Callous Conservatives, Time to wake up!

How will you vote in Nov. 2016

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This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.

It hasn't already? It's nothing compared to what it used to be.

Neither are we.

Where would you rather live than here or the UK?

I suspect not only a different place, but a different time. Germany or Italy circa 1936 would seem to be an ideal fit.

That's your idea of a non extreme society? No wonder you voted Obama.

You need to take off your blinders and enroll in a reading comprehension course.
This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.

It hasn't already? It's nothing compared to what it used to be.

Neither are we.

Where would you rather live than here or the UK?

I suspect not only a different place, but a different time. Germany or Italy circa 1936 would seem to be an ideal fit.
There's hardly any difference.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

You need anti psychotic medication if you really believe so. My guess is you're not psychotic but a dishonest kook.
This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.

It hasn't already? It's nothing compared to what it used to be.

Neither are we.

Where would you rather live than here or the UK?

I suspect not only a different place, but a different time. Germany or Italy circa 1936 would seem to be an ideal fit.

That's your idea of a non extreme society? No wonder you voted Obama.

You need to take off your blinders and enroll in a reading comprehension course.

Of course I do. The problem is always someone else. And you need to use government to fix it.
This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.

It hasn't already? It's nothing compared to what it used to be.

Neither are we.

Where would you rather live than here or the UK?

I suspect not only a different place, but a different time. Germany or Italy circa 1936 would seem to be an ideal fit.
There's hardly any difference.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

You need anti psychotic medication if you really believe so. My guess is you're not psychotic but a dishonest kook.

Look in the mirror.
This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.

It hasn't already? It's nothing compared to what it used to be.

Neither are we.

Where would you rather live than here or the UK?

I suspect not only a different place, but a different time. Germany or Italy circa 1936 would seem to be an ideal fit.
There's hardly any difference.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

You need anti psychotic medication if you really believe so. My guess is you're not psychotic but a dishonest kook.

More of that Good Will.

Is your mission to hold out an olive leaf to the other side or somehow try to humiliate them into submission ?
It hasn't already? It's nothing compared to what it used to be.

Neither are we.

Where would you rather live than here or the UK?

I suspect not only a different place, but a different time. Germany or Italy circa 1936 would seem to be an ideal fit.
There's hardly any difference.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

You need anti psychotic medication if you really believe so. My guess is you're not psychotic but a dishonest kook.

More of that Good Will.

Is your mission to hold out an olive leaf to the other side or somehow try to humiliate them into submission ?

My mission? To take care of my family, my pets and my responsibilities. What's yours?
my responsibilities

Post an argument which outlines intended consequences, add enough detail and I'll offer a rebuttal. No one on the right has, ever, IMO. Not even the members of Congress whose side of the aisle you support.

Consider Obamacare, in lock-step the members and leadership seek to repeal it, but no comprehensive replacement has ever been put forward.

A rational response would be for the Congress, now under the control of the Republicans, to rewrite the PPACA, keeping what works and fixing what doesn't.

The reason they won't, is because the right only has wedge issues to put forth. Without God, guns, gays, Obamacare, abortion, Solyndra, Benghazi, Clinton's e-mails and Obama's birth place they would all be struck dumber.

No matter what the Republicans offered, DumBama would reject it unless it was the very exact same thing. Even something as meager as removing the employee and individual mandate was rejected.

DumBama never wanted to work with the Republicans on anything. He said so himself several times: Republicans can come along for the ride, but they have to sit in the back seat! I have a pen and I have a cell phone. This has been (and still is) his attitude towards working with Republicans.

Obama COMPROMISED with tax cuts, instead of (top 2%) $200,000 and $250,000 it was $400,000,000 and $450,000 (top .08%)


The bill approved by Sen. Christopher Dodd’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee, for instance, included 161 amendments authored by Republicans. Only 49 Republican amendments were rejected out of 210 considered. Yet the bill got zero Republican votes when it passed out of the committee.

You’ll all remember the Senate Finance Committee process, chaired by Montana Sen. Max Baucus. Baucus and President Obama empowered a bipartisan “Gang of Six” from the committee, three Democrats and three Republicans, and they spent the summer locked in negotiations that, again, never produced one Republican vote for the bill in committee. The Finance Committee ultimately scuttled the public option in its version of the bill, looking for GOP (and conservative Democratic) support.

