you really take the cake.

I get it Bubs, both are "equaly" at fault *shaking head*

Don't get confused by a $700 H/C "plan" that doesn't work from the GOP

And this plan is working? You don't even know how the GOP plan would work.
This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.

It hasn't already? It's nothing compared to what it used to be.

Neither are we.

Where would you rather live than here or the UK?

I suspect not only a different place, but a different time. Germany or Italy circa 1936 would seem to be an ideal fit.

They had big governments! ;) What the loserterian wants is no government like Somalia.

Somalia has plenty of government. It also has taxation.
Repeal AND REPLACE, maybe you heard about that Bubba?

House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan
Posted: 08/29/2009 5:12 am EDT Updated: 05/25/2011 1:45 pm EDT

WASHINGTON — House Republicans on Wednesday unveiled a $700 billion health care plan that would offer tax credits to help people buy insurance, yet unlike Democratic proposals, wouldn't require either individuals or employers to get coverage.

The GOP plan was drafted by Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., a physician. It avoids expanding the federal role in overseeing the health insurance industry. Unlike Democratic proposals, it would not set up new federally regulated purchasing pools for individuals and small businesses. Instead, it would allow individuals to use the Internet to purchase lower-cost coverage available anywhere in the country. That idea won't please insurance commissioners from states with strong consumer protections, who have argued it will set off a "race to the bottom" that undermines coverage for those in frail health.

The plan would offer tax deductions and tax credits to help make the purchase of health insurance more affordable for individuals. It would provide grants to states to help set up high-risk pools for people with medical problems who are denied coverage by commercial insurers. And it would allow employers to automatically sign workers up for the company's coverage – similar to what's done with 401(k) retirement plans.

House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan

So NO, NOTHING from the GOP to ACTUALLY replace ACA. Thanks Bubs

I heard of people that had partisan blindness before, but you really take the cake.

I get it Bubs, both are "equaly" at fault *shaking head*

Don't get confused by a $700 H/C "plan" that doesn't work from the GOP

And this plan is working? You don't even know how the GOP plan would work.

Yes, slowest growing H/C in 30+ years. The GOP HAD an opportunity . They CHOSE not to, they COULD still try, why aren't they? Oh right, Tea Patsy's refuse to allow it!
This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.

It hasn't already? It's nothing compared to what it used to be.

Neither are we.

Where would you rather live than here or the UK?

I suspect not only a different place, but a different time. Germany or Italy circa 1936 would seem to be an ideal fit.

They had big governments! ;) What the loserterian wants is no government like Somalia.

Somalia has plenty of government. It also has taxation.


Ran by warlords, Bet you love Honduras too? lol
House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan
Posted: 08/29/2009 5:12 am EDT Updated: 05/25/2011 1:45 pm EDT

WASHINGTON — House Republicans on Wednesday unveiled a $700 billion health care plan that would offer tax credits to help people buy insurance, yet unlike Democratic proposals, wouldn't require either individuals or employers to get coverage.

The GOP plan was drafted by Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., a physician. It avoids expanding the federal role in overseeing the health insurance industry. Unlike Democratic proposals, it would not set up new federally regulated purchasing pools for individuals and small businesses. Instead, it would allow individuals to use the Internet to purchase lower-cost coverage available anywhere in the country. That idea won't please insurance commissioners from states with strong consumer protections, who have argued it will set off a "race to the bottom" that undermines coverage for those in frail health.

The plan would offer tax deductions and tax credits to help make the purchase of health insurance more affordable for individuals. It would provide grants to states to help set up high-risk pools for people with medical problems who are denied coverage by commercial insurers. And it would allow employers to automatically sign workers up for the company's coverage – similar to what's done with 401(k) retirement plans.

House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan

So NO, NOTHING from the GOP to ACTUALLY replace ACA. Thanks Bubs

I heard of people that had partisan blindness before, but you really take the cake.

I get it Bubs, both are "equaly" at fault *shaking head*

Don't get confused by a $700 H/C "plan" that doesn't work from the GOP

And this plan is working? You don't even know how the GOP plan would work.

Yes, slowest growing H/C in 30+ years. The GOP HAD an opportunity . They CHOSE not to, they COULD still try, why aren't they? Oh right, Tea Patsy's refuse to allow it!

HEY! It's not nice to call Obama Tea Patsy.
So NO, NOTHING from the GOP to ACTUALLY replace ACA. Thanks Bubs

I heard of people that had partisan blindness before, but you really take the cake.

I get it Bubs, both are "equaly" at fault *shaking head*

Don't get confused by a $700 H/C "plan" that doesn't work from the GOP

And this plan is working? You don't even know how the GOP plan would work.

Yes, slowest growing H/C in 30+ years. The GOP HAD an opportunity . They CHOSE not to, they COULD still try, why aren't they? Oh right, Tea Patsy's refuse to allow it!

HEY! It's not nice to call Obama Tea Patsy.

Stick your plans to tar down America up your treasonous ass.
It hasn't already? It's nothing compared to what it used to be.

Neither are we.

Where would you rather live than here or the UK?

I suspect not only a different place, but a different time. Germany or Italy circa 1936 would seem to be an ideal fit.

They had big governments! ;) What the loserterian wants is no government like Somalia.

Somalia has plenty of government. It also has taxation.


Ran by warlords, Bet you love Honduras too? lol

Honduras has a government, dipshit, and warlords are a form of government.
It hasn't already? It's nothing compared to what it used to be.

Neither are we.

Where would you rather live than here or the UK?