The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein has noted that the final Democratic proposals have contained multiple GOP planks.

Fact-checking the GOP on healthcare reform

Senate Dems adopted 161 amendments and key GOP planks while soft-pedaling the public option. That's not compromise?



And what were those tax cuts? They were Social Security tax cuts; a program that's been long headed for a brick wall. In fact, SS disability will be completely broke as of next year unless we somehow find money to add more to it.

Compromise is meeting half-way. The Republicans didn't want ANY tax increase and DumBama wanted it set at $200,000 for a single person. He still got his tax increase and Republicans didn't get much of anything.

Republicans have had to give, give and give just to keep the government from shutting down. DumBama keeps wanting to spend more and the Republicans keep wanting to spend less.

SS isn't going broke liar, it's funded 78% without doing a single damn thing, AND the GOP will EVENTUALLY get on board to "fix" it like we have continually done!

SS tax decreases weren't the ONLY tax cuts under Obama dummy


If it's funded why did Obama threaten to withhold social security checks?

Gov't was shutdown by the GOP?
Either way, you can't back it up, weird Bubba? lol

Sure I can, you won't read it though, so why waste my time.

YOOHOO, STILL WAITING BUBS, only have tonight though? Come on let me see what you got? lol

C'mon silly boy. You claimed you would destroy every one. Well, I gave you ONE. Put up or shut up, twerp.

AND I DESTROYED IT DUMMY. Go look at it, lol

If you think ignoring it and fleeing from it is "destroying it" then you are an even bigger moron than even I thought possible.


OK MORON, You ignoring this twice, is noted

"James Holmes."

No, James Holmes Wasn’t An Occupy Member

This rumor that’s going around seems to have two sources. The first is speculation from a private detective somewhere who noted that the villain of “The Dark Knight Rises” is modeled after OWS (which is false, as Nolan conceived the film before OWS), and therefore Holmes is an OWS anarchist who wanted to “stick it to the man.” Don’t ask me to explain the logic of that; I can’t. But that’s what he said, and right wingers are running with it.

The second source is a guy on Twitter who found a video praising OWS with accompanying music by one “James Willie Holmes.” A bit of research showed that this James Holmes wrote his first song 13 years before the Aurora shooter was born.

By all accounts Holmes appears to be apolitical, and nothing about his actions smacks of any political motive. The explanation about the explosives we offered the other day makes far more sense, and it matches up much better with newer details about his booby-trapped apartment.

No, James Holmes Wasn’t An Occupy Member | Wizbang


Post an argument which outlines intended consequences, add enough detail and I'll offer a rebuttal. No one on the right has, ever, IMO. Not even the members of Congress whose side of the aisle you support.

Consider Obamacare, in lock-step the members and leadership seek to repeal it, but no comprehensive replacement has ever been put forward.

A rational response would be for the Congress, now under the control of the Republicans, to rewrite the PPACA, keeping what works and fixing what doesn't.

The reason they won't, is because the right only has wedge issues to put forth. Without God, guns, gays, Obamacare, abortion, Solyndra, Benghazi, Clinton's e-mails and Obama's birth place they would all be struck dumber.

No matter what the Republicans offered, DumBama would reject it unless it was the very exact same thing. Even something as meager as removing the employee and individual mandate was rejected.

DumBama never wanted to work with the Republicans on anything. He said so himself several times: Republicans can come along for the ride, but they have to sit in the back seat! I have a pen and I have a cell phone. This has been (and still is) his attitude towards working with Republicans.

Obama COMPROMISED with tax cuts, instead of (top 2%) $200,000 and $250,000 it was $400,000,000 and $450,000 (top .08%)


The bill approved by Sen. Christopher Dodd’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee, for instance, included 161 amendments authored by Republicans. Only 49 Republican amendments were rejected out of 210 considered. Yet the bill got zero Republican votes when it passed out of the committee.

You’ll all remember the Senate Finance Committee process, chaired by Montana Sen. Max Baucus. Baucus and President Obama empowered a bipartisan “Gang of Six” from the committee, three Democrats and three Republicans, and they spent the summer locked in negotiations that, again, never produced one Republican vote for the bill in committee. The Finance Committee ultimately scuttled the public option in its version of the bill, looking for GOP (and conservative Democratic) support.

The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein has noted that the final Democratic proposals have contained multiple GOP planks.

Fact-checking the GOP on healthcare reform

Senate Dems adopted 161 amendments and key GOP planks while soft-pedaling the public option. That's not compromise?



And what were those tax cuts? They were Social Security tax cuts; a program that's been long headed for a brick wall. In fact, SS disability will be completely broke as of next year unless we somehow find money to add more to it.

Compromise is meeting half-way. The Republicans didn't want ANY tax increase and DumBama wanted it set at $200,000 for a single person. He still got his tax increase and Republicans didn't get much of anything.

Republicans have had to give, give and give just to keep the government from shutting down. DumBama keeps wanting to spend more and the Republicans keep wanting to spend less.

SS isn't going broke liar, it's funded 78% without doing a single damn thing, AND the GOP will EVENTUALLY get on board to "fix" it like we have continually done!

You don't proof read your posts, do you?

You say it isn't going broke, and the very next sentence, you say Republicans will fix it. Well if it's not going broke, why does anybody need to fix it?

Weird, you think something NEEDS to be BK before it gets tweaked like it has DOZENS of times since the Dems brought US SS that keeps nearly half of seniors out of poverty?> That thing (like Medicare) the GOP/CONservatives fought?
Consider Obamacare, in lock-step the members and leadership seek to repeal it, but no comprehensive replacement has ever been put forward.

Think again.

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan?


Republicans Don't Have A Plan Yet To Replace Obamacare Subsidies

As the Supreme Court edges closer to issuing an opinion that could deal a blow to the federal health exchange operating in more than 30 states, Democrats have sounded a warning to their colleagues on the other side: Be careful what you wish for.

If GOP lawmakers get the court decision they've been hoping for, it will be up to the Republican-controlled Congress to figure a way out of the mess. After more than 50 votes in the House to repeal either all or parts of the Affordable Care Act, Republicans have yet to unveil a proposal on how to replace the health care law. And they also haven't united around a stopgap plan that would bridge an adverse ruling by the court with the health care policies of the next president.

Republicans in both chambers have been working for months on proposals, but, so far, House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — and their respective caucuses — haven't coalesced around a single path forward for the 6.4 million people, who would lose their subsidies should the court rule against the Obama administration in King v. Burwell.

Republicans Don't Have A Plan Yet To Replace Obamacare Subsidies


Why would anyone want to replace it?

Repeal AND REPLACE, maybe you heard about that Bubba?

House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan
Posted: 08/29/2009 5:12 am EDT Updated: 05/25/2011 1:45 pm EDT

WASHINGTON — House Republicans on Wednesday unveiled a $700 billion health care plan that would offer tax credits to help people buy insurance, yet unlike Democratic proposals, wouldn't require either individuals or employers to get coverage.

The GOP plan was drafted by Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., a physician. It avoids expanding the federal role in overseeing the health insurance industry. Unlike Democratic proposals, it would not set up new federally regulated purchasing pools for individuals and small businesses. Instead, it would allow individuals to use the Internet to purchase lower-cost coverage available anywhere in the country. That idea won't please insurance commissioners from states with strong consumer protections, who have argued it will set off a "race to the bottom" that undermines coverage for those in frail health.

The plan would offer tax deductions and tax credits to help make the purchase of health insurance more affordable for individuals. It would provide grants to states to help set up high-risk pools for people with medical problems who are denied coverage by commercial insurers. And it would allow employers to automatically sign workers up for the company's coverage – similar to what's done with 401(k) retirement plans.

House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan

So NO, NOTHING from the GOP to ACTUALLY replace ACA. Thanks Bubs
Post an argument which outlines intended consequences, add enough detail and I'll offer a rebuttal. No one on the right has, ever, IMO. Not even the members of Congress whose side of the aisle you support.

Consider Obamacare, in lock-step the members and leadership seek to repeal it, but no comprehensive replacement has ever been put forward.