I suspect not only a different place, but a different time. Germany or Italy circa 1936 would seem to be an ideal fit.

That's your idea of a non extreme society? No wonder you voted Obama.

You need to take off your blinders and enroll in a reading comprehension course.

Of course I do. The problem is always someone else. And you need to use government to fix it.

The problem is human nature, and the ideology which replaced avarice from a deadly sin to a virtue in 1981.

Government can't fix immorality, maybe you ought to listen to Pope Francis - unless you too thinks he's a commie (there is a cure for the RED SCARE, it's called an open mind.)

Greed created the huge income inequality, and economic policy needs to change since the greedy won't. I've said before, and it bears repeating, we need to protect capitalism from the greed of capitalists.

It's short sighted, if not blind, for the callous conservatives to call everyone who seeks economic fairness a Communist. Anyone who read and considered the election in GB should heed the warning.

Of course the alternative to fairness is to continue to scapegoat the needy and become the 21st Century iteration of Nazi Germany.
economic fairness

Your version of "economic fairness" is impossible. You talk about human nature, but as I see it, human nature is the want to prosper, to succeed and look after their welfare; not have the magnitude of those things be dictated by the likes of you or by their government.

You are the callous one, Wry. You and your liberal kind delude yourselves into fantasies of "fairness" when you are simply trying to make the game harder for everyone else.
Of course the alternative to fairness is to continue to scapegoat the needy and become the 21st Century iteration of Nazi Germany.

And of course, Godwin comes into play here.

The crux of your argument is this:

"We risk becoming like the Nazis if we don't find a path to "economic fairness" by circumventing human nature in the process."

America has been in existence for 239 years. Not once have we come close to that level of barbarity. Your comparison is a slippery slope.
I heard of people that had partisan blindness before, but you really take the cake.

I get it Bubs, both are "equaly" at fault *shaking head*

Don't get confused by a $700 H/C "plan" that doesn't work from the GOP

And this plan is working? You don't even know how the GOP plan would work.

Yes, slowest growing H/C in 30+ years. The GOP HAD an opportunity . They CHOSE not to, they COULD still try, why aren't they? Oh right, Tea Patsy's refuse to allow it!

HEY! It's not nice to call Obama Tea Patsy.

Stick your plans to tar down America up your treasonous ass.

Nice, and when someone fails to get the memo, you convict them of treason. How childish.
Government can't fix immorality, maybe you ought to listen to Pope Francis - unless you too thinks he's a commie (there is a cure for the RED SCARE, it's called an open mind.)

Pope Francis does not dictate morality, the God he is supposed to answer to does.

You know, in a way, he's your scapegoat. "Do what he says, unless you think he's a pinko." You then get to use your moral equivalence and the authority of the Pope to stamp others into submission.

I mean, the Conquistadors had the same idea.

Too predictable you are. Open mindedness to you consists compliance with your fixed and rigid worldview, not with actual free thought. The cure to your disease is actual free thinking.
economic fairness

Your version of "economic fairness" is impossible. You talk about human nature, but as I see it, human nature is the want to prosper, to succeed and look after their welfare; not have the magnitude of those things be dictated by the likes of you or by their government.

You are the callous one, Wry. You and your liberal kind delude yourselves into fantasies of "fairness" when you are simply trying to make the game harder for everyone else.


The authors examine the share of total wealth held by the bottom 90% of families relative to those at the very top. In the late 1920s the bottom 90% held just 16% of America’s wealth—considerably less than that held by the top 0.1%, which controlled a quarter of total wealth just before the crash of 1929. From the beginning of the Depression until well after the end of the second world war, the middle class’s share of total wealth rose steadily, thanks to collapsing wealth among richer households, broader equity ownership, middle-class income growth and rising rates of home-ownership. From the early 1980s, however, these trends have reversed. The top 0.1% (consisting of 160,000 families worth $73m on average) hold 22% of America’s wealth, just shy of the 1929 peak—and almost the same share as the bottom 90% of the population.

economic fairness

Your version of "economic fairness" is impossible. You talk about human nature, but as I see it, human nature is the want to prosper, to succeed and look after their welfare; not have the magnitude of those things be dictated by the likes of you or by their government.

You are the callous one, Wry. You and your liberal kind delude yourselves into fantasies of "fairness" when you are simply trying to make the game harder for everyone else.

Human nature is first and foremost about a need to survive, for most of the people on our planet the ability to prosper isn't even in the realm of possibility.

Your comment is both naive and the stinking thinking of a callous conservative. Raising the minimum wage, receiving a living wages, having health insurance and enough to save for the future are the unmet dreams of too many in America, and providing these meager things won't make it harder for those of us who play on our computers for hours each day

It's easy for you and others like you to judge those in need,without any knowledge of how and why they are in the situation they are. Easy because you and other callous conservatives have something in common with sociopaths (now deemed personality disordered); you lack a common basic characteristic of the human species, empathy.
It's easy for you and others like you to judge those in need,without any knowledge of how and why they are in the situation they are.

Being one who lives just at the poverty line, I have a unique perspective you lack. Don't you dare try to pigeonhole me liberal. I know what it's like to be poor. I am poor. My grandmother is poor. We barely have enough to pay bills and buy food with. Yet instead of demanding more, we make do with what we have. You have no right to judge my circumstances. None. We don't succumb to this liberal idea of "entitlement."

You are the type who would try to steal a blessing from God because you think you deserve it. You deserve nothing but the fruits of your own labor, not of others. You are the one passing judgement from an ivory tower. What good is raising wages when people are too busy languishing under government entitlement programs to take advantage of them?
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