A rational response would be for the Congress, now under the control of the Republicans, to rewrite the PPACA, keeping what works and fixing what doesn't.

The reason they won't, is because the right only has wedge issues to put forth. Without God, guns, gays, Obamacare, abortion, Solyndra, Benghazi, Clinton's e-mails and Obama's birth place they would all be struck dumber.

No matter what the Republicans offered, DumBama would reject it unless it was the very exact same thing. Even something as meager as removing the employee and individual mandate was rejected.

DumBama never wanted to work with the Republicans on anything. He said so himself several times: Republicans can come along for the ride, but they have to sit in the back seat! I have a pen and I have a cell phone. This has been (and still is) his attitude towards working with Republicans.

Obama COMPROMISED with tax cuts, instead of (top 2%) $200,000 and $250,000 it was $400,000,000 and $450,000 (top .08%)


The bill approved by Sen. Christopher Dodd’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee, for instance, included 161 amendments authored by Republicans. Only 49 Republican amendments were rejected out of 210 considered. Yet the bill got zero Republican votes when it passed out of the committee.

You’ll all remember the Senate Finance Committee process, chaired by Montana Sen. Max Baucus. Baucus and President Obama empowered a bipartisan “Gang of Six” from the committee, three Democrats and three Republicans, and they spent the summer locked in negotiations that, again, never produced one Republican vote for the bill in committee. The Finance Committee ultimately scuttled the public option in its version of the bill, looking for GOP (and conservative Democratic) support.

The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein has noted that the final Democratic proposals have contained multiple GOP planks.

Fact-checking the GOP on healthcare reform

Senate Dems adopted 161 amendments and key GOP planks while soft-pedaling the public option. That's not compromise?



And what were those tax cuts? They were Social Security tax cuts; a program that's been long headed for a brick wall. In fact, SS disability will be completely broke as of next year unless we somehow find money to add more to it.

Compromise is meeting half-way. The Republicans didn't want ANY tax increase and DumBama wanted it set at $200,000 for a single person. He still got his tax increase and Republicans didn't get much of anything.

Republicans have had to give, give and give just to keep the government from shutting down. DumBama keeps wanting to spend more and the Republicans keep wanting to spend less.

SS isn't going broke liar, it's funded 78% without doing a single damn thing, AND the GOP will EVENTUALLY get on board to "fix" it like we have continually done!

In other words, it's going broke. The officers of any private company that said its insurance annuities were funded 78% would all go to prison.

SS tax decreases weren't the ONLY tax cuts under Obama dummy

What other taxes were cut?


Dubya and Ronnie are two separate animals. Dubya is a liberal establishment Republican. Reagan had to agree to Democrat demands for increased social spending to get his defence budget increases funded.

It's called HISTORY Bubba, read a book about it sometime, get off hate talk radio!

Hint Ronnie GUTTED social spending
The changes necessary to take back America from the power held by the First and Second Estates will be a monumental task, given the money which the clergy and nobility - our power elites - will put into keeping the Congress under the leadership they own.

Why is this pointed at conservatives ?

It's both sides that have screwed us.

If you mean the D's screw Wall Street, and the R's screw Main St. I'd be inclined to agree. Wall Street deserves to be screwed, sadly WS owns the Congress thanks to the repeal of the bipartisan effort by FEC to control the money flooding into elections.

The 12 Biggest SuperPACs - Business Insider

Anyone who thinks this is about freedom of speech is a liar or a fool.

When did the Ds ever screw Wall Street? It's thriving under Obama while main street is getting it up the ass.

2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law

You're naive if you think giant corporations object to regulation. The thrive on it. Regulation hurts the little guys, not monster corporations that these days are little more than arms of the government.

The Randian fetishists are heating up the BS, yet can't point to ONE successful state/nation to ever use their "theory" weird


Republicans Don't Have A Plan Yet To Replace Obamacare Subsidies

As the Supreme Court edges closer to issuing an opinion that could deal a blow to the federal health exchange operating in more than 30 states, Democrats have sounded a warning to their colleagues on the other side: Be careful what you wish for.

If GOP lawmakers get the court decision they've been hoping for, it will be up to the Republican-controlled Congress to figure a way out of the mess. After more than 50 votes in the House to repeal either all or parts of the Affordable Care Act, Republicans have yet to unveil a proposal on how to replace the health care law. And they also haven't united around a stopgap plan that would bridge an adverse ruling by the court with the health care policies of the next president.

Republicans in both chambers have been working for months on proposals, but, so far, House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — and their respective caucuses — haven't coalesced around a single path forward for the 6.4 million people, who would lose their subsidies should the court rule against the Obama administration in King v. Burwell.

Republicans Don't Have A Plan Yet To Replace Obamacare Subsidies


Why would anyone want to replace it?

Repeal AND REPLACE, maybe you heard about that Bubba?

House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan
Posted: 08/29/2009 5:12 am EDT Updated: 05/25/2011 1:45 pm EDT

WASHINGTON — House Republicans on Wednesday unveiled a $700 billion health care plan that would offer tax credits to help people buy insurance, yet unlike Democratic proposals, wouldn't require either individuals or employers to get coverage.

The GOP plan was drafted by Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., a physician. It avoids expanding the federal role in overseeing the health insurance industry. Unlike Democratic proposals, it would not set up new federally regulated purchasing pools for individuals and small businesses. Instead, it would allow individuals to use the Internet to purchase lower-cost coverage available anywhere in the country. That idea won't please insurance commissioners from states with strong consumer protections, who have argued it will set off a "race to the bottom" that undermines coverage for those in frail health.

The plan would offer tax deductions and tax credits to help make the purchase of health insurance more affordable for individuals. It would provide grants to states to help set up high-risk pools for people with medical problems who are denied coverage by commercial insurers. And it would allow employers to automatically sign workers up for the company's coverage – similar to what's done with 401(k) retirement plans.

House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan

So NO, NOTHING from the GOP to ACTUALLY replace ACA. Thanks Bubs

I heard of people that had partisan blindness before, but you really take the cake.
If you mean the D's screw Wall Street, and the R's screw Main St. I'd be inclined to agree. Wall Street deserves to be screwed, sadly WS owns the Congress thanks to the repeal of the bipartisan effort by FEC to control the money flooding into elections.

The 12 Biggest SuperPACs - Business Insider

Anyone who thinks this is about freedom of speech is a liar or a fool.

When did the Ds ever screw Wall Street? It's thriving under Obama while main street is getting it up the ass.

2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law

You're naive if you think giant corporations object to regulation. The thrive on it. Regulation hurts the little guys, not monster corporations that these days are little more than arms of the government.

Oh, that explains why the Koch Brothers support regulations and fund SuperPacs to keep our air, water and soil clean.

They would if they were only looking out for their self-interests. However, the Kochs are ideological libertarians who believe in freedom. They use their donations to support their principles, not their pocketbooks.

Yep, Koch's "principles"

Koch Brothers Takes $88 Million in Corporate Welfare

Koch Brothers likes to champion themselves as crusaders against the welfare state. But a new report shows that they took $88 million of your taxpayer dollars while demanding that governments stop wasting taxpayer dollars. In total, $110 billion goes out to corporate welfare projects from state and local authorities. This does not even include money coming from federal sources.

Republicans Don't Have A Plan Yet To Replace Obamacare Subsidies

As the Supreme Court edges closer to issuing an opinion that could deal a blow to the federal health exchange operating in more than 30 states, Democrats have sounded a warning to their colleagues on the other side: Be careful what you wish for.

If GOP lawmakers get the court decision they've been hoping for, it will be up to the Republican-controlled Congress to figure a way out of the mess. After more than 50 votes in the House to repeal either all or parts of the Affordable Care Act, Republicans have yet to unveil a proposal on how to replace the health care law. And they also haven't united around a stopgap plan that would bridge an adverse ruling by the court with the health care policies of the next president.

Republicans in both chambers have been working for months on proposals, but, so far, House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — and their respective caucuses — haven't coalesced around a single path forward for the 6.4 million people, who would lose their subsidies should the court rule against the Obama administration in King v. Burwell.

Republicans Don't Have A Plan Yet To Replace Obamacare Subsidies


Why would anyone want to replace it?

Repeal AND REPLACE, maybe you heard about that Bubba?

House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan
Posted: 08/29/2009 5:12 am EDT Updated: 05/25/2011 1:45 pm EDT

WASHINGTON — House Republicans on Wednesday unveiled a $700 billion health care plan that would offer tax credits to help people buy insurance, yet unlike Democratic proposals, wouldn't require either individuals or employers to get coverage.

The GOP plan was drafted by Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., a physician. It avoids expanding the federal role in overseeing the health insurance industry. Unlike Democratic proposals, it would not set up new federally regulated purchasing pools for individuals and small businesses. Instead, it would allow individuals to use the Internet to purchase lower-cost coverage available anywhere in the country. That idea won't please insurance commissioners from states with strong consumer protections, who have argued it will set off a "race to the bottom" that undermines coverage for those in frail health.

The plan would offer tax deductions and tax credits to help make the purchase of health insurance more affordable for individuals. It would provide grants to states to help set up high-risk pools for people with medical problems who are denied coverage by commercial insurers. And it would allow employers to automatically sign workers up for the company's coverage – similar to what's done with 401(k) retirement plans.

House Republicans Unveil $700B Health Care Plan

So NO, NOTHING from the GOP to ACTUALLY replace ACA. Thanks Bubs

I heard of people that had partisan blindness before, but you really take the cake.

I get it Bubs, both are "equaly" at fault *shaking head*

Don't get confused by a $700 H/C "plan" that doesn't work from the GOP
No matter what the Republicans offered, DumBama would reject it unless it was the very exact same thing. Even something as meager as removing the employee and individual mandate was rejected.

DumBama never wanted to work with the Republicans on anything. He said so himself several times: Republicans can come along for the ride, but they have to sit in the back seat! I have a pen and I have a cell phone. This has been (and still is) his attitude towards working with Republicans.

Obama COMPROMISED with tax cuts, instead of (top 2%) $200,000 and $250,000 it was $400,000,000 and $450,000 (top .08%)


The bill approved by Sen. Christopher Dodd’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee, for instance, included 161 amendments authored by Republicans. Only 49 Republican amendments were rejected out of 210 considered. Yet the bill got zero Republican votes when it passed out of the committee.

You’ll all remember the Senate Finance Committee process, chaired by Montana Sen. Max Baucus. Baucus and President Obama empowered a bipartisan “Gang of Six” from the committee, three Democrats and three Republicans, and they spent the summer locked in negotiations that, again, never produced one Republican vote for the bill in committee. The Finance Committee ultimately scuttled the public option in its version of the bill, looking for GOP (and conservative Democratic) support.

The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein has noted that the final Democratic proposals have contained multiple GOP planks.

Fact-checking the GOP on healthcare reform

Senate Dems adopted 161 amendments and key GOP planks while soft-pedaling the public option. That's not compromise?



And what were those tax cuts? They were Social Security tax cuts; a program that's been long headed for a brick wall. In fact, SS disability will be completely broke as of next year unless we somehow find money to add more to it.

Compromise is meeting half-way. The Republicans didn't want ANY tax increase and DumBama wanted it set at $200,000 for a single person. He still got his tax increase and Republicans didn't get much of anything.

Republicans have had to give, give and give just to keep the government from shutting down. DumBama keeps wanting to spend more and the Republicans keep wanting to spend less.

SS isn't going broke liar, it's funded 78% without doing a single damn thing, AND the GOP will EVENTUALLY get on board to "fix" it like we have continually done!

In other words, it's going broke. The officers of any private company that said its insurance annuities were funded 78% would all go to prison.

SS tax decreases weren't the ONLY tax cuts under Obama dummy

What other taxes were cut?


Dubya and Ronnie are two separate animals. Dubya is a liberal establishment Republican. Reagan had to agree to Democrat demands for increased social spending to get his defence budget increases funded.

It's called HISTORY Bubba, read a book about it sometime, get off hate talk radio!

Hint Ronnie GUTTED social spending


here goes this left-wing idiot on auto-moron mode; ranting about a guy who had the support of so many Democrats in Congress for h is policies a term was invented to describe them.........crying about "hate talk radio" when that is just an admission his loser Prog radio programs cant compete in the marketplace of ideas

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